Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1917, p. 8

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t ft -10- Kfi A v ft v I Mtiiwis Up who for first At ho pay builds litem ftp and makes belter alt over may bo for soma specific its Indigestion Headaches or Neuralgia or Bladder Trouble find whoa FrullMivcVhai cured that they feel bolter and in every This Is duo to Ionic propertievoi ftuuoua tabids Wo a box for trial At all postpaid by Limited Ottawa iMeyy vO ir on a at Iho Monday evening fracturing ribs caused him much pain but ho comfort ably Mr tup county that tiie- SaI year on appro Imaoly f For and Fran understand arc going to in sale on March Mr Gray loaded a fine car of- potatoes last weak good grow up ore alright Homo of the of Methodist had wonkaud cleaned the stove pipes Mr en- I Bled- for We havent heard he but expect it is Quito a number here orb those fays Rolling aba good-prlce- Care while the coat for it his votth In hundred of I of flTPitlnn your valtuiljlc or toll -if- zt for book COMPANY its lUfroht Hue Sunday School for Iho pant four Apply 6 to end Wood- wood Hath for- etc iVrinw If preferr ed Apply Aurora Oat GALE That at apply to Mrs or the built and keeping them in good repair about to what be done ftuuirnor in way of building b tow r6adflaand1t6Qjcitttiii0 itartMnntcfpfrt matter thoro a A general followed of opinion being that a policy ought to bo adopted Pearson deputy rcoyo of favored a aggres sive polioy and Bald the farmers of York County never would bo in a bettor position to build good roads than now To connect up certain- portions of the ayaljeiri Mr James i tHat more famous deservedly IehRedpaih Sweeten it only this y COM FOR BALE Anthracite Coal at bargain Orders at all Telephone No doors South of Osbornes butcher Shop Main St North PRANK H was accepted the congregation of Trinity Aurora recently that be might take in To ronto for the Deaconess left Saturday with a purse and an ad dress which were presented to him by the Mayor as expressions of appreciationand good will of the citizens of town And a gold watch suitably engraved presented him by the Aurora Howling Club of which be was a momlnlr He was tho leader in the Local Option fight Aurora and on allround citi zen He will be missed by all classes sorry to Mr McGregor yet wo that a man of his ability must eventually serve in a larger Held of aorvice The boat wishes of his friends go with him to his Held- of laborTribunc Mrs ville announces engagement of her only daughter Mary to Long- maid of Hampton marriage will lake place ffuietlyj on February OAK J L APiLIOATIOfJ TO Is hereby given thai an ap plication will bo mode by of the Irlonds of Ontario to the Legislature of of Ontario at the fics thereof for an Act a take over and manage the pro perly assets and undertakings of the said Trustees of the Friends Seminary Ontario commonly known as College and for the pur poses aforesaid to amend repeal or otherwise alter Statute Vic Province of Canada 3 vie and VII Dated at Toronto this listli day of January A ion MoWIJiNNRY A Victoria St Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant J J Indicate buoyant health When the eyes are dull liver and els need Quickly healthy conditiorts with a dose or two- in timeof ISIEOMMP I I Any In VoiU T If r i Mr and Mrs of in town oyer Mr Stanley of Burling ton and his Fri day in town tho guests of Mr and Mrs Mr was a rod ford boy son of Mr and Mrs Albert Conies who moved lo Bur lington sonic years ago The homo of Mr Arthur Hates with ally its contents was entirely destroyed by lire last Thursday afternoon family was all absent when the tiro broke out and the building which was a small frame one was a mass of flames whan the alarm was We understand there was no in surance and a number of men have donated money lo assist family in gelling the borne to gether again Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Fountain were in Newmarket from Saturday Thursday visiting the hitters ill with o enjoy music games and danc- A sumptuous repast was I i THE IVAR The new Savings have been created by the to encourage thrift and economy and to give everyone an opportunity to assist in financing our war expenditure are now on sale at every bank and money order post office in Canada Tho certificate sells the for for Asan investment those offer many attractive ehjcf of which are the ySoiuto security and the interest return For every lent to the Government now 25 will bo returned at the end of three years There are two other features which are especially interesting to small investors First the cer tificates may be surrendered at any time if the buyer should need his money and second each cer tificate Is registered at Ottawa in buyers name and if lost or is therefore valueless to anyone else Hut wbilo they ore excellent from an investment standpoint certificates should appeal strongly lo Canadians because Ahoy offer to those who must serve at home a splendid oppor tunity for a most important pat riotic service The person honestly saves to the extent of ability and places his sav ings at tho disposal of the Gov ernment by purchasing these cer tificates may feel thai he is hav ing a direct share in feeding and munitioning our Canadian- soldiers who are so nobly doing their part to mother who is bazaar held under the auspices of St Patricks on Jan li13tb proved a remarkable success and wish ta thank most heal lily all those who helped in any way make it a success The net proceeds were about Of this sum 50 has been donated to be local branch of the Ilea Cross Society The remaining amount will be used for purposes A very successful patriotic tea under the auspices of the public school was given in the Cross rooms on Satur day January The rooms were prettily decorated with flags and bunting Muchcredit is due the children for the splendid interest they have shown in all kinds of patriotic work On Saturday about fifteen dollars was realized winch sum will lie spent in field comforts About was raised for the same purpose by lunch served at the rink ho previous Saturday Miss Baker a student of University has volun teered to work in the chemical de partment in munition making Miss is a daughter of Mr Ahncr Haker of Baker Hill curlers have won three and lost no games in the lo cal cup competition The last victim was which lost by seven shots The John McGregor who for the years been Pastor of the Street is not in very passable condition The only good sleighing is lo be found oh Metropolitan car track On loads of good fur niture en route to Toronto were upset twice between Oak Ridges and the Station On Saturday evening Jan a largo party of young peo ple from the neighborhood mond Hill and Toronto met at the home of Mr Pi Van dor Voorl Bond Lake After a pleasant snow shoe tramp through the elds they returned to the house served by charming hostesses Mrs Cecil Murray and Mrs Til- son Harrison and a most de lightful evening to a close shortly On Tuesday Jan a social evening was spent in the Oak for the pur pose of giving everyone an op portunity to express Choir regret on the departure of Iho Mi- and his wife from the parish of St Johns Oak where for the past five years he has been rector A program bad been arranged of songs recita tions and speeches Mr of the the chair Miss gave a on the piano Miss sang very sweetly and several classes of tin also sang The officials of the church made short addresses and Mr gave some of his comic hits The younger children gave some very pleasing recitations as also did that wellknown favorite Miss Brown At the close of the program Mr was presented With an electric reading lamp and Mrs Dospard a gold bracelet wrist watch A concert will he given in the school house Oak stop on Wednesday the of February talent will in clude artists from Toronto Au rora and Hill and there will he dancing singing reading and instrumental numbers Mr will occupy the chair Proceeds of he lied Cross Society Made By Our Fort Edward I wes la a run down nervous weak condition I could not do ho for my liltto family of three I had taken cod liver oil and other remedies with out A friend told me about Viubl I tried it and it built my strength and made me a well to I now lt of my lira guarantee Vinol to strength and mild up rundown weak and conditions the county a would be rerjuired or to pro seed what he described as the same appropria tion as in would be neces sary Reeve of that the townships were not being dealt with as fairly as the towns and villages facts to show that he was mis taken regarding the roads in Vaughan Township For Aurora staled that the municipality would be satisfied work were done this year on roads in the sys temthrough low Warden Cornell said that it was important that gaps in the system be connected up He pointed out that oven if labor conditions bod there were certain liirics in the year when farmers of the county could leave their crops undertake work on the roads After discussing the mailer very fully the Council adopted a resolution moved by Mr and seconded by Mr Si Ivor lb or no- that county commissioners bo instructed to prosecute the construction of roads as rapidly as labor will permit and in any case maintain roads already built in good condition The grant to Patriotic Fund of will bo paid in monthly- installments of with the remaining on last day of The following grants were made to High Schools in the county Weston 6113870 Markham Hill Newmarket Aurora and The district representative of agriculture was granted 500 Warden Cornell speaking of the district representatives work said thai Mr the present holder of the position is consid ered one of the best representa tives in the province arid refer red to his success in coaching Ihc loam of boys won the- live slock judging competition the Winter Fair Tim Educational Com nil It also recommended that Alex he added lo the High School Examining Hoard that Deputy Pearson of and Reeve Greenwood represent the county at the Pro vincial Trustees Associations annual meeting that the penny bank scheme receive the support of the Council anil that the pro posed superannuation scheme for teachers be endorse by Council Their recommenda tions were rfccepled without al teration It is possible that the Council before the end of the session may enter into a different agreement with Mr Frank Barber County Engineer who receives bis re muneration on a percentage basis He may gel salary The report of the auditor show ed thai receipts for were and expenditure Of the money expended went to the Patriotic Fund lo tho York Coun ty Battalions- and for building and maintenance of roads in the county The sum of was handed over to the County Commissioners until such time as the city shall pay its share of the good roads cost J Druggist Newmarket also at best Druggist in all Ontario lowrs q Mrs John is working on her ninetieth pair of socks for the soldiers Mr Harry Courtney with a severe accident a few days ago got his coal sleeve caught in an engine between the elbow and shoulder Baptist Church has received a unanimous call to become Pasto He of Calvary Baptist Church the Mr McGregor is to bo heartily congratulated on receivj such a call is a city preached a mis- ye thousand jnhab Methodist ants and the which bo fiund ld has been called is in one of best parts of the city and an of the state Its Sunday WGek Irlday of King Township wants the York County Council to approach the legislature at the coming session with a view to getting that body favorably dis posed toward government assist ance to farmers who want short loan credits on farm effects such as stock and growing crops He charged that the bank rote for short loans was too high and the farmers were under a great disadvantage especially during the summer months in not being able to advance on their growing crops or for the pur chasing of live slock for feeding purposes A government system short credits was in force in Saskatchewan- and Manitoba he urged lo take some no tion in the matter Reeve of opposed the scheme as being unworkable as did Keith of Newmarket and others A vole to sol aside the sum of for the building of good roads in North and South York was car ried This is understood to bo conditional upon the citys co operation as well as the legisla ture At the noon hour luncheon Council were the guests of the Arts and Letters Club and were addressed by Sir William Mid others El J mm Ktaral i airs Institute fl at Ontario Agricultural College Free Books Over prizes in all will be offered in breadmaking contests which will held this fall at over rural school fairs taking place in Ontario It will be a great event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in breadmaking among young girls between the of 12 and years a wonderful opportunity for your daughter to win for herself- a Course in Domestic Science at the famous Institute All has to do to hake one double loaf of bread and enter it in the contest at the fair according to the conditions explained below and more fully told in the folder we will send you on loaf must be baked with I the hard flow guaranteed for bread a splendid flour which makes biggest bulging loaves whitest lightest and wholesome bread you ever baked Is tins not a splendid opportunity to interest your daughters breadmaking Here are the Splendid Prizes Prizes of brew with of The folio arc offered local Pair Iu ftuLsCTiptlon to My for rear full from cover cover mouth with for of 2nd Mbxrlptlwi loWy entries ten a will aw ardtd of lo My ttlita usher of at the fair will to little wontb fists are with highly fnforuiatlon relating The winner of fairs My for the Provincial The I half of the loaf tent to cuUufJ Cell the he half or the double litest to Ontario Gutlph by the In provided The is by A- of of and The compete for Provincial The and second or third and fourth cot he awarded any one county Prize Court months in Domestic Science at Mac- lotitute dot cot accept under jeirs if the be It- than we present her ft certificate to the course Iht Vil of cowrie which for ft board and The Tanner live at If til while taking Short Course l il rd la Poultry at Ontario Agricultural Gotten Gutlpb rio not live at the College but tonic secured for hi of in No arc charged Course la Poultry it the Ontario Agricultural to Ui lrfzti The Book by Fannie latest 1 There are thoroughly and reproduction of much of the Contest Krl at the fair la her or not the attend that occurs lit of her birthday does occur before Nov One Jttf of breed be In aid about Inches A i deep and djvldtd Into I in bat they tray be at the fair Cream of the Wert Hour vjf be be judged at the fair The other will be to compete la the Provincial Content The local at the fair under the wine rule as all the other regular at fair The standard by bread it ill be judged be marl narks Mmarki marks of lib Colo Tenure of of Texture of Color 3 flavor of Breads Kadi he by the part of the the of the Old form be by and or guardian date of birth and name of dolt from whom Cream of the West was purchased The form state marls marks the sir actually baked the loaf entered la the competition The ranas at the time of fiir The of the Is final Not than one may be made by each find not than one be awarded to the tame faz2y the contra at the fair will be made la the way as wfhecaie of all The Provincial be announced as toon as Bible after the of the Rural School the Do Not Miss this Great Opportunity years should compete What a splendid tray to iter up rased Interest Get a suptily of the Plocr at your dealers and practise uiiait as of tea to increase the of winning If dealer cannot it to you rite to the obeli Flour Mills Co Ltd- Toronto and they til promptly tell you the place to get it No Competitions In Counties Named Below The is open to all parti of the rl School Pairs are held the Manitoulia Thunder Boy- districts arc the only of the province ioof the ol in Which this competition not he a feature are no of the Depart of in the Counties of Huron Perth no rural fairs are held in the Department of Agriculture We itcrercrr itt the competition If you cannot get Cream of Ihe Flour fa for prices Campbell Flour Mills Co Limited West Toronto A Hamilton Hamilton Gut- ton THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN MOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN i JAM I HIT The York County Council at its closing on Saturday went on unanimously favor ing a resolution asking the fed eral government to once enrol all men of military ago for home The resolution brought out a lively discussion but the consensus of opinion was strong ly in favor action Frank Barber county engin eer who during present ses sion Council vacate office occunicd in the county waa iivn an In salary Up tier schedule f rates will mediacly go into effect i ON i Beyfatcfo u Hay wreseixed by ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR from Old Wheat PASTRY FLOURS A SPECIALTY AIL CNF FEED POtfL Special Hogs uiirtr order rwoit j A HOWARD I P I Ti ARCHIVES OF

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