-S- FRIDAY g 0 V 1ST IS l 1 r ft J I N Canada as in all nations good faith is the foundation of all our busi ness dealings Without a sound basis of credit our whole financial structure would crumble and decay Credit is the belief of the creditor in the borrowers intention and ability to pay You do not hesitate to exchange four silver quarters for a Dollar Bill because you know that Dollar is as good as Guinea Gold Yet a Dollar Bill is only a scrap of paper bearing Canadas statement that it will pay ONE HUNDRED CENTS for it You have read that statement so often that you have come to accept it without question And Canada has always made good promises concerning every scrap of paper it has ever put on the market Canada is now offering to investors Dominion of Canada Bonds bearing interest at per cent per annum The interest is payable half yearly and the Bonds are issued in denominations of and 1000 making a most attractive and profitable investment It is Canadas desire that Bonds of the Victory Loan 1918 be distributed as widely as possible among private individuals The last Victory Loan which was largely oversubscribed had more than 800000 subscribers or 1 in of the entire population of Canada Every available dollar of private capital in Canada is urgently needed to surpass that record BUY VICTORY BONDS they are as good as Guinea Gold I From the standpoint of patriotism your duty is clear But apart from any consideration of duty and patri otism Canadas Victory Bonds represent the safest surest and best investment in the world today 9 This spQce donated to the Victory Loan Campaign by her f- r looks to YOU for help in making this great Victory Loan a SUCCESS Canada needs your MONEY Ours is a country whose individual citizens are more prosperous than those any other country in the world Canada has come to YOU her citizens with a straight business That proposition in a nutshell is this proposition I need Three Hundred Million Dollars to help finish up my business over in Europe Lend me the money for a short time at 5 per cent interest payable half yearly and I plqdge the return of every cent of your loan Plan 1919 to take all the Bonds you can possibly pay for The payments are as follows per cent on application 20 per cent January 20 per cent December per cent February 3116 per cent March 6th 1919 Talk Victory Bonds to your friends Buy VICTORY B0ND for yourself Give Victory Bonds to your relatives- This space is donated to the Victory Loan Campaign by ra ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO