Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1918, p. 3

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J I I i OUR LOCAL NEW letter i All Schools colleges IhVatresj mov ing picture shows etc were closed on Monday by of the I Board of Meeting I Health to stamp out the occurred in the IK I Thursday the has in withdrawn on account of in many Woiher in- I on account of homes i When will Farmers nesl meeting will be held Club III- city Ontario Department of Agri culture is pricking 25000 boxes of ap ples for the men in the military hos pitals overseas A drastic step for a second offence against food regulations has been ta l7f r others Interested in j kpn baker own Daily re His licence to manu facture or trade in bread or other dough products has been cancelled He making solid bread contrary to lie rules of Hie Canada Food Board despite warnings In August last for lid same offence his business place was I used for lays This means that is put out of busi ness as a baker When Constables Thompson and re invited meeting in Wesley mil ifiernopn next at oclock newpaper problems and arrange stork selling campaign stork selling speaker will be present prize Payable Now of Newmarket field Saturday evening 1 Prize List as pub- were taking in the sights at They also passed a large J they came upon C counts in connection with of who was a game of chance On the whole it was a very j unlawfully running up finances show j 111 lilll Jihawa youngest son I last Saturday hi- fattier and broth so Magistrate ronton charged hint and costs for having a- fori wheel the grounds A box of Italian oil and cheese was shipped from Montreal to Antonio Pan- of hut Constable Myers him going for it and got there the contents of liquor I insanity A vented lo strike Nan as unfavor- up Basils nervous breakdown load and whinnied nervously in- frame a an especially unfortunate of drinking time He was Just through Basil gave up after a few high school and oh the lookout minutes and led her back Iq the for a business opening There aarn I dont know what ails was no rack of them and owing Nan Jimmy he called She the shortage of workers in j wont drink a drop Then he slopped and let go Nans halter There was a cold feeling in the region of his heart His knees bent under him- King was looking over the of Hie stall with his upper ip drawn back showing cruel cry line the remuneration was unusually good But though Basil had no need lo worry as far as getting a position was concerned he did worry unac countably over his ability to satisfaction He had interviews with a hum- tooth And projecting from of business men most of the stall was a mans boot Ba- found his personality j stood looking at it as if he pleasing and his J expected it move but it did not lions satisfactory and were ready Basil strangled a scream and to give him a trial But Basil look a desperate grip on his self- held off from making a decision Possession cousins life He began to look pale and hoi- depended on him Never let loweyed His mother discover- j saw l was only sick ft I hi- wife whom he married V ago was at the sain bunion in the emu ins wi Wednesday interred at Khaki Concert 1 1 in r in Nil- ill entire p Mil Veterans ar- holding a Town Kail on Friday 2 Mil for purpose of for a Room ki a wellknown will give the of music and song I Police Court line fit- culprit 200 land costs and added another for making a false statement Because of l ho epidemic the Con vention of Sunday School Association has been indefinitely post poned ed that he was not sleeping So much depends on my choice now Basil told his mother when she questioned hi in If I gel started in wrong it may spoil my whole life Mrs was more troub led than surprised For many years she had recognized in her son a dangerous introspective tendency Basil was like the child who digs Up his garden ev ery other day to sue how the peas ami hed tie has planted are getting along Basil was always examining himself and always finding something wrong He had inventoried his own weak nesses till his severest critic AGENTS FOR PATTERNS ALU COOKS U8E- BRUNTON8 BAKINQ POWDER I DRY GOODS Our Large Purchases of All Kinds of Dry Goods Enables us to sell Many Lines for Much Less than we can buy them for today your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present Prices TALK Wo have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower Prices than usual TEAS AND COFFEES Are Our which we are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold fop BOOTS SHOES The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound Our Large gives you Protection on Price for some time to come EVERYTHING IN SHOE8 UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Palp Guaranteed I King see youre afraid He walked up to the horse and struck him a resounding slap en the flank Stand over King I he commanded trying to speak as Jimmy would have done His quavering voice was eloquent with terror hut his bluff passed with King The big horse sulkily moved to the side Of the stall away from Jimmys prostrate form Basil Slopped lifted his cousin in his arms and backed out of the stall Ordinarily he would have been in capable of such a feat- out of the reach of Kings hoofs he dropped to the floor half fainting His sense of responsibility Mb morning when tie went into Kings stable off his guard for I could not have suggested a fault brought him to his feet again in I I I if i Win the War Club will hold a social evening home of Mrs on the 2nd Con to the War Vetj I sure he will I patronage rent camp has where after Front ivntl ha- been received hat whom we last week a to has full i ami short rest he would to Hospital in for return to he lines Probably al fine of writing he is in- part in Hie long push the strong push and the push glher send enemy tumbling EiiPS he Kaisers much- lalkedol las writing the effects Of painful mil- On Sunday evening Inst He v Payne preached a very effective Thanksgiving sermon to a large au dience The Monthly Meeting of the ville Ladies Aid was held on Wednes day afternoon last at the home of Mrs Brown There was good attendance and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves Mr Mrs If Sanders of dab- spent Thanksgiving with his j Mrs Cook Mrs A Darby of Winnipeg was Soldiers no market Soldiers returned from nobody to know of llieir eoftfitig and no wailed There is intUijilg wrong the military tab allow soldiers return j hold letting the aiittioiilies know thing it The re- it were Morrill Ivan Henry Marine Daley and SmHh and a cine belonged In tie Is as wound in over the holiday yO NEWMARKET BOY HEARD five v- Canadian Cross Society I pit a I Birmingham War Section Im Mrs A rod age Dear Madam We have several re ports after our representatives visits sine- we wrote to you We are very happy be able say thai your son Pie A Itos A fill It age has no pain The ankle is in plaster of Paris lit looks very heller and is allowed with the leg of entirely any oilier Town to show We hope all will go on well and ankle derive all possible iiin apprecfale the sacrifices it Iho have made on behalf of Country ti tie- Vil In Owen Sound following from i Soil Myrtle Wee will not go to I as wa last liulletin good from the forced in one position is happy and cheerful his and patently as thank Sod our splendid men do Yours truly D I I of fill Mill if fall I Mi ll I- Mi- Mhkral A I Mi of Mi ilnwnL will enjoy if 1 so in of Miff witivliiufiv find workroom in liis to rilay Willi Sin mi oris A fiifltl in a own of Sit wari i warning all on ool is I iindT Hi adding ij I I thai event took plane on niiig hi the I lb Toronto Markets Mr and Mi- of he lliiir wedding day frieufN very find Mr and Mrs Arm- rod having passed ti- riih birthday gohtt were present Mr A W and two oi 1Mfiiu daughter Mm I A in of Niwmaiket Mm mi join- of Mr milage id daughter of Buffalo croie- of New York A iu Anna C Hughes of of New Jersey milage of San Mr- crone and daughter of If Cane Mm Isabella If v and wife Mr and Mrs Mi Done Mrs Wufil Mr and Mi- do I Turkeys lb 1 Chickens lb be had already classi fied Hut so far his life had moved in such a routine that this characteristic had especially hampered him Now that the lime had conic for independent thought and action it had an ut most paralyzing effect After a week of sleepless nights Basil was in such a condition that his mother called in the doc tor Thai authority spoke to the point Basil was to slop worry ing stop thinking as fur as pos sible for the present The doc tor advised a summer on Ihe farm with enough work occu py mind but without respon sibilities IT found it hard make up his mind his mother did not have the same difficulty Fif teen minutes after the doctors departure she had talked with Basils father over the phone and telegraphed Basils cousin Jim my And by mid dle of the afternoon she had Jimmys answer ami was packing Basils trunk Nice sort of isnt it said Basil as he helped her lust at the beginning of my career to go all to pieces Mrs tried her best cheer him and thought hope fully of Jimmy Jimmy was several years older than Basil arid his opposite in every way a broadshouldered young giant with big blue eyes that looked oddly out of place in his I aimed face and with a gentle voice thai soothed sensitive nerves like a lullaby Mrs pinned her faith parity on he country environment bid fit in fly on Jim Jimmy welcomed his cousin joyfully lie lived with his mother and sister on a little farm thai bad belonged I his father and grandfather and he was now working shorlhainled I dont want you do a thing unless you feel like it tie told Basil hul every pair of hands helps jus now Dont Oil mi for heav ens sake cried Basil irritably 1111 just about as much good as an man bent into with rheumatism Im at all I don I know what I was born for Hut in spile of himself the peace of his environment look possession of Basil lie slept more flight than llC had the previous and when he went downstairs in the middle of tin forenoon be found his mini already busy with her dinner pre- while bis cousin Anne had gone lo lldp her brother in TT an instant Staggering M ran from the barn and across the crass The blue summer sky was black lo his dazed eyes Ihe trees and buildings whirling diz zily Anne who was feeding the chickens saw his face and ran to him His look told her all fs he dead she asked in a steady voice dont know Basil panted Come help rue lo carry him in They got Jimmy indoors be tween them He was unconscious but his heart was beating Basil threw saddle on Nan and gal loped for the doctor By the time doctor reached the house Jimmy had come to and spoken his sisters name Jimmys escape from death was so miraculous thai they were all inclined to belittle his really serious injuries A broken leg two broken ribs and a number of bad bruises hardly seem an occa sion for and yet they congratulated Jimmy and themselves The word of the accident had gone abroad and all thai day busy as the season was neighbors were driving over to make inquiries and offer their assistance And one and all was assured that in a few weeks Jimmy would be as well as ever Bui the second day the accident dor lor came from he room looking grave He has more fever than I like he said The boys worrying the farm work I suppose Tough IllCk when you cant get help for love or money Basil look a long MayiBf I speak lo him doctor he said Ill soon slop thai And at doctors nod he walked into Jimmys room There was an air of determination him oddly nucha rar I ic Hello Jimmy lie stood by his cousins bed and smiled down into eyes I want o yon you neednt wor ry a bit work I flings all Jimmy emilfed on incredulous murmur Im gellin he hang of things like a house continued Ba sil And your neigh bors are going 1 1 1 me out When youre Up again Jimmy youll find things Ilia same Itll been on all the minute was almost too much for Jimmy He blew bis nose a great many times remarked that he believed he was getting a cold and finally put bis arm around Basil and hugged him Basil youre a wonder con sidering that youve bad no training at all What youve accomplished is a miracle- What made mo think that you were a fellow who needed some- body to bolster you up Basil looked at him his shining I guessyou thought so be cause I was All my life Ive been handicapped by studying myself and thinking about my weaknesses This summer Ive learned how to get something ac complished and thats to forgot about yourself and do it MM NEWMARKET ve ih TWO WEEKS SALE OF HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR am Mi A man is indeed ignorant if he is ignorant of his own Live Stock Markets Top prices paid in Toronto this week Extra Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Steers and Heifers 1200 Good Butcher Cattle Common Butcher Cows Choice Slackers Choice Milkers Choice Springers Choice Veals Good Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs 1 1000 Heavy Scolch Wool Hose Assorted Sizes Reg for Heavy Fleeced Hose Size to 10 Reg for Ladies KnitWell FleeceLined Hose Special Heavy Fall Lisle Hose Famous Mercury Brand Black Cream White Brown 8pecial 75c Big Range of Childrens 1 and 1 rib All Wool Hose Red Cream Black Brown l Full Range of Ladies and Childrens Underwear Turnbulls Brand Price from to I Yearling Lambs Choice- Sheep Medium Sheep Hogs off cars Newmarket Markets I do Butter Ih Wheat bush New Oats bush ESTABLISHED I OF CANADA CAPITA PAID UP RESERVE FUND PRESIDENT HAY GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE TORONTO BANK BY MAIL may be sad operated by mail if mors convenient to you perianal to branch 1 1 SL ll M SMYTH NEWMARKET BRANCH also at Aurora rOW Ducks Tall Wheal bush Wheat hush New Oats bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton 40 35 Era to Absent Friends id hi Ion from from babel Nelson also Crone fit in a wan A to Will of nidi family llhoirh ii-rl- will tin- rule hiridHOiii worn rpiit ih- which was it- tflfiuutu hi old All join- in Mr mid Annual many yearn more of PjiyiJMfM lif Wrist Watches LADIES AND In Gold and Nickel a it to CLOCKS MANTEL FRENCH IVORY KITCHEN CLOCKS cur GLASS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN I KODAKS and Atkinson Co Marriage Lloenses the swallowed a lillli breakfast and went to their And as he made his way through the dewy grass he realized that spite of himself Ihe of hearing an intoler able burden was leaving him The farm animals the horses in particular bail a peculiar fas- for him Jimmy this and initiated him into of them as rapidly as possible He him a word of warning in regard lo a powerful while teamed King You wanl lo be on your guard willi old King The man who owned him before I him was a cruel lift spoiled all his horses way or other He break Kings spirit hut he made him treacherous Nine ty limes mil of a hundred when I go into the stall hell lie as as a kitten The hundredth lime hell hi ready to kick out my brains Never let King ROC hat youre afraid but never be off your guard for a moment is always easier to give good lhan to follow Jimmy having warned Basil fail ed own wise counsel One morning when Basil was down unusually early he an fed his cousin big barn I and a band in watering the had a splen did mare named Nan Ip the when from barn came a sound Mint made Basil jump Children dry FOR FLETCHERS I A You overwork reminded Jimmy feebly You are half Hick you know Basil laughed Hint Sick Yon have seen breakfast ale this morning All thai ailed me was 1 1 ft I I needed a Utile hard work Jimmy was in considerable pain He si- lied and his eyes j his sigh his readiness to eept his cousins assurance or the next six weeks did Ins best make good his lit had never worked SO hard in his life He tumbled of bed at daybreak worked as long as he could see and went bed as soon as it was dark Anne helped him when she was not in Jimmys room Friends on he neighboring farms though all overworked g halfdays now and again In help Jimmy out services of halfwilled youlh of sturdy physique but weak menially were secured H was necessary keep a close watch on him thai he might not do more harm was ready lo furnish the brains if Sam would furnish muscle And among them the work of farm forward not as if he young master were al the helm rather sur prisingly well everything con sidered They made mistakes some of them serious and others comparatively innocent and learned from Iheir blunders and went ahead and tried to do hel ler next day It was a wonderful occasion when Jimmv was able to come down and look on for first lime They had tried explain everything they had done and for several weeks con sulted him every Yet to see with his own eyes changes that had token plane since that WILL REOPEN W- KING GEORGE SCHOOL NEWMARKET ON Monday Nov the L THE FOLLOWING COURSES MECHANICAL DRAWING ENGLISH GRAMMAR and MATHEMATICS BOOKKEEPING TYPEWRITING arid SHORTHAND DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY FOR MEN AND BOYS WOMEN AND GIRLS Til i I IF you want to increase your now Is the time for you to begin IF you have no money Just remember that wo do not want your money but wish to enable you to earn ft family IF you would like a better position than you now hold NOW the time to get yourself ready for holding It wh6n the offer comes IF you spend your evenings aimlessly what will It profit you You cannot afford to do so and fall Application Cards may he obtained From any of the Ad visory Hoard or from the Principal Mr A Cornell Applications will be received up to Monday Nov A Fee of 100 he paid with application for admission to each class IT- Advisory Hoard of Technical School WATSON Chairman K A Secretary J Wedlock Cane laekson 1 P Harvey Cane II and Doyle J it ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO y

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