Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 6

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i- BBS 71 A Ml DNSDAtEAqENT I Albert I- I here wish to that Mr Watts hud nothing to any or do in any way to my son to taSl Hum mer Signed by Mm Carter i a G Davidson ia friends in Toronto this week Percy Mainprise and Blokes Toft on Thursday after farewell vis it at They are oil or Signal Corps expect to go overseas flbortly Glad to boar that Miss Jean Oldham who hue- boon in proba tion Hospital for Sick Toronto bus success fully passed exams and is accepted having received her cap and cuffs The family of Mr Harry Fields moved on Monday to whore Mr Field bus been working for some time slippery condition of roads and sidewalks makes trav elling rather difficult One of our citizens is confined to the bouse as result of his fall on Friday and another received a bad up There is an eager demand for the potatoes of Ibis vicinity A buyer in town this week is Offer ing per brig but the still want CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR On Tuesday evening next lite regular meeting of the Christian Endeavor will bo hold in the Methodist Church and will be in charge the prayer meeting committee- The topic vicevill he taken by Miss Neat ly assisted by other members of the Committee A treat Is promu in the way of special music All are cordially invited Glad to report our sick improv ing and hope to see shortly greater measure of improvement on all At the present tithe our streets are traps for the unwary the rain of Sunday and Monday hav ing roads and sidewalks with ice Even the wisdom of taking the middle of the road availed not More than pride has had many a fall lately The coal shortage is still here for though coal has come in it has been in limited quantities that purchasers can only gel it in small amounts Ow ing to liis the the Electric Lighting Plant bus had to shut it off an hour earlier at night On the heels of his come indications of a water famine Several good wells have been dry and soon cisterns and though with such an abundance of snow the latter might he thought to bo of small moment the west winds bring such drifts of sand wher ever they find a bare spot that the snow water is of doubtful clean liness Evidently their deeds do not bold the land for the farmers over there Leslie Woodcock was home from Toronto over the weekend also Corp and another Mr John who has been In Toronto for several weeks re turned to his home here on Mon day to prepare for summer work Merle Jennings of Toronto for merly of Ml Albert has return ed from the Front with a severe gunshot wound from chest to hack Judging from the yards full of tree lengths still more corn ing our citizens are going to de fy the barons next winter Hayes shipped fifty hags of potatoes to the city last Week At present prices Mr Hayes will soon be in the mil lionaire list as he grows large quantities At the meeting of last it was decided to hold a reception at the Parsonage on Friday afternoon end evening March St Patricks eve This is in aid of the Hot fioup Tea and Chocolate Fund to pro vide those helps for the tranches It has been proved to be of great benefit to them not merely but in for Hum Ration Where is the use In protesting against rum if do not provide something bet- 1 to lake its place is hoped the citizens will their ap preciation of the coming to the reception A to to- Music will be furnished and light refreshments AH wo request is to bring ten cents but more will he very acceptable v Brussels Feb 23 one bund rod and six years of age and an res- of Morris died today home of his soninlaw in He is survived by two tons was Hello Hero wo are again Willi a milder weather was a decided last week They expect another In a couple of weeks The Concert given Hall well Intend going to Hope this week it j Wonder how J is out this cold weather I Park was Aripilago Friday night If you want to know what the style is just Tom Ho know Fred says it Is very cold in Land Rosa says ho would rather sit In kitchen thnn go to villo Sunday night Cant blame him either Sharon to Aurora Thursday night to at- tbo Carnival Miss Laura Ross of spent last Wednesday night at the home of lb Misses The Red Cross Concert name off pretty fair Anyone want ing to Join the Old Maids consult Iho President Mr Marsh had a very successful woodbee quite a few now Normans lips are better how since Inking many different kinds of treatment Mr A Trayiss of Newmarket spent Sunday at the home of Mr 1 Wo notice Lin stayed in town Sunday night Poor thing Mr Chan parr spent Sunday with Mils cousin Mr Fa it The Lord spends many a at the Store Some eh had the privilege of drawl the ticket for the quill last Wednesday night Miss bad the lucky Mike attends the dances now We says bos going In get married and then slay at home BlondO iOOOr- the the To- with A number of young people from here attended the High School Carnival in Newmarket on Friday night a special carload of thorn landing home at pm Miss Dorothy Pollock spent last Sunday with friends in New market Mrs Elijah is very ill with pneumonia Splendid hill ho bobs going over tracks Miss Laurel Warriner of spent the weekend Miss Ella Morton Those who did not attend thrj Union Gospel Temperance Meet ing In Methodist Church last Sunday night missed a splendid address on Womans Suffrage by the Rev Kemp Mr vocal teacher of Sutton is training a chorus to produce time the sacred The Crucifixion Part of the chorus is composed of Keswick and people who meet in Keswick every Thursday night for training On Wednesday evening of last week Keswick group Joined the Sutton part of the chorus and Thursday of this week Sutton practised with Keswick chartering a special car for the purpose We are pleased to hear Miss is improving nicely niter a severe illness Rev VanNorman is in the village bis week Did you know there is to be a League Social at Mr before long Particulars later Pleased to see Master Freddy out again after being confined to the house for several weeks Evangelistic Services are being held in the Christian Church his week Next week the Pastor is to be assisted by an evangelist The Keg and Club meets daily in the Post Office for an hour or so about mail tilde It is composed chiefly of retired farmers ft is rather interest ing at times to listen to the old- lime stories Uncle Eds popular stories are the oldtime fighls Some of them almost bloodcurdling The list takes about a month to go the rounds Mr Host and Mr Karris of Shorthorn Brooders spent Tuesday night with Mr W Mr purchased Mr herd sire It is to hi- shipped to him on Monday next Miss Laurel was the guest of Mr Frank Mortons last weekend Mr Harry in Mr for few days his week Be is to bo Mr assistant summer lent sermotitf congregations Those who were not there certainly missed a treat Mr and Mrs- Lawrence Pros- stir start for the- West day They very much missed in this locality as they wore both very popular- Surry of the J Smith Trust she have a speedy recovery Roads are- in a deplorable con dition Mr spent Sunday un der the parental roof Dont forget the Monnontto Quarterly Meeting next Sunday Mar Rev will conduct the services both morning and evening Every body invited Mrs A Arnold been on sick list but glad Unreport she is gelling around again Also Alrna Colo has been very with hut is on the rnend i Thompson and Wel lington West of Toronto snent Sunday lust in Town also Mr J Aril Sons Samuel and Herbert Miss KGray and Mr who have been the sick list arc reported improving very slowly Mr Wright whose mind has become deranged was Liken to the Asylum on Wednesday last The ice harvest has commenced The ice is inches thick Messrs Evans have contracted to supply the Knicker bocker Ice Co with blocks of Ice which is being shipped to the city daily Mr If Hell of spent Sunday last in town Mr Milligan and Mr moved to the city lust week A parly of young people took a surprise party to Mr Deans on Second St oil Friday evening lust All report a very pleasant lime also the kind hos pitality in which they wore enter tained by Mr Dean and family forget IheDaflce on Fri day evening Mar 2nd at Lloyds Hall Sanderson Bros Orchestra will provide the music Wesley Milligan of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in town Mrs If J Chapman of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday We undersland John Shcppard Intends hark to town again and working the old Mailed Last Week Lots of snow and whew has been cold Most of be wood men are all through drawing and for the buzzsaw to do the rest- On Friday evening the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs James Kay met at home to bid farewell prior to heir leaving for Newmarket The Ladies League of the Methodist Chtirch presented Mr and Mrs Kay with a Secretary They will be missed very much in the and Church All join in wishing them success in their new home On Saturday evening the Bible Class met at the home of Mrs P Metherall Cedar Brae and pre sented Miss Katie Kay with an address- and Bracelet The Patriotic League are work ing away at quilts socks and shirts for their soldiers They intend having a Box Social in the Hall Egypt on Mar Reserve the dale Ev erybody come and help along Iho League Mr has been visit ing for a few days in our neigh borhood Wo all welcome Dave as he is an fellow Stuart will be leaving us after tlie sale and we sure one of our nicest young ladies will bo lonesome but will no doubt be singing Will he no come back again ami we feel sure he will for he has been up the bill too many times to forget he way Miss has bad the but is now better Mr Thompson has been under the weather for a few days Ladies Aid at Mrs Wm Tay lors was a great success Large turnout and splendid tea Pro- reeds The ladies present quilted a nice quill which they have for sale at a very reasonable sum The scholars had a great time Wednesday as it was Valoutino Day and there was great ex changing of Cupid Cards Large turnout of ladles at the meeting of the Patriotic Mrs J All are busy us possible as they intend to send boxes- to the boys for Easter A i Went with Austin Thayer whose parents live at Jacksons Point has wounded in the arm Ho in years old and vas born at the Point He went overseas spring with the ridge Butt and prior to that he was employed by his- father who Is in the business Win visit Pip Alfred P following very uteres ting letter from France was written by Morris son of- Mr John Sharon to his sister and bus been forwarded to us for the information of the public Morris Joined the Battalion in Toron to about a year ago He spent last summer at Camp Borden and left for Overseas last November He is now doing construction work somewhere in Franco Franco Feb Dear Pearl This is Sunday and wo have hud the day to ourselves so a few of us got a little wood and made a fire in the middle of a fich We heated some and spread our blankets on the ground cov ered with snow and wo all look our clothes off and had a bath My hair froze before I could wipe the water off and we shivered as the water froze on the blanket all around our feet but we needed the bath I dont knowhow we stand it at all but we never gel a cold I wish you could have had a look at us with a camera Mostoftho fellows got a pass arid went a city not far from hero hut I dont see any fun in Walking every day all day so slaved hero and hud a big feed Somebody shot a nice big bird and gaveit to me I picked it and cleaned it put it in my tin and got a- few- chips put a little grease and pepper no salt bud none and put on the fire I didnt know what kind of a bird it was till he started to get hot and then he cawed and I knew right away it was a crow but it was good anyway I had dry bread and tea for breakfast I am well and line but the war will soon be over dont know as much as you do at home about the war lias been quiet this last two days but some days is awful It is hard to write to you with out telling you the same things I tell mother because I know you read her letters loo The women hero go with the threshing machine the same as the men do borne They draw out the manure the same- as the men loo Women do everything over hero but it doesnt look right- They are ig norant people They could not fill the bill a home Toil Wilfred if be wants a days shooting to come over here and bring a box car with him Ducks Geese Foxes and Hares are aw fully thick I will tell you a lot more when come home if I am lucky enough I am so full of ciow I expect to be cawing in the morning perhaps feathered out imagine can feel pin feathers right now I have been pretty well filled up with live stock but am not nearly so bad now as I sold quite a few to another fel low for him to start in the busi ness They are a good thing in cold weather keeps one busy turning them over especially when you get warmed up I fatting a few for Fair I think I may stand a chance if I start early I threw one In lie fire today and il laughed at me They even had teeth I feel as If I would do more good at borne than here but I suppose they know best looks awfully fanny the way they do farming here They dont do much work in a day or a week They have everything so unhandy They have a lot of jackasses also horses and oxen The horses are the finest I have ever seen all grey and well broken in They go by what they are told We sleep very warm as we have lots of blankets I am going to bed now to got warm so goodbye Dont forget I want some tobac co and cake Yours Brother of John Household goods valued at and a lot in Sutton worth make up the estate of John Foot a laborer who died in Sutton on Feb 7 By his will made the 20th of September deceased left a life interest in the proper ly to his wife Mrs Mary Ann Foot who has predeceased him The real now Iho will to the sons Harry and Oliver and the household goods to Mrs Annie Thayer a daughter NEWMARKET From Am fifJD In Town at P Prop I 4 Invited I J The Chorus organized and di rected by Mr is gradually rounding into shape When Mr first formed the Chorus in Sutton so many plications came in from the sur rounding country that a second Chorus to be run in connection with the first was established in Keswick being rnadeup of some odd voices from and Keswick The Sutton part of the Chorus is CO strong and is made up principally of Sutton voicos It is the intention of Mr to have the Chorus sing luring Easter week the Sacred work by Maunder Olivet to Calvary the proceeds of the Concert to be devoted to Red Cross purposes Already two other places have asked for the Chorus to sing Ibis work and those out side Concerts will be put on if possible Last Wednesday the Sutton Chorus entertained the Keswick Chorus on Stiltons practise a little supper being arranged af ter the practice and this Thurs day the Button Chorus are a special car and to Keswick whore they will have a jolly evening Harry Kaiser of the 208lh Irish Canadians spent a few days in town this week Miss Dolby has been spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Dol by We arc very sorry to hear of the severe illness of little Clifford Osborne Miss Townley spent the week end with friends in Virginia The annual monthly fivecent tea for the benefit of the Red Gross Society will be held in SI James Hall on Tuesday The following 1 1 no wore writ ten by an Officer of the Irish Canadians My Wish From here within our barracks cold I send you greetings all untold A soldier but at heart the same As when played the safer game Of frenzied finance juggled hooks war conditions that you the question of attention Good of varlettej and high povvor will be facto r3 Influencing If you not secured your Let the Ontario Department of Agriculture Help You tag to and may forward to stating variotlos price quantity Farmers having Seed Grain or Potatoes for Sale Invited to communicate with office variety and quantity and will ho to put thorn In touch with having seed for to of J Hep fiovmarkct f DEL Electricity for Every With eer a wary eye for crook 1 am the same and yet change This life is new as weird and strange And the bankers life is becoming fast Only a memory of the past As my God sees fit may I play he game And may I come back with my heart the same To the friends hat I left when went away neer again leave them for ever and aye if tis will that I lie out there Where comrades are lying cold and May I die will a smile and with never a care Such is My Wish and such is my And Hut ADVANTAGE on Ann ft adds comfort and convenience to farm life Takes away much of the drudgery and helps to keep folk home furnishes electricity for both light and The gas engine and dynamo for generating current compact unit that starts on the touching of a stops automatically when the batteries are full Nothing to get out of order or go wrong so simple can understand il and operate it Furnishes to lights for house and barn and provides for churn cream separator pump washing machine Lights the average homo for cents a day Complete with to mi 1GQ tt on Mount Albert power are in button aad charged that a elc Woo eon calk 0 Lot mite to Ml Albert wood Cedar C Alter CORNERS Our teacher Miss spent tin weekend in Toronto attend ing IheDiatrlcl of the Free MethodUr Church Special services ate being con tinued this week at Church The Hey of preached- two excel- nhone A PUTNAM of Para n Iii- 00 tor Kg 1 Si II I- 2 Iteci oiling men for the navy is lively at Rochester and Buf falo since relations between the United stales Germany wore severed Orillif Nellie McClung women to to be delivered from jnv the disposition and tense of duty which keeps the wife sad mother at home Iorrifort instead of the country on public womens suffrage end eqaatif of the Tastes dlffflr of John fa Mrs Balh huabaadr j J TIME TO TIME HAVE iJJNDS REQUIRING iiiV MAY PURCHASE AT PAR i OK mum hi- OF Oil MULTIPLE pun rtpayaWs 1st fWc by 0 tf from of a IhU v ill It as In I A a I ir j r future Itwa el data In j any j i filkviv jt Of too J and OTTAWA v- TORONTO

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