Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1918, p. 6

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I MOUNT ALBERT I Mount Albert METHODIST CHURCH The pulpit Of Hie Methodist Church at Mt and will be oc cupied next Sunday by J- Dunlop of King City Lea gue as usual on Monday the Everybody welcome PERSONAL Miss Nellie Shields of Toronto was I Id town over Sunday Miss Ross who lias been Toronto University came home sick Willi Spanish Flu Misses Mary and Anna Dike of spent the holiday at their homo in town Mr J Woodcock of Toronto was in town last week I Holland Landing Mrs Jennet Little an old resident of our village passed away on Satur day evening a an illness Deceased has lived years Her husband SPANISH FLU Probably the worst visitation this has ever had in the shape Of sickness has place during f0 past two weeks There are In I her years neighborhood of or SO cases in the town and vicinity and there I weU a house where one r more of mates an- not on the sick list I year The funeral which took place some are recovering others are being j i attended taken III School was closed for cemetery weeks all Hi leathers being Sewra villagers are laid up of the four rooms on Sapper Percy Croutch Formerly of Newmarket who was reported dangerously wound ed in last weeks Era opened in Tuesday with scarcely enough to form a quorum Several visitors for the holiday were sick and were unable return there have been no deaths and those f who an- recovering have every reason to be PICKUP ITEMS The shows no signs of abating Dr has been confined lays and Dr so overworked we fear hi the Till The school was closed this week Miss Mr and wife span Thanks giving at their mothers Mrs Shield and daughter Mrs of Toronto spent Sunday in Mrs droves Miss and Mr George of Toronto attended the funeral the late Mrs Little mi Tuesday last Miss P Gray who has been visfffnu Johnston so overworn Mr A at returned from hour hour hear of his col- lapse a death under rather circum stances occurred on Tuesday morning Some friends had come up from To ronto to Spend the holiday weekend With Mr and Mrs John Morton On Monday evening a child of three years was seized with convulsions and there being no doctor available poor lit tle thingpassed away The remains were taken Toronto for interment if the rooms of our school reopened on Tuesday hut Miss Brown is still too ill to resume work Mr Stunt Terry and family came Mrs Terry and up for the holiday children will remain at her fathers as J Mrs A Williams Sutton is visiting her sister Mrs Mrs Prosser and boys of To ronto spent a few days this week with her Mother Mr- J The Comforts Society of Bel- haven will at he home of Mrs on Wednesday p pack boxes for our hoys overseas All are cordially invited to attend The usual weekly sewing meeting will be held Mrs on the children have influenza Our Library wa- closed on Tuesday morning owing to the illness of the librarian Miss Hoy Gray ritlended Convention at villi- and represents it as making up in those present from what it lacked in numbers from outside places The fuel is affecting our peuple sadly Nothing in sigh I but soft and Buckwheat coal neither of winch apt- of in many Wood is as scarce and very dnr After a week of Ideal Kail weather have gone hack to grey days a wry hard frost on Monday baker Mr has soli stork and business if Mr avi who lives a few miles out of Hi village As Mr Morlson p in Much credit is -In- to the Ladies of the eoiummil for splendid IfjusiaSfii in this noble work O Keswick Mr in arc thai poiioik daughter an dT the The death of Mr- Jewell made iiil a sadness in our village Ml- is abb he agon Mr and Mrs Cook ami Doll are off Michigan a in town for holiday Mis Percy Cole and boy wfftt at Mr James Coles Mr and Morion are their home for a few Mr Norman Morion ami daughter retain his position as head baker visiting Grandma j no reason why Mt Alberl bread should its name as super ior To most and Hie equal of any We wish tie- new proprietor every success were iii error wvk as Mr Hoy deslinallou He has gone lo nol Will flu prevent lb- iiniial hunting The war inf r 1 just now a happy POINT At the regular meeting of Cross lal wek Christmas ImA wi- parked and lit overseas This work will he Will all who are in- attend Hi meeting oil Thursday 7s FARM FOR acre acres cleared Lot S Township main road miles from Sutton Fair build ings DONALD Head St iw39 Hamilton About and Laud- iiifdiiding Oxfords Prtcefi reasonable g 1 and for K PO LOCAL AGENT WAITED For the Old Reliable of Orchard trocfc need replacing Gardens call for fruits early bearing fruit lrr guj Rhubarb plants etc The for Ornamental stock In towns and Villages large a paying Agency with liberal c of nintt felon Experience not Stone Wellington over holiday Mrs Hal nor and children of are Mr for a flays 1 ys fellow In i any lime Mr- Will is visiting in IVlllit Mr- Hugh Ml speil I lasl Week Willi her Mr- Oh say jnsl a lyonl the ion bread bakers speak say the bread is Stan Conk rind have had full two weeks A loll good time io do their work and trips and have time spare How do you like galling up in the lonely on Sunday No Ill re or Sunday reboot t no- lieeil quid a lot of visiting done Owing to the of weather lasl Monday were a few disappointed people not gelling Bradford Fair and last at thai Dont buy at on BO beware and have eooiigb to gel borne Too late for week We are glad to say Mm oek and Mm are along I lie people of Were gleallv when hey leamed on Monday thai the War had not conic to end There was great rejoicing al he home of Mr Aligns King on Sun day when a daughter raffle to home This means I Kim- audi one A few friends expect a ev ening lb- home of Mr and Mrs A Marritt on Monriay It being Hie III of their A with hi wife daughter and vraiildaugheir Thanksgiving with his Mr Frank Terry near Jersey where his Mrs of III Is visitbiK It was a re union of all his and Mr Terry tit Sharon being present The day wan the anniversary of the and Mrs Ienys wedding day and also hi- birthday Clark Miss Terry and attended the Teaelors Convention In Toronto Inst week- It Is neediest to nay our people are and Mrs Ambrose youngs the second I Wins in the history of village who together with the grandparents Mr and Mrs Geo are very proud of them Several from here look in he Brad- rod Pair on Monday Wonder if Rus sell went Apple picking and eider making is mostly our mens work these days Mrs A Putnam spent Thanks giving holidays In Hamilton with mother and sisters Mrs is the city nursing her J daughter who has been very sick I with the Spanish Flu Mrs Alice Brown of Toronto is vis iting her cousin Mrs Mrs Hev is slowly from her severe attack of the flu Cadet Angus with his wife and baby spent a few days week Ids fathers here Mr 1 of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr 1 The Presbyterian Comfort So- I met last at Mrs and packed good useful boxes to the following boys David Miller Bob Slick wood Hoy Flan pagan Victor Bridges Frank Smith Jack Lewis Fred Don Mackenzie Weilie Mel Sanderson and Eves Miss Florence Lewis Of Toronto is home for a week a severe Of the flu Miss who has also had the flu Is around again to take care of her mother who is down with same rouble Mr lark Smith and Miss Vera Smith attended Woodbridgc Fair on Monday Mr Fred Harrow and Miss Mary Me- of Toronto- spent Thanksgiving at Mr 1 1 Terrys At time of writing we hear thai our old dor I or now at Keswick Dr lira- Is very rirk for Improve soon Mr evening lo his Hie lii lurn lli flu Till will iimmI itil on ftvon- All tip hi many ftf piirliini will Mr was for a couple of days last week Mr and Win of Aurora spent over holiday with relatives here Some of the pupils from around in a portion of the Fall Fairs this year but not so many as former seasons Mr P says Michigan is an exceptional place He en joyed his vacation with the great est magnificent pleasure I must close Other scribes are waiting for space in the good old Era Sleeping Beauty Sutton West A niece Mary Ann Haines j loft the entire estate of her aunt the late Sarah Doyle with excep tion of 200 which goes to the de ceased brother lohn Doyle of Virgin ia Out The nieces share is The estate is made up in the main of cash in bank at Sutton of anil a onesixth interest in the west half of lot in the concession of Township of of son of Mr John street Toron to formerly of Varhell was killed in action on pep Another effort was made to get rid of it by arranging with a sail ing vessel to take it several bun- miles out to sea and drop in This was done and some time passed away without a sign of the seaU But seven days af ter its departure the kitchen maid who slept near the kitchen fan cied she heard the plaintive cry of the seal and next morning its emaciated body was found on he threshold I East GwiDimbury Council The regular meeting of the Munici pal Council of the Township of East was held Oct all members present Communications read from Union Patriotic Institute re grant Fuel Administrator re appointing Commissioners for township and from Mr Jos Cody re remuneration for right of way through Lot Con in and ColeHaines following appointed Commissioners for YOU WILL FIND A LINE OF WINTER GOODS FOB EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY IN NPIVNICK A SONS Store AT SUTTON Mens Underwear Mens Sveaters Splendid Value Mens Work and Sunday Shirts Mens Overalls and Smocks at the low price of Mens Black Boots with Rubber Soles and Heels Mens Black Buttoned Boots Mens Everyday Pants Mens Winter Caps with Fur V Ladles Trimmed Hats Latest Styles Ladies Sweaters Ladles Silk Poplin Skirts Ladies Heavy Winter Coats Ladles and Childrens Underwear Sets Ladles Furs and also Girls Furs Ladles Boots sizes 2 to Childrens Aviation Caps with Scarfs Girls Navy Blue Serge Middles also Flannellette ones Boys Sweater Coats at and All Wool Ribbed Stockings Black and White Thread all numbers 200 yds Comforters and Blankets at the modest sum of Ladles Corsets small sizes regular 150 Ladies Allover Aprons at cts from S275 upwards at Only or SI 00 fa only siOo from upwards from upwards 5500 at Very Low Prices from 1000 upwards or only S200 at a spool for for only the Township of East A MaKenzie will office at Queens- and lroube l0 wail Do not Buy if you are Not Satisfied Sale Register i Monday Oct 1918rMr Wilton Morion will have an Credit Sale on Lot 3rd Con of North not one mile east of Buy ers Crossing Metropolitan Terms 11 months or off Sale at one Tuesday Oot Mr Ste venson will have an important sale of Farm Stock Imple ments Furniture Etc on Lot in the rear of the of Fast about a mile of School House on the Line No reserve months credit or 5 off Sale at one sharp J Kestcr Aucl Wednesday Oot 23 Mrs Win Barker will have a Credit Hair of Farm Stock Im plements etc on Lot 23 Con North one mile and a half north of mos credit No reserve Sale at new time Con veyances will meet Ihe o clock car at Stop 95 W Kavanatgh Thursday Oct Auction sale Of Farm Stock and Implements on Lot Con Whitchurch the property of Uriah Marsh Sale al one mos credit Kavanagh And Brown Hill Hello I hero mi Span Here Flu we arc period We hope this obstacle will not ob tain iii this Mr Win lohnsoii loaded a car of scrap week for the city Lawrence Hose has arrived bom- at last spending a few months in France and inlermcdiale points We arc very pleased to see him back old Brown Hill without any wounds Lawrence is excel lent example and shows up his colors well Good hoy The lime will soon be here win all will usher back to old standard lime It is much for and will he accepted wilh the greatest of attrition were much pleased to Mr Herbert Hose of Toronto spend over Thanksgiving period with friends here The service on Sundaymorning was well attended There was also a free- Wirt offering taken up for about minutes for the pastor Mr Quitter when lie was heartily presented with A good laborer jfl worthy of his Friday Oct 26 Messrs and Oakley Flanagan will have a Credit Sale of Farm stock Implement He on Con Fast North of Sharon No reserve and Henry Ross with at Mount Albert Opt ami that Hie be instructed to notify Mr Home Smith Fuel Administrator for the Province of Ontario above appointments and iHe seal he hereto ftltached Carrie Following bills passed work mi 1 Newmarket Era Advertising voters lists J Martin Grading bandys Hill A Nichols Grading and learn ing If Jones Timber for culverts Ben J Manning Drawing cinders 1 Con Win Watson work on Deans Hill Frank in cul verts Con Joseph Harrison Bonus wire fence repairing wash out Con Win one day shoveling gravel Arnold Dunn culling brush Con elms Park washout Con It Powell work on Con 1 Cook Irons for bridge W 1 conveying Mrs Miller to Coodwin Hep- Con Usury Rep washOut ion ii McDonald work I w Waller I- ChasNValsim Hep road Con 1 It on tied Con I Cojinell adjourned to noel al Sharon on Friday Nov I SO P M A It Clerk P1VNIOK SON SUTTON WEST 12 mos Sale at one 2o 1200 300 1 50 If Aucl Oct 28 Mr W will have a sale of farm slock implements etc on the northeast Quarter of Lot in the 3rd Con of ginn No reserve 12 mos credit or off for cash Sale one oclock W Saturday Oct 2G properly of estate of the late Mitchell wisl half of lot 2n in Con I consist- in- of farm slock- and imple ments at one oclock mos credit auct Tuosday Nov Mr Silvester King will have an extensive and farm sale on south half of lol in Con i East flwilliinbury half- mile east of Crossing slop 75 Met Usual terms Sale at sharp Lunch for those from a dislauce W auctioneer 26Sale of stand ing limber on lot 31 in the of King the property of Mrs ravins- Met car stops at door 4 credit No re serve Sale atone FOUND ITS WAY HOME The story of a pet seal captur ed when a pup a AND PRACTICE Hose of the I the coast of in Horn v penl holiday period in We note that our clerk M Iceberg Manse has been under weather lately Oh what a sick spell is on I wonder if is caused from disappninliiionls Out given in of a Sportsman The young was fed and allowed have the range of the kitchen and the members of the household became greatly attached to it Miss Peters of this plnee It to follow Ibis in- fine a sight bright I on And viewed the oer I laid eves on a smiling far And fit winning through some grace Then set on for land It would make way daily Hill Hill has reached water and pass many to unite a popular stage I miflf swimming about It se recall one instance on record On more or less food in thai one of our year its Ralph Hose was united In Blindness- Anally came lo the seal wilh old age but it lied its journrys lo Hie sea and iwnd home as regular as be fore As old age increased it caused annoyance by its peculiar cry for food and Its lessened ability to j get about Al family decided they must pari with it and not wishing to kill it they And mined the United I W- the spud game W abOUl ended for this year In this A group of lutys gathered in corner of library were tlls- the talk the principal of the school had given that morning in chapel He exaggerates said one Why are little things so impor tant That is what I say said an other He would take all the fun oul of life by such strictness I cant see any harm in lots of things he would call wrong And even if they are wrong cant he so terrible to do a thing that isnt perfectly right one in a while afraid the old fellow is a good deal of a fOy He thinks were living in the time of Moses and the Ten Commandments There was a laugh at this ami the hoys separated The next day the principal called thorn all into his study Unintentional ly I overheard your talk yester day he said I was in the al cove hack of reference shelves and could nol help hearing all you said Perhaps I exaggerated the seri ousness of a wrong action and Its If Im wrong about it Im ready to heeonvinced Now Judge Holt was in here this morning I see me on a mai ler of business When he went out he left his on my desk He laid it down here when he took oul some papers and forgot pill it hack He is a curiously absentminded man and the chances are he will never rememher when he left if have looked into Ihe hook I if contains a hundred dollar in new hills you do with it A CONSERVATIVE MAN DOESNT CARRY a lighted bomb around with him searching for water to put out the fuse He gets rid of it as quickly and gently as possible and then goes away from there Not all of us know that we arc packing around with us every day a potential source of trouble that may produce or even death Ninety per cent of human illness is caused or aggravated by a clogging of waste in your bowels If you try to away that decaying germbreeding with weakening pills salts castor oil laxative mineral waters etc you art like the man with the bomb carrying it around with you while you hunt for the YoiVllnever find one There isnt any The thing for you to do is to stick to your schedule of bowel movements as you do to your tooth brush Get rid of that source of danger before the germs back up through your system and hit you with something you recognize has a gentle absolutely harmless and absolutely thorough cleansing action upon the intestines and leaves no aftereffect but regular habits is Mild only la illtiif hollies the Trade M Ark cm Von may from Send for Samples of Literature CHARLES GYDE SON PO Box Montreal S I I I OR Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW NEW YORK CITY Nlljoi for contfibation our lesson sir We shall nev er forget It thought so Theory is one ypu are right and practice you see is quite another said he the hills hark into be And the Ton Commandments are a pretty pood pilar I even Inday WHEN YOU MUST RELY ON YOURSELF MARLBORO POULTRY YARDS Must sellto make a number of Choice Yearling While Leghorn and Marred Hock also Cork- and Cockerels from my heavy hiving strains that will improve your It A PUTNAM Queonville The experiences of llf thai iepcsl we riiusl bear alone Tin who fall in the way Others for strength to fit hor inuihT or wiser friend are hound have a hard lit of limy on Is rich and he need Yon hoys fifty and I will fifty You ran have pond lime your hare and I eau pay one or two fit lie hills owe and one will he wier The principal mil money calmly counted fifty dollars and held bills one of the hoys but the hoy started in terror is he pried Surely is one will ever find II and judge will never miss the money Where Is the harm Resides old fogy In he loo piece of wrong- The hoy looked al Ihe prin cipal a and glances with his friends Then ho flnld rnvoly Wo had Is well selfreliance ifainst IC We are thrown in our own resources An doelor wis in habit of his on blank sides of Old letters and eir- etc One day who was Buffering from an extreme viiiik turned over the si rip and read The funeral will take place al on Wednesday WANTED TENDERS FOR NEW and particulars may he had from Bradford Road I- J MARSH Holland Landing P MS RAILWAY HIGHLANDS OFiONTARlO CANADA Tho Homo of tho Red and Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER November 1st to Novem ber 15th inclusive MOOSE November 1st vemher inclusive some of Northern Dis tricts of Ontario including Timagami and the territory north and south of the Can adian Government Railway from the Quebec to Manitoba boundary Open season for is from October 1st to November inclusive For further particulars to any Grand Trunk Agent or to Dis trict Passenger Agent Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J It Phono Agent Par Suil Suii Boy CI Wo China ono among any Pri Quality Very R I Direct SOME FRESH ft deli used to notice le Martin fro it or To Gutter Dated a province Se ARCHIVES OF ONTARtO

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