Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 3

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t ii i vv 1 meeting night Installation of officers Grand officers officiating All to bo ir I Tuesday be In of officers The will be present to dolho x A attendance of requested Mr I J Archibald representative of Franco for past tyro is borne holidays and Apeak In the Town Hall on commencing at 330 l0 will speak along IIp linos of his work among there It will bo no doubt Press Bunt Wm Keith cavo ft no at cor- of Main and Ontario Sis of fered for sale under mortgage lost Saturday did not reach aervo bid will now bo sold If private sale below the actual value to settle the claim for and taxes Enquire at Era Office Club Mooting A regular meeting of ho Farmers Hub will bo bold In Wesley Hall Jan 1918 at pm A good program is being and items of special Inter est ti will discussed One of the most important the seed of Come plan to follow of the hour of mooting to Division Court here lefidAV St Pauls Sunday School will not bo bold till of next week Calendars mo scarce but P Pearson distributed a beauty to his customers last week Ilia compliments Classes King Softool resume next Monday Monday is Municipal Elec tion Pay AURORA J W J Knowlea one John Councillors JO nominated Nine withdrawn from the con test leaving the following In the Held A A Winter K The were elected acclamation LANDING Reeve J Frank Peters and J riiompson Councillors Frank Kitchen Stanley Thou Wesley Wesley Stephenson and W White School Trustees Smith ald and White by KING J Wells John A Watson Deputy Aaron Campbell l McCnbe and A J Kaako end J The old Council wore returned by During the Christmas holidays burglars attempted to steal the at residence of Mr on under cover of darkness Mr a I he intruders Conning some seized the shot gun proceeded lo Ijrale lie bis bead out of llio in time to see a moving making for the roadway he fired It was a lucky The dropped a of silverware and made rood his escape Entertainment The Friends Sunday School their annual Entertainment he eveninir of December provided by the and Reflations Drills wore Mrs Parry saner a beau tiful solo The Entertainment closed a In On eat Mm King which was much Me A he duties of Chairman in bis and arrived rifts and candy the wellloaded tree Passed Away several weeks of declining lealtb borne with Christian pa tience Mrs Henry Sloan mother of Mrs Win Janes of narkct entered into rest- on Mrs Sloan was born in King and was the daughter of late and Diana Dales of Her Thomas fin James Dales were in business Newmarket for many years Mr and MPS Sloan have owing to failing health made their homo Mr and Mrs Janes for the year or more The funeral took place on Wed- Dec 20th to Mrs Sloan was laid to rest and mother follows J Spauldlng Deputy Councillors D A and Messrs and were also nominated for Deputy peeve but both withdrew as did who was nominated for Coun cillor EAST Hoove Horace and John Smith Deputy Reeve J Proctor and Thomas Councillors Cole and old Council were elected by follows Cha9 Thompson lly J Hamilton and Ed GEOKGINA Very little Intercut was taken in the municipal election List Monday and nomination meeting was tame affair The old Council were oil elect ed by acclamation as follows Cronsbcrry Councillors Allan Sooddon W I Taylor Ceo A Corner and Robert Dec 27 Dam age to the amount of was done at the Imperial Oil Company plant this afternoon when the condenser box between stills and exploded Fire resulted burning a considerable quantity of oil One workman was slight ly injured There Is more Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together and for yeora It was supposed to incurable Doctors prescribed local remedies and by con stantly foiling to cure with local treat ment pronounced It Incurable Catarrh la a local disease greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires treatment Hall Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Is a con- sUtutlonal remedy is taken internally and on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred reward is offered for any case that Halls Catarrh Cure falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills for Constipation An After an illness of six months Gideon Tucker died at his pes- Superior on Thurs day of lust week In his year Deceased came to Newmarket tout ten years ago from Hay Co and with bis wife was living here retired also loaves sons and two daughters J Andrew and Alex Waubaushope J Tucker of and Harry tucker of Saginaw Mich Mrs Crocker of Newmarket and His ftoemun of town The funeral look place on Sat urday afternoon J Wood Coiulucted service and Wm were placed in head House at Newmarket In the Spring they will bo taken to County for in family Plot j FOR BRACELB WATCHES Nov 28 by the Cornell formerly of And there ho the hungry to dwell that Jhey may prepare a city for habitation And fields and may yield fruits of 38 He so thai multiplied greatly To the poetical works of any author must know Something of bis and surroundings Who could fuh Snow Hound not know something tbo boyhood But when know somewhat of his early Nov innd Home bis retiring manner the social of the early and their prejudice against all then you can understand what be means when bo says days went on a passer since the great world was beard from Inst The Almanac we studied read end reread out little store of books and pamph lets scoro Nor could we enter inlo the of our poet James If we did not know something of bin life as ravelling and pat ent medicine vendor When we earn how roving life brought him touch with all sorts then realize why the little human house plant of his creation had a desire when he grew up to he a nice raggedy man us look at the author our text I think lie very well Ills own eventful career in the words Thou bast set my feel in a large place David was born In a small place moved in a small circle and bad in every way a very limited horizon until the day the Lord brought him out indeed so Insignificant did lad seem to his own people It was not until all the other sons of had passed before that this lad with the sheep wan thought of Hut the germ of greatness was in him and lit tle by little lie rose until be came a general powerful king and the worlds favorite poet No wonder that in his old ago lie should say Ho the hungry to dwell and how fields and plant vineyards That is true spirit of Thanks giving that should bo in every heart that realizes Cods bless ings I do not wonder that this royal poet Israel should ex claim so many limes Oh that men would praise llic Lord for Ho is good His forever Hut has a nation at war any reason for Thanksgiving we have every reason I have no sympathy with those who say that this war came upon us because of our sins There is not a word of sense or truth In a statement like that This war did not come because of our sins It came because wo loved truth democ racy and freedom for all men A farmer said to me a while Hut could we not have kept out of the war Yes I said If you bad been willing to take per bushel for your wheat and- to feed your corn to the hogs at tbo most would have brought you cents per pound What said he Would it have meant that Yes I replied It would have meant even more than that if the United Slates bad bowed to the Kaiser and her commerce had been driven from the high seas I knew I bad pointed In a direction that farm er could sop Why he said I guess we would have had hard times if we couldnt send our pro duce abroad But might told him that every factory would have closed that every city would have a long bread lino that our laws would have been made at Berlin instead of Washington that instead of democracy we would have the rule of the worst despot the world has ever known Yes we might have kept out of the war till France was beaten and England starved wo might have kept out till British bat tleships wearing a new coat of paint and flying the German flag would have bombarded New York and all our cities and made them to The Watch on the Rhine It would mean however that instead Liberty Bonds we would have paid the war debt of Germany No man deplores war more than no longer the principle of peace to earn out Co a lasting peace Jay this ter rible lesson turn the iwm of men the way principle is laid Golden Rule and the way is now being spught by vise of earth May God to open heir understanding that sdoiv recording may Wo have walked to ml fro through the earth and behold all tho earth still arid is at rest there was no of bat tle war But I thfnk wo Americans have always great reasons for Thanks giving plow and plant and God by and showers smiles on our faith and lo gather all products that nour ish our lives and rejoice our hearts Have you ever considered what a inheritance Is ours We gather of golden grain and yellow corn and garner wealth of vineyard orchard and garden tables groan with Gods richest gifts Oranges from California grape fruit from Florida grapes and apples from New York while our Middle West furnishes wheat corn and meat this ear we have vegetables galore on every vacant lot Sure ly earth is full of the loving kindness of the Lord Then we live In an- age when the inventive genius of map has life more worth living Our followed a blazed mil through the woods along in our automobiles Our grandfathers rend weekly oners We road Hie War few hours after the occurrence They had few neighbors Tho baa given us who countryside We have great reason to be a thankful people for life means so much more to us Then loo the war has taught us a few lessons we needed much to learn One is that of econo my Before Ibis war wo were importing million dollars worth or luxuries each year What wore they Well mil lions went for diamonds mil lions for laces million thousand for wines None of the expenditures added a single penny to our business wealth All this money left our country for trifles light as air But when the war came our government said No more imported wine and the people said rjo more for eign luxuries An1 even the slogan See America First baa kept millions of dollars in our own country Our own markets were glutted by Gorman made goods and that government made- a roy alty to her manufacturers to en able them lo sell their goods here for time the cost of v a This Department fa of Our Wo and at Present can You from to palp on many I is fio Charge Ipttpeot- eel for Comb Time ft of finy Guy for loc void are cnii p Path x I J to our nation It has bad Just that effect on those nations that have been in the conflict longer we I spoke of our philanthropy and it is great under cir cumstances but it is a mero pit tance in ration to what our neigh bors to the North have done With onetenth of the population have given more than we Many business men have given their en lire profits Flourishing Denom inational colleges have been handed over lo the government for hospitals Fifteen thousand wounded soldiers have been re turned to Canada that she may If nurse them back to life And she has risen to meet oc casion churches of England and Canada are today fill- d devout worsWoners who cry How Lord how am looking for greatest re ligions awakening lo follow the war that Mils old world has over coon we receive our of and may our united prayer be Country of freedom bo free In thy heart Free from shackles of prison ing pride from liars contemptible Free that lempt thee aside Free from the crafty and treach erous guide from the ravening greed of the mart from the in Country of freedom he free in thy heart First Shipment OF Arrived This Taffeta Silks 30 In Quality In Shades of Navy Russian Green OldF2oa French Grey African 176 Panoy Melroso Cloth wide Nice for Drosses In Shades of Ieo3d Pieces Only Small Chech Pansy Serge and Blaok and Brack Black In All Shades In Corduroy Velvets TOo One Piece AH Wool Heavy Wavy Only In wide 2o i I I Government Approves Planned by York Co council J OF CANADA PAID FUND Till reqtio loan- ficiiia Icieaicd pziecilaoar laoalnaopr U you manufacture to drive our people from the trade When a mar ket had boon established and all competitors driven from the their goods always advanced rice look a few torpedoes to awaken us hut she will never catch us napping again can raise and mine everything we wood Rut our land was so pro ductive and our exports great thai wo bad grown careless Another thing the war has done for us it has awakened our benevolences In one week wo raised Hi million dollars for Red Gross work in another for work to this the millions ve have given lo the Armenian sufferers to feed the starving of lo make our own soldiers more comfort- able and you will have- no mean sum I tell you the heart of the Amer ican people is in the right place but it look a little something to help us find it And then too this furnace lire has helped ce ment the American people as no thing ever has before Our peo ple are one one from the Atlan tic to the Pacific and from the Canadian line to Gulf of Mex ico A few weeks ago I spent a week in a neighboring city One ev ening I asked mine host his na tionality He replied am al most ashamed lo tell you I am a German Well I replied You have no need lo he ashamed of your nationality but you have great reason lo thank God that you are now an American He answered realize that and I can loll you I am an American The Government by has approved of extensions pro- NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager posed to the County System in York County which the mile tfic will ha to The original adopted in pro vided for the building of one Hun dred miles of Improved roads In and West York the northern part of County not being Included In the system was extended to In clude roads In the northern muni cipalities and last year a committee was appointed to decide on the ex tensions which the Increased traffic warrants In East and West York- Their report was embodied in a which has now been approved the Government which pays for ty per cent of the cost of construc tion The sections added are Kingston from Highland Creek to Pick- town line miles lils sec tion must be completed during Vaughan road from Maple north to King City miles Weston road from 3 miles Mai ton road from Scarlet road to Weston road mlre extension Weston road from mack Creek lull to city limits in township OConnors road the first road east of the has been added to join the Lake Shore Road and thus giving on alternative entrance to the city for the TorontoHamilton tftiiio J l to go to the Country on Pleasure rlSS call up PHONE Let us make you In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Charges A BOYD Prop Calls on 10 i r i4 Common Calves Spring Lambs Yearlings cars t800 Toronto Markets caned the road has been added running through OUR STOCK Is now ITS VERY BEST A lo tho Recipient the pleasant and to In Remain- LAtkinson Co Licenses I through and through Of course said he when this war limn I do I believe the mud started naturally my sympathy man of Europe must arrested was with the Fatherland nut and caged for the good of bis own unhappy subjects I honor and respect German people for what they are hut I hate Kaiser- ism for what it is What has it done It has taught that war is glorious and has fed her in dustrious sons to roaring cannon Millions of her honest toilers lie forever on Belgiums soil She has starved her peo ple to give a few rul ers a chance to gain more power She has Broken every treaty lied to every nation worse than that has deceived her own loyal sbbjecls But she has fallen never to rise again as an auto cratic government When England and France Let us submit our differences to arbitration Germany said No For years she had been pre paring for world conquestbut she Ignored utterance of the of Peace that that lake the sword shall perish the sword We all pray that his may be he added If I were younger I would enlist for I see that tire thing must before the world can have peace is dethrone ment of the and the eslab- lishment of a responsible govern ment Yes lie concluded I an American and thank ovary day that I am o say they ail who know the truth Yes we are one people as wo never have been before Hut there is something more this war will do for us It will bring us nearer to God We have been a very prosperous peo ple for many years hut let us confess it we have not given God the glory due His Holy Nome very busy money mak- Lansing forming a belt with road the Inn road and the Kennedy This is the first crossroad that has added To the system Bulter lea lard and mar garine are scarce in England I meat is available in fairly largo supply and potatoes anil fresh vegetables are plentiful cheap Paris Jan 2- lb New Laid Eggs J per bush Oats bush s bush Bran ton Shorts ton Butler lb New Laid Turkeys lb lb Geese Geese Wheat bush Goose Wheat bush Oats bush 047 80 28 23 30 2IO bush Hay ton Mixed Hay ton T Three drastic measures for the of food and other supplies have been decided upon by the Minister of Provisions All shops of con fectioners and pastry coefcs arc to bo closed restrictions will bo placed on restaurants which charge high to prevent them from outbidding the more popular establishments in supplfes and use of automobiles will be pro hibited lies a few of tho linos Stock Markets fiatest to for for from to of ftps Hot tor Overcoats Hen for A of Top paid hi Toronto this fc mam week Export Cattle 8 and pleasure sacking but Heavy Steers have been woefully lacking in the Good Killers old time religious zeal of our forefathers This war has caus ed OS to hall and if it lakes some of the and selfishness out of the heart and makes us more will Choice it Medium Cows Springers A HAPPY PROfiPfeftOU HEW I Milkers Choice Veals be a blessing and not a calamity 1 Medium JV op

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