Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 1

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W a J t iGooMliri t I Wo thorn and aro nil i j I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JA Assistant ne Pspeaa ho in Proper Watson Graduate Quality and Proprietor 0 NT A A 2 I j 1 HE i loo I Our aim is lo youttho best Paints and- llot Wall OHO pipit valvuo cTrriwea All ttradoa In In and in ttOinpouiidi In wui to for Machine 8Y0VQ 8YISCL Oil and AUTO Shark Oils and HE PAINT Phone TORE Toronto Capital Oct 305216041 Regular deposits in Bank of Montreal will soon put you in position to purchase Dominion Govern ment War Savings Certifi cates and also help to win the war G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch fc J SOUTfl END LUMBER YARD n J R W PEARSON Order Carters Cilice Piiono Bishop Wm Jilos John HE BANK Fund Prosperity Sure KvtEy or a into Lived put liia la to Wfytatly on Dally A LISTER LUMBER OF ALL KINDS LATH- SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO- DOORS SASH MOULDINGS AND lit Gut GWlna end fchilrik It la fctt J I Hartley a of the llieLofiisloturoi Don city word hint that his bull ImTiQr Hilly lip at the New York J Jog Show lie being rat hi the limit first in the open arid also first in llio limit class in the class and Aral many linos a dollar in November now buys only worth war has loan this An old publisher of Or passed Ibis week Mr Jackson of tho Newmarket Era know him when a boy going lo His fath er was the first Town Clerk of t On Sunday James Fox and a woman were by yas to Hospital where they recovered of the Bond St Congregational received an lo a at Chica go which he in considering Jones ban suffered- two operations at the Hospital this week Ho is considered in a somewhat crit ical condition The Secretary is credited stating thai a total of Canadian soldiers and War Workers now number about one million Mayor Church has forwarded to Hon Prank Cochrane Min ister of and Canals a telegram protesting against implication of the Toronto and Niagara Power Co for to extend transmission line on west of the umber Riv er to the Shore Road A youth about years of nee ran from Industrial School last week broke into a ttnre and rifled the cash drawer He was later The was offered a farm for but the Mayor said offer could not be accepted consent of Government A S rone snsnloion obtains that the present high price of potatoes here is the result of a combine An attack of pneumonia fol- lowincc an for dieitis resulted in the death of Uev at the Toronto Hospital on- Friday last I veers Pire the senior on the third floor of aster on Friday morning from an unknown cause Loss about A Royal Naval Institution and Reading has been opened on Bay Street In answer Mr in the Legislature Sir William Hearst said Government inquiry is likely to disclose a surprising number of seed potatoes in the Provnce A stonecutter named T Carter while working at on Monday missed his foot ing and fell some distance He was rushed to the Hospital but died on the way The Board of by a lie vote rejected Hie proposal of lady trustees for salary increase totalling The annual report of the Fund stales that the past years amounted lo I2I- The total amount since the war broke out was The present balance on hand totals Mrs passed away recently in her year For past years she lias resident of Toronto Mayor Church stated that the would ask the Legislature for power to enter upon vacant land in ami around the city and have potatoes and other market pro ducts grown on lbeseioperlies It is stated in a organ that the Dairy Act passed last session Legislature will not be put in operation at present The Ontario Government is asking the Legislature for an ap propriation of in order to provide legislation of a system of producing and market ing butter by grades The plan to be put into operation is adopt ed from thai in operation is current report in the Legislature that Mr Win Proud- foot will move for a Civil Service Commission Miss a Missionary from Japan addressed the Motlyi ftocioty last wek mi Among flirt of pan The Alexandra School expect to hive iOaH for the material for the soldiers Raster J li fowl supper and t In the- jtld Church toj week was a magni Roy M- acted as 3n No I MIS Hi From Era March Married On 20lh by- Rev Canon M A Adam to Miss He of West bury i yx a On the by Rev Brown- at the Railroad Hotel Newmarket Mr James lo Aims Randall both of Whitchurch Team won Ontario Trophy at Heading from Loft to Right James Pino Aurora P J Diet OF Special to the Erg Hartley hew Liberal member for South West Toronto In his maiden speech aroused great interest Ho dealt par- licglarly with the question Hon MeOany Provin cial Treasurer in his budget speech claimed a surplus for the year of Si 135000 Mr Bowman Liberal Whip and financial critic figur ed things out differently He thought there a deficit on the years operations The Government of Ontario will borrow seven leeji million dollars on this side of the Atlantic to re purchase a similar amount of held in England It costs for repairs and maintenance of Government House during the year This of course does not include the sum of over one million dollars spent on the buildings and site Civil servant salaries are lo be increased by 120897 Total supplementary estimates for the amount to The are Tho Opposition say that the proposed arrangement amounts simply lo this that the Prime Minister in his spare moments will pive some to the Department that Dr who remains in as Prin cipal of the School will give his spare lime to the Department of Agriculture and this part- time arrangement is utterly in adequate As for the two dep uty ministers the Opposition says that the trouble lies in the fact thai the present deputy minister is not a farmer at all nor has he any firsthand knowledge of farming This whole question of the De partment of Agriculture promis es to be an important factor of the session Farms for At the mental Form at a number of tests have been curried on in feeding and for the market inning tin last years tests have car ried on la feeding good butchers heavy fed versus good butcher light An- abstract of Holland Land rig Village Accounts appears in todays paper from which learn that the total reached for the year Aurora Methodist passed through Newmarket yesterday on sleighs A Tableau of the Holy Land was presented to fair in the Town Hall on Monday and Tuesdayevenings Lewis of Toronto la announced to appear before Newmarket Mechanics Institute this evening The village has been more or less excited during the week over the investigation- before the Po lice Magistrate of Toronto of Hunter assault case Tomes Esq is Reeve of East this year- -Oi0- I butchers heavy fed still to come be a Bureau of r good Affairs in Ihe Province The Opposition is objecting to the governments proposed of the Depart menl of Agriculture claiming that it means inefficiency- Woman Suffrage is being fea tured by Ihe Liberals again Ibis year There are indications that governnienlwillgrant it- Goal and Seven hundred and six tons of coal were bought for Government House during the year cording to the Punlic Accounts recently laid before IheLogisla- Ordinarily this itemwould not Command so much attention hut coal such a vital and scarce commodity as it has been in Ontario during the past few months anything relating lo Ibis valuable product commands at tention Other interesting- items in accounts for and Main tenance at Government House Garment Hods A Coat Mangers Relish Jars Dishes Etc vers a 5912 Carpet Sweepers Paper and Soup Kitchen Utensils Fire Guards Orate pokers Etc Heps lo and Supplies for Billiard Table For cartage of ashes from Government House the govern mejit paid This amount evidently arose from fact that Government House was built so low thai special charges bad to be made for hauling the ashes up to the level of the street Anolh item was Agricultural Nam What at first was thought to he merely a temporary in the Department of Agriculture following the death of the Hon Duff is now going lo remain permanent if Ihe government fol lows its own bill now before legislature and dobs not listen to the objections of the Opposition The permanent reorganization provides for a Minister of Agri culture with the Prime Minister ftir Hearst as Minister two deputy ministers instead of the one at present a Commis sioner of Agriculture Dr Creel- man Principal of the at and an assistant to the Commissioner The Opposition claim that IhK is a most complicated and inef ficient system They say hat there should Jin simply a Minister of Agriculture not the Prime Minister already not a lawyer as lie is but the most outstanding who could he secure and with him a deputy minister also of outstanding rank such the late Dr James for aoiple IcIiRre heavy fed versus good slock fed good liulclieis fed versus good heavy fel and good SloCkers light fed and good hoteliers ami good Mockers heavy fed two pounds in addition t meal ration versus anil good heavy fed no molasses and good arid good Blocker light fed two pounds molasses in addition to their regular meal ration versus good butchers and good stackers light fed in molasses results of the find teat that is good hatchers heavy fed versus gMd butchers light fed are as fol lows selected in such a that they could lie classed as good butchers These were dehorned and fed a preparatory ra tion to get them accustomed to their feed and surroundings then divided Into the lots of four each The four heavy fed received pcrcent more and meal than did the light fed Number of days fed total live weight at beginning for Lot heavy fed pounds at finish an Increase of pounds For Lot light fed pounds at beginning at finish I35 an Increase of pounds The original purchase price Was cenls pound live weight The selling was cents per pound live weight gross profit for Lot was 88 for Lot The total cost of feed for was for Lot Ptf for Lot 7520 having a net profit in the first Instance of 5172 or a pro fit per steer of 13CS In second or a profit per steer of The average profit per steer for years over and above the actual cost Of feed at market prices was for Lot lilohardaon Above a photo of Dr Chester son of Mrs George Richardson of Newmarket who is at present in charge of Division Convalescent Hospital at Ep som Surrey with the care of 500 soldiers Mrs Rich- arrfson has also four grandsons in the Kings service Or Richard son was practising at Windsor when In- enlisted for medical vice having moved there from Aurora He has just consented lo a request to serve in the Med iterranean He is a noble fellow and appears to he doing his bit in the greatest war of all history WHAT ARK DOING ENGLAND for hot 2 223 The cost produce pound gain was cents for hot and cents per pound fur Lot The ration fed to Lot at the beginning was pounds roots pounds meal and pound molasses at the finish pounds roots pound- meal and 2 pounds i Lot received at the be- 1 ginning pounds roots pounds meal and pound molasses at the finish ao pounds roots it pounds meal find pounds molasses From the above results will he noted that a profitable limit can reached iu the amount of feed to good butchers and that in all our feed ing work we should be guided ac cordingly is to say feed liberal ly well but lo excess and good profits can he made by producing right of beef Cables tell women mail drivers and grooms but the fol lowing extract from a letter just received in Toronto tells of a ca reer just as strenuous The let ter was from a girl who belongs lo one of Englands most famous noble families Yet in her let ter dated from the Royal Dairy Farm Windsor where His Ma jesty has replaced a male staff by women she writes been bore just wo months and although the work la hard I like it immensely and am all the more happy having a con genial girl working wilh me There are about cows to milk at present Shorthorns ami Jer seys Our work consists of the milking feeding cleaning out the stalls pens bedding in cul ling mangolds spreading manure heaviest part of the work is carting the manure away but as spring comes on and he cows are put out lo grass that work will become less and less and one is thankful in this cold weather to spend most of ones lime under cover Our work starts at 115 am when the Court is in London and lifi when it is absent and we fin ish at pm is a great experience living the life of an agricultural labor er and ones respect and sympa thy for him deepens more and more Era Martiid At the Christian Par- on the 18th day of Feb by grosser Mr Edward lo Miss Min nie of At the residence of the brides parents North on the 2Kb Rev Mack ay A Mr Win A- Henry of East Miss Julia Council At the of the brides mother Newmarket by Rev J Odeiy 2nd Mr Manning to Ida- all of this town At the Parsonage Newmarket on the 2nd by Mr- Joshua to Minnie Nelson both of fteaeh Mrs Frank Wesley is visiting at the Hotel Mr Starke was visiting with Prior- during the past week Mr Mitchell of Port Huron is visiting his daughter Mrs J Little Mr I Hooper and wife of Col- are visiting wilh Mi and Mrs for a few days Miss Kavanagh entertained a number of her young friends at Mr J Canes on Tuesday last A number of young people spent pleasant evening at residence of Mr John Manning last Tuesday Rev A Chandlers occupied Ihe pulpit of the MethodiBt Church last Sunday Rev Odery preached In Rev Chambers Church Toronto same day be ing an exchange of pulpits Mrs A and son Cobourg have been visiting Mrs Ross Park Ave dur ing the week Mr C H Robinson of arrived here on Saturday and now buying a carload of horses for the Prairie City Rev A Chambers and A of Toronto were guests of Jr and Mrs day Last week we received from Mr J K Hughes samples of New Or leans floral culture Mr J Johnston of Hunts- ville was in own two or three days this week Mr and Mr A Morton of Keswick are on Jury at Toronto bis week Mr Sam Johnston has bought out Ihe Central Hotel in Newmar ket purposes hero from Mount Albert in two weeks i 5 I L J J Pearson over Sun- results of other teats will in articles 1m Feb Mrs M McKay of Thainesford is in the Hospital here with both legs severed the result of a railway accident at Station this afternoon She hud to London and alighting from the passenger train when she fell the ears and the plat form Paris Feb The French Steamer carrying Senegal ese troops and colonial laborers has been torpedoed in the Medi terranean Sea The torpedoing occurred de- spile the fact that the was escorted by the French torpedo- boat d Mameluk and Henry which aided by a gunboat saved persons from the steamer An American Presbyterian Missionary Allen linden stationed at Chow China perished on the according In news reaching Washington was drowned while going to the to some others U A Germany is employing toners as farm labor ers according lo a Berlin de spateh J 4 London Feb Kntel1 Amara been captured from Turks by the British forces In two days flgliling we cap tured 1730 prisoners including at least one Turkish regimental commander and four German four Held guns ten machine guns three mine throwers and a largo quantity of rifles and lion As a result of these oner aliens the whole of the enemys positions from to KuU el Amara has been secured itself passes automatically into our hands I oe For jt 1 ARCHIVES OHM

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