I A f tills TWO NEWMARKET A 18- FOR SALE rows tit Mangolds and rows of Turnips Apply to Phone A good Coal or Wood Range Ap ply to Mrs Lot St New market CARETAKER WANTED For the King George School Du ties to commence Nov 1st Apply to K ROBERTSON Secretary CARD OF THANKS Mrs Rev J wishes to her sincere and grateful thanks to the many kind friends for their lov ing and practical sympathy sine the death of her beloved also to the several churches and organiza tions as well as personal friends for beautiful tokens and not forgetting the attention of the Masonic brethren WANTED Man for Delivery Wagon Apply to W EVES LOST Near Schomberg On Thanksgiving Day A BEAGLE HOUND Owners name on collar for any information A ROBINSON i7 Park Ave Toronto Editorial Notes Our Methodist readers will be in terested in the appointments made by the General Conference at Hamilton this week Fallfs of Cal- succeeds Rev Dr Book Steward in Toronto Rev Dr continues as Editor of Christ Guardian and Rev Dr Crews as Editor of Sunday School Periodicals Rev Dr T Allien Moore continues as General Secretary of lie of Evangelism and Social Service Rev Dr was reelected as head of the Foreign Mission and Dr Stephenson as Secretary of the Young Peoples Forward Movement- Rev Manning succeeds late Rev Allan as Secretary of the Home Mission and Rev Frank Lang- ford is Secretary of Sunday Schools and Young Peoples Societies suc ceeding Rev resigned Rev J Simpson was elected General Secretary of the Superannua tion Rev Dr Sparling Of Hamilton was elected fraternal dele gate to the Methodist Conferences of the British Isles and Rev A Moore of Toronto as delegae to the Meth- odfsl Church of United Slates A proposal to allow a mini ster to remain on the same charge from year to year indefinitely on a two thirds vote of the Stationing Com mittee was defeated PACKED BUTTER KEEPS OUR SOCIETY COLUMN THE LEADING Mrs Douglas Scott was here for SeeJ Corn Situation Thanksgiving holidays Select Own Seed Now Ear Field for Height Strength Lea fin ess and XioMeV Manning of Toronto visaed fn Town On Sunday Mcf IMIAt 1iiI ill Cotter visited last week with GREAT BRITAIN PAYS THE PRICE good WANTED A young or a middleaged woman assist in house work in small family Good right person Ad- dross box Kra Office TENDERS Win be received up lb ami Scientific American By way of commemorating the anni versary iff Great Britains entrance into the war the British War Commission has made public some figures which show how great has been the contri bution of Hip to the Allied jal cause The en lis I men throughout during the past four years has been soldiers and of these per cent or were raised in itself propor tion for and Wales combined being cent The greatest that can be made for any cause is that of ones life and limb In the four years of the war British casualties have mounted lo over Of these over 00000 have been killed and at least an equal number so ter ribly wounded and broken they will never be able to support them selves So over Bri tish have been in the four of the war What this means will he understood by those citizens if New York strong who Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture Toronto HE first point to observe In packing of butter in order to have it well for winter use Is to have butter The best butter for packing is usually made months of June and September It is preferably made from comparatively sweet cream which has been pasteur ized However on farm pasteur ization is not commonly followed hence the butter should be made when the weather is comparatively cool and he cream should be churn ed before it becomes very sour in fact me sweeter the cream more likely it is to produce good keeping quality in butler so long as there is sufficient acid cream to give good churning results The cream shoulu be churned in the usual way except that the butter may be washed once with brine is made by dissolving Bait In water instead using water at both washings Salt at the usual rate out not over one ounce of salt per of butter because salt does hoi preserve butter as is commonly supposed except in a minor degree loi cream butter It is a however to add so much salt the line flavor of the is covered up Having ft or ted butter as into crocks tubs or Poxes If wooden are- used these should be soaBtid several days in salt water to in the butler a Deiter plan id lo coal the inside he tun or boat with hot wax then line with heavy parchment paper be fore parkins the butter Glazed crocks which clean need no lining When the package is full prefer ably all from one smooth the top the butter cover with parchment paper or a clean cotton cloth then tie heavy brown paper over top and place in a cool cellar or in cold storage Sometimes a salt paste is put on lop of the cloth or paper and this is kepi moist by sprinkling on water from time lo lime This excludes ihe air and helps to keep the butter We recommend packing butter in solid form which is lo be kept for Borne time rather than holding the Miss at Will McCaffrey of Ottawa 1 was j was home for Thanksgiving and Mrs Geo Thompson spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs spent Thanksgiving holidays- in flic City Fred Miller of Edmonton was calling on friends in Town yesterday Mrs Lloyd is back to New market and lakerf rooms for the wiu- Miss Mae Stork spent Thanksgiv- holidays with Mrs Cole in the City Furniture and Undertaking House v You can Furniture Cheap for Gash UNDERTAKING i EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HEARSE IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at residence PRUNES JHMILLARD Now that Fruit Is there will be Dried Fruit used- We have Prunes at 20c a lb Phones and PEA The Morton On 1st lo Mr and Mrs Harry Morion of Temperance v lie a daughter Mabel Inal Nothing finer in Peaches than what we have at and per lb Mr Ceo of Toronto I Kn Angus King spent the holiday with Mr ij Keswick on Oct a daugh- ter Betty Mr and Mrs A Cornell nio- Sams In Newmarket Lindsay Thanksgiving to Mr and holidays R A N S Nice Sweet Juicy nges at 30 and doi BANANAS at dozen on Oct Mrs Man ford Rev it Thomas spent three days Just week in attendance at the Synod in Toronto Mr and Mrs las Brothers of Aurora had Thanksgiving dinner with her sister Newmarket Mrs closed her col lage at Orchard Beach Mis week and returned to Toronto for the winter Mr and Mrs Roy Stork and daugh ter Thclma of Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Stork- bams a daughter uei Money for a parade some years ago The in brineProf Controller for the town or new- wpn brcasl al market p J WANTED first Class Mens Furnishing Salesman To a well recom mended young man a liberal salary will be paid Ap ply to S Dunlop Newmarket FOR Slightly used Barrels suitable for gasoline or coal oil tanks Apply to J Department of Agriculture Newmarket FEMALE Young women wanted for light work in assembly department and paper and box department Ex cellent working conditions in modern sanitary factory Write or phone io fendcrii office Co Onl MAID WANTED good swinging gait and without any considerable pauses nevertheless it look over twelve hours for lhat host hi pass reviewing stand Hence if those slain Ions could were joined by ripbd to parade venues A good general Xp illd f I AV he ailed hack ami but riots and whole were to through same and a of our it would take a week and a half of daylight for the sad go by since ihe first andalialf million soldiers of the Bri tish armies were volunteers it is cer tain that they included keenest young manhood of the lti- alone at lie ontst of Ihe war here went into service we an- some undergraduates these fosses must he included practically all the officers and men of small highly efficient Regular Army which threw into at tin of war engage the right wing of army That the Mother has rather than followed of her in sacrifice j thai one man out of every seven and a of the population of and of Scotland is in army one in every and Wales ii in every and a in Ireland and one in every I- Acre Township mi North FARMS FOB SALE of lln than Ham First rflablCH I Carrier Cork water I mile- mite to Select Seed Corn Now Unless every precaution is taken this autumn the supply or good corn of the desirable varieties will be InadeQuate for the of The autumn of the corn crop harvested with an cesa of moisture Wei cold followed during which time the corn did not cure consequently when the very weather of December in the corn was frozen and germina tion was reduced to a very low per centage This situation which authorities of North America flo much anxiety during the winter and spring of and which was described by them as a national calamity is not yel averted Tin problem which that committee had to face was one of supplying North America with seed which would give a lair germination To secure this seed was no easy la and recourse was to in the States hundreds miles to inu south of Ontario which produce large maturing varie ties In bringing seed into the country I here Mule expectation that It would produce much grain but It was it would produce fodder The Ontario wan so acute that an embargo on the seen grown in and Miss Lloyd A of Toron to spent Thanksgiving with her cou sins Mrs and Miss E Cadet who has been in training at camp for lie past is home on a weeks sick leave Mrs Cowitson ami son are here from Man on account of the serious illness of her mother Mrs C Dennis Keith attended a meet ing of York Highway Commission and also the Childrens Aid Society in Toronto yesterday Mrs Jolin Crone Mr ami Mrs Hughes of Mr 1 Armilage Of Now Jersey Mr Lincoln Crone of Now York were guests of Mr and Mrs Cane over Sunday Hev J Terry of Quebec Miss Jessie of at Mrand Mrs Lapp Of Markham spent Thanksgiving with Mrs s Terry Millard Ave Mrs a Wilkin who with her son has been visiting her Mrs for pasl four left for her home in Moose Jaw in Del 1918 to Mr and Mrs MacMillan a son Youngs At on Sunday Mr and Mrs Am brose Youngs twin daughters and Ethel Mother and babes doing well The Altar Tlbbett8nlder Al Ihe Manse Newmarket by Thomas on- Oct Thanksgiving Day Lawrence Win of formerly of Newmarket to Miss Gladys Irene Snider daughter of Mr Jos Snider of Newmarket TuerBaldwln Hie residence of Mr J Baldwin Aurora on Oct by the Dr Taylor Gertrude Baldwin to Hie I A M A Presby terian minister laic of Aurora now of We have a few DUTCH SETS loft which vc of- fer at lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try It PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 35 BakerForsyth At the parsonage Ml Albert on Thursday Jul by I Hoy Cray A Mrs Sara Baker Forsyth both of Goodwood The Tomb At on Oct Barton youngest son of Mr Lewis of in his year Saturday ami Mrs from from School and Church in mi surer IihI can be counties the exportation service and sacrifice of a people hose counties to compare the of in Ontario Some seed inn suffered with Hie I was available I not of enlistment On Ibis basis we clem tor Hun ideal needs find thai and provided in p he enlistment and frd per ent of tin- Scotlands enlistment was per Of total and her per provided 1 per 150 of North were fi per cent Ml tillable 1 arid felonies provided Kail ais vv Sidiug I eeril of Ml forces Barn House Slaltllng yl suffered s per rent of Hi for Stock Frame House Plenty casualties water- This lb First Class Soil answer to Ihe frequent way in originated by and would not sell Will give p id Hun propaganda When terms lo quick A snap War urn replies that they are on Acre Township All fronts under Ham Stone lie world Outside of stabling House ami Hoops Wheal Church and School have in Italy Serbia Wile I point Nolb Hast and West An Meal art- arm and in China while in chief source of Avuti piovince ii ihai such action was just lien in conserve ihost lor seed pur poses bad proven adapted o There was never a 1 1 tile in On tarios rtheii ceasary take every in selection than at ihv time The most method selection is Lhat selecting lb ihe Held grower re up and down lib rows and Ilv ami daughter in of Cheslerlleld and Miss if Newmarket Barn tone tabling Water miles from liiig A they have carried on elaborate extensive and of I in and Mesopotamia Of the debt Hie whole of Vilkie on terms to Navy is to Apeak if could have SV viii near on only for two llritlsh Navy she yearn and balance mfour pay- would be of JnlTeif per er and armies would be per acre at he tfaUs of America of h- fleet Hie FOB SALE mrm- ha trans- nous men side of a room- All mules 00000 toon of explosives Hardwood floors -dovn-ian- oar- Ions of oil and fuel and age find eh pen tons of food and oilier Brick Mouse Veneer West rtbtif stores of Ave Seven rooms and Hardwood floors lo I date in every detail FOR j Stole dvelng general in village of Investigate This Is a money itil will de veloped aim ihe varietal ell a tics ben scleetini in the grower linn ihe standing plant lie ran from those plants which Hit height leal and When once the type Is aiaoiihiied In the growers mind Clin be made In selecting the ears This method many advantages over thai selectlnt Horn On- Irom ihe Crib Tin crib is the least desirable in thai only husked ears io select from shock when llUSkfliK be grower ban he willed or matured stalks while the held selec tion has everything In Its favor the whole plant and environment which may mean normal or abnormal conditions development Dr A a colt Gael on J Mildred lolmston tended the wedding of Miss Jessie of Mount Albert on Wednesday Hie Kith Mr Smiths was called to the States owing to Hie scr im- Illness of his but was only gone i couple of days till Ird took down wMb Flu ami had send for bis sister KeHlehy to lake of him Mr 1 Minus Public School Inspector Hastings Co and formerly Principal Newmarket High School was in iiivvn on railing on old friends son is back from ic Front and eoinrnenced his 2nd year in Ids medical Toronto Ibis Week Saphroila Cool of Colli Ohio who has been visiting her sis ter Mrs Kiel heller Street ever since Fair left for Toronto ycslcrday mid will also visit frienls at Toledo Ohio ii tier way home lu excellent record of practising and never i pa fen I Hen is an of mirket boy who is rising mi Hie bidder of fume by his own industry Integrity ami perseverance Mr John Lewis has been Assistant Secretary of the Jankers of New York lb- was i ami learned I In of priming at tin- Tim following is copied from Hankers Magazine of New York John II Lewis who has been associated will lie Hankers Trust Company of New York since when that company llrsl doors for has received I lie congratulation f his may frjends bis assumption of Ihe position of assistant secretary of that company During Hie past two years Mr Lewis has effectively handled the advertising ami new business department of the Hunkers Trust Company ami his pro motion is lit line with Hie policy of that institution in rewarding faithful ami conscientious service During Mr Lewis was president of the Hank Club composed of the officers and employees of company and was al so chairman of a special Which made an Investigation ami report compensation plan for employee Stickwood In Oct Harold of Mr Slick wood Millard Ave aged A victim of influenza In Toronto on October y Isaac rged years Interment at Newmarket Cemetery last Friday Morton Al Temperance oil Oct 2nd Mabel Morton beloved wife of Harry Morion and second daughter of Mr and Mrs T II of ran ville At Bradford on Oct huh Benjamin Mllgate brother of Mrs Jos Newton ami Mrs W K Wiley aged yrs Van Dor on Oct al her home Bond Lake wife Yon iter Voori Funeral on Monday Lawn Mausoleum In Newmarket John Harford 1 1 re In of ford years -llMl- Mann At Ihe residence of slater ill Toronto net IUI8 Sarah A wife of Mr John Mann of each will leave Hie residence of Mr Borden Ave To rifulii mi Saturday for the If IS It train ami al Al on daughter of A and Mrs it years rat from the Christian at i Mi mi Liuie At Holland Landing oi Jennet Little aged years prices apply lo Newmarket Box CASTORIA For Infanta and ChUdrea In Use For Over 30 Years WELL ENOUGH Well enough he of many youths For when ho replaces his ambition for the best by aiming to tilings well enough to pass he slops making progress The Important thing is not lo satisfy Ihe one you are working for hut to satisfy yourself developing your powers and by continually exacting their utmost Era bring results Try one In In loving memory of Private Mid tin rid who died on the of honor not I on requirements in view of Hie higher cost of living I Children FOR FLETCHERS CAS TO I A J Furnitures Undertaking Main St North Newmarket All died Oil faroff cik of the sound of There they laid our nit hind And well never see him more He his life that we mfghl live What nobler gift hath mui to gc I IN In refnemhrnnce of my dear grandson Mult hind Coring iih A killed In ftelion I nth Aged years There an some may forget Of this there Is IHHC My dear grandson who for countrys sake Laid down his life in franco He served King and know he did his best And now he sleeps In Jesus A soldier at rest The soldier that fails in battle May feel but of pain Hut Iioho who wait In the homestead the ghost of the Sadly missed by Grand mother i r Nowadays It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World- CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phono No ftlnre Phone No aSBS ONLY TWO REASONS YOU WHY INSURE SHOULD NOT YOUR LIFE Because You Are Not an Insurable Risk You Cannot Afford to Save the Premium ASK TO SEE OUR ANNUAL REDUCTION PLANS FRED CH ANTLER Newmarket Ont The Mutual Life of Canada District Agent TWIN SHINGLES O A buying- roofing keep firmly in mind first the thorough protection it must afford weather and fire second the many years your roofing must last third- the price and ease of laying o I Has an enviable record of 19 service to date That is to say roofs laid in are keeping out The tough felt satu rated with asphalt is the kind of roofing you can lay and it meets all requirements It is made with Grey surface also RED and GREEN slate surface Twin Shingles for all DEALER NEWMARKET W H EVES I i t ft