Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 5

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WW i a I u J Notary Public W Main Newmarket oh Mm Office Security Frank Duncan 0TIONBKH AND smith J fi NT 1ST corner Main and Newmarket i 1 1 1 I i ray Osteopath Violet Bay Iff under of tor tho lnVfln by some of tho College and the service with- Currents Phone Church St Dr J Boyd IXC hern lr of irtpill in of Toronto Licentiate of and linil Allege of Surgeon Bye ami Bar Nst nod Throat gland anil Timothy Prion than ordinary at tended ho- annual Supper in connection with Church lual Friday worn fully prepared for the biff crowd coming were aatinflcd at the well- Jilted jftbioa Ito Moving loiter thoroughly enjoyed worn thrown on the by fltudontfl from loitering lego and very clear 0b Well as tin variety of jeclfl mostly an educational ucce5s desirable of drain spraying of fruit otoV will also be shown Institutes Agricultural Hoards of Agriculturo the and all local organiza tions which arc directly or -Indi- in farming asked to cooperato the of the Cars the possible Depot on Tuesday March and Town Hall in evening ad in fancy and noma of costumes were splendid The of the prizes were Indies Marion as Ladies Bel fry as Clown Best Cornier Florence and as Grandpa Music was supplied fry -New- market Rand was greatly enjoyed by hecrowd of and House Hi AND to- over 855 after paying all ex penses arc reminded Clerk has a number of tho Audited of last year on band which can bo had for the asking The new ones should bo ready in a- days Raster Sunday will come this year on April year- it was the of April the latest in Price Avenue Now Post Office Bert PAINTKI1 AND PAPKK Ml 2nd house from si Newmarket Box i Ira Bolton Hewitt Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Corn Niagara Sis A Newmarket Teacher Piano Voice and Vio lin in all kinds of Mi- and piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Complete Stock Prompt We much regret that ow ing to the continued in he price of newspaper and all kinos of printing materials wo are compelled lb raise the sub scription price of the another OH 1st of May Lust wo put in slock of newspaper nil we could get at Hie time and it cost us over GO per cent more than the paper a year ago Thin paper will lie all gone next month and news advanced per cent again last January so our readers can see bow printers are up against It Now ho time renew your subscription In advance as the In per year after jtlio 1st- of May next and in the United Slates Thin is a good time for new commence Full year for it has fallen In many years fuel problem this winter will no doubt again turn alien- lion to possibility of peat No doubt there is lots of It on the Holland Marsh but what Is needed is a system of pulling on Hie market in a saleable form Lyman Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Bra Office Newmarket office Private issued at private re- fcidoace if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Call before ordering elsewhere CUT I in Slock and Made to Order GEO W OXIDIZED On Short I for Sale- DAVIS Musi IJank of Toronto Newmarket NORTH YORK MARBLE AND Missionary Day last Sunday was an unqualified success The Church which seals over people was nearly Oiled to ca pacity both morning and evening and the sermons by Rev J Simpson of ToVonto a former pastor were magniflcenl Ills morning theme was Mans in debtedness lo God his Creator developed along the lines Ar gument Incentive and Impelling Force First all are the mar vellous of and the obligations of man For tho World House which we enjoy without dost and also dependent upon God for our food supply The discipline of life was enlarg ed upon and notwithstanding what men may nay about the de cline of spirituality in the Church the present ago exceeds all In the greatness of self sac rifice and benevolence to those in distress Then again are the social advantages- and mater ial progress all due to the open The command is to give the Gospel to all and by so doing we may discharge some of the obligation God has laid upon us The sermon was listened lo with marked at tention and left a significant im pression In the evening bis was GoO in Unexpected Places and was equally well re ceived The musical program was ear ned out as announced A large Choir led the service of praise and there were Solos Duetts and Quartettes Tin organist and choir acquitted themselves admirably The special subscriptions for Missionary purposes in addition regular weekly contrlbu- in envelopes amounted with some yet to come in Board of A good deal of Interest was manifested last night In ho meeting called for ganiing- ollho Hoard of Trade between and of the business men of he town being present Mayor lives took the chair and ex plained how matters stood Keith reported the result of an interview with the Secretary of the Toronto Board of Trade and clauses were read in the Constitution After a short discussion lo afresh only hose paying the an nual fee of being entitled lo vote The Secretary having tool lectori fee another discussion followed regarding he election of officers the action already taken only those who bad paid the membership fee were entitled to be elected to office The Hoard previously had a membership of about and it was that some of the previous officers should be elected again the elec tion was therefore postponed un til next meeting In view of approaching legis lation regarding freight traffic on the Metropolitan Reeve Keith thought thai immediate action should be taken by the Hoard lo present the views of the business people before the Parliamentary Committee On account of this matter and a proposition to can vass for members the following wore appointed a Canvassing Committee and also to represent the Hoard should it be necessary Toronto propos ed legislation Messrs H Cane Harvey A T Davis and Dr Clark Dr Wesley Introduced the Farm Only- a- market last Sat urday much change in prices The ruling figures were as follows per do and riulteiS Dressed Chickens per lb 25c Apples per 50 and 50c Lettuce per bunch and Live Chickens per Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per lb lo Geese per lb Turkeys per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair and lb by the quarter to Hides per lb and CalfSkins per lb and 25c to each Sheepskins to each Pal low per lb to togallcn of a ivltii Ford Car Ford over ml las pop on request miles par fcr a record that few If gov mahc3 of equalled It the economy of owning and driving a Pord can- 1000 tmvo on tires in oil proportionately nemo for FHE- THE- You raving 1 9 in ess POB VordfOnU Dealer 8BRVI0B ft IV A Qulball On Sunday last there passed away at his reniaencc in Toron to Mr A is sur vived by a wife and one daughter Deceased was born at Holt near Albert where his father kept a general store and was also the Postmaster Mr came to a young man and clerked for Mr Win afterwards buying out and running the himself Lat er he moved to Kault Marie where he retired from business to accept the position of stipend iary police magistrate for lie Boo and Sudbury District For six years following this he was Do minion Commissioner of Police on the Hail way with headquarters at Port Arthur While here Grand Master of the Masonic Lodges in Thunder Hay District He had a strenuous and successful life and for the past five years has lived retired in Toronto The remains wore inferred Mt Pleasant Cemetery Toronto on Tuesday afternoon Fob J P Ball has cabled the British War Office an offer raise a contingent of Canadian girl clerks for France to relieve men for the trenches has opened lists jit his office lo receive names of young women willing to meet the demand for female help The fourteen year old daughter of Dr McKay bad her scalp torn off the head from the eyes to the cars when hair caught in the revolving shaft of the cream she stopped to adjust the belt London Feb The death knell to Germanys colonial pos sessions has been sounded so far as the Entente Allies can ef fect that result by the almost simultaneous announcement of the British Minister of Colonics Mr Long the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs M Moniono and the Prime Minister of New Zealand Mr who voiced the view of Australia as well as of New Zealand Together thest statements declare will he no return lo Germany of her col onies in Africa Asia or the Pa cific mm Our Toronto Letter The Battalion re ceived orders week lo pro ceed to Ottawa By the falling of a weight in Factory the oth er had his leg injured and Dan Henderson was hit in the head Both had lo bo sent to the Hospital On Friday night last Zetland Masonic Lodge was visited by of a publication lo set forth Most Worshipful Grand Master the business facilities of the town and Mr thought some thing miff lit be done to foster nil to counteract the High Cost of Living These matters will lie dealt with future meef- the Board Hoard to meet next Friday March 2nd for election of officers anil business the Hart Penny of Buffalo He was accompanied by or 1ft members of the from the Bison City and a big time was en joyed Five men were up before the Toronto Police Court week on charges of bigamy All five are held for trial The freight blockade is broken Coal will now be more plentiful signs in Monuments Ml Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY TO see iin before buying elsewhere r Jul Order of it Newmarket I I 1UUiilH School Invited Trustees and teachers are re quested to allow pupils of the High School- and larger pupils of the public schools to visit the demonstration ears at such time as may be arranged with the in structors in charge At chil dren are invited to View Hie mov ing lo bo shown at ev ening meeting The car devoted to Weeds and Insects Poultry liaising Gardening and House hold Equipment and Convenien ces will bo of great interest to the children and women The fact that agriculture is really the basic industry of the province is being forcefully im pressed upon nonproducers of foodstuffs our legislators and business and financial men in this lime of national crisis The immediate necessity of a larger food production especially of meats dairy products poultry and vegetables and the large national debt that is being incurred on account of war calls for united effort on the part of all or indirectly con nected with agriculture to In crease production This is necessary of present need and to insure against future disaster Not only the farmers and their families but townspeople should find much of value in the exhib its found on cars the ad dresses delivered and the litera ture distributed At each evening meeting an address of general interest given and moving pictures Il lustrative of uptodate agricul ture will be exhibited of Hie of I 113 Marmalade I made it with my hut I need fi account of its Fine granulation it dissolves iiutautly making a clear jelly 51Icarlou6lV20 Women who fed weak languid and who look pale and dulleyed and lost appe tite and fresh looks need a tonic that will purify blood help Uie organs of digestion regulate the liver and bowels and strengthen the system It long has been known that I arc a blessing to womaii quickly correct inly improve the appetite the I conditions tcife to take as they aire purely vegetaWotmd without iiiiy A few doses will bring ftpaits health and a of fitness 4 A BUILD Made tttrong My win in poor health end weak it made us very I heard and lo it and Ihf were marvelous her appetite Improved gained in weight and is how one of the children in town Mothers of delicate children should IryVlnolMwJtiouDoifJKAttui Vinol is a conetitutional remedy which an appetite aids -h- and makes pure hralthy blood All ehildrcn lo take it Try it our guarantee J Patterson Druggist Newmarket also at best Druggist in all On towns LIKE A BEAVER beaver is phrase and is supposed to represent the necessary to So let us go to Reaver for the ex act IBItegenffi Park tonUon a young beaver was placed ill work upon a tree twelve feet long and two and thicV Just as noon hour sounded lie opera- lions taking barb from the a foot the ground That done he attacked wood working hard alternating labor will dips in the pond He and labored until p in when lie ate his supper of bread and carrots and paddled about in the pond till Ten minutes later when only an inch of the trees diameter remained intact he on the finishing touches then Just before the tree fell he ran as men would run when they have fired a blast and as the tree lay on the ground he portioned it oat with notches and again began to gnaw lie worked at Intervals all night cut the log into parts roiled Iwo of the portion into the water and re served the third for his permanent shelter When all the work wis done he took a bath So much for the beavers method You will notice thai he worked hard he did not exhaust himself be cause he went it temperately paus ing now and then for Ids rest end re creation in the pond Nut he at It till his was done and he used the brains the Creator had given him J Gibson employe of Cataract Company was instantly killed about o clock Monday morning the generating station of the com pany Cataract The fatality caused by the HydroElectric transmission lino from Eugenia falls contact with the Hydro private telephone wire running underneath was in endeavoring to save the power house from destruction that Gib- eon who was called from home was lulled Ho vaa years and loaves a large fQG to no to Country on I t- call up Lot mako you In a OAnillAQE- OH Charges IT A tiOYD Prop on Promptly Attended to I i it mm a li fall Quality Car In Us price class The only fully equipped Car that tolls under today The quality of tho Chevrolet appeals to df price permits ownership for of means It Is equipped with Kleclrlo Lights Starling has Dash Lamp Motor 20 In Head Motor on roar wheels also mako two larger tW0 HAMILTON ami button SOUTH END J TO HE HOUSEHOLD FLOUR tor fiom Old Wheat PASTRY i SPECIALTY ALL KlUDiS FEED FOR Special Feed For Hogs fJb A Ai HOWARD- Or MRtH i tit iJ IS J archives of a TOROr41 I

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