Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1917, p. 7

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rf7- A i SB a i v A Hi ft f- Bin iiiiiWMW 1 IK question You rice I In our Window vo on PIECE PINNER China It a very no at Pattern with J and Gold ftEo Malt Gold on Handle Tlila lo of lilcot Quality and Pinion Price is 5500 moans a for TIMOTHY Ounlllv and Prlco Junius In old prices in Mens and lilies A nulnhcrof llio NallorialBor- vlcoCiudj still unsigned to nearest P mid f Quality I liUU if bo hold P A A Concert on in Pauls Room at oclock pro Brum arranged Corn Will be hold on Thursday the Dili of March the homo of Mrs on Hi com- at in A full is requested Pi IOSS Direct Importer of and China and variety touch iwmarkct PHOTOS Your Friends can buy any thing you can thorn except your Photojjrcpli LET U3 MAKE YOU IB Howling A friendly game took at I Bowling Alloy on Tues day night between the Town ami Specially which resulted in fa- of the Town Ihreo pins was intercut over he amo On Tucnday Fob MXfl javo a very intcr- talk on Homo Boards of my Topic for Mar Service lion Meeting and Conslanco in charge Ev erybody Ladles Aid on afternoon of at DM If to ftpare consult in vestment and m rrryO One Door West tlio New 1osC of EVENING Ior Delivery condition Ion capacity now for A Hardware Cash Prices J THOMAS GOLD WHOLESALE PUU8 I l Toronto About Sunday Inoluding two dozen from Aurora met in hoMelliodlat Bundy on evening for a on Work and it was pronounced a groa All mot of Toronto a flplondid on Cradle Boll its advan tages and how to obtain thorn Mrs of Keswick also gave very interesting talk on and Primary Work with many helpful then divided into three sections interested in noil led in discussion by Mrs the and Primary by Miss and Juniors by Mr of Aurora Miss brought exhibits each section and nil present felt that would able- to do more effi cient in their various de partments in future About ten oclock rofreshmenU were served social hour enjoyed the Aurora visitors leav ing by the car Poultry A certain remedy for all Poultry Diseases Unequalled as an egg at o 4 I J for our filAJUON Died In Toronto Draper who been working in Toronto for a short time was taken ill with pneumonia two ago to the Hospital where he died on Tuesday in his 38lli The remains wore brought to the residence of his brother Mr John Draper St Newmarket vico will he held at oclock this ahl interment at the organization of Field over pairs of socks to the soldiers war news looks good this week was paid for ldgu in Newmarket on Wednesday March came in as a beautiful Dont miss the Concert Mon day night A lot of matter unavoidably crowd ed out Lot 1C0 Only Of the received at These lamps burn onethird less than Tungstens and give light M eATVfibAVt 3 at Kettlcby will have of Dishes Garden Terms at THURSDAY March galo of farm on on thy Slop the property of Win Sale at oijabclooki AucllooRrtr March will an extensive sale- of and oilier Block farm Implements etc on lot 3rd of Kast north of Conveyance will meet oclock ear at Sale J Credit 111 the lot of Knvanash March Mr Ceo will have an extensive and sale of stock Imple ments etc it lot con North from Sutton on the Paso line and mile from on the Met Sale at I sharp credit Allot IVEDHCCDAV Mr Sidney MorilUK will a sale of Slock and Implements con I known las Hie old miles north of and miles straight west No reserve mos credit or G per cent for cash Sale at sharp Smith March Mr II Daly will have an extensive and Important sale of slock Implements etc on lot In the 4 111 of East Stop on Met No reserve mos credit Kale at I sharp Kuvannffh o ff I I be tower ire in one and barged a child ides power line etc Come to Toronto is tono and for taking part In It by spending a term In One of Schools Write for It WFEGUAIIU YOUB Attend the more Charles Sta 0HTHAND BANKING HIGHER PEN- tauyht quickly find correctly GltAGUATES ABE IN KEEN DEMAND I Enter Any Time for J ELLIOTT PLICATION TO PARLIAMENT is hereby given that an ni will ho made by Trustee tit Friends Seminary of Jt4fio of at the next session for vi mating a over and manage the and of the Hie Trustees of the i Ontario commonly known J College for the aforesaid to repeal wtaiu vie J Vine of Canada J VII at Toronto this Victoria Toronto Hie Vic day c of Bo I I Union Kerr or St away on the of Feb year trains i nuve been cancelled by to relievo the of freight Court His Honor Denton pro- sided at tho session of the Division Court held in Newmar ket last Wednesday and it was the most largely attended since Court was held in Hall and probably the most important Court The Hall was crowded to overflowing for hours The case in which most inter est was centered was an appeal against Hie decision of Police Magistrate at where a farmer named Andrews was convicted on the charge of theft of wood evidence of a largo number of witnesses went show I hat a sale of wood in VanNostrands bush Andrews was the purchaser of different piles- Ho was peon in the bush further ban where his wood was located and was suspected of taking hardwood that did not belong him Andrews showed that was necessary for him to go around the pile some distance away to gel his pile on ac count of slumps and his con tention was supported by In summing up matter the Judge said it was not an ordinary cose but a civil one- Andrews was virtually charged with stealing wood hut there is not I he slightest proof that man is guilty He purchased four lots of wood ho had a to be in the bush and his state ment is not unreasonable Eith er tho Magistrate misunderstood witnesses at former trial or new evidence has been produced be cause it does agree with his notes noon which the decision was baaed The allowed Ibe anneal and the vicMon ordering flint and costs which ho paid bo refunded in hi is Andrews I he apnea to Anolber of minor anco wis a land- lord and Unlerd v allowed rent and taxes met he approval of he speclniors were and i WA5 nearly oclock ttmirt We vclcomo and pleasant weather Mr George Thompson who hurt his side by falling on ice improving slowly Wo are sorry to roport lb at Mrs keeps very poorly Mrs of Aurora spent Sunday at MrGeo Miss and littlo Grant of Hill spent Sunday at Mr John Smiths A number from here attended the ited Cross Concert at Sharon last Wednesday night and enjoy ed tho program especially reformation of the old maids The basement of the Methodist Church is being improved won derfully with a new ceiling and now decoration Our young people still their amusements and Sharon parties Mr Archie Smith of Hamilton is around this week getting ice and preparing lo move on his farm for the summer Cross Tea in Methodist basement next Tuesday Mr was called to city on Wednesday to after the funeral of Mr Draper of Newmarket who died in a To ronto Hospital Deceased lost his wife several years ago and leaves children vho been living at different homes since losing their mother Wo sorry to have to report the death of another of our high ly respected old ladies in the person of Mrs Mahal ay Moore mother of Mr J Moore Un dertaker Millard conducting funeral on Wednesday Mrs J Levis entertained Class- and lady friends on Monday evening as a sort of farewell to Mr J Smith and Willie who leave in March for the West About wero present and all report a fine Miss Edith Atkinson is con fined lo her bed Who owns the little black driv er that comes down from he North What does he come down for Misoion Hand next Sunday af ternoon at The new officers for the year were elected last meeting and as follows Pros Kathleen Moore Sec Ross Sec for Palm Branch Lena Smith Pianist Florence Lewis They are preparing for a on Raster Monday A lurncd Missionary from China will be here All reserve the dale Easter Monday April Another of those Kitchen Show ers was tendered to Miss Ida and Mr Norman Eves on Monday the Round- The Other Fellows Class About forly were present and an excellent time was report ed Im afraid Fred will gel a hat after the next one The jperost in Womens Missionary wort was shown at the Annual Presbyterian Meeting when their reports show Increase of with a of In the Presbyterian and the amount contributed an Increase of over last year The program was both iiterest- Ing and helpful and Flanagan Mrs Walte Mrs Huntley Mrs Rev port having the to greatest forget the good time in for who attend lh Ladles at Mis iKiins Miss Alkinson we ore to report Is belter There will he in the the of the Era I see In your Issue of the on the of february the member for Moose Jaw preaented a pill In parliament Ottawa to make it a criminal offence for Manufactures or Wholesalers to an agree ment to maintain prices The Mem ber for North York should follow his example and present a hill In the Parliament at Ottawa making it a criminal offence for Mutual Life insurance Organizations- such the A who have In the past re ceived members money for twenty and thirty years then force an extor tionate assessment upon them for the iHirnoflo of freezing them out in order that they could retain their money Also endeavour to get the Aot repeal ed which the Government passed re cently legalizing the A In do ing as above mentioned Johnson Main St Iowa goo James Odd from Toron to are spending a few days with friends Jim has been working on a i hour night shift a munition fac tory at seaside and has had to take a week off to rcculeratc Miss Nettie Murray and lady friend of were at on Sunday Despite the rainy weather on Mon day the sale at Hal Websters was fairly well attended and prices pretty good Young cows ranged in price from seventy dollars up lot lof potatoes brought a bag On Sunday next Mr Johnston president of the Laymens movement of the Methodist Church Will conduct the missionary services at 3 oclock Grippe and other ailments have been pretty busy among our people of late Among those who have been sufferers are Mrs J West gar III Mrs J Peers Mrs and Messrs Webster and Charles ralrman Al has passed over the title of potato king and is now posing as the nabob of the wood yard having his lot almost covered with thai necessary product William Si d ore Hal Webster Ed John Mrlliughlhi anil Gilbert Merrick are some who are changing llmir places of abode this week QOO byte ri an Sunday ting SB i ihtEliAlS A Lake Shore Belle drove from Island Grove Park on Sunday ev ening to attend church at Bald win and was disappointed in the long run as she was owing to the character of the weather obliged to return home before service began and her gay young Cavalier was there waiting according to prearranged plans A sore disappointment eh Mr Jos Kays sale came on Tuesday last and was a most ex traordinary successful affair Prices ruled very high Cows of a very ordinary class brought a hundred and better and imple ments in use twenty years brought more than original cost Mr and Mrs Kay and Miss Katie will reside in Newmarket henceforth They will bo de sirable citizens Mr Kay for many years was of Egypt Union He is a modest Christian gentleman unassum ing in manner but lives the way that counts in the long run lie doesnt go around as some we have beard of telling the public What a precious good man he is and scorning his parents declar ing the Family Bible is covered oyer with dust from lack of use Thats no way to Honor thy Father and Mother If such were rue he had belter keep a silent tongue particularly as it oncoming those who have won themselves out lo provide com forts future days The sale of the effects of late John Oldham toot place on Friday The day was fa vorable An throng present ho orator of the day J vafl in superb voice and delivered a grand oration Ho is a silverytongued orator in deed and in truth as he talked the silver ran out of peoples pockets and persuaded in some cases to buy what did not want The sale realized the handsome sum of three thousand dollars much stock had been sold previously by private sale Prices were away up The ladies were on hand in throngs Messrs and Thomas and Miss Oldham of were on band to superintend affairs They are very pleasant young folks and a cordial here Shall I tell I shall say this much anyway I confidently look for them to frequently call around some other day A quartette of our most popu lar and handsome young ladies are conscious of attacks of rations of the heart how ever is not alarmingly serious The smouldering embers of the lire of love were fanned into flame All through the arrival of a couple of handsome gen tlemen strangers Theyre quite well known now and feel at home in our town thinks Torn a nice chap hut was sorely disappointed and surprised to learn he was a gay flirt The- ma the shy and modest has her shy nature and engages in a mild flirtation not of the- school girl type no quite so blase It will require a wiser bead than to decide which is lo have him Zelda or Edith They both have a big pull Ladies Aid Christian was al Smiths on Thurs day evening After tea all ad journed to the rink and squander ed many happy hours away skat ing Young folks will bo gay Oldham and won the supremacy and prize as couple skaters When Christie was about fourteen young and spry I doubt if there was a man in Canada so speedy that she couldnt keep tally with him in couple skating She was a clever one but has long since retired as a has been The Messrs Oldham are much impressed with this fine country and the hospitable folks Yes he is right I know it Mr and Mrs spent Sunday at Frank Tomlin- We always delight in seeing Delia back lo Baldwin was one of our best young women Morley is in quite bust health Tips the scales at lbs He comes by honest ly His grandfathers Mar ritt and Daniel Mann were dignagian I dont absolutely know what kind of Cook ho Keswick Cook is but as baker ho is a boy He was apprenticed lo Mr of Ml Albert and got mighty pearl Hut still is our man You dont heat him easily although Id back our Mrs A Mrs Tom in son and several other lo cal me to do the trie DOMINION OF- CANADA- THIRD WAR LOAN Canadians a Should Great I Make This Success I The war can only be carried lo success by the necessary funds being supplied by the people lo whom this loan is offered by the Government of Canada We can suggest no better Investment combining auto and Prompt Market Ability at any tlmo and a Liberal Income There Is but for these bonds that Fixed by Government The bonds will be issued in denominations of 5100 and The InterestCoupons attached are payable halfyearly at any Hank in Canada Payment may be made for bonds in Installments We will advance investors balances They may need to purchase bonds Mall or Phono Enquiries will Promptly give you any Hooded Information ANY YOU We will make delivery of bonds and accept payment in cheques on any Hank We will hold in safekeeping in our vault if you desire Interim Certificates pending the issue of trie Definite Bonds i We will attend to all details of exchanging the for Final Definitive Bonds and placing the latter in your possession We will keep the bonds in the custody of our lire and vault without charge for our customers We will negotiate the resale of bonds for you at any time in accordance with market conditions them into money should you wish to convert fund at the lowest interest rates at We will lend any lime using the bonds as collateral security Please fill lit and return your order on this form and wo enter the same with the Finance Minister of Canada and attend lo detail of the trans Lion Application Form loam To J M WALTON CO OUT Kindly enter my subscription for through Dominion of Canada War Loan Dollars accordance with the particulars and terms in the Government Prospectus Signature Name In Full Address Well Ill have to ijtiit Light has become unfavorable Id like to say more J WedotMtdfty of Liberal Leader in Ontario save an unexpected surprise when he 1 bill remove the tit us for the Ontario Legislature it looks i- if Liberal parly had to extend the franchise and door of the Legislature to the women of political phase of Ontario greatly clemmed of late Hit al of the to tf me I ARCHIVES OP fe

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