gas St OUR LOCAL NEWS Official Casualties Killed in action J Bradford Wounded Aurora Thompson Bradford entirely settled by scientific authority however that the crea- FOR re is not a whale but a true fish Whales are lungbrea things warmblooded mammals hat Homo Nursing and First Aid Arrangements have been made to the class in Home Nurs ing arid Aid on Nov 1 111 The for- is for members of I he Womens Institute and for for the whole course Those to join the Class are requested hand in to Miss Cane Nov 9th and slate which class wish attend after noon or evening Further par ticulars as to place and time will next week Names may also be with Mrs George 1 Vacant Let Cultivation There wore live contestants in for the prize of fered he Era for the best vacant lot last season The lot were inspected three times- the judge Mr J 0 Slock ley District Agricultural Representative for York Co and his was a few lavs Mrs Hewitt with Mr Waller Stephens a close second The honor was not won without strenuous effort Mrs Hewitts plot was I he admiration of ev erybody who passed that way and she is In be congratulated tin her success Having leased the Ground Floor to Youngs Fair we must clear out our Stock of Wall Paper as we have no room up stairs for it We offer all Sidewall and Ceiling Papers at Cost Price which is mich lower than todays prices from the Manufacturers We are also closing out our present stock of Shoes While we have not all sizes those we offer are per cent below present prices We also have Cut Prices in Millinery and Dry Goods ROCHE CO SOMETHING DOING IN NEWMARKET On Saturday Night Everybody Come Down Town and see what Is going on Deep Sea Monster Captured on Atlantic Coast FEET LONG AND WEIGHS TONS Barrels of Formaldehyde Used To Preserve the Sea Monster From Cincinnati TimesStar of August I IMS It was an eventful day in Mi iimis history when Captain Thompson finally landed his strange and mysterious deepsea monster and had it hauled up on I lie ways at I he local locks II Brief lets Butt- j was picked up on the Market last Saturday at and eggs at Union prayer service in the attainments were not un known in Washington wired a confirmation of the captains re markable claim and strongly ad vised bat in the interest of sci ence the Smithsonian Institution Suckle their young inhaling and exhaling air through a in the top head The mouth is situated under the head The tail is terminated by a horizontal fluke Only one species of the whale has a dorsal fin None of these characteristics can be found in the Deep Sea Mystery except the dorsal fin its tail is vertical like that of other fishes Facts of Interest Us liver alone weighed lbs or more than ten fullgrown men put together it is 3 feet around the body and its tail measures feel from tip to lip It had swallowed an octopus weighing four hundred pounds a weighing fifteen hundred pounds- and five hundred pounds of coral It could have swallowed Jo nahs without the slightest pang of indigestion smashed a boat into thous ands of pieces and crushed the rudder and propeller of a yacht with a single swish of its mighty tail Five harpoon thrusts anil large calibre rifle bullets served increase its fury and it look days to finally kill it The battle lasted 10 hours in open water the mOflStcr dragging a small boat at express Irani speed for hundreds of miles Scientific authorities believe the creature was an inhabitant- of depths more than 1500 feet below the surface and thai il was blown up some subterranean or vol- ramie upheaval which injured its diving apparatus so was unable In return its native depths Its eyes which are very small have no lids and were never clos ed indicating that it lived at a depth where eyes are of no avail Although the largest fish ever scientists claim it was only a baby of its tribe and if if had lived In attain full growth il would have been two and onehalf limes as large Buy Victory Bonds ALL Of USE BAKING v CANADA looks to YOU for help in making this Victory Loan a Success Canada needs your Ours is a country whose individual citizens are prosperous than those of any other country in th world Canada has come to YOU and asks BUY VICTORY BONDS AND WIN THE WAR fc a P S an I f I if 1 Aurora is safe In say that no less than I should lend all possible aid in ten thousand people were eye-wit- preserving such a rare specimen for tie benefit Of posterity result was an immediate answer with instructions as lo the proper nurse to lie pursued Methodist Sunday School Room history and is believed many I and also recommending that Prof ii esses in die scene who remember as though it happened day fish is the in last evening Young- was quite a draw ing card in Tnwri last Saturday including I he leading theologians an eminent the country thai it was a fish and expert laxidermisl of ibis species Unit swallowed the who bad accompanied one of store was crowded all day prophet Jonah as no other fish Pearys polar expeditions be en- and evening and the stock was very attractive So was Roches Millinery upstairs known to could have paged prepare and mount the Can You Wear a Or smaller size shoe If you can ran buy from Dan ford A Co a shoe for 305 A City Preacher accomplished the feat The fish is of wonderful inter est not alone on account of its size but from a fish You may imagine what an ar duous lask lhat was when I fell you that the creatures hide was Sale Register Tuesday Nov Mr Silvester King Will have an extensive and unreserved farm sale on south of lot In Con East half mile east of Crossing slop Met Usual terms Sale at 12 sharp for those from a distance avanagh auctioneer Monday Doc 2AI Hear Con Whitchurch known as he 1laylir bush cords hardwood green and dry and acres Standing Timber mostly cedar uiahle for Telephone poles and he pro perty Win Sale pm I Thursday Nov Mr las and standpoint I three inches thick and so as well as it is the only one of iU tough we could hardly make an species ever captured incision in iis surface willi our Capl Thompson was to sharpest knives I tell you that recognize the great value of bis we worked like Trojans and stupendous pjye char- day for the of Hie ability have j energy and foresighl he was worse all the iiigham of will occupied the pulpit of the once began huge task of lime Although the monster was important sale of slock Church during the past preserving it To accomplish liforally with disinfeel- implements and furniture wilh- and is still this giial task he displayed as Mills nineteen barrels being re- reserve months fi vol with brilliant pulpit much courage and heroism as I lie job was rash Sale at oratory services of J the monster As si horrible the II of have mailer of il as kind I ever went through and one secured fn- tin- month much and fortitude In that you may he surf reriuired an Friday Nov Mr Henry her and nobody in town this monster mass or flesh immense amounl of nerve and Thompson Half Iti should fail l bear this remark- as il did lo capture in Ibe lei- put over Con J will have an ex- able preaiher sermon- have halite which lasted hours We hail to const a big tensive farm sale at oclock Police Force Called Out wnien tank capable of holding credit I of gallons of sides Make special I he thai swarmed in whirl the carcass was placed Saturday Nov 2nd Mr I A hear him next Sunday around the monster after was and where it remained for several Haulm will have a nf morniu- will be j mi the wharf Miami was days Accurate measurements I Hi a I in pure of the carcass made and a Thompson was forced framework of wooi and si eel Mfas Gardner Succumbs to police maintain which was wilh a while he rigged up a canvas of dasler so as to make The ait occurred on Mondavi creature Two an exact replica of Mi Bessie follow- 1 whn as il on the an allack t tin Deceased O and out beach Twelve hundred feet f was a healthy rohusl girl for haveiTehanee to lumber pound steel S Si emal inn thai matter where he preaches he draws large ami fallen limber wood and slabs mi lad Con King inos Sale Smith Buy Victory Bonds the ha Hie par has I in rod- and if die and barrel the office ot the lbaver Mill- Thump- after barrel of plaster were used in the employ of Mr li l of till the cavity after and la- Mr Dike and it was lnstin the organs were removed way a pleasure to have her an- advising them of his The huge mass of flesh the phone or wait upon any- I rapture and asking now so thai he material one She had a very dis- lanee in pie- organs and the anatomy of position and was a favorite with response was lure might be On her father has uflmg open the stomach we were been of ibis pari of Ibe Metropolitan for some The remains were inter red at Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon with deep re gret sorrowing parents have of the com munity in their bereavement suspected were called astonished to find il contained upon to deal with another hig body of a huge octopus fish story about which they were weighed pounds hear such Us condition il evident that statement at this season of octopus had been taken alive the year one gulp and had remained Captain Thompson was begin for several days after it had to feel apprehensive regard- swallowed Husband and Wife Both Gone It with sincere regret we have to record he death of Mr Char lei Osborne on Tuesday afternoon from pneumonia fol lowing the influenza He was il at the time of bis death ix days previous and strenuous Efforts were made for bin recovery Me was a member of the firm of It Osborne Sons plumbers and is survived by an infant also bis father mother three brothers and three Hi- brother Mr Wesley a of the Jovn Council The funeral look yesler- morning being sung by Wedlock in SI Johns buret and at St Cemetery Mr Pegg Mr Ihos Mr and Mrs Jan If Mr Miss Annie Mrs rbor ry son and daughter all Toronto also Mr Norman Collfngwooii Mr Mr f and of Mr ftnd Mr of Mr Mrs Harry t Cadet Wyh of the Flying Corps and attended the funeral the situation In a gentleman whose ar flatou the carcass had Wrist Watches LADIES AMD In Gold 81lrer and Nickel CLOCKS MANTEL CLOCKS FRENCH IVORY KITCHEN CLO0K8 CUT GLASS d beep thoroughly Willi the chemical preservatives was tak en out of the immense vat ami preparations were marie lo mount il in its natural lifelike form and color The carcass was so heavy and cumbersome that we found extremely difficult to manipulate and a large force of men wem required to handle it When spread out On ground be carcass measured feel long and nearly feel In circumference and the hide was found be three Inches thick its enormous bide have been tanned into quarterinch thick nesses it have furnished enough material make leather suitcases or pairs of shoes WATERMAN FOUNTAIN KODAK8 8UPPLIE8 Atkinson Co Marriage I iryyrjrj v job was finally completed and It cost more Thompson was sure proud the achievement for he found himself in possession of the greatest example of he taxider mists art In America if not in the world Many doubting Thomases continues Thompson Ig- of natural history on see ing the Deep Mystery for the first time are ready to assert that It is nothing but whale It has of the the present time are Mr Win iiits family and Miss A Carrow We wish a speedy recovery Clad see Miss Laura Morn ing around again after a couple of Weeks The lied Cross League have de cided to bold their Oct and Nov meetings later on I here being so much sickness member has la park a couple boxes at their homes as is Hearing and our hoys in Franca will be looking for their boxes Thursday evening Is Halloween your gates etc Buy Victory Bonds Orillia has passed a wood law standardizing a cord of wood and compelling dealers lo so pile il in their vehicles it can be easily measured Buy Victory Bonds We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for of Catarrh that cannot he cured Hulls Catarrh Cure Halls Catarrh Cure lias been taken catarrh Hufferers for the past thir tyfive years and has become known the most reliable remedy for Ca tarrh Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces the Poison from Ibe Blood and healing the diseased portions After you have taken Halls Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health Start taking Halls Catarrh at once and get rhl of catarrh Send for testimonials free P J A CO Toledo Ohio Sold by all four daughters two sons share in the estate of the late George Smith who died at Aurora The bulk of the assets are represented in Au rora real estate Word was received in Aurora on- Wednesday of the wounding in Prance of Bert Pearson youngest son of Dr and Mrs Pearson residing here by shrapnel shot or shell He is now in Hospital in The extent of his in jury is not known Ibe cablegram merely slating the fact Aurora Oct There is a ureal Shortage of coal in town which has been met by the Coun cil with the delivery of the sixth carload of The Town Council ratified the agreement the Foundry Co Leather Co and Baldwin Flour Mills for a switch connecting with the G T p and Toronto Radial The treasurer was instructed to pur chase Victory Loan bonds out of the surplus of electric light fund J was appoint ed tax collector and as Town Clerk was given two weeks hol idays Britten Griffith a resident of Victoria St who has had two re lapses of Spanish- influenzal died Wednesday aged leaving a widow and live children He was of Mrs Cook Harrison Ave whose husband died a short lime ago and whVse daughter died in Newmarket influenza Inst week Buy Victory Bonds IN EVERY TIME OF STRESS and difficulty for over ninety years Youths Companion has stood by tin family It has cheered and encouraged and en tertained delighting all inform ing all and making home life and loyal sentiment the ideal of all Im- 1919 the publishers intend lo make I he taper worth more to family life than ever before The splendid Serials alone are events in next years reading in the fam ily life Hundred- of Short Stories and Alludes by Con tributors and a steady stream of helpfulness in everything from the solid and serious to the happy humor Which Ihe Companion is lamed In these days- he whole family needs I lie Compan ion and is still only a year for splendid issues miss race serial Anne chapters Dee The following special offer is made lo new subscribers Tiro Youths Companion issues of MM All I he remaining weekly is sue- of The Home Calen dar lor All tin above for or you may include MrCalls Magazine fashion numbers All for only 9125 The Iwo may he sent lo separate addresses if desired TIM YOUTHS COMPANION Commonwealth Ave fc St Haul SI Mass New Subscriptions received a I I his Office Buy Victory Ponds r a NEWMARKET a TWO WEEKS SALE OF HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR i Heavy Scotch Wool Hose Assorted Sizes Reg for Heavy Fleeced Hose Size 8a to Reg for Ladies KnitWell FleeceLined Hose Special 50c pr gavy Fall Lisle Hose Famous Mercury Brand Black Cream White Brown Special Big Range of Childrens 1 and rib All Wool Hose Red Cream Black Full Range of Ladies and Childrens Underwear Brand Price from 50c to V J More ii ToDay Money is needed for the las great stages of this War for freedom Be patriotic and BUY VICTORY BONDS R REYNOLDS Manager Newmarket Branch is TWO DUTIES ft f i Your Duty to Your Country is Buy all the VICTORY BONDS you can I Your Duty to Your Home is See that Your Life is Properly Insured FRED ANTLER Newmarket Ont District Agent The Mutual Life of Canada BUY VICTORY BONDS Is l t4 I YOUNG WOMEN 4 Are wanted at never before for Business Offices as Telegraph Operator SHAWS Toronto give the proper training In short order Free catalogue H Shaw Write Victoria BC Oct by mountainous waves had I driven before a wind terrible severity the steamer Princess Sophia Mid from 1 he comparative safety of reef in Lynn Canal midway be tween and Juneau early Friday evening and curried persons passengers ami crow men and children lo their deaths in the raging northern There were no suir- on the ship Buy Victory Bonds Live Stock Markets Top prices pnid in Toronto this week Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Steers and Heifers Good Butcher Cattle Common jlutcher Cows 725 Choice Stackers Choice Milkers Choice Springers 1000 Choice- Veals- Calves Calves Lands Yearling Lambs Cboiee Sheep Medium llOgsJ Off ears I Most Efficient Device old in i Toronto Markets lb y5 70 ill Turkey a For Full Information or Phone J Phono Soto Agent for BRADFORD AURORA AURORA ONT NEWMARKET Geese per lb 30 Ducks 35 Fall Wheat bush bush S Newmarket Markets 7- pyij 3 SS ss mm ARCHIVES OF ONTARI