Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 4

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J a hi tad for i J Jit J I I wo out In wo vo on farm I haft four ell end other work with help It cliowu tfrt I I tcoU my ten yew old It helped a lot lied my West girl take It end It her 1st of I keep It In ftll lbs lime end recommend pari Y ty headaches nil point to derange ments which overcome Vcgekibl Compound remedy medicinal of which derived from find t for forty proved to bo organism Women willing to tho wonderful of Confound Furnace Work Still another victory added tho liberal forces arid looks good for the next general comes liberal come a power in Now a clear leadof live seals In tho Out of Vents has in election leaving the Government 21 as compared and for the Government In Opposition bas won ten of the seventeen riding in the Province splitting In An other nod has an immense ma jority of popular vole Willi Gloucester the verdict no room for question No where did the gains in this election It lost claim that the Trench speaking sections alone have defeated Govern ment it not a Bound ono Is ah not only by results k SjVttf If uy tartWM art a J7 OM Uy rjclrf a I Es4 to 4ftr ej yea jiy know- Wka for r fld oi Jirtt4 fld- Wtr iYii to ana to tirr J- Seo You Got Box flipseiat am fro if or Plumbing Our Specialties See at TUB OSBORNE SONS t to WINTER TOURS J that leak Steam springs a lealc You it would stop If it does not you will away house and all Its the same with pocketbook leaks Money floats away very taby Shake yourself Mr Man Let mm AY slop one big leak in your purse You will be just as smartly dressed the guarantee assures you that Aid tenspot in pocket preach tconoiay DUNCAN In last weeks Ibsuo of Era the following under tho f J Good congregation last Sunday wore a Utile Treasurer that Queens and where Op- gecrotary KEITH did not give them a Fares now in effect lo in Florida Georgia North and South Carolina Louisiana and other Southern Slates and to Bermuda and West Indies- Limit May For full information write to I P A Union Toronto J Depot Agent Phono J Phone UpTowri Agent Beat Coal at bargain Orders filled at all hours Telephone No 3 doors South of Osbornes Shop Main North worn elect ed hut in York Kings Charlotte John City and St John Coun ty well In York the highest candidate came voles of election and tho Government a normal majority there of from to The Premiers Govern- Frank Eves Geo J Edgar Dennis Steckloy Fret Hill on of one on the There are fortynine reasons why our good Methodist corres pondent did not correctly quote my sermon at the Methodist Church One however will be for Revision of requested to meet at an early of he Opposition dates lost their deposits DOO L No truer of the party in Canada could have been uttered than those ed on the floor of Parliament Mr M P for lit slated Around are twentysix men whose hoys are either on the or on their way there When I flay lo you Sir that from Hie farm the workshop the office and tho collage all throughout the land the men wo represent hero have given of the beet for this cause one does not need to apologize to a free Par liament for anything one may say as lo the rights of these boys oi as lo the conditions by which they live or as to the adminis tration of this Parliament in re gard to them Wo are hero lo ask that the greatest intelligence and keenest attention the strict est- integrity and highest ideals should characterize ad ministration of the affairs of the country at this time Any de parture front this ideal de serves and must receive from us and from this free se verest condemnation Editorial Notes Millennium President Mr Proctor during which as some his office is a member Christ will personally reign lives end of all Committees Messrs Messrs and Finance and Messrs Harvey Proclor Robertson and lloraeo Messrs and Dennis Messrs and Ham- flay and Messrs and Hill Poultry Messrs Brim son and Grain lioodo nod Hoots Messrs and Stephens Messrs and Ramsay and Messrs and Ncsbilt Messrs and Eyes Childrens Messrs and and Pino Messrs and Harvey Messrs and Hill This is not and my view of he own on the earth bus never been Second Coming of Christ believe the Saviours language to he true For as the lightning out of the east and even unto the west so also shall the corning of the Son of Man lie The facts are I took for my text Rev For they are the spirits of dev ils working miracles which go forth unto be kings of the earth and of the whole world lo gather them to the battle of that great day God Almighty and from this text I drew for my subject The of hat Great Day of God Almighty In other words The Second Coming of Christ and he judgment of that great day I believe in the second coming of Christ and of a- final Judgment Note We apologize lo the Dp We bad no intention of misrepresenting biro To the ordinary person the second corn ing of Christ and the Millennium are about the same thing The Dr thinks he second coming of Christ is so near that some of greyhaired Methodists in New market may live to see it uV it he addc thai have much to making the man lel two were gigged one to act clerks coming on duty When Off vverogood versed in the Icchhifiue of courtesy But that there was a them was made sufficiently plain n accompanied by a daughter came down to the desk concerning one of the popular drives As alio saw the young standing behind the desk taking no of their appearance sho turned saying think Ill wait till that man comes back Why asked the girl Mr Bowman ouglil to ho able to tell you all about it Oh yes Im could tell mo all about It the lady replied But the other young man has a way of doing it as If it werent any trouble Every visitor to the hotel that season was impressed by that same difference one worker went through his duties with mc politeness gave such in formation as was asked and in general did what was required of him in a wholly unobjectionable and colorless fashion Whereas his associate if asked for inform regarding a drive or a boat ride gave it as enthusiastically as If- outlining to some friend an outing he hoped lo enjoy very speedily Not only did seem no trouble for bun lo perform the duties of his position but some thing in bis manner indicated that ho found il a real pleasure Seine mercantile establish ments display sign No trou ble to show goods but the man ners of I he clerks do not always bear out that assurance The salesman who cab inspire his customer with the feeling that be considers it no trouble to make a purchase is the one who is bound to succeed For the buyer who leaves a counter without peeing what she wishes because the clerks manner convinces her that she is making a great deal of needless trouble is not likely to return The young man who is able to do service as if it were a has an immense advan tage over another who cannot gel beyond courtesy Heater Is Host on lYIarhot Heater was the Gold Modal highb3t award for at tho ma Pnolflo It lo built on a now Each unit attain ft temperature of Wo other a temperature- npAniVi a io Guaranteed I ACK A ALFRED STARR Electrical Contractor MARKET tOOO 200000 lire in Dawson Oily Yukon week Two lives lost A London cablegram dated Feb sayii that army esti mates the day previous provide for an army of men exclusive of India An au ditions navy estimate calls for 50000 officors and men Eng land is preparing for Ibe great Spring break on tho Western front Among he amendments to the Municipal Act passed in is the following under which the Cities Towns and Incorporated Village Councils are authorized lo act For prohibiting sport ing on sidewalks pavements and highways into buildings used by this public and in rooms hulls and places to which Hie public resort street ears public conveyances and jn such other places as the Council may by by law designate To City Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario A Garden Every N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food and Canada is the great source upon which they rely a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables One thousand small subma rines and motors a day is the contribution Henry Ford is prepared to make to the country in the event of war with Germany And this vast output ho is wil ling lo turn out without The submarine which Ford is prepared to furnish is a small one and operated by one man lie feels sure the Germans have such vessels in operation and be believes they will bo the best de fense the country can have Af ter standardization he believes his plant could build 1000 a day of them It i my firm conviction lhat war would seldom occur if indi viduals did not make money out of war says the automobile manufacturer They form the interest which cultivates socall ed patriotism which fanj the flames of international haired which alarms the fears of the people and ultimately brows a country into ho greatest of all calamities- war The Ford Motor Company plant largest in the world on lis payrolls about 42000 men and women and the estimated value of the Ford company the lowest Is Should the entire plant be turned Into a factory it undoubtedly would have largest output of any single factory in the world Wilson Star i Ncwh consist of reports of events that have taken of before they placo Is advertising Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables It saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables It helps to lower the High cost of living It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export Growing your own vegetables save labor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work The of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing manu facturers labor unions lodges school boards etc are invited to actively encourage home gardening Let the slogan for be A vegetable garden for every home Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing In cases where it Is impossible to secure Suitable local speakers the Department of Agriculture will request send a suitable man demand for speakers will be great number of available experts being limited the Department urgently requests that arrangements be made at once if local speakers cannot be secured tend applications promptly suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the offering prizes for lxjt vegetable gardens It Is prepared to assist lb any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production vacaut lots It will do so by sending speakers or by supplying expert advice in the field To any the Department of Agriculture send literature giving about implements ami methods of preiaruig ground and cultivating the crop A of a vegetable garden indicating suitable props to grow best varieties and their arrangement In the garden will be sent free charge to any address Write for Poultry Bulletin Hens ate InttptasiyE to keen and you be repaid in Write free bulletin J to keep Address letter Vegetable Campaign Department Toronto Department of Agriculture v i A JT 17 THAT MIGHT BE A beautiful young woman who had Just received a number of proofs from a photographer brought them to her artist uncle to got bis opinion Dont you think lhat is a pretty face she asked with a saucy assumption of conceit as she laid one of proofs before I like it belter now than I shall later was the enigmatic reply and the girls brows wrinkled with perplexity as she answered somewhat petulantly I dont understand you Then Ill show you Ho took bis pencil and modified some of ho lines in the pictured face The supercilious curl of the lip hardly noticeable in be proof became a sneer almost impercep tible crease between Ibe brows appeared a fretful furrow Other lines were deepened until they ex pressed illnature and impa tience The girl looking over bis shoulder uttered a vexed cry Oh uncle what are you doing Im showing you how you will look in fifteen or twenty years The young beauty stood star ing uncle she gashed How unkind I You dont think that Ill ever become such an fright Youre just saying that lo lease me arent you No my dear The artist spoke with decision I am telling you a plain truth lines of and im patience and intolerance are faint at present but fifteen years will emphasize them probably more than my pencil has done did not add a lino to your face that was not already there I only showed what the years would do with Ihcm The girl stood looking down I knew there would be changes of course People have to grow old Dul that I Her lips trem bled You really think I know her uncle said qui etly thing is as certain as sunset unless you change Mas sage doesnt those lines my girl If they are wiped out of a face the change comes from within She walked away with the alter ed proof in her hand glancing at it now and again with an odd fas cination that was half repulsion She had seen picture of her face as it plight be as it would he unless she changed She set her lips with determination re solving lhat she had seen the face that would never since she had seen it in time Kingston Police Commis sioners will not OH the places of two policemen who resigned and will be asked to cut off yr saving the city consequence of prohibition The of so that woman will have to dome down to meet- to There are women employed as clerks on the of the United Kingdom against before lh Who la now directly Canadas Oldest vim and COMPANY LIMITED Malta of one at J 11 a Li Jtt And for hi fr ALSO Villi lIIOriOQUAM mm 1 I The with the wealthier classes brings them in exchange for Players and Grands- large numbers of Pianos many of them wellknown Canadian and American makes As the or is the ultimate choice of practically every musician and of many of the cultured homes il is frequently necessary lo take in exchange for these instrument excellent pianos of other makes so that he Company arc in a position to offer at all times remarkable bargains in ueed instruments So if you have a preference for any particular make it will be to your interest to get our list before deciding For Catalogue of and Players or a list of Used or Catalogue of the wondorful J GEORGE NORRIS- AND MUSIC CO LTD PAY US A WELL I you If you booh us have noticed that our of I lasting JAY LOfJO a Then we In out and fit I GIVE UO A CALL I WILLI VAILOil S J in fit Mr Hi I ill A FRED s hi and wwrt u or- ELECTRIC nay I Church Gradual university College of of in verftily Hospital Office Consultation WATCH MA 1 PAINTKH I Qucei K Practical J and and Teacher ol Agent for Complete At the Paper tiden CUV Ketft inSl GEO I and All kinds and I li a g ARCHIVE

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