Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1918, p. 3

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ir 1 OUR LOCAL the Scouts will Pro- forget Wednesday Oct t Scout Work npial Secretary G Hammond of Toronto will address riiivulars next week tetter Service Sunday morning the Christian Church will wor- ifp with the Worship lne Christian Church and in the Methodist congregation BUM Memorial Choir Coming lhc Memorial Toronto under the director- of Mr Baker will give a vocal entertainment in the Church here on Oct particulars next week Com irm of Fire was rung in from the Military College about on afternoon and there was scurry for a few minutes It sotears they have an apparatus at burning up trash and engaged at thin work the Are Others saw wh the Hi- 1 tend of the men became frightened and ran and rang the alarm hut extinguished in a few doinp damage Endeavor wis very gc Tuesday evening had Marge and read a most interesting pa per Those taking part in the musical in Misses Bessie Morton am Mabel A and games followed ihc evening was much Tuesday evening is All members are re- In answer their names Meet- n charge of Mr Will A attendance Miss Mabel Miss Flossie Letter from Arthur Evans by the kind permission of his wife telling of the death of his cr Stephen Aug by a sniper while going to the aid his comrades who were held up by a machine gun nest in the Battle of Amiens Mr Evans was him self wounded two days later Base Hospital France Aug You will have heard about Steve being killed long before this was on Monday and we had all hut reached our objective and were held up by a machine gun nest It was while rushing to The help of his com rades as always he was first so young and sifting and had reached to within five yards of the trench they were making for when he was shot through the head by a sniper I may add that the sniper did not live long after The rest all reached the trench and cleared out the strong point and captured about forty Huns Our parly was about 500 yards away and I did not know until later in the day I think my light out for some hours af ter that One of Steves com rades tried to show me where he lay but he could not as the whole place was under shell and machinegun fire However next morning one of the Scouts who was near him when he fell took me to the place and we carried him into the trench all the time tinder shell and machinegun fire You know Steve had been attached to Co Headquarters and his special chum also a Scout in Co who by the way had won the was close behind him and they say he nearly went crazy for a lime over if He over Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores jOljve o Winona 1- CLASS PHLOX Blooms Mildred CLASS WEEDS OK j in in he prepared by Mr R G business Com Production School is Hie list of Prize for- Cultivation of Plots in f the Public Schools of West Side Mary d Phoebe liclmer Taylor Nellie Johnson 11 Laurie Hook John Wood ill Hill Hid itrnf Mavis Side 1 Florence Wilson iri George Hoar ill Hazel Hose Campbell Kdward Robinson Hiiih Rose of mention that the heal the boys in both the Town SCHOOL BOCKS Sec I Clifford Melville March 3 Howard Jones Horace Payne Donald Fetch Annie Skinner Sec Pullet Clifford Annie Skinner Melville March Payne Howard Jones Donald Sec Cock Winona 3 Welsh Sec Hen I Waller Edward Winona i Pearl Payne class a Oats No Sec I tine Quart I Wesley Clarence lack I Marie Moorby A to him at once but Sieve was Melville March Che tian Sunday School i a day was I Hay service and in a tine suerens There were M and excel Ion I p- Min was thoroughly enjoyed by i fiii- a place for everyone J Ilia church gave a short was appreciated by young Choir was IllieiJ with and irls of Hie Junior I it Audi tori urn was suitably fur the occasion Willi branch of J represented well I heir n Hie Military Service the being the iliougli ill were certainly good of I lie Home Guard wore and Blue While duli Division l Hud Cross Armlets Majo- The large number of was a pleasing feature Come in a regular i -urn- Sunday pm in day Oct Gill is Promotion Hay to he Program by the and lull Com Present I of Literary meeting of the High School Literary was held in Assembly iioli on jep with the Prin- Mr in he chair Jt una id decided that the should be for the itr nominations were for several offices Miss acting as Secretary pro the day for the of officers TO closed with lhc aOth the meeting was held Ihe following officers were unconscious he told me he nev er even knew he was hit So he took off his watch and pave if to the Major had to take Sieves rifle out of his hands He was still holding il very light and in the On Guard position lie fell facing the foe and a true soldiers death like the hero he was So many have come to me to say how sorry are for he was considered one of the smartest hoys in Battalion I Know it is an awful shock you hut il is some consolation to know he has been spared any more of the horrors of war also thai he suffered no pain and no one ever died more nobly than he did The Major has his watch and expect to pel it from him later on when I rejoin the Bat talion shall send On to mother the few things washable pel for expect thai before hack both his pack and mine will have been emptied t will write to mother and father loday if I can After we had brought Stevens body in I had po back to place in Ihe line for we had or ders again go over lop Half of our went over four limes in three days and the last lime 1 got a wound in Ihe hip and five shell splinters in my eft arm so had come out and here I am away down here at he Has Hospital We had long way to pro lo escape long distance managed pet our old trench where Steves body lay and I covered him up with my rubber sheet which for some unknown reason I bad hung on and J said poodhyn to him then- On lorry which started me on Hospital whom should see who was our Chaplain at and only lately eome to France and who gave his lasl communion before into this big offens it going write father and mother as soon as possible Try not lo worry over or for I shall soon he hack in the I expert Last nighl I slept a real bed and have had a chance write you at last me to all J Hood- hyp for now Arthur would have been years old on Sept For on so young he held a very re sponsible position for as scout be had lo observe where thu ene my aeroplanes were ami where the shells hil and his duties Often took him Info No Mans Land SS 3 Id I 13 2U Delia Stetkley 2 Myrtle Gibney 3 3 Annie Skinner CLASS OF WEED SEEDS ss I Susie Pike CLASS OF I Skinner Eva Case CLASS COLL OF PLANTS SS Viola Fetch CLASS COLL OF GLASSES I Donald Annie Skinner CLASS COLL OF NATIVE WOODS I Ivan Hall CLASS COLL OF VEGETABLE PLANTS I Eva CLASS COLL LEAVES AGENTS FOR PATTERNS COOKS USE BRUHTON8 BAKING POWDER Our Jarfle of AH Kinds of Dry Goods Enables us to sell Many Lines fop Much Less than wo buy them for today Anticipate your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present prices M7i We have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower Prices than usual TEAS Are Our Specials we are offering for about 10o less per lb than they are usually sold fop BOOTS SHOES v The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound Our Large Stook gives you Protection on fop some time to EVERYTHING IN SHOES UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed I Pike 3 Myrtle Anna Sleckley 12 CLASS 47 HOYS PUBLIC SPEAK- CONTEST I Horace Payne Ross Chapman Jack 10 CLASS PUBLIC SPEAK- INC CONTEST I Myrtle Donald Edith Watson Horace Payne Melville March CLASS APPLICS 1 Olive Viola Susie Pike CLASS SONG 12 NEWMARKET SPY Edgar Sec Shear I Melville March Clarence Marie Moorby Wesley Brill Edgar Watson CLASS WHEAT I I 12 MI 1 P I I Sec I One Quart I Murray Walsun Ivan Hall Lorne 5 Ross Chapman Walter Graham Sec Sheaf Watson Murray 3 Skinner Lome Waller Graham CLASS POTATOES MOUNTAIN Sec Six Potatoes I Chapman 2 3 Abo Skinner Myrtle J Oar Held Payne CLASS FIELD I Pint 1 Marion Gould Leone Viola Petch I Percy Palleudcu Louise class golden Si Ears I Floyd Horace Payne Willie Gray Fred Gray Susie Pike Margaret Pike 4 Delia Jack CLASS 26 SNOW APPLES Maurice Pike Susie Pike Delia Jack Marjorie 12 1 SS 12 10 4 Hazel Allen Elsie Preston Florence CLASS SCHOOL PARADE I No 2 No v No I Class 51 Hoy winning highest of prizes Melville March 12 and lack tic Class Girl winning highest of prizes Susie Pike 12 Class School winning highest of prizes in proportion to the num ber of pupils on roll TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS CLASS APPLE COLLECTION I Susie Pike Waller Audrey 4 Maurice Pike Welsh CLASS TABLE 4 12 SS I Waller Brown Anna 3 Chapman Marguerite CLASS Susie Pike Pinder fteta Chapman John Richard Wagner I J Pilni Armstrong TreiHircr Whan Kathleen Moore Merllri AM1nt the ballets yra being couot- were rendered Stanley and Alter the officers J banked the dosed with the National An- The less Important a more be his coal 4 4 2 12 CLASS MANGELS YELLOW Six Hoots I Maurice Pike J I red Allen A Waller Brown Norman lack CLASS lata a I I in lie Wrist Watches LADIES AMD In Gold 8llvr nd Nickel he Hall and Foot Ball have entered the League with and and the for the games Ik follows Itkhmond Hill at JO at Aurora Aurora at Hill ewuiar at Aurora at Newmarket ftlchtoond Hill at Aurora CLOCKS MANTEL IVORY CLOCKS KITCHEN CUT GLASS WATEHMAH KODAKS trd SUPPLIES Atkinson Co Lloonuoo I CAHIEirS I- St wart Harold Cook J AV Alien a Jack Gould Clarence CLASS J HEFTS men Six Holds I Margaret Earl Cook Norman Myrtle McCIure j Hive I CLASS Eva Case Alma Howard i Anna Hael 0 Waller Phillips I Pi 0 CLASS It ONIONS Six Onions Herald Harry Albert Haskell MatKuerile Willie Allen Plplier CLASS Six Cook I a a J HOLLOW tiarnct Sheridan 4 Violet Phillips Willie I truce Nancy CLASS GARDEN I Pint Olive Clarence Sanderson Merrill Allen Evelyn Atkinson 9 PEAS a 4 2 as 12 CLASS GIANT COMET Blooms I I a a Muriel Gray Eva Payne I Nora Verma Welsh a 99 a a Iff a CLASS SQUASH Garfield Payne Clarence Maurice Pike Allen Evelyn CLASS SPUING COLT LIGHT I John Crawford I CLASS CALF HHEEI I Pelcli Skinner 3 Abe Skinner CLASS 3i CALF BEEF I Harry Welsh I Elmer Preston t CLASS 3 SPUING LAMH I Wesley SPECIALS For pupil showing most skill in a colt I John Cruwfoid I Fur pupil showing skill in handling a calf Harry Welsh pupil showing most skill in handling a lamb Wesley Class 3iiiammih There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon last The Rev A Paine occupied the pulpit and preached a very effective sermon on the neyings of Children of Israel in tin- Wilderness Mrs Harris and daughter el llarrje have returned home after spending a time with her uncle Mr Cooke Sunday Rally Hay Ser vice will be held a oclock Every body welcome rug TWO AVIATORS CAPTURE London British aviators flying low in one machine had been attacked from and sunken roads The pilot dived and replied the enemy fire with bis machine gun killing one and wound three The Germans in a panic ceased firing and hoisted a while handkerchief As there were no British Infantry in I I neighborhood the pilot descend ed to in feel of the ground and ordered Ihe Germans out ihe lunches circling around them lb in sure I hot none escaped All were brought in and handed over the nearest hoops The aviators then resumed their patrol Heavy Cord Velvet in Shades Navy Taupe Wine Green Grey Rose Black in Wide 75c Plain Velvet Good Heavy Pile In all Shades 76c La Vogue Dress Velvet SllkFinlsh In wide all the New Shades Black LaVogue Velvet In w suitable for Suits and Coats yd Heavy Suiting Serge All Wool In In Navy Black Green Burgundy City Price to Our Price yd E STA OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND RAISE MORE HOGS To hoi b If our cjiccr will iil BRANCH PMSMYTH Manager Branch alio at Aurora THRIFT TIPS I Hussel Z Howard Abe Skinner i CLASS MILK STOOL Murray Ituhier Delia Clifford CLASS MODEL OF A painted VI NOT 12 KM SS VI I Hunt Skinner Kenneth 4 lack CLASS 40 HALF TKjl BIS CUITS under years I Minnie Evelyn Atkinson Dorothy CLASS LOAF OF I 9 Pearl Payne J Gladys Dorothy Hood inner CLASS BOX Keeping track of way your money ftes is in Thrift Try his plan from one pay day to Decide before open your pay envelope how much of will Hill ymir savings in fiond bank where fruit will keep your hands off il and which is than nny place Of the of your think how II should he spent Write these on the lop line above the rigid ivrlle down every amount you column and also in the column Inu what ft was spent for Add up columns on pay day and lop line This will help you In the- of your pay envelope A mini does not have lb be wid be thrifty The thrifty man not only suvir bill he spends wisely and gives Borne sense into the can- of your own money Spend less than you earn and gel habit THE LATEST DESIGNS THE NEWEST are In our now designs for Fall and Winter Suitings They at once noat and and strikingly artistic They represent the best materials such as are durable In constant wear Try a Suit or Over coat In the latest style and you will be moro than satisfied with the fit tailoring and the price which will mean a great saving to you C WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET A SOLICITED I a coal shortage still toeing people and winter lhan motllhs away is wrong a system which permits ten mines ami miller in a western field to he idle through lack of earn transport coal At this dislance it is im possible lo reconcile such a stanie Mr MeAdoos assurance Hull Here will he plenty of cars forth the coal situation Markets per do per III Wheat bush Old Oats bush New Oats hush 9 9 45 80 is hereby given that formerly of City of Toronto in the County of York and of Ontario married woman will apply to the of Canada at he next session thereof for a Hill of Divorce from her husband Henry Webster of the city of Toronto in County of York and Province of Ontario on grouudu of adultery ami cruelty at Toronto this Mill day of September A 1918 her Solicitor- A St West Toronto 9 9 iff 4 V 4 Wi Keep the home bright and to il will be ready to welcome the when they come back from over there Mutlc times like effectively turn the dark cloud out at the born of the No other cm to a Stony Mabel Snider Welsh Olive Headway Louise io I If 9 9 CLASS BUTTON HOLES Eva Payne I Clara Cook terrible war have tonga played by lie by lie bell and join In chorus if you have a ANTOLA he all equally well all the patriotic in your home And It it built In a variety of of to choice of One your home and your will be easy The BrfttoU mtde fn seven different styles Finished In Walnut or MahoKsny It will play any make of 9 9 9 Ask four trite hi to NEWMARKET fltyU A 101 AM tiny or Canada rtlW L r i f J i -V-

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