Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1919, p. 1

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WATSONS Jewelry Store The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS i SI per annum in advance when not paid to United States advance only- TCWatson Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN -i- Si C VOL No 50 I You can depend on getting at all seasons the following Goods at WASHING MACHINES in Electric and Hand Power by the barrel the proper sweeping compound for Schools Offices Stores and Homes DETROIT VAPOR Wlckless Oil or Gasoline Cooking Stoves IRON PIPE In Galvanized or Black PIPE FITTINGS All Sizes a and Varnish Combination LOWE BROS HIGH STANDARD PAINTS for Outside and Inside Work ELECTRIC BULBS in 25 GO and 100 watts ELECTRIC Irons Toasters Grills Heaters Cord Sockets Rosettes Switches Etc and- Aurora to Toronto and return was discontinued and the mail brought up from he city by regular train on the following- j Monday that time there was not an incorporated village in North i of Marriage Licenses and continued to hold the same until he voluntarily resigned in When the Prince of Wales Vis ited Newmarket in I861 he wrote the address that was presented on behalf of the citizens York nor any place in the constiV- when Lord uency with a telegraph office The corner stone of the first telegraph office in Church he delivered the address was opened in a shoeshop of welcome being reeve or me conducted by the late John Paco at the time situated where the When the Fenian Raid broke Block now stands out in Mr Jackson received After a few months the office despatches by telegraph and is- was removed to the building oc cupied by Dr Ford where the Royal Hotel now stands One of the daughters of Dr Ford who afterwards married Mr PEERLESS GASOLINE CHARCOAL OILS GREASES THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD VARNI8H PHONE 28 The Late Jackson The Oldest Citizen of Newmarket Passes Away In His Year OVES H Saks Notes Collected Formers save them- much delay and possible loss by making Sales Notes payable at The Bank of Montreal and leaving such notes in our care for Collection G Rosa Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD MAI SCRANT0N COAL FURNACE SIZE FOR SALE TRY A TON W PEARSON Cor Church and DArcy Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie 8hier Last Monday afternoon Jan 6th there departeo this life the oldest citizen of Newmarket and probably the best known man in the North Riding of York Jackson Esq His life was an active one and nearly spanned century He had been confined to his bed over three months with the decline of life was free from pain and con scious within fifteen minutes of his departure- when be repeated part of a Psalm and calmly slept away When Jackson eldest son of the late Christopher Stroud Jackson was born in the Village Of in the County of Ont on the 29th of August it was in the good old days socalled when William the was King He lived in the reign of four British sover eigns and when he was a school boy Dickens and Ten nyson were just beginning to be known by their publications When an important section- of the people of the two Canadas rose in revolt in against the Family Compact lie was residing with his parents in and he well remember ed the soldiers drilling in the place and often spoke about it When weight years of age his parents settled in the village of Wilton and it was here where he received his schooling while the teacher boarded around The spelling match was about the only diversity of school life and it was held nearly every fort night on afternoon It was one of things he greatly enjoyed for on several occasions lie spelled Hie school down When only years of age after doing pioneer at home he tar led out to do for himself as hi apprentice in Hie office of the sued Extras which were sold on the streets at each That was the introduction of newsboys in Newmarket Considering his limited vidge was the operator for some SfM time The post office at that cess hat attended his pub ho and small Private affairs he may be a selfmade man the printing office being his was located a building adjoining the residence of the postmaster Mr Roe at the South end of Main St and across Water Street where the pal schoolmaster For a number of years Mr Water Works are located stood Jackson nlepjslm Col Colters Flour Mill which I Masonry and the Hall Over I on became the property of printing office was PM fttifhorlnrifl to suit the convenience the Rev Lawrence hew Pastor of Newmarket Methodist Church who con ducts his first service here next Sunday morning the late Donald Sutherland Esq father of Mr Jas Sutherland who Order about years ago was Newmarkets first Reeve afl Mr Jackson was one of ter the village became incorpo rated When Mr Jackson first came to Newmarket there was great valry between it and Holland Landing as the latter place was at the head of navigation and the boats rah from there lo Barrio but with establishment of the newspaper Newmarket soon got the Trustees in the purchase of the Newmarket Cemetery Grounds WARSHIPS ARE COMING INTO THE GREAT LAKES Ottawa Jan It became and for many years filled the of- known today that the messages of President He was also telling of the coming visit of the a Trustee and Secretary of the King and of Wales to Can- Public School for many to review a British naval fleet off the Oily of Quebec advantage and he lived to see from a hamlet of less Company and when the if grow than population to a Town of nearly Much of this pro gress was due to his personal in terest and untiring devotion to years When a local Company was formed for the manufacture of Sewing Machines in Newmarket sixty years ago he was a stock holder and acted as secretary for vil lage wanted the first public hall be was one of the stockholders of he Mechanics Institute under whoso auspices it was erected on that the authorities in London are arranging to assemble as large a squadron as possible for he Canadian visit It is also announced that it is the intention of the British Gov ernment to have as many of the warships as the size of the Wei- land Canal will- allow proceed up to the first Council For years he represented this place in Council being honored for two years with the Warden- ship It was mainly through his efforts that the Industrial Home was located at Newmarket and had it not been for local jeal ousies Newmarket would have been Town with Court House and other public buildings located here over thirty yea seen greater They include the telephone electric lighting heat ing and motive power the horse less carriage and flying machine together with the typesetting ma chine which eliminates the drudgery of the printing office After being editor and propri etor of the Era for nearly thirty years he handed the business over to bis son Mr Jackson a February reserving a I- navy which played such a menrlous part in the war It is stated of course that it will not he but the smaller naval vessels such as light cruisers and deslrovers and submarines which will visit the of he Great Lakes 0 YEARS v From Era Jan The 4 opening- rooms over Hodges tin have been subscribed Officers of Whitchurch So- Plan ter and Maxfan Jones Officers of East Gwillimbury- Ezra and A J Hughes and North Gwillim- Arch and A Ego fmni eft for the elds Tuesday A Bo Caldwell J J- Lukes and A ki was elected Pub School Trustee on Wed nesday Messrs Randall and the Hotel Wednesday in honor of their election Mr Nelson reeve in was honored by an oyster supper at the North Amer ican Hotel last night Ap l3 John Curtis to Margaret Black both of Kin- a i 25 From Era Jan 188 Canadian Advocate at travelling there in he winter by slag After re maining for years the was regarded fit not only to Newmarket but to the whole Hiding of North York It was when Mr Jackson was Warden that the King Street way was proposed in Toronto The Oily asked the County con tribute to he undertaking lie recognized that it was of great value for farmers driving in and on I of the city and it was Hi rough his influence in the County Coun cil thai the project was carried The benefits of the expenditure arc very apparent today lie was well posted in TUnKISH CRUELTY London Jan A British of ficer who was a prisoner in save an account today of the hardships and cruelty two years ago upon British prisoners by In religion Mr Jackson was a he Turks Describing the Methodist He assisted in or- to the Sunday School was Bagdad he officer says lie which Mr Jackson produce fl figures from other Counties to f editor his eye- show would financial bene- f I its first secretary and second Su perintendent For nearly years lie was the Secretary and of the Trustee Hoard and Ti BANK OF TORONTO Assets 584000000 Banking Service Farmers Business given careful attention Sale Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties convenience is afforded lo Savings Depositors Small or large sums may he deposited and interest paid on balan ces market Branch plant was removed to Toronto and he went with it completing his apprenticeship of five years in When he first started to work as a printer it took a whole days wages to a let ter from to his home back of Kingston He well re membered when the Parliament were burned EnQuebec by Germans but by good Tor- ries also when pounds shilling- and pence gave place to he deci mal currency when Ottawa wis chosen as a seat of for and Lower Canada when the Clergy were seciilariei and a system of com mon education establish- of for the past IS or years has oners were driven like sheep along he desert ways They were denied food were of water and I he Turks refused to allow them rest were bay- been a Class Leader loneted or clubbed if stopped In Mr Jackson married were struck with rawhide Miss Soph fa Wright daughter when they faltered James Wright of and Roughly speaking according since her demise ten years ago he officer from to per A LISTER Manager CANE SONS GO AM IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER UILDING ed and when a uniform rate postage was adopted at Tic half ounce After spending two years as a journeyman in offices of Advertiser Mercury Mr Jackson returner to Toronto and took a in the office of the North Amer ican conducted by Hon Win McDougall where he advocated auolher I until June of the following year I free expression per in the and as an aiilhorily in municipal law lie was also an aelivK worker in agri cultural matters fuu for about thirty years was Secretary Treasurer of the North York So ciety being instrumental in purchase of grounds in New market and erection of buildings lit also look a lively infercsl in Ihe Mechanics Institute and was elected on the Provincial many years he occupied a po sition on the Hoard of Canadian Press Association was if Secretary for some years and also filled Presidents lie was news paper man in Canada In politics he was always a staunch Reformer and took prominent part in all the great Conventions of the Party as a supporter of the lale George Brown from I88 until after Con federation At one Mine lie kicked against the parly nom ination in North York because he believed lhat the nominee was the result of and lie Convention for- of opinion when he and employee of This Convention decided op ine same office named Mr Al parly nominee and lie Henderson derided to purchase strongly in favor of Nelson The Now which had been orhnin well informed tailed in Newmarket and was of- has made his home with bis only son L Jackson Four daugh ters survive Humor fell Of Bronte Minn Bell of Cal gary Ala Clara Barker of and Belfry of Mr ft Jackson had brothers and one sister all whom have passed away except Nancy Lee His brother died at Buffalo John al Ml Albert Sidney at Hamilton Two halfsisters and four halfbrothers survive of Menomonie Wis Kalis Glimmers of Rapids Mich Ceorge ftli Alfred and Willie all of Chicago The longevity of the Jackson family is remarkable of the British rank and file in Tijrkey died Due battery sur rendered ftl KulKIAinara si rung I are now alive Other batteries are almost in Ihe same One regiment march ed hill of strong whom only are now of li lug The British Consular guard at Bagdad before war consisted of Iwo Indian officers and men When war broke oil I I hey were interned in physical All of are di ad GERMANS DESTROYED MANY AIRPLANES There were male voters and female in the list used in New market at the election last week a total of votes were cast Mrs Lloyd and Miss Mary Lloyd left for California on Wednesday and expect to be three months Elder and wife of visited at Mr Stephen Howards this week Mr John is back from on a visit Speaking of early settlers Mr David of Sharon informs us that Selby and bride were the first newlymarried couple to settle in Bast Gwillim- They went down Yonge St to a parson who lied the knot A sleigh load from Pine Orchard visited the It of Wednesday evening The mouthorgan se lections by Miss took the audience by surprise Union evangelistic meetings are now going on The Tire Brigade elected A It Watson T Trivet Walter Wilson as its officers Newmarket Dairy Association elected the following officers Irwin J Randal Dennis C If Haines mud Ceo Hose Bible Society elected these officers Webb Lehman and W Starr The elected J P Stewart L Atkinson J J Brim- son J L C Miss 1 ami McDonald The Altar- On Jan i Mr f facer J r I both Of London Jan Many German airplanes were destroyed in part Jackson father of Germans when they evacu ated Cologne according to reports from British correspondents in Jackson was horn near PrescoM Out was ft tanner and shoemak er by trade and carried on bus iness at Kin City previous to re moving Newmarket where he diedat the age of years His father Edward Jackson was a British regular stationed at one lime at Niagara and the age of lot years The late Jackson survived by and grandcbibhen Continued on Such as Flooring- Siding Moulding and Inside Trim Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pino Fir Ash or Oak Sold at prlces Interest you Kindly give us a trial A The Cane NEWMARKET Sans Bop for sale When Mr Jack son lived in Toronto all pro perty on SI north of Minor wsa in farm hind and fields of grain lined both side Ihe road this lime the telegraph Mo- railway telephone and many oilier of our con veniences were while steamboat hist coming Into use When be went to Cuelpb if was by boat to Hamil ton and Stage from there by wav of Call Mr Jickson came New market on the first passenger train in Province with a stal eI Time fable on the Ontario and Huron This was on a Wednesday and the rain only went as far North as the Bradford bridge on Holland River the connection across the stream having been effected until some time later On be following night the fourhorse singe running daily from Holland Landing business man and an excellent speaker to content Hiding Mr Jackson was the unanimous choice Of meeting He was assured I the Torries would not place man in the Held and would give him their support but lie had been such a oppo nent to the Torries in former day I hat many refrained from voting and he defeated at the polls For some years- after attention was paid to politics when Mi was proposed for Local under Hi House he was heartily by Mr Jackson who had worked with Mm in the County Council and lie admired his altitude on public questions Ever since that time Era has stronglv supported the party nominee and the Liberal platform During the period when Judge Adam Wilson occupied be posi tion of in Atlmipslra- IN EUROPE Wellington nm a Doctoring lie the high mission of Hi American people li find remedy for nnd Una cabled i A for linmedtotf of- 1 for III supplying food dv people side during present whiter The is in bused on the extended KJ Davis j in Urnlion Herbert Hoover which Hie there were In Europe where people were ftellial lion of Old Canada Mr Jackson was appointed Coroner and I Jnn A of IMiisonliig developed from II boll the dnth of John Mellon- ltd young fanner residing near Kin- lore tenured afternoon He had been critically III for about two weeks The boll appeared on his about three wcrltfl ago the British area of occupation Among dismantled ma chines is the skeleton of a was built to carry men and on its broad wings are walk- while little iron ladders lend to Ihe upper plane whore the machine gunners were posted Another machine is an armored airplane for use in attacking trendies with machine guns The wings are of corrugated steel and steel plates a quarter or an inch thick protect all vital points well as seats for two men Two machine guns point down through ihe bottom of Ihe fuse- Inge Miss Frances Hamilton North Cwillimbnry the Christian Parsonage Newmarket Kid on Jan i Mr It Longbursl to Mrs A both of Holland Laudim The Tomb Al Jan 2 Mrs J wife of he late John Gillies in bee year On Ihe of on Pollv relief Kid Wright in her year Sound Stab- of Ohio City of County J Cheney he Ifi senior partner of the firm J A Co doing business in City Of Toledo County and state ami that firm will pay the of DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot tie cured the use of HAMAS 1 Sworn to and before me sub scribed in my presence tin flih day of December A A W Seal Nolafy Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally and through the Blood on the surface of the Send for J CHENEY A CO Toledo Hold by all druggists Hulls Pills for e inns Day Harriett wife of ward Meads and daughter of of in her lOfh year On the 1 line of Kin Dee Merry in hi- year Near Dec 28 Win Hrc don in his year filly Dee Mis Duke in her ftlsl year In Whitchurch Inn Shad- rack fa I her mother and son all buried Aurora with in firs I of this vear- Kansas Dec Susannah widow of Jacob Lamr formerly of and sister of J Pearson INu of Newmarket aged veorv Mr Lane kept Afore In years nffo it lime there was more business done in thai than in Mr was in the Rebellion of on which account lie left the 0 Km- or Turkeys Or lb Jan Hamane officials of He company Of i one was done by fire at premises of he Palo and Company Kails Friday The Ore in III Will I lo Started thrtiutrh ft electric wire in shod used- for paper to he shipped There were cars loaded with and paper in te shed with Hie shed were destroyed igtrSond to I I i A Ki0

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