Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1919, p. 5

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Dr N Wilkinson DENTIST Corner Main and HOW TO FIGHT Newmarket HOW TO Muni OUR LOCAL INFLUENZA Dr J- Boyd I The New Counolls BY DR Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University also of the Royal All Councils Avoid crowds and cowardly neither germs nor Germans next Monday morning at o- j the system in good order take clock according to Statute to o eierci air and College of Physician and member and pass certain bylaws practice member a the Royal College of of Eds- j and Postponed are a protecting against disease The Methodist Tea Parly that j To keep the liver and bowels regular Hunting the Hurts j- Dallas Morning j land Former clinical assistant in Hospital and Univer sity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Hours was to be held on the of January has been postponed for a week Further announcement later WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining Post Office DAVID HAMILTON Choice Farm and Town Proper ties for sale Victory Bonds and to carry away the poisons within it is best to take a vegetable pill every other day made op of Mayapple aloea jalap and sugarcoated to be had at moet drag stores known as Dr Pierces Farm Produce Slim market last Saturday onset of what appears like a bard cold morning Prevailing prices as I one should go to bed wrap warm take follows a hot mustard footbath and drink copi- per and of hot lemonade If pain develops Butter per lb i in head or back ask the druggist for I antiuric tablets These will flush the bladder and kidneys and carry Dressed Chickens lb Dressed Ducks lb 3035c Dressed Turkeys lb taken Phone 173 3m45 J Apples per BERT GREEN Beans lb it PAINTER AND PAPER WeIcome Home rejoicing Queen St fe A Starr over Phone POHoxi0i h g Starr one of the boys who left Newmarket nearly three years ago a family gathering- took place over the New Year Mrs J Merrill with her children from was also present to welcome brother from over seas LTCm Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music Newmarket on Wednesdays LIVERPOOLMANITOBA Fire Insurance Agency FRED t in Newmarket A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Stook Prompt Service Dont miss the Concert in the Christian Church next Wednes day by the Metropolitan Church Choir of Toronto below zero on Saturday morn ing ami Monday morning was colder still It is stated by good authority I that the use of the snow shovel after each snow storm is as ben- to health during the win ter months as was hoeing in the war gardens last summer off poisonous germs To control the pains and aches take one tablet every two with frequent drinks of lemonade The pneumonia appears in a most treacherous way when the influ enza victim is apparently recovering and anxious to leave his bed In recovering from a bad attack of influenza or pneu monia the system should be built up with a good tonic such as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery made without alcohol from the roots and barks of American forest trees his iron tonic tablets which can be ob tained at most drug stores or send 10c to Dr Pierces Invalids Hotel Buffalo for trial package GERMANY MUST SUPPLY COAL IN EXCHANGE FOR PROVISIONS Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence desired Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Not Marjory Smith In The Globe of Dec appear ed a paragraph stating that Miss Marjory Smith of Newmarket was arrested on a charge of shoplift ing in the T Eaton Store on the previous day Miss Smith states that she was not in the city on or near he date in question that she is not the person referred to and that she is not aware of any other person in Newmarket bear ing the same name The Globe in good faith published the item obtained from local police head- quarters and regrets any injury done to Miss Smith See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop Paris Jan ft No understanding has been reached as yet among al lies concerning the supply of raw materials to Germany and Austria The providing that the United States shall feed the Central Powers carries with it no general un derstanding relating to raw materials all hough it is likely Germany will be required to furnish to Europe in exchange for food Assistance the Central Powers in the way of supplies for their industries however is re garded as inevitable by reason of the threat to the worlds peace of an idle population ftOOO I PRESIDENT WILSON RECEIVED BY POPE THE LEADING TINSMITHS R SONS TO 8MITH8 GROCERY PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Get Them at I The Photographer in Your Town Choir Concert On Wednesday evening Ian the Choir of the Metropolitan Church Toronto will give a grand Concert in the Christian Church Under the direction of A A Bach director of the Mendelssohn Choir The program will undoubtedly be a great treat as we do not often have the privilege of enjoying the work of the Mendelssohn Choir Conductor outside of Toronto The numbers will include Sacred and Secular Choruses Solos Flo atations and Organ Solos The Choir will arrive on a Special car and the Concert is to commence at sharp Admission Do not miss this rare treat Tickets on sale at J Pattersons Drug Store Come early and secure a good seat WOMEN DIG GRAVES FOR THEMSELVES tome Ian President Wilson today was received at the Vatican by Benedict The presidents arrival was an nounced by the Master Of the Cham ber to I he Pope who awaited the President the throne room where two gilded armchairs had been placed The President was admitted Immedia tely Hie presence of the Pope who was gowned in white Pope Benedict presented Presi dent Wilson a mosaic reproducing picture of St Peter The mosaic was made in the Vatican grounds by the mosaic factory of the Vatican and is a yard SO Ha re It has been valued at 940000 iOOO C BISHOP BOOSTS S A Says Did Good Work for Social Welfare of Canadian Troops Paris Jan in giving del Armenian massacres last five vi irs ails in Hie One Door Went the New Post Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREENHOUSES GORHAftl NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ETC Nov Ready In Quantity No Order than Delivered i PHONE NOTICE i8 hereby given thai Mary of the City of To ronto in the County York In the province of Ontario Married Woman will apply to the Parliament of at the next Session thereof tor a Mil of Divorce from her John Bruce of the said City of Toronto now residing in the city of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia Automobile Salesman on the grounds of adultery and cruelly Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario thin day of November VilWe Duff A Hamilton 120 Bay Toronto Oat for Mary Jane the applicant Turkey in the Constantinople correspondent of says 1 hue Armenians were ifineeiii rated for alleged reasons Arabia Tin- Turkish in though unrulier was no and orders that Of- Airtienians be put mil of In the Mush valley the adds Kurds robbed Armenian women Later the women had swallowed the jewels the Kurds killed hem in a horrible manner burned the bodies The next day I be correspondent continues these monsters quietly sifted the lies -eekiii- jewels The correspondent reports that same region children be three and ten died of star vation and women were bur ied alive in trenches which the Turks flrsl forced them FIRE MURDER ROBBERY Advance Thursday Jan forces are reported In ihe of Villi- id on the rail- way between Minsk arid rid are said have been by there The are reported to he burning buildings robbing and peasants Throngs refugees rivfnc here car trt and on foot The baggage belonging to them has in many been stolen en route oars are being brought Westward from path of the Bolshevist forces the That there is no race or creed in the appeal the Salvation Ar my for one million dollars to car ry on its work among the returned soldiers and to continue its campaign in France and until the last Canadian soldier is home is evidenced by I be hearty endorse ment that comes to the Head quarters of the Army from Hew Kali on Roman Catholic Bishop of London Out Bishop Fallon spent some months with the troops Ihe front and is in a position to know what is done there by many social lie writes to Lieut Col 10 Clarence London Out as follows I am in receipt of your loiter of and I ling leave lo tender you my sincere thanks with fond Wishes it contains heard and saw much of the good work done the Army for the social welfare of Can adian troops lighting in France and Flanders Every organiza tion which contributes to this cause has my deepest sympathy and I am glad to know that your society is doing valuable and ef fective service Bray ait A for color ft ftt ill How death cQihf to men on the the whioh come to a soldier whenohe loses his pal and bow llje love of his mother Is allimportant When Ihe crisis comes with fate were the chief features of the address of Sergt Win at the City Hall last night The pathos and sentiment of the speech were interspersed with touches of humor keeping the audi ence In an appreciative mood all the way through His subject was Hunting the Huns Because of the heavy rain which fell constantly during the evening auditorium was not filled wilt speak again at oclock tonight in the City Hall At the close of his speech last night J Howard Payne who acted as chair man asked the Opinion of the audi ence as to whether be should speak in Dallas again The applause which greeted his question was taken as suf ficient invitation for a repetition of the meeting Atwell who in troduced the speaker declared that Tonight when we all feel that vic tory is here it is well to remember dial Germanys dishonor among na tions and glory of the American flag are both due to men such as then told the story of his being born In Ireland leaving home fourteen years ago come to Canada When the war broke in August he left a liltle town in New York with eight other men who felt they owed their allegiance to their country and went into the army in Canada Then followed the six weeks of training in Canada and the trip back to England then the three months of training there and finally the trip toward the front In Prance The speaker then described the ap proach to the front how the army inarched along a road pitted with shell holes and finally came to front trenches Then came the rockets lighting up the trenches and all No Mans Land with a brilliant glare that illuminated the whole sky It night when Sergt com pany marched into the front trenches to relieve another company While leaning upon a parapet a rocket rose over trench and he saw a part of a mans body protruding from one of the walls of the trench Further ex amination showed that the bodies of many men were there so that the walls of the defenses were really made up in part of corpses It is not a sacrilege to speak his way of the dead said At front a lifeless body- is regarded differently from over here There we of a body as a recep tacle for the thing which goes up and we respect that thing and not the body I have seen the bodies of many hundreds of men sinking sink ing sinking down lower and lower Into the surface of No making for themselves their own And when I saw this there were two things which came to me First I realized in a way which I had never thought of before that men were actually killed in warfare Second ly I realized that was not a hero and men on my right and on my left and out in No Mans Land were not the heroes of war The heroes of this war have been the same as the heroes of all the other wars of history the mothers- If the Vic toria Cross is given to the men who lire heroic on field of battle then a golden cross should go mother who makes the sacrifice of a son And all the mothers of the world are alike As I thought of my own mother thai day in Hie trenches I also thought of the women In the Free Stale tie- pour wo- in thai hole of pestilence Ber lin hey ire mothers for all Hid find bless I hem and of wo men Of Prance who hive suffered and more for I heir beautiful country knew who fell pangs of the empty idialr the table and in my mind I could inolhers going through He- id belongings of llieir -ai- perhaps running across some of Ihe toys heir ami peeping ililo diomn he fore they go bed Just lo if perchance then Would ivfiirii glimpse him Then is when the real wounds open how much would a mother give If she could only lay her hands on lifeless body of then of the poorlyeuijippcd Canadian and Army how they wen hampered by a lack of and how they bad Utile knowledge of fine points of killing had already been mastered by The gas attack Which hi six seconds left 11000 Canadians choking ami gasp ing was vividly described How Ihis army attacked by a new method of torture for which they were totally unprepared held the hue and drove back Germans by everting the su perhuman strength of demons was graphically told by After the four hours during which gas attack lasted I knew that the sun hadTisen for the last he said at lira group of 32000 Canadians were killed or wounded fit they saved Belgium and the whole world for democracy Death on the Battlefleid Death on the battlefield strange psychology vtilch soldier understand- next described by the speaker Nature Jie said somehow provides an anaes thetic which prevents a man from making the least show of terror Be ginning with the time when the order was given that the attack would be made dawn traced step by step and finally minute by minute the preparations for the at tack and the feelings of the men as the time came nearer Just before the attack he thoughts of the men turn ed toward their mothers and they look of their pockets their Bi bles the last letter from home and the photograph of the person who is dearest to them which in nearly every instance is mother Before attack a vision of her Came he said and I knew her prayers were for God to take care of her son And It is when the sol dier realizes that his death will cause sorrow he somehow doesnt want die I remember how Hie men all stood when message came to take our chances with wounds or and were brought face lo face destiny It is then that the real strength of a soldier comes My heart filled with an un selfish feeling- toward every man who ever drew the breath of life and that is the thing which makes it so easy to die We were not so very far from Calvary began with five minutes before the attack and de scribed Ihe emotions of the men up time the whistle blew for them to go over the top He told bow he met his- first German as they swept across No Mans band how af ter killing him he was seized with a desire kill and going on and on in a dream of murder Lost Pal In Battle You Need More Than A Laxative To correct constipation all organs of digestion and elimination should be helped Try and see j how much better you feel i Today Keeps the Doctor Away genuine lasting benefit to Improve your digestion and assimilation give you a good hearty appetite regulate your liver and bowels tone up kidney ac tion and give your poison clogged body a good cleaning out Natures Remedy Tablets not harsh it Is mild easy pleasant in io live and be healthy your body mechanism must properly digest your fond extract all nourishment from throw off the waste that Is left This accomplished by processes assimilation and elimination work of tho stomach liver kidneys and bowels the failure of any of the vital or gans to do its work properly affects the action of all the others A forced bowel movement does not conatlpaUon It for a few hours the con dition that constipation brings about Now if you used to taking mighty socalled laxative pills oil and like you know youvo got to taking them all the time Moreover if you stick to lasottve youve got to be lucrem- dose all time That can you a lot of dosing with things ever follows Is a trial lo results snow difference Tab lets not mere bowel movers their purpose Is io correct the condition that inducts constipation and give von real no griping or pa Its use but it thorough and sure By its action on the digestive organs It promotes assimilation which means extraction of full nourishment from your food and thereby gives you new- strength energy better blood better appetite- By toning not your liver Nit sends bile the Intestines improving digestion Lordly by gently encouraging more vigor huh and kidney action drives poisonous cut of and cleans ij your Tody In Ml i Natures Remedy how much better you feel a box today Intofi one for ft veek Youll say you never better in your Nil in and w recommended J PATTERSON DRUGGIST NEWMARKET Mans Land grave of There will always ho burned In my memory he battle In which I lost my said it is only battle I was ever in when both sides alt ached at the same time according to plan lust before wc went over George looked at me and said Well I am going to gel it this time I I old him he wouldnt but I knew if lie llioughl ho would he would and wanted save his life Under re instances like it is his life and not yours that gives one the greatest concern It was before dawn and George wrote a tel ler to his mother by a feeble light My work was throwing hand grenades George was usually one of those who helped supply gren ades f or the hut this lime he was transferred the Infantry and advanced to left As I was bombing my way through the Germans my pal met a German and parried with him Georges hay- was broken and I saw that he was about to he killed I screamed so loudly It attracted the atten tion of those around us and a lucky shot got German before he could get George My pal then snatched a twobyfour from the ground and van cod like a maniac into German lines They surrounded him and shot him down from behind When I him he was barely able hut ho put bis hand to his packet and muttered Im about done gel Ihis letter if you live and see lhal il reacliefl my mother tell her bill he couldnt say what to ell her And was while Blending Ihere Ilia I was shot through Ihe and fell across body of my dead pal I awoke days later in a pin I Ihonghl at was heaven Tilings so clean anil there was running wafer for me who had In en in a pi ice win re to WHS I drop was like washing your AN OVERCOAT INVESTMENT When buying an Overcoat you should consider the Material and Price and what you save In the end You may pay for an Garment that will last one year or that will last and look better at the end of three years The latter Is the bet Investment In buying Ordered Cloth ing from us you are getting the Best In Quality and Trimmings Examine our Materials be fore deciding elsewhere F WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET A GALL SOLICITED I I PI HURON NEWMARKET If You Want a Good Loaf of Bread Try our IT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION WHEREVER TESTED I Dry Hardwood Slabs on Hand Prices Right OLIVER TERMS STRICTLY CASH Give Us DIKE a Call Phone Then a came London fan The Ministry Shipping that during the war over tons of fuel oil were carried from the United Slates to Bri tain by cargo specially fitted out to convey oil in double bot toms or ballast Fifteen thousand tons of oil were lost by enemy action and by marine Winter Term JAN OTH Prepare now for reconstruction days Our homo and export will demand ftorvlcos of bright people Oct catalo9uo today Schools Toronto W WINTER TERM OPEN JAN Charles 8t Toronto Has recently had fill at via 17 and a and 110 month A courts here It a aura to flood today for J ELLIOTT Prlnolpal tin pound of Kllraw order It on the you It and that you will It In of liquid liiji milk In form ad ten tint A in men of hits iiiirs I My ivr In iieiinl illirniiiid Willi of vielorj us I tin llnniJKK of army who will never be ureal arm of dead men I am wondering if will be lonely out there and how had is thai know of vie lory they have achieved then I think of Ihe see rid They ire Ihe who are hark and shattered and mutilated And I have one to Von may not this a now or five years from but you ail sure In need it ten years- Innee aiul dial In Ibis Ve crippled man little room on- sidewalk when you meet him leu from now The Fin I Advertising League acted sponsor for lluvid led a pa- from until The Camp Hand was present played At the meeting irrnlghl Mr will be present and lead There will he no ftdmission Sergeant will leave Dallas Saturday morning to deliver an address at the University of Wisconsin After lie will attend Moody bible rtlltutc In Chicago preparatory to doing work He Intends to de- vole his time particularly to the womldeil soldiers Agents of the Board within the last month succeeded In securing sufficient evidence to con vict several Kitchener men for viola tions of Ontario Temperance Act As a result of wholesale cleanup by the officers fines totaling were collected and worth of liquor was seized Incidentally It was of hauls Ihe board lias made for some time to Efficient Heating Device Sold in SI For Full Ion or Phone W J DUNN Phono 147 AURORA ONT Solo for COLLINQWOOD COOKSTOWN BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE is hereby given that of the City of MACHINE 8HOP In the County of In Iho Province of Ontario Soldier will ap ply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of di vorce from his wife Henrietta Doro thea Davies now residing at the said City of Toronto in the County of Now and York on the ground of adultery and Wood Saws Mandrills Saw desertion Mill and other in First J i6lh Class order and will be sold October AD by ShopEast of Bank of Toronto Godfrey phelan I WWJ Adelaide St Toronto i i fcfi w Proprietor si Toronto ill pi

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