Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 2

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TWO frK if Young Girl to assistwith work Throe In family Mrs for they Toronto 8 top Metropolitan making V is prepared lo do DrossMaking and other at- Edna Ward Phono or A Ho years old duo to on of Jon Apply- to McMillan 2nd Street Gwiilimhury It No Over 300 ho dally billed on Monday and the meeting in Hall on of the Club staling thai Monday- Iho no a slate would bo presented doubt brought logothor to Clerk Anderson presided- lioap what the Club in Nomination when fol- say ho Town Mowing proposed wnrjiEo to A Farm from 3G lo acres Must bo good land Can pay all renting price in advance it ntfooa- flttry Address Box Era Of- flco on I A ill Flour and Cereal Mills Splendid Flour Cereal and Chopping trade flood water concrete arch dam fine grain Halo for all mill fends at mill door Apply lo owner A Milne Mnrkharn Out Acre pear minutes walk lo school or rail way flood house and outbuild ings acres orchard acres fall wheat Place never rented Acres Lot Con good standing limber pasture Apply MIIiON PEARSON It to Attend fllo Toronto All graduates and scores of our of the past yoar have secured good business and still the dcrpand is far beyond our supply Write for Catalogue Any Time J ELLIOTT von SALE I A Hook suitable for breeding Price each HOWARD Phono No Newmarket HELP you like or dally home knitting War Sox on Au to Knitters Experience unno- Bend stamp Dept Auto Knitting Company A REEVE Pearson NJ W MAYOR Dr Clark Hunter vAli Keith P W Pearson COUNCILLOR V A J Davis Jr MoCaffroy Hall fLfki J Howard Cone Ton oh Hurry Lloyd J Lyons- Nominated by Seconded by A Keith C J Harvey Gardner J J Howard Fred Mr Fred ronto the- holiday town Mr and Mrs Morris have been spending a- low With friends in Ponofangulsheno Mlss Lehman fldolnhin is spending holidays with hero Master Waller Weight of Toronto a few of his holi days last wock Master Goo- i Miss Doris enter tained a number of her friends to tea on Wcancsday ev ening I Keith N J a Dions Lloyd Fred v Winger Sherman Klrby Gardner P A Lundy Keith Hunter Howard Cone J Rogers C A Thompson ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft FOR SOIL TRUSTEE I Manning Cap Aubrey Davis A J Davis A Keith P Lloyd ft ft ft ft ft K Robertson Rose J Rogers W Lloyd J Stephens W Winger J J Harvey K Robertson J Rogers P P Flanagan Robertson Howard Cane J Rogers J Rogers A College St Toronto A i 17 of T J Robertson PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Mr George Morloy of the flrni of of Toronto has taken over the practice of late J Robertson Mr Morley will be at on Saturday Florence a Robertson Executrix of the Estate of the late J Robertson PHOTOS ALWAYS I Tliom Photographer in Your Town Clerk declared the Reeve duly oloolod and a poll will be hold next Monday providing more candidates qualify than required to OH the several offices On motion Mr A was requested to act as Chairman and he called upon tho several candidates in the order of nomi nation Mayor said tfint during tile past year Council made a cut of per cont in the price of light and per cent in electric power Improvement been in the Market The kept in good repair and commit sidewalks pretty completed all over the Town The widening and filling on Timo thy Street cost and side walks and how bridge on Huron St cost the Town Si Tho item of charily is excessively large but ho the citizens generally approved of the grant of to the Halifax sufferers Notwithstanding the extra call on finances for war purposes and school expenditures the Council by careful management had been able lo meet all liabilities without increasing lax which was more than many other towns wore able to do Ho intended lo stand for Mayor for another term and fell that he was in a better position to servo than during the past year Dr Clark while ready lo praise Mr Lundy for his work on roads thought that there other things where Council is open lo criticism Tho scarcity of coal is causing much hardship and he had not soon that the Council had done much to improve situation Com- was also made of the treat ment of the farmers on the Mar ket Since being requested lo run for the Mayoralty he had not bad time lo investigate and would not say whether lie vould qualify or not Mr Hunter said he bad bad years experience in the Council and knew that when the men elected did their very best there wero always some ratepay ers to find fault He had been County Council for years than in and paid less for it This is because it is peak loads Cash Receipts in S580030 Arrears Paid in 1017 050040 Total Cash Receipts Arrears lo come Expense of ion Expenses of Increase of Exp Spent on Capital Account 2000 The citizens in happy condition that they have light as cheap as any other Town in On tario It will not bo possible to reduce the next year except for commercial lighting and pow er He strongly advised people use electricity for aim household purposes for Water 1910 for Water 3900 and onequarter yet to come In Expenses in 1917 Expenses In Increase Mr Pearson said be would like to sco some young men make a study of Municipal matters It would bo of great importance lo both the Town and County as well as the country at large As to properly belonged lo Patriotic Fund lie thought it ion Government If every Coun ty in Ontario paid In proportion to York County Province would contribute to the Fund Mayor explained the dif ficulty of obtaining information about when returned soldiers were lo arrive but in every case except one he had met the sol diers on their arrival and extend ed a welcome home Tho fuel situation was also satisfactorily explained The past two months had been very strenuous ones for the dealers as well as the con sumers but he declared thai over five tons of coal more than a year ago today was in the cellars of tho citizens of Newmarket As Mayor he had appealed to the Fuel Controller and was promised and praised the work of Reeve Keith and Deputy Pearson and i especially the Reeve on the Good lon only received vflovq two persons had been able lo get an odd car from job- Studio Door West the New Post Office of EVENING SITTING APPOiriYLlEUT I Phone 153a Roads question Three ago ho was a candidate for the Mayoralty and was defeated For last six months several gen tlemen had asked him lo run again He was strongly in favor of now factories and blamed the Council for letting Toy Fac tory out of Town Ho was in favor of Municipal all over the Dominion to increase bog production and had made the suggestion to Food Con- hers and he had told them to get all they can and he would pro tect so far as a license or costs of prosecution were con corned If there are any cases of absolute want for fuel in the Town he would exercise his pow er to enter Cellars of those who have abundance and distribute but has that peo- pie have been demanding coal when they had as much Ho thought the much as three Council was lax in their attention SOUTH END AND 6HKAM OP HAY AND H to A Howard Phono ASH to returned soldiers and also to blame for not having a reserve supply of fuel meet emergen cies Ho would be a candidate but would not conduct a personal canvas and wanted no strings Mr Keith foil grateful for his election by acclamation but as sured ratepayers thai the po sition was no soft snap Ho spoke entirely on County Mat ters The Good Roads Commis sion had spent In North about wood has been mode and it will cost a cord for hard wooo laid down at Newmarket depot The yards have as much as cords of soft wood in store and this will help keep people from freezing Mr A had been chair man of the Property Committee and during the year they had fur nished the Firemen with neces saries attended to repairs al the Water Works residence and York the past year The amount improvements at would have been much greater Market There wore others only for llo war Good roads ore nofied such as a lavatory and not only a benefit to the farmer jovew walk from the building but to County taxes St He had served high but- wo will have to for some years up another for ifc deceive the dealers Ho was in favor of appointing a man lo ascertain each per son has got in and report to Council Someslops could then bo taken to supply the needy Ho thought It would bo good business to have a Munici pal yard for wood and coal cases of emergency and charily As per cent of property owners mechanics and work men he thought they should have representation- on the Council and appealed lo them for reelec tion Mr J Rogers lumhoon ap proached by working men to let his name stand and If elected he endeavor to requests or the reason why Mr Howard Cane had no fault to find with the Council 1917 and his own time was so that he declined nomination Mr O Tench that ratepayers did not pay more attention to the finances of the town They do even take trouble lo get a printed report but allow them to remain from year to year In the Clerks Offics If Irfio information was digested Council might receive some suggestions that would bo for mutual benefit He had served on the Fuel Committee and gave a full explanation of what had been done but found it was difficult to accomplish anything because they had started too late He thought the incoming Council should take up the matter at the first or sec ond meeting to meet emergencies next Fall The same conditions will meet us again It is lime Ontario or Federal Govern ment should lake hold of this matter at once Provision should also mode to allow municipali ties to raise money and purchase supplies ahead The Council has followed tho usual practice and finished up the year with an overdraft On Dec 15 it was of which amount was donated lo sufferers In the lax was 33 mills and no war on but this did not prevent an overdraft In Hie rale was mills but the ov erdraft swelled to 810009 In ID the rate struck was 20 mils and the overdraft was In 190 the rate was at mills and the overdraft reduced lo which lie considered was a good showing In addition lo this there ore taxes still unpaid and taxes due prior lo last year of 85535 a total of or over duo in taxes People say Why you collect them The reason is that Tax Sales are undesirable nuts a place in a had give the a Is dead and have a bad effect for of it in the and strive to settle back laves month The Council do of things if had Ibis and for of name of should see that thev without recourse in ho Water and vprv iblv vear but flip Town the method of requiring a mem ber of the Council to five his time every day or wo to mat ter A Commission should be on man look after Town affairs other two as advisors He also thought the audit should en deeov or and ascertain if user Town was paying proper amount Mr Freeman Lloyd was last sneaker and he a to for findinir fault at Council instead fl trying them in man agement of Town affairs and if reelected be should be pleased to serve afnfn inn whole Council of 197 had given satisfaction Meeting closed a little after liicoiton Miss of Toronto formerly on the Public School visited in town Nov Years Day Mrs A storks Miss Mao and Miss Leila Belfry vis ited Lome Colo for Nov Joirvin city Mr Walter and Miss attended the wedding of cousin Miss Amy in Toronto on New Day Mr and Mrs Walter amended a fam ily gathering at residence of r in Toronto on Day Mr and Mrs and of EIrnira spent the Christmas holidays with her brother Alderman and other friends in Town CON I ONERY Bio of Cindy for and In and Variolic Wo a Good Variety of nil Stephens which You FLOWERS Artificial Plovora that you can toll from Real Wo Carnations and lolly Wreaths NUTS Wo Received a Barrel of California Budded that aro tho that we ever Handled We also Other Kinds of Wat- nuto Almonds and Pecans TRY OF OUR PASTRY FLOUR I Wo have to from phone your it will gut prompt attention Lodgf y ma grand a Mr large dancing party had a at the PHONE i A very of Mr Shaw On night several friends were also there from To ronto for New Year holidays Miss Farrell Miss and Mrs Geo all Toronto spent New Years Day at Mr Geo also Mr mother and brother Walter and Miss Clement of Hon King was in on Saturday Con sidering that there were about women added to the voters lists and about threequarters of thorn were in favor of Conscrip tion it was little wonder that be was defeated by fiOO majority Mrs T J Robertson and Miss left on Tuesday for Georgia Miss Helen Rob ertson accompanied them to To ronto and continued on to Otta wa to resume her duties the Parliament Buildings- Montgomery of the Newmarket Military Hospital has rented the home for a fov months Nowaday It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT THE PATHEPHONE Moot Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo NEWMARKET House Phone Phone No THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for A- A calls to at Iri DONT PAY INTEREST Great Christmas Offer Read Fund this year The Com has ordered a subway on near Aurora which will but War conditions had it for him to retire Mr Osborne said the honor was something now to him but if to be built the coming yoar he would do his best to to expropriate the Town that lho Metropolitan had served on hat is within its limits on Yongft bo he and the rights of Iho County year and he was to will to be protected If that anneal for York Mills is made the terminus presented to them hnd of the road it will seriously a- some measure of assist- feci the freight traffic for people y tbe tax had hern in the Northern part of down bad been ty shout the fiiM Mi P Pearson wont Hi was into the of the ibortaoe throughout tho ami plants The North American continent What need onethird more light in we want Is a fair distribution PolIowfnK were the only ones to qualify within the specified lime the whole election Is therefore by accla mation MayorAy fives WW Keith Councillors P A John McCaffrey Freeman J School Trustees Manning ft Aubrey overseas IB Phones 17 and MM Shaw At Sharon on New Years Day 1018 to and Mrs Mer lon Shaw a son t Landing on Deo 25th to Mr and Mrs Smith- a daughter Altar In Trinity Church Aurora by Mr Annie Martha Dlbbj to George Judge of King City At the Presby terian Manse Newmarket by P Thomas on New Years Day Mr West of King to Miss Mar garet Elizabeth Williams of Bradford left on the car to honeymoon in Toronto and elsewhere- In Newmarket on Dec 1917 by Elder at his residence Pros pect Ave Mr Robert Smith to Mabel Giles both of New market At the residence of her father Mr O J Hull Logan Ave Toronto Am Edna Mr on New Years Day Tomb At Little Current on Christmas Day Deo 1917 son of Mrs A of Aurora At Toronto of pneu monia on Dec Florence Agnes wile of Mr Allan Lefioy in her year Deceased was a stepdaughter of Mr God lib to on Saturday evening to BUY A Savos from to FROM DUTY ALL MAKES in WITH TONE Until you hoar tho and Its tone mako no decision as lo which Phonograph you Intend to buy Us ions of Its marvellous constructed box It natural and fullvoiced You not confined to one lino of you may play them all Edison flex Columbia Note Its bolter ton and all added features a demonstration In your own homo A freo trial It costs you nothing range from 30 to Remember wo will sell you a Phonograph choapor than any company In York County nECOUD8 DOUBLE Prom to Sold for Cash Or on Of NO AND PROMPTLY DONE I a Phono At his residence Super ior St Newmarket on Thurs day Dec 27th Gideon Tucker in his year Sloan In on Dec 24th 1917 Jane wife of Sloan and mother of Mrs Janes pastyear J I of Mr mother on J Undertaking Main St North Newmarket Orders Careful Attention flvjac of 3000 square miles dolly used as tip St from which place the funeral took piece Tuesday conducted by Rev p Thomas leaves a only six old Our Toronto Letter Mr Tommy Church was re elected Mayor for a fourth term by over majority majority In favor of the purchase of Toronto Street was over 30000 Hall was crowded lo capacity yesterday and several hundreds could not gain admis sion lo the Iwonlyfourtb annual Hew Years rally of- Toronto Methodist Sunday Schools One thousand children took port in tho pageant Dr and Mrs Gray of and Dr and Mrs of South China have arrived home on special leave on account of illhealth They have for some years been engaged in medical mission work for- Presbyter ian Church of Canada He is never without dignity who avoids wounding the dignity of others- A HEW YEAIl3 GIFT Every home in Canada should treat itself to The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal for It will briny pleasure and happiness to every member of the family for every week of the year The price is only and if your subscription is received on time you will receive a copy of heir great War Map size am I 3rd ft by and ft- in four colors and surrounded border of facsimile badge representing nearly every battal ion thatleft Canada It is value ever offered peopleof Canada and no can well afford lo bo without it- Tho Family Herald and Week Star has no equal on this Con tinent as a great family and paper CANADIANS London Dec hoods have been conferred upon Professor Andrew Montreal MajorOoneral Donald Alexander and Ad miral Kingsmill of Ottawa Mr Win J Gage of Toronto who made Knights Bachelor Slillman Barnard of British Columbia and MajorGeneral Sam Steele Winnipeg made K and Boudreau of and General William of have been maw Companions of Order of Michael end St George largo left upper fast Cower St of CapaChalJ- 1 and in yearn will 330 the Ho The ner forcd by actual for in at Farmt A in pm A eat to One the cenda St P leaul ifh School bur burgle fillven cover heard shot do figure and shot parcel good I on hi Miif ahestr Of flnov Mr the usual the and from I Passe health of Mr Christ Mrs late and In Nov Mr to fail I Pual The where An day Dec about on He Alex Tucke Tucko Mr- J town The day Wood Dead Wen I al in r I a Chives of ontaw I I

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