Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1918, p. 7

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CHINA HALL OUR LOCAL NEWS DINNER are now showing In our Window Two Very Fine Quality China Tea Sets one pieces and one Pieces they are now among the Lines hard to get at any Price CHINA DINNER SETS Very Nice Decorations The Quality is WO and the Price Is Very Reasonable I Si Importer of 8taple Fancy China Presbyterian Church Rally Day will be observed next Sunday al 1 oclock when the special ser vice prepared for Sunday Schools all over the Dominion will be used AH invited Improvements Mr deserves great credit for the way he has improved his property on Huron St A new verandah on the front and a por tico on the side of his residence add- much to its appearance The Office Specialty Co is building a cement retaining wall along South side of Timothy Street fronting their properly and intend have a grass and flower plot there next summer Official Casualties Killed in Action Myers Zephyr Gassed Ensign Aurora Aurora has been informed dial his son Pie infantry officially re ported admitted to Australian General Hospital nth Shell This is the second time thai he has been admitted hospital first gun wound in Hie ft I is Red Cross Society Red Gross workers and the people of Newmarket generally will be interested to know that the Ambulance provided by Society is still doing effective work in France During the month of June this Ambulance carried S3 lying cases and sit ting cases anil for the month of July were and re spectively This information has been received from official sources The number of the Ambulance is Union The united talent of the New market and Aurora Methodist Church Choirs is now engaged in preparing a musical feast for these two communities The date for Newmarket is Tuesday Nov Particulars as to program will be made known an early dale AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE mii Ice Cream at whole sale delivered laking back all not Can also supply Garden Parties with Soft Drinks Cones and Soda Fountain Always Open St near the Market SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STOR Broke the Record Most people noticed in the Era of the In of July last an enormous yield of potatoes grown by Mr Peter Brown in his gar den ill Newmarket This yield was potatoes from hills grown in days The same ground planted the second lime and 105 potatoes were taken from G hills again the growth of days A sample of the last growing can be seen at and Ihe sizes speak for Womens Institute The September meeting took place the home of Mrs Geo A and was well attended A very profitable hour was spent The papers given by Miss Julia and Miss Lulu were splendid also the music ren dered by Mrs Walter- Stephens Arrangements were made for the Patriotic Committee to resume its duties for the winter A Great Improvement Wort has commenced for a foot extension of Drug store back Cedar Street This will provide splendid accommodation I for tin business facing Cedar SI and will penult of a fine lee Cream Parlor on floor off Main St by feet the most commodious in the Town Mr I Hose has the and III work will he pushed to completion before the cold weather sets in SUCCESSOR TO DUNCAN J IB themselves Mr Brown is cer tainly in line for Greater Produc tion Important Farmers Club Meeting Mr will ad dress the farmers Wesley Hal Newmarket on Saturday Sept at pm in the interests of the Milk Producers Association Mr is a farmer who sells large quantities of iilk and he is in close touch with the dealers in Toronto He also knows the producers side of the question Every farmer should near him and learn the truth about the milk situation A good program will Riven ami Town Citizens are specially invited THE BEAVER HUT Just Arrived a Cap of Hay and Straw Also Shavings at 35c per bale for Bedding Try our Purina Feed for Laying NOTHING TO EQUAL IT FLOUR A SPECIALTY Successor to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phone 60 TERMS CASH Christian Church Good attendance last Sabbath especially in ihe evening when large Congregation listened to an fccllenl sermon by pastor on Slaekers flood music by tin choir day in the morning a beautiful solo was rendered by Miss of Toronto While the leading carls of anthem were taken by Kelly and Mr in their usual good style At Ihe even ing service we were favored wilh a solo by Miss Hun Also of Toronto by Misses Unit and numbers being much appreciated Sunday will hi- a union with Methodist Wood hiking charge of both II a in in Hi- Methodist Church in the Christian welcome Largo congre- expected Com DONT MISS These Buggy Bargains 2 Rubber Tiro Buggies Tire Buggies vIth Tops Tire Open Buggy Mikado Light Wagon Top Good Work and Driver Enquire at OARAGE Water Newmarket S Dunlop Who succeeded Frank Duncan in tin Mens Clothing and Fur nishings business tells us In- likes Town so well thai il is his intention remain hen Iiiirc larger ami more up-to- date premises and add oilier lie has taken over all Ihe guilds by Me Imu ran for Fall ami Winter These consist of Soils and and and Mens Kir all hoiiffril fore Hie advance in prices Air claims thai floods and should lie sold Newmarket much ilu- asked in ecnter account lie much expenses eesary in places such as lie claims he is sell- less than Mir iiinc floods are sold in other Hi special Madelo Depart is meet frig great success and Mr Imu ran who remains Willi him until railed colors will be pleas ed In all his old friends ami eusloiiiers at the Stand A bed Including bath towel soap and kit storage in London Hie Tommy that is if he goes the new Canadian Y M A Beaver Hut in the Strand A meal eosls him same with the slrain of an orchestra thrown in to relate our hoys are to death with their new metropolitan centre Costing sio- and situated in the most famous thoroughfare in tlm tin Beaver Hut is run primarily Canadians for Canadians although its hospitality is free to all nun of allied forces visiting London on leave staff of ladies superintended by Miss lbleu of the preparation ami service of meals Dormitories with nearly hens are under the name efficient ran- and the ladies Work in maintaining a twenty- four hours service No mutter what hour mil hungry Canadian nrrfwK in he an open il4or smiling welcome hoi Hie l Hut warm filfiep mid shoe ill illltirt jfi j Tommy Ilk man lias his his kit ami in safe Willi hi clerk Hie Kit Storage It only fur him look in mi floor rtitlvel ri- of Mm many lo hi- thorn for of his leave I lien off In th and hos- he oh I his him is up mill In vfKonilril lo aM Hh fail a vii til Canadian a and Mm many prey nil 1 1 Representing Savings For look ahead as far as we may there is no indication of Stabalized Prices for Clothing Prices are steadily advanc ing and will continue to advance because of war demands present and anticipated on Wool Some Clothing Factories have been put to work entirely on Government Orders yet we must all wear Clothes arid fewer Clothes are being turned out Therefore Clothing Needs Should Be Bought Now The Overcoats and Suits included in this Clearance are broken and discontinued lines in most cases just one size to a Pattern but all sizes will be found at each price here men tioned Sizes 34 to Donegal and Gallishiel Tweeds Fancy and Plain Worsteds and Serges all Exceptionally Well-Tail- ored and Trimmed Suits Clearing Prices 10 to 24 Overcoat Clearing Prices to 2550 MOTE These goods are what Mr Duncan bought away last Spring for this present Fall and Winter Trade They were bought by him before the recent advance in price and bought by us at a Low Rate on the Dollar Suit or Overcoat may be secured by paying a small deposit and kept for you un til required WINTER UNDERWEAR Now is your chance to buy Winter Underwear at Old Prices Duncans Entire Stock of Winter Underwear just of Many Good Dollars being offered for sale in addition to which we are showing a Manufacturers Range of Samples and Broken Lines Combina tion and Single Garment Suits Single Garments to Combinations to 9 These are in such WeilKnown Makes as Penmans Tru- Knit Zimmerknll Knit Monarch Etc Etc a Everything in Gloves Neckwear Dress Shirts King Hats Hats The Worlds Best Sweaters from 200 to 1250 SATURDAY SPECIAL SHOE BARGAINS Duncans Old Stand NEWMARKET THE FIVE WASTING OTHER PEOPLES TIME I lit lheyin ill in row Who whin and why Any reporter can yon about for he answered In is very he writes if person is Involved in an nnine and must fell what happened wln-n- it ImppiiKd when and why is of tin- Why not Ih- in Mm- home Why mil our arid harrnss of rtpfiih dillillg 111 vacation On lay my neikhhorV llllle Kill Mini- visit me repeated ilnpHealed and herself as she talked Instead of saying she Sonic I fines people who very In make hi most of their own lime do not worry much about iiifl Hie liup- of older people it looks had when youth who dividis his on a schedule and sees thai a minute is lost comes quarter of an hour late to an appointment If your inn- is valuable so is be longs The politician finds as trouble in eonilng hack as Ihe piiKillst docs hams of a fanner David Wilson SI were is alleged In allow- I in one fhdds by I In- river it- Ilnry OF ONTARIO CANADA Homo of Red Deer and the OPEN SEA80N8 to MOOSE 1st inclusive In oifih Northern Hi Ontario Including ma gain and lir territory of I hi Jovernmeni Hallway Quebec lo Manitoba boundary open season for October to ineliiKivc further apply Grand Trunk Ticket or lo Horning Passenger Agent Toronto Depot Agent It OpTown Agent Molhodll School Till steadily along and help boat lal of S Ihe Anniversary ringing oclock again Dont back on duly again last Sunday and ftil a great ileal inlcrest of Iraelfaea arc the of day a good program is red for Anniversary lie sure Ihe dale- Sunday Orl ft and Monday Oct Members of he congregation are bring eontrihii- lious of fruit vegetables grain etc suitable for decorating pur poses and leave at or anyday after We wiell lo elaborately for Ihe occasion and hope have an abundance of ma terial The material which can he used afterward Is to be donated lo Newmarket Military Hos pital The Canada Hoard has been called to practice frequently adopted by Licensed Dealers in Apples Turnips Potatoes anil other and Vegetables of having living in different parts of the country acting their agents Inlying or such produce superintending tin blading of Oil cars ready for shipment and receiving a oiuiuissim from said dealers for work All such agents operating in the manner mentioned without having secured a license from the Hoard are doing SO con trary lo the Order dated day of December I wherein it slates Thai and after I hi 1st lay of February no person shall deal wholesale in fruits or fresh vegetables with out first having obtained a li- from the and in violating such order are guilty of an offence and subject lo a penally not and less WORK WILL IT OUT If there Is good in you anything fine and promising work will out Talents do not as a rule start up like the grass and do in spring obeying some magic summons They are more like the grain Which must he planted watered kept free from weeds and watched Incefisantly until the time of fourth ltosiiifiiol would say Clmrll likes cake Thai Isjusl one many j I s luii it is of lier Involved mixed hazy and One day my little over visit me I with iti orderliness her mallei- happened she jell in me arid directly A little hoy we knew that he would never full Ins bicycle lie was extnmely confident How ever wluti very did happen my precise llllle speaker fold in her first sentence George Jones fell off his bicycle and his ankle in front of Judge Paulsons a few minutes he was rlili anything be more compact Winn my cousins little irl told me so ki about the fall I menially her u one hundred per cent No mother is doing her duly unless she leaches her children reporters Unlit his arms were lorn off and nearly sill Idselolhesaiul one leu broken Me was shoving I lie hell mi the wheel with the of his arm when he An five gvrs imped over an embank ment of a si ep hill on rlvcrslilc at Saskatoon last Saturday In its roll tli hank It turned a com plete mi rriailll and landed i side up Three it were unhurt while other two were only slight bruised a Phonograph with a Soul When purchasing a Phonograph It Is tone that you are buying It is not furniture or motor You are getting something you cannot see and unless you select the instrument that most faithfully repro duces real music you will soon tiro of it The tone of the Edison is the tone of the Artist J Newmarket I I StOCk Markets Some Winter Goods of back orders Get your supplies for cold weather and Save 269 o Highest prices paid in this week Choice Steers and Pairs Choice Cuttle Pairs of who what where when and Medium Steers and Heifers Choice Cows Common Cows Choice Blockers THE WAY IT SOUNDED TO HIM Milkers Good Springers wire Roth were discussing Spring what they should vear to the In the midst of this halves flood Two girls were talking over the wire Both were discussing and conversation it masculine voire Interrupted humbly Yearling for a number One of the Choice Sheep 1500 1000 became indignant and scornfully CirH asked What line do you think you aro on anyhow I Toronto Markets Well man I am not sure but jipiKing from what I Duller lb have heard I should say I was on the clothesline Turkeys Spring Chickens 50 Ducks London Sept More than j- Wheal bush prisoners and guns Goose Wheat bush have been taken the British Oats bush 03 in their successful offensive in Timothy Hay ton Palestine Mixed fifty ton Flannelette Blankets Flannelette Blankets Large Sizes 279 Childrens Sweater Coats Reg 200 119 50 Boys Sweater Coats Reg 3 for 195 Ladies Silk Poplin Skirts All Colors Reg 7 to BIG REDUCTION IN MENS LADIES AND BOYS FOOTWEAR Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET

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