I NECK CHAINS Sottd Gold to GoldFilled to 5 WATSONS Jewelry Store The Leading County Paper as well as he Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum in advance when not paid to United Stales in advance only T Watson Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY NOV 1ST 10 IS Single Copies eaoh VOL No 0 you buy a Victory Bond it as if you put a gun to your shoulder and fired a round into the Hun armies A STORY OF HALLOWEEN O Rupert shrieked the child throwing her arms around than eighty years ago him you would surely be three lit lie English child- drowned and so would we What were solemnly turn you in such an awful flood ranging their mystic as this games for Halloween I could try to swim lo the were all alone in a cote Manor said the boy It nearly half a mile from any not more than half a mile off neighbor for father and mother and there are plenty floating had gone to the town of Ware fences and boughs in the water to and would be back before the rest me if Margery next night so Rupert Margery i must go or we- shall all drown and little Nance were preparing together and you know he add- without a shadow of fear to amuse with a sob I promised father themselves in their own fashion I would take care of you Chestnuts were hopping But to leave us here alone I annul on the fireplace and half Rupert I should die I a dozen apples floated tantaliingly in a tub of Hut Ruperts mind was made up It must be done at once water wailing for a courageous be said or it will be loo late diver Margery try lo be a liltle brave Rupert an active boy of tweive I and keep light hold of- Nance if captured hi- apple at every plunge Margery only nibbled at the waves should reach you he- fore can come back Please When you buy a Victory Bond you are laying by something that may be tUe foundation of future wealth The millionaires all say that the first dollars n I a1f il bobbing about I will save you yet Then lb ndraeSI TO f lnJ throwing off his shoes and jacket poor Nancy would dive hold- ho plunged into the seething down ami come up gasping and waters choking looking more like a half- ho was swept out drowned kitten than a girl I or sight and with an awful no use said her loneliness Margery ciouch- sister Youll never gel one if holding Nance in- you soaking yourself alt arms The waves crept higher night Lot us see now who will until they washed their be married and who will die l logeth- perl you go inlo the garden and What had become of Rupert bring we in some earth on a- plate Wlia would become of them V white I get the ashes and water j dances were hushed from The boy went out to dig up the exhaustion and she only mold was a clear night To j moaned and shivered slightly his left he saw the white banks j the crawling waters gained of the river Lea and could hear lMI by inch Make the beginning with A VICTORY BOND THE BIN HARDWAR THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD PAINTS VARNISH PHONE 28 AGO THE HONOR FLAG will be the chief emblem in the Victory Loan Campaign It is presented by His Excellency the GovernorGeneral to all cities towns and villages that attain their objectives and is expected to be flown by them It is vry attractive and is sure to be sought after From Era Nov Enquiry began last Saturday before DrH3nler If utiles and John Terry Esquires in the- Susan Long field scandal Two of the largest and best brick stores in the village arc just being completed for Mr J Caldwell Messrs Jackson Trent Mp- and Henderson attended the regular meeting- of the Pub lic School Board Monday even ing when the bill for the new school bell was passed St also desks and seals ordered for the third room Married At Nov 3 Rev Hairier Mr Eli Rogers to Miss Harriet Susannah West ft Ml 7 s rush water as How high I ho We are within sight of Victory and iTiw less than ever can we afford to rest in a false atmosphere of security BUY VICTORY BONDS C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch minute it became plain- to her thai she could not keep looked thought inch longer never seen il like that before and All hope was dying fast when a for a moment he stood wondering V what had caused the sudden rise lom Then voice calling for Xance Nance she sobbed earth him foiel all coming I Rupert has about it and in another them lls he was back in Ihe warm bright i ie without a thought of the and the tw foaming I orient outside The little placed on tin the three one of ramped and weary little figures were lifted from their perilous resting place and laid gently in which held mold the other n was hardly enc ashes and the bird clear water Margery trembled wilh Then she bound a handkerchief Iu she scarcely dared to lightly over Nances eyes ami bade her go and her in one of the plates touched the water she would be married if her lingers wandered into Ihe ask Where is she erierl lie sent you I know but whore is he now The men looked at cacti oilier p comfort some the of Even at a sacrifice of favorite luxury it is every Canadian regardless of age sex or station to BUY VICTORY BONDS P W PEARSON THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED ashes she was loomed he eyes bill made no old maid but if she readied the pitiful glance earth then she would die face or- the next Halloween j ft she strove to slowly groped her wav what Ihe silence meant In Ihe ami after a inoinenf Hi have sent 16 us a wood A vigoroin leader in great Victory Loan campaign He la Chairman of Die Ontario Executive Committee ove a Buy Victory Bonds wageearner who keeps his money hoarded up at home is worse than the slacker who dodges military service Put your dollars to work for your at a fair remuneration for every work that they do indecision put her linger slowly else how inl water Margery gave lliough toeume bout or pleasure and with a siii answered one of relief was set- H truly tiled unbound he hand- l tell his ami banded il her J l wild her matters were fools we would promising fur advancing I you before a how o confidence lie and Margery her evil genius led her Jli tin- ashes greally I ii delight as he could lie of a lid her oW disgust Il body of was his r urn bill jus as boy had been yes were being bandaged little eallel all we Willi a bound boy sprang lo door and opened his eye as a couple of deep but which was steadily in the j be realized I- The had I- banks ami was gaiii- on them it had the he orient Ihe win dows of the Manor farm had been made some spark f life ii was too tale When Hie r v iSSftJ3HTvV J jC i A SPi t i4Sm J I mm H Eves of Vwoia tin of i id Ihe Campaign THOMAS The Dominion Minister of Finance recognized all remembered the on whom devolves the raising of Can- helpless family in tin- cottage adas Victory Loan of and a boa was for those who might till be alive and Margery and her were I hat da re stored lo their mothers arms And long years alter of her own gathered her knee would Kolth of ami of be Local Ihe Vie- Campaign Victory Loan will enable youLJlr by Ibis lime reached to to keep your dollars rolling and thus bear s children stood the half their great li lr audi 01 their brave little Ituper nl his ami if the tiomi I In his rare rises that high we will he roof ujek Maruery stood still her brown eye filling with tears she he por little and chickens They Will all be drowned and whal- vr will mother when she ones back your roiling share of f Canadas burden BUY VICTORY BONDS lib Limited NEWMARKET of Tor least WE can do is to LEND our money to Canada at interest upon the best of security that the world may be made free for all time from the menace of War and BUY VICTORY BONDS No Branch A LISTER Manager Thoroughly alarmed flu perl drew girls up Ihe lad derlike stairway their low altie Opening the window he crawled out ami then helped Nance and Margery follow Side by side the three and iw waters surge mid sway around Where could hey look for help Nance sobbed and as she crept closer her brother side Margery stood as if froen into stone but Fill perl watched the cruel waler as they rose arid think how best act for his sisters sake and for bis Own- He could bear in fill distance cries ami shouts and could blazing on many roofs signals of the danger- He knew that along the towns outskirts and scattered parish of Ware re lief boats were even now rowing from house to bouse save those who lived loo low to hern Something he done tuickly If he would save his from perishing he said would lie afraid to slay here alone with Nance while I flOfnO help Victory Bonds MOTHER AND FATHER DIED ON SAME AY Aurora Oct Herbert Me a King Township farm er aged ii years ami his young wife died within a few hours of other afternoon both being vielims Spanish leave three small children all of whom are ill wilh the disease Two nurses are in attendance The dual interment will lake place in the Aurora Win Miller Jr whose father lives dieil of influena at South after an illness of six days His remains were brought here today and will be hurled Mrs wife wellknown fish dealer- of Au rora died this evening from prevailing epidemic Buy Victory Bonds Three Lindsay nurses died on Sunday from Spanish flu HI mi Oct H It W aged about yrs is dead as the resuli of an attack of influeua which later develop ed inlo pneumonia He was lakeri ill on Wednesday last Oct and succumbed at I oclock this afternoon At the time lr was taken HI he was at tending of and physically worn Out He had been in practice here for the past live years and was one of he best beloved and most pnoml citizens A widow and two Utile children survive WOOD Chairman of the Dominion Execu tive Committee Victory Loan Buy Victory 327410 PRISONERS TAKEN BY BRITISH London Oct was an nounced in the House of Com mons Inday dial since he of British troops have taken enemy prisoners lulling wei il was also stalid There were it was also slated combatant prisoners in the Kingdom at the present lime Buy Victory Bonds ALLIED ADVANCE IN ITALY ft 25 YEARS A60 From Era Nov 1893 Mrs Burns of is vis iting her mother la t The Cedars Mr and Mrs A are back from Chicago They were at White Ihe closing day Mr and Mrs who have been in New Zealand for past live years are spending a few weeks wilh her father The annual Convention of he North York Sabbath School held in the Christian Church Newmarket this week was a great success Rev Wilson of Toronto was he chief speaker the night Rev Dr Of second night and Hon Make of Toronto ihe I bird night Mr Alfred Day the Provincial Seerelry took a prominent part in the day ses sions Officers elected Hob I Norman I I He I fry vice I Jackson sec John Ileas I rep to 1 loads gravid have been spread tin- Market Square week av While painting at Canes last Isaac I pelle fell he second window to ihe No bones broken A full gleet ed Mrs lar- Wax Work at the Town Hall Tuesday night in lie in- of Si Church Mr and Mr A Ifickliug have gone partner ship in the tailoring business Mr ha- the properly north of llnb- erlsMii- ami is making repairs In the thnreh last Sunday subject was and its in- habitants and In painted most entrancing seem Mr fer id Ioronlo Angels ever and fair About too people ill I ended he football match mi Saturday be ll Ween Toronto and Newmarket J Tile latter won I II It two Holland Lauding men settle no damage- to projjerly on A Mon I real buyer bought nine horses here on Saturday av erage being Sutherland an advertis ing A in ordered cloth ing mm Mid o ad i- tarn fi- A I i Mi I A P Pearson Newmarket and Member Of the Local of Ihe Victory Loan Buy Victory Bonds INFLUENZA SPREADS IN GREAT BRITAIN The Toilih Aucra in his year IT SHOULD MAKE A MILLION FOR HIM London Oct Influenza is increasing throughout Hrttaiu and Ireland Two hun dred and llllylive persons have been buried in Dublin since last Monday Tin authorities are sprinkling the sheets wilh disin fectant- Two priesis who at tended the vielims have died One hundred and fly- two ileal lis have occurred al Leices ter during the week All public functions have been cancelled arid the council has people lo stay away from places London Oct Hritish and amusement One thousand Kalian forces offensive in rases are reported Newry The Northern Italy this afternoon had spinning mills arc short handed advanced for a distance of four miles beyond the More than Austrian were taken prisoners in operations on the Italian front yesterday and the schools have been dosed Buy Victory Bonds At Winnipeg little Barbara Grey agid six was crushed lo Fiftyone guns were also death by a packing case which j I fell upon bar head Cincinnati man discovers drug that Iooson8 corns ao they lift out news spreads rapidly and druggists hero are kept busy dispensing freezone the recent discovery of a Cincinnati man which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the Angers A of an ounce costs very lijjle at any store which but this is said be sufficient to rid ones feet of every hard or soft corn or callus You apply just a few drops on the lender aching corn or tough callus and instantly the soreness is relieved and soon the corn or callus is so shriveled that it lifts out without pain It is a sticky substance which dries when ap plied and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin This discovery will prevent thousands of deaths annually from lockjaw and infection here tofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns Oct The Can ada Carriage Works one of chief manufacturing establishments was wiped out by tire through spontaneous com bustion in lie bending room of the shop Loss at half a million dollars Insurance 00000d i A j J fc i J SKrtieriloi