f 4Ml China a a OUR at OUT In a of from a vory noat to out Berry at CHINA And In from to TEA POTS Wo showing a Largo and In a of nil from to WINDOW rogulnr of M of homo of Jan ylhvat3 oclock Hath P Son of Aurora sold no los than and Mr J of This shows of advertising Loagut On account or Week of weekly- moot ing IhoKpworlh will not ho Hold bulbil League asked to attend mooting on Monday and many to bo hold each night TUB 1111 I Importer of Fancy Of BULBS- TOR rather wo you I than IS FOOD SAYS know more than moat of workers for won ahead farmers more than anyone may lit by weighing earnestly the words of an that oven if war wore to normal crop condi tions could not be in the world for from three to years supplies of foot Lave been heavily drawn upon and in home cases have boon ac tually exhausted This moans as no one belter than tho farmer will comprehend that will bo an acute demand as compared with proWar years for food grain crops and food animals warfare be suspended of which there is no sign at pres ent the demobilization would tike months and in the recon struction period the restocking of farms in Belgium Franco Italy and Groat Britain must inevitably be done from this aide of Atlantic Only by he long view can the Canadian farmer prepare for this is in this season of compara tive quietness in farm that be will have most lime to think out the means at his disposal Ho will see hat there is boMi good business and n the advice of the Food Controller and Department of Agriculture to produce more pork bo vill do be can to add to the grain Area of In lack of fertilizers so necessary for the intensive ays- lema of farming in the older land to he consequent of the soils especially of France and Italy next years crop in may be than fivan reeenflv harvested fell far the average is not available lo carry supplies is extremely so that dim inution of the for will bo serious A con- of these should he Canadian farmer for to what ho will do to meet the and derive a from bis fa vored economic noon lis a JAlfr history to now tinted a part of crop of Filler Cuba Is due oarrivo Hew York Wmo lime this week The top his year la ftirec million tons have been on a wo u it a slirrtAve of malarial will jlRaJo to Immediately upon receipt now stock Correction Our Information regarding death of Mr Donald Morrison was not exactly correct and Mrs Mor rison has furnished us with following particulars late Mr Morrison worked Thursday and did not complain about not feeling well until ho homo in the evening when ho thought ho was taking cold verylliing was for him and ho retired at his usual hour As he was no bettor Friday morning he doctor was On Satur day he found Mr Morrisons much improved The doctor came three tiroes on Bun- day Ho advised a and one was secured immediately Monday morning about six o clock nurao noticed a change summoned the dootpr but no thing be done and end before oclock School service lust Sabbath after noon consisted chiefly of a of lust your This vab by lantern view thrown screen by ir wnoso assist ance on this former occasions much appreciated by the y A solo Miss Flossie was was illustrated views A large were present and enjoyed no for HUB is very aright All tho and wore unanimously the coming year and each department is steadily progress ing while the general attendances increasing Everyone cor dially invited to join us on Bun- day afternoons at oclobk if not attending There is an interesting class waiting for you One of our members Mr Jack who is lighting for King and Country and now homo on leave will have ft few words for the school next Sunday and wo hope to hoar something of on the ocean main Gome FIELD COMPORTS Letter from lollam Franco Doe Dear have just received your vory welcome parcel which reached mo in condition am very to that everything was most accoptablo The ladies of Newmarket surely know what we out hero sure wo would not ask for anything more useful at the present lime You will all bo pleased to know that vo out for a rest for a few weeks and I cau you wo appreciate it as it seems long time since wo had a few days off Some of boys taking their days off in England others in Franco No doubt wo will enjoy I am glad to toll you that moat of the New market boys well and looking forward to a good Christmas which is promised us I that Newmarket is again to the fore in collecting for British Red Cross and I am sure if the people knew what a lot of good is done by the Cross they would give liberally and it is tho same with tho parcels your Society sends they are a Godsend certainly Children FLETCHERS A Is A soap socks and a clean towel all a luxury out hero and every man who receives one of parcels thinks a lot of good people of old homo town who work for him Thanking you again Yours sincerely Holism Letter from to i Woking Deo Mrs Newmarket Out Roar Madam I wish to thank you and Field Comforts Society for the parcel I received today which is the second I have received since was wounded I wish lo say hat your parcels contain a per fect assortment of articles which a soldier finds useful and the value of which can only bo fully understood by who lias experienced the need of them all a New Year and the best of luck lo your which is us so moon in be Off hi and will never he foiWdon boys I yog Yours sincerely Pie annual meeting of Association wad held in the Sons of England Hall on Thurs day evening Deo and mat- tors of great Importance to future of this Society were fully and freely discussed The meet ing throughout was moat har monious and augured well for dovolopment along cooper ative The financial re port showed he Society to be in a most satisfactory condition as wastalso the membership roll Society placed Itself on record as being highly fled with the manner In which the interests of the citizens of the town had been handled by the past- years Council and decided to adopt a progressive slate of their own for the coming election The present fuel situation aroused much criticism It being the fooling of those present that the past Council by the exercise of a little foresight and faoerncnl of selfinterest could have made considerable Improve ment in the present adverse nation and a great deal of hard ship In many cases suffering could have been avoid ed thereby The Incompetence of past Council was also criticised in sev eral other ways and the consensus of was that they have out lived their usefulness and thai It is lime for a oil an go They be lieve they ore voicing the opinion not only themselves but the general public in reaching Ibis conclusion and that during the coming year they will see a change In the cast of characters at the Municipal Theatre Candidates for office will bo requested to pledge themselves IO do all in their power to secure the following reforms viz Municipal Coal Yard Adequate Police protection A Sewerage Stricter inspection of pool rooms as to players under use of profane language etc The latter item can be easily accomplished by making pro prietor responsible that such language is not indulged in by a clause in the license to the effect that he fails to do so his license will be cancelled This will the desired effect and Ibis town will bo freed of a scourge that is steadily getting worse Tho strict enforcement of the law as regards the attendance of children at shows unless accompanied by parents or guard ians and other reforms of a like nature which need satisfactory attention At the flni8h of discussion the election of officers look place and a strong ana progressive body of officers and committees were appointed to look after the Clubs interests during coming year The meeting was most satisfactory from every point of view and augurs well for a successful fu ture Tho officers of the Club wish lo lake advantage of this occasion to extend to their fellow members and the community at large their kindest regards wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Now Year The Mayor Hunter Hoove Keith Pearson Councillors Osborne J McCaffrey N J Rogers Tench The Workmens Club of New market respectfully beg to pre sent lo their fellow members and the ratepayers at large the make up of Ibis years Council which Ihey consider will be in best interests of the citizens lo elect lo office In compiling this slate wo have endeavored lo have as and moral suasion failed to do In two generations and la abolish the liquor in the Dominion of Canada It is up to Iho Christian to see that it is permitted to as a in the future The electors of Newmarket will be to that a muni cipal contest this year has been averted and Whole Council elected by acclamation wo have one that Is the re tirement of Mr Tench For the past three years bo baa been a most valuable member weigh ing carefully every new pro position and advocating strongly what ho considered In tho lorcsla of the Town He has ttivon very valuable at the Water Works and la Math ematician whoso place will not bo easily Oiled 3r Heavy Goats that will anyone to Gloves Woollen Kid Lined and and Prices to and Heavy Warm and 8nugFlttng of Good In Plain Fanoy IWMt All up in to I T vonu pmbTiorj3 showing number of votes for each North York on Dec in var ious municipalities also number and rejected and spoiled ballots and number placed in envelopes and not counted as shown by the official count OAPtt Por kind of wo getting right now biting frost and winds that out Good Heavy Cans with to 76o to f THE JAMES CO NEWMARKET v- The Uptodate Furnishers Wo con nil your ft i t J to Municipality Whitchurch 1 3 Hoi Landing OS 2 R 40 233 210 3 King CM 104 all the various elements represented which go lo make up our population without an overrepresentation in any department in other words a real Union Council Wo hope the ratepayers on Monday will show by their vote that they ap preciate our efforts to secure a progressive municipal body of Councillors lo look after their In terests Sincerely yours The Workmens Club KING I Ladies and Gentlemen Your Vote and art- oticltPil secure my Election as Councillor for JOHN Totals Majority for Armstrong Donald Ego Returning Officer Red Cross Society If the coal situation in town is Improved the Cross Society expects lo hold their first Euchre this season in OddFellows Hall on Monday evening Jan commencing at and they ask for a general response as funds are getting low The regular Sewing Meeting vill be belli next Tuesday after noon in the Cross Rooms over the Post Office Full attendance of ladies requested Comments of Exchanges Pembroke Standard The keep ing of pigs with the limits of the town and municipalities is something that should not be encouraged It loo a lot of ed ucation along conservation of Hie public health lo eliminate pig keeping and such like prac tices in towns and cities and all this work should- not now bo thrown lo the winds when there is really no necessity for so doing Tbefarmers have ample room for the raising of cattle and hogs and lo those whose business is this form of industry should bo confined The people of Pem broke we should imagine have loo much pride in the town and Its future progress to revert to any such practice as having pig pens Scattered all over The running at large entile and hogs in our streets required to much work lo eliminate to re vert to now even in war lime The slock raisers of the country are quite able to take care of the needs of the people in this re gard without taking such a back ward step and Hie endangering of public health THESORIPYUHL8 ARK BEING And it shall come lo pass that thy choicest valleys shall be full of and horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gale So prophesied Isaiah and history has verified pre diction The British lias been knocking at the fate of old Jerusalem and now Hie British flee over its ancient wMls The Holy City has seen of since its foundation in remote of There has been flehting there first under oho flag thou under an other It has been the seat of various religions it has been It bos ben but bos never Its on the of men The of the at Jerusalem wore of compared to vast on fronl drive In Land And what will he of TrtiMnlom to this in what has been Mono with Following Is the Program for the Sunday School to he held under the auspices of the King at the Methodist Church at on Friday January Ihe Friday Devotional conducted of Strange Address Sun day Schools nigger and Bet ter by Wing Asn Sunday School Asso ciations and the New Stand ards P Fletcher Keswick Appointment of Committees Offering Friday Afternoon 200 Devotional conducted by Mr Fox of Kettleby The condition of our Depart mental Work Five minute Reports from 2 Address The Sunday School a Contributor lb National Greatness Rev wing 320 The Pace of the Child Mrs P Fletcher 350 Treasurers Report Financial Appeal Offering Address The Sunday School Ideal P Fletcher County Secretary Convention Business Report of Nominating Com Closing at of rot ring pounds They nlroduclion of and sold for Evening Devotional Address and I dent e Call of the Consecrated Herbert floss 1st 2nd VicePriB Resident Ministers P Miss Alice Ferguson Teen Age Hoys Harvey Teen Ape Weils Adults Ellas Home JnoT Teacher Training Miss Annie Temperance Missionary Hoys COTTON TO THE FOE St Golf Switzerland Deo Major of the army has been condemned by courtmartial to to Imprisonment for months for complicity In the smug gling of cotton Into Austria and The the court showed that cotton yarn cost ing from to francs a pound in Switzerland from to crowns In Austria and that a spool of sewing thread which sells In first two games of the baseball scries at Chicago weigh- teu Foh paleothjg Concroto plant at Chicago Convention Chicago Dec 31 Concrete plans for the rehabilitation of Palestine by tiie Jews were made here today at the 21st Convention of the Federated Zionist Societies of the Middle West A committee was ap pointed to select a commission among the worlds leading to proceed lo Palestine and Jay the foun- for a home to cost One million dollars of this fund Is to be raised in the next sixty days The delegates subscribed 910000 at the meeting A for volunteers lo go to Palestine to rehabilitation will he circulated also decided to organize a to prevent land speculaUon and to form a cooperative form of government land at to CO cenlfmes brings from to marks In- Germany i Waste paper consisting of the programmes newspapers It cosls more mis erable than it would lo be per fectly happy Learning without thought snare thought without learn ing is a danger Confucius thou prohibit a thing for lunch wrappers picked up others look to thyself first Con- by park employees after the fucius THE FIRST POrt IYALY The following are from the report for October arid I am glad to he able to slate that the Unit has received sub stantia aid from the American Red Cross and from the Canadian Red Cross and it has thus been able lo largely replace its equip ment which was lost in the retreat All further possible aid is required and will lie welcome Subscriptions for the Unit may as heretofore be sent to Gregory Treasurer for Canada Ray St Toronto Ont Oct The evacuation began that evening The object was to carry to the new base materia for a hospital This together with a portion of the hospital staff left Ihe Villa at and the remainder of the nurses followed at rest of the cars being already packed with the material of the carsection and of the Unit as a whole after a few hours opportunity for sleep if or the drivers who had just come in The conditions of the retroat proved to be very much more difficult than had been ex pected The crush was such that it was several hours before the last column could get half a mile away from Villa Trento and this condition of things kept recurring at intervals until fin ally on the main roads converging on the Bridge over Ihe the difficulties of transit were insurmountable to large portion of the cars A number of the cars had lo be abandoned in the crush by order of the officers in order to save the personnel as further progress was absolutely for these cars It is worth mentioning that earlier in the day at a point on the road farther back some of pur cars had come under the fire of an Austrian detachment near Udine Colonel escorted a parly of our nurses safely across the bridge on foot- In following days every member of the Unit arrived safely at Padua together with more than half the cars in the circumstances a highly satisfactory result which was only attained by the mag- endurance and cheerfulness of all the nurses officers and men The complete loss of the material of the Hospital which had been distributed among some of the lost cars in itself brought Hospital section of the Unit to an end It also appeared in advisable to keep more women in the country than were neces sary for service and all the nurses therefore were sent back from to England except the Matron the Housekeeper and two assistants who came with us to our new base to provide for the medical and domestic needs of the car section The place selected is the rural village of a place excellently suited for purpose I wish lo lay stress on Ihe fact that this is the first time the Unit has been in repose sinco It came out in August G M Trevelyan A recent letter from David Rogers of Toronto who was in this retreat says that he carnc through safely with his car which ho was driving i 1 i J I I A r I The of of sorrow Dear God what can I my I asked then fretfully I asked I had no lands no gold no costly gem What was there then that I could give to thorn He said Thy thoughts thy fancies and thy pen These are warp woof and shuttle weave thou then Fair textures In a loom called patient heart Ill sketch the patterns that shall be my part I God knows how select men for his service and there can ho no greater compliment or privilege than to be called and set apart as of Christ and a promoter of His Kingdom There is no greater more difficult or more glorious work in the World than that of the true Christian Missionary You may say anything you like about me says of Labrador but do not sav anything about fieo Teaching men and women in Labrador about job and I like it There no sacrifice about il To accept Christs salvation and to to carry out His program a mans job It the greatest work in the world I SS Tiiuoa I i says Dr Wilfred in Labrador about Christ is my t ARCHIVES OF TORONTO j m