Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 3

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C tessss PJ a a In In Mens- tfatc in mini badly while- in tons help to our hush Is doing nicely- owncy a- Chan Norton is 1 meeting 53 if I j The regular in win ho hold on Tuesday the of March homo of Mrs rtlnckirig oil Street Sidance is requested Press Presentation Aurora hur boon obliged through illness In lender her resignation ah Or ganist of Andrews Church made recipient by Ibe Gold Pin as a mark of esteem Hie severance of her con- Section accom panied the gift Hot True Somebody started tlio report that Mayor lives sold two cars of coal in Toronto while people in Mb wood lor at Mr I tings 1 Wo oroplensed to ace UnitMr id hJi I has returned from The Dance last Monday great Mr ftnuppjy or Aprons 0r had a good Com sowlnu his wood for the summer Sorry to report that Mr is under oars in- but hope speedy Woflt Gutting has Blttna used up with this week j Happy from Ml- from members of the QiO and from Tim splendid for the hoys at thofront for which the Bo- is vcrir also wish to lheir A A myf Toronto WrayAlnioh Mr iuVc icr friends MliHatlis Tqoalo hjpt here Tottenham inl SundiW with bin MfbVJoncy Toronto vlfiKIng her Mr curl Mrs J Cutting roroily Sunday with Her Mr Mr Archibald Wed- Mends the Mr Dove has relumed a number of spent MaudPflllon returned friends A number from here attended the rink at on r On- lift I eSEt rWHEBH I I J Mrs Lloyd of spent the weekend with her Mr and Mrs John and Miss Mary of Aurora j J i i ivi Guides for one dozen Buffering for want of I Shirts and tho interviewed or lhor donation of Town were it on the matter and posi tively thai there was riot a shadow of In the report Dont be misled by any rumor At Old Granite Pie Mates They hold juice and save the Keeps the Flavor Only at There were of youngsters Pauls The Annual Sleigh r id Of HI Pauls look place on Tues day afternoon three good loads mid they were token around the Vongo SI block On returning the were served after which the chil dren enjoyed themselves playing games and all returned homo will expression of having had good time High School Staff has de cided to pull off the annual Ora torical Contest in the Assembly Hall at I lie on Thursday evening of next week In addition to the usual competitions with lie assistance of pupils an in teresting vocal and instrumental program will bo provided The public arc invited to enjoy this educational feature here will lie no admission charge Com mences at You Win Make Childs Play of Wash Day if you install a Gravity Washer in home Let us explain why Minns Hardware Died In California of last week a wellknown citizen of Newmar ket died in California Mr Sam uel He was a tanner by trade and worked for Park for a number of years Ho married Miss daughter late Thus tailor Is about seven or eight years since moved California remains are being brought to for interment Ser vice in Si Pauls Church at 3 O clock Ibis Friday afternoon Paper collection next Tuesday West of T It and on the on of our popular Suppers to be held the rooms March loth Further announcement next week In column you will statement of the work done by lie Attond the Grand Concert in aid of Field Comforts given by Aurora Choral Mr Fletcher of Toronto Miss Finery Orchestra Mr f Cornet Soloist and other artists to be held Monday evening nth in Town Hall Plan opens at Pattersons Store Thurs day evening at seats and Secure your seats early and in this way you will give assistance lo the ladies who are endeavoring to send all the comforts can to the hoys overseas The funds in the treasury are low and they still have some outstanding ac counts Enjoy Concert and in this way do your bit The ladies have another ship ment nearly ready Did you ov er atop and count what cost Every parcel costs more than 250 and hip costs over Have you the letters of appreciation from Ihe hoys The ladies are keeping the hoys in remembrance of their friends at home Our funds are low and- we trust the citizens will remember our work I and us fxe Aurora Choi- al Mr Fletcher Miss and other artists from To ronto an giving all gratis all the money for Field Comforts Be on hand to hear them at Town Hall Mar 5th All the money collected for Field Comforts is used for Field Comforts and that only Money collected for Belgian and French is used for that work and money given for home relief has been used for relief in not suitable for overseas have been sent lo North ern Ontario for Are sufferers Everything is used Id bring help Come and assist Friday by sewing Goodwin recently Mr Martin and Mr Al fred Manning one day last week with Mr J Mrs- Albert Blizzard and Miss Blizzard spent Monday in Toronto Mr Clifford accom panied by Miss Blanche villo of and Mr Ross Black spent Sunday with Mrs Harvey Mills Miss Bar Millard spent a couple of days last week with Mrs Shields of Holland Land ing Mr and Mrs of Fnrrnel Bask arc visiting at Mr A Bliz zards Mr Win and Mr Vane Mridfll attended Mr Wild- sale on Friday last Miss Mary McClure and friend spent Sunday last at Miss Ger trude Goodwins Mr and family spent Sunday with his sis- tor Mrs J Wilson of PO London Dear Christian just received the box es sent by the Fndoavor and do not know how to begin to thank you Thoro are some things that you your thanks for I want you all to know how I ap preciate it I dont know our young at borne have always a little difforent to mo kind of like one big family And you dont know it helps when you are away to feel like that and when Hate seems lo be tho predominant But know that God in ho midst of all this can use each one of us in our own way to bring about thai fuller Brotherhood of man and freedom and peace for which is striving Oh I when you see so much destruction and murder on side that peo ple as a whole arc not allowed lo know about you can gladly if your bit would only help to hasten that day out hero are brought face lo face very quickly with things that count and face to face with a Pilot that was a stranger to them before or they had ceased A 1 J r s WTfc rVvr I ting up the previous ones those young men will come forward and pay for the hall end damages j The Sharon Club Is giving concert on behalf of the lied Aid Society of Holland Landing on evening of March We are promised- a good program and trust that everyone will turn out to the and encourage the ladles In good work See Messrs Smith Goodwin have sold their entire slock of fat bogs Mr I making special Harold on youri success In the hog business Wo that Wesley purchased tho Lloyd house lately vacated by him and ren ovating Any truth la the- report Ural Pud in tends taking on a running male for life J i NEWMARKET BRITISH LOAN EXPECTATION to knov Splendid attendance last Sab bath afternoon and all present greatly enjoyed the address given by Mrs a Missionary lately returned from the Belgian Congo State in Africa Every one was keenly interested the account of the Christian work done in that country and of JHio manner and customs of the peo ple Many are the early hard ships of the Converted heathen Who can say it does not pay to carry the gospel into foreign lands Next Sunday we will use our new hymn books The School lias decided on The New Canadi an Hymnal A number ore pur chasing these for their own use All seem so pleased that an extra quantity bad lo be ordered with music in I spend a profitable hour with our each pm will he welcome Corn HOW A Cross Items Splendid attendance the Knitting Tea on Tuesday after noon and a lot of work accom plished The President re ported that there is great need of supplies at Headquarters and urged increased effort Thovcol- amounted to A barrel was packed and sent away last Saturday Containing quarts of fruit and a tin of Honey for the Military Base Hospital The regular Business Meeting of the lied Cross Society will be held next Monday afternoon at in the Council Chamber Full attendance or members re quested Ladles please do not change sizes of Sox Tho item in the Ere last week was from the Na tional Service League and not from the Hod Cross Secure the printed directions from Forsyth The ahlpinent of ox were splendidly made and most salisfaolory knitting l same Its that flu il all Of you own that kind to do work With disappointment and You cant put money Into a bettor Fountain Pen than a a l that never novor never fuses to wrlto you want It to IF YOU A tain YOU I TO Co I Mr Mrs Wesley Pro ill or an- the of young est daughter Chariots Hence to lrank- J Stewart Indian Head Sash marriage will lake place in March Miss Jessie Elliott of is visiting with Mrs Skinner Mr Will who has spent the past few weeks in has returned to The lied Cross Skating Parly held by High School was a great success Miss of Tottenham is visiting at her brothers Or M K Airs is Visiting friends in Richmond Hill Miss Bella Porter of spent the weekend at her home here Mrs Coffey is spending a few days in Toronto Mr W and Miss J Elliott spent Sunday with A Mr and Mrs are making preparation lo leave for their new home near Bond Head Mr John Black and son Chal- mer of spent Wednes day evening with the formers daughter Mrs Luke Lyons The lied Cross Society of are holding sowing meetings Monday evening at Mrs Dr M K as well as Tuesday afternoons in lied Cross We wish for a good attendance Mrs Skinner spent Fri day afternoon with Nurse Bell of Hill Rev H of the Uni versity Corps of Toronto had the mishap id break his band and is now spending a couple of weeks yvith his sister Mrs Dr Kay Quite a number of our men attended Mr Calhouns sale on Monday afternoon also Mr Batemans on Tuesday after noon and all report good sales When Harvey of the vil lage of in the ship of King made his will on the of Feb last ho lo Samuel John son and to Joseph Sut ton and the remainder of his estate he directed lo be divided equally between the soldiers from the immediate neighborhood of who had enlisted to light for the Empire When he died a day later he was possess ed of all cash in hank John Alexander Armstrong P is sole executor under the will Gods presence was over manifested to men it is being in this war Kipling In his cus tomary way has struck key note and I want to send it to you all Each man is Captain of his Soul A each man bis own crew But the Pilot knows the unknown seas And He will bring us through Wo break new seas today Our eager keels quest unaccus tomed waters And from the yast unchartered waste in The mystic circles leap- To greet our prows with mighty possibilities Bringing us what Oread shifting hanks And calms and storms And clouds and biting gales And wreck and loss And valiant lighting times And maybe Death and so the Larger Life I For should the Pilot deem it best To cut Ihe voyage shortX sees beyond the skyline and Hell bring us into Port And maybe Life Life on a bounding tide And chance of glorious Of help swift borne to drowning mariners Of cheer to ships dismasted in the gale Of succors given unasked and joyfully Of mighty service to all needy souls London Feb 27 Gov- eminent had good news for the House of Commons today Law roused the House to a high pitch of enthusiasm with- two announcements of the flrstl importance Tho first was that the Mesopotamia operations had so far succeeded that was again in our hands The second was that tho war loan had yielded in new money to the amount of an aggregate ac tually in excess of estimate Mr Law had made the week before oog viia lift a WITHOUT tAIH I ARE NEW NEW SPRING GOODS HERE DIRECT FROM YORK I ALL In Plaids Fancy and Pretty Dainty floral and iiarrov In wide Gropes and In Plain Dainty of Pink and Gold ESTABLISHED I -v- iV- Authority telle how to up corn or It off with OF CANADA SAVfrycur SECURE your future and SERVE tt current on Dcpila el NEWMARKET BRANCH- 3 SMYTH Manager fc ji is tun fci5 vi So Ho for the Pilots orders Whatever course He makes I For He sees beyond the skyline And He never makes mistakes I And maybe Golden Days Full freighted with delight And wide free seas of bliss And Treasure Isle and Kingdoms lo bo won And Undiscovered Countries and new kin For each man captains his own Soul And chooses his own crew Pilot knows Unknown Seas And He will bring us through I am leaving very shortly for another port Somewhere East that is all I can tell you I want you to please still re member me In your meetings and your prayers As ever your friend Lee Morion HOLLAND LANDING We are sorry to report that Mm Angus Sweet and baby daughter Is I dangerously 111 with pneumonia Mrs Bert and sou Ken- of Port are with Mr and Mrs S Miss who has bei ser iously ill for some weeks Is Miss is home sick with of I Messrs Kitchtng of Holland Co are getting out their supply of Ice hear the wedding hefts aw ringing In North Bad Dont forget lo you too Goodwin who has to bed fu veekr is and we to see I uout fiin soon had to be I Of vie it Iff- of IhiwjftcV- You cornpestered men and women need suffer no longer Wear the shoes that nearly kill ed you before says this Cincin nati authority because a few drops of frcozonc applied direct ly on a lender aching corn or callus soreness at once and soon tfie corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted out rool and all without pain A small bottle of costs very little at any drug store but will positively lake off every hard or soft corn or callus This should be tried as it is inexpen sive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin If your druggist hasnt any tell lo get a small bottle for you from Tils wholesale drug house It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time J Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto week are as follows Choice Weighty Steers Choice rtutcher Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle and Feeders Milch Cows Choice Veal- Calves Medium Veal Calves Choice Spring Lambs Cull Lambs Light Ewes Heavies and Hacks Hogs off cars BLOCK On Monday Evening March THE PURPLE MASK by two of tho Serial Stars on 1000 ft J GOO Newmarket Markets per bush Oats per hush Barley per hush Peas per hush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay Timothy per Ion Eggs per Hi da per Duct a per lb per lb Turkeys per March 1st- 1917 GO i GO 10 38 12 00 10 12 GO 55 0 22 250 and The Most Thrilling Serial Ever Released A Moving Picture Drama thai will enthrall you with its swift action grip you its deeds of daring awe you with its mysterious spell arouse you to a new appreciation of the marvels of the photo play drama In this prize universal serial you will see the greatest serial stars on earth Francis Ford and Grace Lot nothing interfere with your seeing the very first episode of this remarkable story of high society and the underworld Staged in the most lavish manner and played by an immense company it will be a tremendous treat Tell your friends Bring whole family and do not miss a single episode ay Patricia ORCKESTEU IN I v 1 Toronto March 1st Hi 12 J 15 r i 050 i 150 per hush per bush Hay per too Butler lb s per doz per bag GblelOPV dressed Turkeys drafted Uts less pain lo io youth be To Every Lover of TRY Our Favorite and Vive Hot FRESH FEED ices OLIVER ANTHRACITE Us a fa DP torn I

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