Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 4

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J i Kind Have Bough tea borne of and Ms been fcij for over no to deceive Jurooi now having tons hard ori newspapers and a number been- closed Undoubtedly you want to make l your farm pay that what you ore working for you went too no doubt Has it over oc cur rod to you that la an other kind of help which costs j 1 I 1 ncdndangor health of Children 3 a Paregoric Drop but a trifle and pays for Syrup It fa ft J ami each year obtain neither Opium that you to farm and nor other Narcotic Its ago fa guarantee It destroy than thirty it fa constant for relief of Con- buy and soil right farm- ore paper Sun year is published with only point in viow that of serving the farmer It costs but a trifle to find out what a help Hun can bo to you and Teething and Diarrhoea will wonder how you got along without it the Food giving healthy arc for natural and its general farm news Is pushed the 1 dainty oldheaded pin in thbn another pursing her red lips into an Oh took off pretty hat and looked at it frowning That a most sho for gently on tb6 lounge declared vohomcnlly I can nev er pin go through IV- Mrs glanced up from stack of pots and her Where are you going she asked to Westons giv- offending pin Iijyv and shaking tier a little to mako suro hat was ana race as Many Saturday big lifted the morning was woman and placed bis plumberon tho phono so on lounge that got water to With his- foot ho shoved thenoke a hot cup of tea before gloaming silk- aside and Eslollo ing out to go Wwork a second later gave It Toronto lodges of push with tho tip of her All England voted In twinkling of an of tha proceeds of the Trafalgar at Mothers Friend worth dollars to you The And mother vero bright soft pink in nor checks a deeper than usual You Always flof tlio of I You cannot much roil belt f I Woo PoFvor30 von I i Itl money In your spare Winter by soiling and Seed This is the right lime to start on Spring Wo pay highest commissions and furnish our salesmen with with a punch to it for our list of Now and full particulars WELLINGTON l I87 FRUIT AND PLANTS For Wo need no further introduc tion than fact that wo have been in ho Nursery business and are now to moot existing conditions by of fering our high grade trees and plants direct to customers at Hook Bottom Im- oh- of hardy varieties which you can order direct save tho agents commission of which you gel the benefit Our prices will 10 sure to interest you and all stock is absolutely flrstolasa and true name THE CO of Ontario Ltd Nurserymen Established Out through any other source or spend a dollar advan tage Try It for TO Amsterdam Deo ho Bul garian premier to a despatch has sent a message to all the provi sional prefects to the effect that Bulgaria has accepted the ftus- rilan proposals first that the war between Bulgaria and Russia bo ended second that the status quo ante with respect to commercial treaties and consular and other conventions be re established third regarding the Danube question thnt this be dc- tomorrow at a plenary meeting of all Hie delegations Bulgaria to have a representative on the Danube commission The premiers message added Both parlies have congratulated each other on Die result ftO OOl Washington Deo mala City capital of the American republic- of Guatemala has been laid in ruins by a series of earthquakes beginning Christ mas Day and culminating last night in violent shocks which completed work of destruc tion A cablegram to the navy department today said people vero in streets with out shelter and a number wore killed by falling walls Naval vessels in Central Amer ican waters have been ordered to the stricken city to render all possible assistance FOE she seemed faoing world Day concert to the Soldiers of the order In Instant Mrs Samuel Oxford peered to herself as another pei- was blown across the of son watching her mother rub out her homo and slightly injured firm And mother dont forget I muddy skirt stir when the hot water box of the its social night at the club My J layer cake and beiwoen stove exploded pipes feeding best collars awfully soiled I sit stitching on the gown tho box hod frozen during the Her Angers felt strangely numb night explosion completely as sho and brushed a wrecked kitchen and blew gray wisp of hair away from windows out closed eyes a Greek Is sho dead choked St was attempting to into the doctors sphinx- bis fire Saturday morning faco with gasoline the result being ho replied sharply chaf that can exploded and ho was burned about the hands and if you could wash It out Perhaps so Bring it down Mrs voico was Her hands slowly I among dishes I Leos got a now Paris J lollroiKhoned hands and gown Its I Cant you forcing something drop by drop got my now silk finished the colorless lips not havent had a now thing for ages quite But if she keops on sho and ages I just cant wear will bo 1 told a year ago old white sorgo again Its alf darns I was planning to finish It mother drew a long breath stepped lightly to she had got to quit Hut Nod had to be kept at that institute and you had to finish high school and so clearing his throat I suppose mothora got to die he fore a good mirror and luckod a bright meant her to lock of coppery gold behind a A breath of something cold small car You always do suddenly to blow across age it mummy laughed the Iter lips brightly I sound carnc At door paused Its Dr Grim straightened My your big daughters birthday young woman he demanded she flung shoulder and When has she had a day off shes not loo big yet for the Something in voice more chocolate cako Had ban bis words pent the swift you thought into ho girls face Oh Yes dear Tho patient voico she cant was oven more toneless than he rf I finfi I out but womans lips tried caught his arm Doctor to smile It looked hp begged say she wont die J but the girl did not notice stern face softonod Wo Behind her door slammed font decide that ho declared Then it again Oh Hut you ought to mother I entirely forgot I got I young woman that vou my best underskirt all mud in that rain last week Ill have wear it tonight She vas off at last a gay little her young faco carefree her heart as light as song of the bird soaring away into a cloudless sky As tho door closed after her Mrs paused then shak ing tho suds from her hands dried them slowly and stood for a moment looking off into the clear sunshine beyond I von- damage done to building St summoned and after some in securing wafer from frozen hydrant finally ex- Seventyseven new criminal eases are listed for trial at the salons which open before Judge Winchester at he City Hall on Wednesday Jail mtences which are being impos ed for joy ten of the cases of theft arc for the pur loining of automobiles and two for tho theft of bicycles left on streets Nine of me of criminal gouce out of accidents operation on the streets county county to for the a request vas received the Ontario asking the County 10 appoint committee to meet loom to settle disputed cant attempt crowd a quart of milk into a measure without between the two coming to grief and he- Crossing to the table he touch A committee made to fumble in his medicine Cornell case Mothers dont ask much and Richard ho growled unsteadily hut I can will meet the Ontario tell you my girl theyd bo pretty representatives on Jan glad of a chance to a lit- tt the York County tie flomolhing themselves if the the pavement near chance only given Theyre residence is believed to have caused the sudden death of of Grant St who was with paralysis mi tliat when Buffering from nervousness sick headache dizzy spells and ailments peculiar to their sex- nothing affords such prompt and welcome relief as will follow A few doses of ever care for their mothers pressed her hand against her eyes Strange what made them Bting so Then almost unconsciously she lifted a corner of her apron and wiped a tear away Slowly went into the dainty rosecolored room above and Dec Gcrnutn submarines were captured recent- by destroyers according an American dropped Sho was man a former newspaper man mentally how long it Who reached his home hero from wouIl lako lo a ranch port The submarined were lying upon the surface throbbed fiercely ing process of recharging the fingers which tried lo he batteries when destroyers but were strangely slow took them prisoners wjlhout began to break eggs in human sames you and I The shaggy brows seemed fairly to bristle with a sudden eagerness dor all your flowers for visiting at Broadview Ave borne of his cousin Dr Mit chell and died in a few hours Virginia Kills was arrcst- grave ho beamed bending once more over silent figure quivering sigh the fives Villi a opened She struggled lo d at New Gormley on a charge rise filling her child found behind a Dr Grim forced back woodpile on St In Or Now now ho grumbled lobcr last universes still running Mrs John Marlborough a year Reynolds if you did liedown for old boy of Ave was a bit Keep still I A woman drowned last week while doesnt drop that way and go on with two other boys on the bun with her work while Im around ice banks at Balmy Beach Mo She smiled faintly A flicker fell through one of the airholes 2 S8f beneath the I Mat must was led swept beneath the eyes turned to the clock I by undertow of the it hurry sho said was killeu With a cry like a hurl animal and died threw herself on her within half an hour the result of mothers breast Oh mummy being struck a radial car comfort me moaned Kiss at New Toronto last Friday nigh D A proven womens remedy which assists in regulating the organs and reestablishing healthy conditions Pills contain no habitforming drug leave no disagreeable aftereffects They are Meal While a transport was at the French port the seaman said a German entered the har bor with a white flag flying from its periscope The enemy crew explained that they had been ly ing in wait for the troop ship in the open sea and that when they failed to find her and sup plies ran tow the crew mutinied killed commander and decided to surrender Windsor Dee 30 Fire of un known origin damaged the two- storey building on Chatham Street West occupied by the of fices of the Com mission and new structure adjoining owned and occupied by the Auto Co to the extent of this afternoon For more than five hours the fire department as sisted by a chemical truck from the Walkerville fought the flames in a bitter north wind and it was close Pm the fire lines taken down ho me I mixing bowl I dont sec sho said aloud how Ill ever get through She put one hand to her head The sharp throbbing pain was almost unbearable I The insistent call of the bell pealed through the house and leaving her cake- Mrs Reynolds went lo the door Sadie Lee her head erect as a young came you we are changing our club social night Mrs doesnt know You see its her seventeenth birthday and shes been head of the class al ways from a tot up so were giv ing the evening to her Just a gay jolly time with lots of A light like tho swift passing city of an angels wing touched warf tired eyes waiting for a car for the The car which struck them going in the opposite direc- little girl and they were standing too murmured holding her close close to the track little girr Hush of Education Building Dr Grim but they did not hear it They did composed of strike three or The door closed softly behind they did not hear llo clock boya OnIPro But after a bit Mrs Reynolds queen stepped in I j drew herself upright I as she announced lo tell well as ever dearie she insist ed Well got dress all right Her voice was matter-of- fact yet with a new thrill in it which committee is representa tive of the different churches con with tho Canadian Stand ard Ffficiency Tests Movement the S Association and the A Slowly the head of the girl was J was to get lifted high its coppery sheen lho like gold Clear wide eyes looked into mothers Mummy the young voice We Want Nov Reliable Agent in North York County lo Bell Fruit and Ornamental Trees dur ing Fall and Winter months pay exclusive territory free selling equipment COO Of Choicest Nursery Stock in cluding VARIFTIK9 con- SKIN and singing and all that She caught tremulously Girls are doesnt know so I thought youd selfish things anyhow I suppose make sure she had an extra frill But mothers sort of mako em so or two lo keep her from feeling They do everything until wo awkward and with a smiling lit- come to think they cant feel lie nod she stepped outside Mrs Reynolds returned to her cake When came bustling in Now I know I Her soft hands stroked hard toilworn ones You dont move again today she noon she was bending over thb tilting her head like a young silken gown Her faco was white Youll have to eat alone dear and not much of a din ner at that I warmed up pota- dote selling equipment splendid slock to offer customers We are not Jobbers Write now for agency terms to Toronto Catalogue sent on request applicants for agencies or of Nursery Stock Malta beauty lotion cheaply for your faco hock arms and At cost of a email Jar of ordinary cold cream can pre pare a full quarter pint of most wonderful lemon skin soft ener and complexion by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con- queen What do I care about the old dress or the old Club or anything in all wide wide world bo long as Ive got you 1 1 to and theres toast and cold Were going to share things now J tongue I could not stop for And first of all Im going to make more Ill get a cup of tea later you the very nicest cup of tea you wanly Well have ever drank And next a little the cako tonight sho tremor louohed her lips Im and closed her eyes a second locoing out to get you very see if it would ease the pain that loveliest roses just like daddy now seemed in every part of U9ea to buy Ive got that dol- Ill try and have something else Uncle Jack sent for my birth- nice if I get through In lime day gift and were going to have Right The clear young flowers voice rang out I dont Then in trice she was the and activities for the fourfold development of Can adian boys intellectual phys ical devotional service put forth by Canadian standard ef ficiency Two messengers were robbed on Saturday night and two boys of and J years were arrested on Sunday morning in connection with the matter A el- unbone order was in asking the messenger to change for a MM one case The gradual exhaustion of ho anthracite coal resources of the means a higher price each year for this class of coal AH TO J fells why a corn painful and makes them flrow Press an button and trolled by us Handsome three ounces of stay home awhile and help suppose I could help Toll you girl again on knees you form a contact with a live what mother rather dubious l her arms about her mothers wire which rings the boll When Worn 3rd Con King Lot 32 a young with few spots white Care should be taken to sow Can we both sew Toss- strain Juico through a fine her hat aside she advanced cloth so no lemon pulp gets In toward the table IhonthiB lotion will keep fresh No no child youd only ruin for months Every woman it Ill get It out in time Then knows that lemon is used suddenly a queer little sound lo bleach and remove such seemed to come from her throat blemishes as freckles The shimmering silk slid In a and tan and Is ideal skin bright heap to the floor The softener whitoner and face grew a little whiter Just try it Got three ounces and could reach of orchard white at any drug tier the mother lay beside it store laud two from head pillowed In the shining grocer and make up a quarter folds Pint of this sweetly fragrant lorn- glass of water was OP daily in of lifting to the j peal- paid supply u into and Oh mummy I mummy I your shoos press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sensitive nerve and you get the shook of pain Instead of trimming your corns which merely makes them grow Just step any drug store and ask for a quarter of an of This will cost you very little but is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a tender aching coin stops the soreness Instantly end soon the corn so It lifts right out root without pain lis she sobbed I love ynu love you so Christian Herald An excuse Is the only thing that is easy to find when youre looking for CIAS Dr remains used a a Is guaranteed to restore fcry hair to lit color or fl J On in ft- ih ffAK5TA ARCHIVES OF TORONTO 1- The Chapge of Life a most period of a womans existence and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain Women everywhere should remember that there no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period a E Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs Read these letters i Philadelphia Iatartcd Change of five years ago I always had a headache and back ache with bearing down pains and I would heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings After taking Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your won derful remedy I recommend it to my friends fori cannot praise it enough Mrs Ringgold Philadelphia Pa Beverly took Vegetable Compound for nervousness and dyspepsia when I going through the Change of life I found it very helpful and have always spoken of it to other women who suiter as I did and have had them try It and they also have received good results from it Mrs A St Hem 1 Erie Fa I was in poor health when tho Change of life started with mo and I took Vegetable Compound or I think I should not have got over it easy as I did Even now If I do not feel good I take the Compound and It restores roe in a short time I will praise your remedies to every woman for it may help them It has roe East St Erie Pa other successful In relieving coffering Vegetablo Compound may receive helpful advice by writing the Medicine Co Lynn Lines Such letters are receive end women only held in is pi AH fi you Ito Made If I iHIO If Vou Wish Atlolaldo Wool flfjont V NEWMARKET GAR OF I ALL LUMBER LIME lb FEEDS- Order from Phono or by Bon Terry Den or Allan I I Wo Opportunity of IVIsMm You a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Our Aim will as In past to tho IVu In P Wl I LIS viliUii ihuntf 1t6 Main A SOLICITED- t- 1 njwtfi J SI -V- m

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