MILITARY DnEGDifia flHAUIfia GLOVE end Watsons T f I j No Paper sent but of North I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor tv i Cranes c on No do not Pi Vl Irain Crano said Sit down hero In AM I Inquired hit firelight and tell me I m LA 111 J J S i wwmmi way to the home or Mrs Crano yourself You have told VOL 8 eaob THIS- IPAINT IT STORE WISHES EVERYBODY r Mr LETTER ROM ving morning leaving the train Crano said Sit down hero In flight and tell me of The following letter written by way to the home or Crane yourself You have told nib of He a Jones a prisoner in rt rc8t l Germany was received by his rthn li i throughout wife in Newmarket last week place Just a ml out tho sla- Mine Well Alvin I think KrugsgefanKcncntaKcr Ion master said affably Gertrude la moat constant lawyer decided to walk When he thought She is such a dear came in sight of the house ho was girl and her musical talent is ex- 1 Oct I IPROSIlEROUS NEW YEAR Phone MOST OVEU IPO ECONOMY The man and the woman who practice a economy and deposit savings in a Savings Account regularly are helping to win the war aa well making more their own financial Oaring lawyer was going his morning mall last letter in fflfffiifSl Optional I am trying to them cultivate it Poor Wife and upon It has always been unfortunate l inC8 Walking up the path which was Yes but bordered with flowerbeds en- Is it Carl you arc thinking of closed with rows of whitewashed He has a positive genius for mo- stones ho lifted old-fashion- chanics but he and the knocker door was farm are his mothers solo by the widow sunnort Still I am sure the photos by now Newmarket Branch I SOUTH END LUMBER YARD W PEARSON hand Jiancasler my I Humph I In this bursting ago of competition a man almost forgets that ho was born Lancaster Sept Dear Cousin I am about to gather the few remaining members of our family at my home for a reunion on Thanks giving Day Wo have not for gotten you although it is JO since you wont out from us I know nothing of your present save are alone Please come and be guest on that blessed day Let us together thank God for His bounty Your affectionate cousin Crane Mr Crane sat knitting his brows He was a tall heavily built man of sixty His face was stern and thoughtful He had keen blue eyes and an lache His mind went hack to his boy hood How far away from his present it was l He remembered Cousin lane as ft merry child his playmate When he left Lan caster she had grown into a win some maiden He had come to the city poor but ambitious Too busy for thoughts of love or marriage he had toiled doggedly on determin ed to amass wealth had been won He was one of the leading lawyers in the city and counted his wealth by the hundreds of thousands Of Lancaster he knew little He was the only surviving member Of his fathers family Cousin was a childless widow and Hog pardon sir It was the voice of his stenographer Arc letters ready They were bunded him nil except the letter from Lancaster Ill t answer that Mr Crane I Of course my going is out of the question While it does not sound like usual begging letter she doubtless must know Im a rich man From Jan 10th The vote at the Municipal Elec tion in Newmarket resulted follows Councillorsircividge Har rison and Whitchurch election was an hoping they will find you all follows Reeve K Wheeler well as it rne at P Macktom present but still looking for the J Randall Jones and to corne to leave for England I McCormick I hope you have received the Jesse I got the two of Reeve Wm Cane Deputy It must he it is Cousin vin catching his hand in both way will open before the boy end the group They her own I am so glad I Alvin every little helps can do hut little to help VPr Well Then Fannie you to thank the ladies of the Newmar ket Red Cross for the parcels I how much you favor your fain- hoys are looking toward College or so drew him into tho prim One moment You for- I have received I- got two last oldtime parlor and him a gel self in thinking of others If week They came in very wealth was yours how would you as I had not bad any All the rest are church I spend it three weeks so you bet I needed never It was a moment before she re- these pretty badly but The soft lielit of the wood Are fell noon her face and to the worldweary It was as if brightened with a halo of eternal shall umc it in thanksgiving mind I suppose I through some day How did you make out about the parcel you wore going to i send hope you made sure that I shall gel this as I never I would In the Hod who has so blessed sol any of the others I think me Not only these my loved that yon are allowed to send one helped but I parcel every month Enquire if up to that is so should like some Quaker Oats Rice a dont like to miss the service my self on such a blessed day but he dear Lord knows heart is running over with thankfulness The conversation was inter rupted by Mrs Crane visits to the kitchen that she might watch the cooking of dinner She had not flnishea telling of the changes In tho should ho neighborhood when the rest of tho would help others grow guests came trooping in Intro- the in their nature Suctions followed lie told her the little Butler Cheese and Bacon This is Cousin Fannie Undo ifo im widow We get nothing like that you Hens daughter she is Mrs Lee Hushed then paled when she know We can make Quaker And this is her and two earned that to whom she Oats go good way We have ions Here is Cousin Richard had snnt a cheque for was to work very hard and gel very the Dick with whom you used to hundreds of thousands Ho litlle If it was not for the par- go fishing his wife and daugh- her help him use this eels dont think there would be ler Gertrude Cousin Hetty Crane aright to help him of us lo return home I you know she was a Crane and service of the God have had only one small tin of married one Hetty is a widow whom in his rush for gold he butler ever since I have been here like myself but she has this son u for rotten The people who pack these par- Carl and a good son he is This the arrival of Carl plans are making a lot of money is Cousin Tims daughter had been made into the years They send small tins of fish We and she is a school teacher I which In a short time they were sum- flSL of helpfulness yea ana of love for he hid learned the true of Thanksgiving to dinner The table was picture It was spread with white and gold china and heavy family sil ver In the centre was a tall vase crowded with fluffy pale- pink chrysanthemums The large turjecy was flanked by a roast of pork and a chicken pie There tables and sauces pumpkin pies were KILLED BY FALLING Township was shocked and grieved on Thursday afternoon when it was learned that one various vege- its most popular and exemplary The yellow young men Robert of bordered by Guthrie had been accidentally Order Coal from Carters John Murphy and John OFFICE PHONE 60 j INCORPORATED 1856 Paidup Capita Fund J5000000 0430302 The Convenience Savings Deports Lily at la to hallyearly Money Baa Sale and not to to You may be vithdrayu requited Branches la and the West BRANCH P A LISTER Manager THE MAKING bo strong active and willing Apply or by letter at UK J is nearly here and we have the Most Useful Gifts that can be given in War Time Pluno Pcdebtalu Stands stools Library Tables Oak Morris Obans Kindergarten Seta and Many Other Preaonts ftfiD THEM POVt YOUH8ELH AND WITH YOUH I In Furniture and I Funeral Director ERG Llcsnee PRED- SKINNER have no thanks to give no one to thank Two days later the letter writ ten by Crane reached its destination It was carried out from the village postoffice to tho farmhouse by a kind neighbor The hands of Mrs Crane trembled as she carried the letter into Ihe house I do hope he is coming she said aloud lor her years or wi dowhood had confirmed her in the habit of talking to She was a plump little woman with a kindly faded face which was framed in white hair Toronto Sept Mrs Crane Dear Madam Yours of the at hand Many thanks for your kind invitation regret that circumstances will prevent my accepting it Most sincerely yours Alvin V Crane Now thats too bad There was a childlike tremble in her voice She sat staring In to the Ore Suddenly she nodded her head That must be it I was enough at first to think the letter sounded cold The poor man cant afford lo come never knew anything of his circumstances but I dont suppose heres much money In law Why circumstances was the very word he used Said would prevent and that means lie is poor Let me think It took a long time The soft shadows of evening gather ed in the corners of the room and if defying them the flames brightened Puss rubbed her plump Maltese sides against the dress of her mistress mewing to remind her that it was teatime I believe I can do it in such a way that it will not hurt him Its a little hard to spare the money just how for Lcssles ill ness cost me a good hit but I can economize In some way Its one of the things Im thankful for that I can help my relatives Another letter reached Mr Crane in due time It ran Lancaster fiepl My Dear Cousin I cannot give up you with us so I lake the liberty of enclosing a cheque for fifteen dollars your railway fare Dont feel delicate about taking it please The great Lord has blessed me in this way I am trying to thank Him Your most affectionate Cousin Crane The lawyers face flushed a dull red Ill send If back and He What had promot ed this Notwithstanding the hardness of his own heart Alvip Crone could admit that the money came because of love love of family and of Cod To his own astonishment Mr a dainty of pale brown crust while the cranberry ones were ruby- tin ted and juicy The rich dark fruit cake baked months before was served with a golden hearted Indian pudding They lingered long at the table Thos and was discussing the sermon and vero left Alvin only get one small joaf of bread a week That works out one slice a day about inch thick Then we get Swiss bread That often comes mouldy and some times when we oat it it upsets or But dont you send anything if cant snare it as I would rather im short than you and should suffer Well dear I lie weather is very here now and a lot of rain I you will ha fraftim now The to Zeb Hone he is Pud nil family Also ran and Tell him oon bo home again and Hosier Wilson Ileid only one vote behind for Deputy Holland Landing J Thome Reeve Councillors Glover John Purely p and John Morton A complimentary supper was tendered to Mr Jackson the retiring reeve at the North Amer lean Hotel on Tuesday evening upwards of being present Married On New Years Day at the residence of the brides father by Rev John Mr Mark of Owillim- to Miss Ann Morris of Shar on At Sharon on New Years Day Mr Pearson to Miss Wright At the Rectory Newmarket Canon Ramsay on Jan 2nd Mr Vincent lo Miss Su san Kcllcy both of East On Dec by Tattoo at the residence of the brides fath er Mr Jas Carlton of lo Miss Ellen Johnson of Whitchurch At the residence of How ard on Jan by Mr of King In Miss Melissa of coy killed that afternoon young man with his father was in the bush when a falling limb struck him on the head killing him instantly McCulloch j was the only son of Mr and Mrs about lioning the stranger a little re garding the outside world It was the serenefaced hostess who led the conversation lo occasion of their coming togeth er to their individual reasons for giving thanks unto said a little unsteadi ness in her voice I am thankful for Aunt Janie I could not have lived without her when my parents died Then she helped me through that long illness last summer Theres not one of us has reasons to thank the kind in heaven for her It was the wife of Richard Crane who spoke You all know my long years of invalidism and now she is help ing us with Gertrudes music The story went round each had some special kindness lo re late Mrs Crane face grew scarlet and she turned to the lawyer You see how they all spoil me I should have been so lonely without them since my dear hus band went home I God has giv en me a little more money than I the flv And dont Indies SO years of ago He had lived all a his life on bis fathers farm arid olwr should Ijkn in tell von what am doing but da not Kiss all ho children for memories I remain husband Jones c- O was an active member of Guthrie Presbyterian Church a teacher in the Sabbath School a leader in the Endeavor and a member of the Farmers Club He leaves besides his father and mother four sisters Mrs of Por tage La Prairie Mary Matron of Hospital Jessie and Minnie at home to mourn the loss of a loving son and dear brother The funeral held on Monday af ternoon was one of the largest ever held in Ihe testifying to the high esteem in which the deceased was held Orillia Times QUO NATIONALIZATION OF ALL 8 Washington Dec Presi dent Wilson tonight formally NARROW ESCAPE THE From Era Jan Mr Woodcock was Dep uty Reeve of Newmarket by majority and Mr Pretty elected School Trustee by ma jority In King Mr Stokes was elected reeve by majority A 1st Dep Me- 2nd and Lemon 3rd In waft elected by majority and Wil son and Peregrine for Council lors In Holland Landing was elected by majority In North Hamil ton and were was elected need and I thank Him that lie taken through Secretary of War Auntie dear I am sure you has also given me relatives Money is not all you give said You give us love I actual give as the Christ gave There lev will be operated under was a reverent pause To herself direction Win the present Secretary of the Treas ury Mr McAdoo was tonight appointed by the President to serve as DirectorGeneral Railroads Through the action taken to night the President hopes lo be able to cut the knot of the tangle of confusion into which the transportation facili ties of the nation have been brought as a result of the efforts made since the nation entered the war to handle Ihe movement of troops munitions and war com modities without the same time sacrificing the actual trans portation needs of nation and Its commerce -T- -i- the hostess was saying There is one good thing come from all k praise of me will set At- vins mind at rest about the trifle I sent him The lawyer likewise was com muning with himself More than I need He who could give thousands fully as easily as this woman gave tens had novel thought of giving thanks Hers was the belter way In that hour the mans inner vision was cleared Ho saw the harmony of a life filled with loving trust In God Had he wailed too long There was consternation as the lawyer announced that he must return lo the city that same night Each cousin had hoped for long visit And Ihey think me poor I said lo himself con scious of a strange contraction of the muscles of his throat Out loud he said l fear I cannot make you understand what kindness means to a lonely man like myself I have an Important throughout Trance Even in the case in court tomorrow but I extreme south in the region of Geneva Dec The Ger man Emperor returning with his staff from the Verdun front had a narrow escape during the re prisal raid of a British air squad ron on Mannheim Christmas ev ening according lo a despatch from Basel Only about an hour- earlier the Emperors special train left the station which was partly destroyed by several A section of the tracks announced his decision to take was lorn up cutting conimunica- and assume control l north at noon on Friday Dec ol facl ln Emperors Irain each and every system of trans- was Hie last lo leave Mannheim In the United Slates a trains arrived at Basel Possession of the transportation yesterday from that city Two systems of the country will be bombs fell on Ihe palace and one on the suspension bridge across the River both struc tures being badly damaged An ammunition factory in a northern suburb blown up few per sons billed here however as employes were bavins a A considerable number were Villed or within the town and several were blown in to the Rhine AIMS Baker but after the railroads and other transportation possession of the Government A Zeppelin and a seaplane which was accompanying it have been wrecked in the North Sea The Zeppelin is said lo have full- en in flames to Ihe sea Paris Deo 30 Snow is con tinuing to fall heavily virtually shall a come was back again arranged that Carl Toulouse and Toulon a snowstorm in the was elected W Sanders Col Irving is spending the hol idays in Mr saddler returned last week with a bride from Mr and Mrs Waller Suther land were at home to numerous friends last Tuesday night Mr Harry Wood arrived from Winnipeg on Saturday on a visitJ Mr Donald Morrison Christmas holidays at his borne in Glengarry Co He turned on Wednesday evening with a young lady which the boys say is a bride Messrs P J Steph en Doyle and Jas Separate School Trustees Mr and Mrs Jas assumed charge of the Industrie Home on Monday with in- males in Ihe institution Good sleighing at last snow came New Years Day below zero yesterday morning The Altar On Deo by Rev J Wilkinson Mr Arthur of to Miss Annie Victoria Wood of In Sutton Dec by Rev Geo Mr Geo Henry of Michi gan to Miss Annie McLaughlin i should come at eight and convey liculnrly heavy and the tempera- to the station The cousins tore in that district has dropped went home all save Lessie and below zero she was in the kitchen washing munication the cherished china Ihe storm I All railway corn- has been delayed by In Parliament on Friday night Premier Lloyd George said thai lo his mind the ideals for which we are fighting today are precisely those for which Ihe British Em pire entered the war We accepted the challenge thrown down by Prussia in order to free he world once and ah from the intolerable menace of militaristic civilization and lo make lasting peace by restoring the liberty of oppressed nationalities and enforcing re spect for those laws and treaties which are he of all nations whether great or small The Pitout concluded thai ho was more convinced that the mimeses for which the Allies were lh war were not imnerialistic vindictive but thai was es sential to the future freedom and peace of mankind Liberality does not consist in piving hut in giving wisely- Jerome A GREAT BARGAIN Paddy was chuck led as he sat corner by Iha pothouse fire Whats the joke asked a neighbor and Ive done a deal chortled Paddy Good Ive gave Murphy th old for a cartload hay But whats Ihe good of the hay if Ihe mares pone asked Ihe neighbor Orb bedad said Paddy with glee Murphys promised lo me the mare to ale it I Three British torpedo boat destroyers were sunk through be ing struck by torpedoes or hitting a mine off the Dutch coast on tho night of Dec with he lost of officers and men Ottawa Dec A minimum of hi the coming year is planned by the Imperial Munitions This outlay will ho on the of thirty million a month and I is quite possible that It will bo materially increased A ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO