Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1919, p. 6

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f H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Frank McFarland Holt announce engagement Of their oldest daughter Jennie to Arthur Goodwin eldest son of Mr and Mrs Goodwin Sm- the marriage to take place th latter part of January PUBLIC LIBRARY The puhlic arc asked to attend the annual meeting of the Mount Albert Library to he hold on Monday night oclock in the library room Tor the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year A good attendance will he much appreciated PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Lapp of Ce dar Grove were guests at the home of Mr C Davidson on Sunday Mrs John A Hopkins returner on Monday after four weeks spent in Hospital Toronto Mr Brooks is from a severe attack of pneumo nia following fin Mr and Mrs Grant Oldham are suffering from of flu an attack of heart trouble Mrs Win Robertson is still confined to her bed by same trouble Hope soon they and all others will be quite well again Mr Herbert Rollings mother passed away She has been in failing health for some time and this was probably increased by the shock of her home being burned last summer She was buried on Tuesday at Pine Orchard Rev Gray suffering of Albert conducted the service Mrs Rolling has spent the last few weeks Waiting on her at her home 6th of East Baldwin Breezes f I SPEC I A v Ms A out the KeSwick coal yard and will Christmas Day passed off in an uneventful mariner Feasting and family reunions were the order continue the business future of the day Merry limes at the Harry J J Foster and helped in the festivities And Harry and his missus did eat hereof And Joe Fosters folk beside The Owl was bid lo have a And his bill flew open wide lnl overlook the great bargains as follows Mens Oyer Rubbers Mens Overshoes buckle Sapper Ernest He is the second son of Mr The Cryderman fraternity wene Allan and many more numerous ones The Ow was well stuffed- a taste a a merry old Uncle Owl On Saturday before mas of our local riflemen Art and Jas I Crittenden took in He intends to operate a Chopping Mill next summer which will be a great convenience to the farm ers of this section We him every success in his ventures It lively here on Monday Rigs were flying around from daylight A special oar of voters about came up from Toronto arid it is said that all but one was for and they wanted him to get off the car at Queensville Quite a lot of herring are caught through the ice a from mingle Harry Com- Addison sold his and made Beach this J week to Mr who occu- pied the cottage last season It is said the price was in cluding contents of cottage and and and Mens Mackinaw Sox Khaki Handkerchiefs foe 25c Mens Over Rubbers size 9 for Mens Heavy Rubbers leather lop in Mens Heavy Rubbers laceboles Mens Odd Vests We have some Mens and Youths Suit that we arc- offering low us as They are moving fast Mens Wool Underwear Penmans only garment Mens Black or Blue Denim Overalls Mens Denim Shirts COATS FOR LADIES Ladies Overcoats in black grey blue etc Reg 18 and for Ladies Furs reduced reduced to reduced to Ladies Tan Bench Made Shoes Ladies Hoods colours 35c Misses j Boys Hockey Caps Womens Wool Caps col 50c We have many specials on record Reg 7 for A iook in 1 ui Sunday and Witt Ough of Goodwood Mat al boat house was born in Bast GOOD ENTERTAINMENT The Sunday School entertain ment held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening was lne most successful In the history of the Sunday School- Before the hour for commencing the church was literally- packed and many were unable to gain admission The feature was a play entitled The Ministers Bride Riven by the- members of the Senior and Junior Bible Classes and was presented Miss Kathleen of Toronto pave several readings which contributed much the evenings enjoyment LEAGUE The regular meeting of he was held on Monday ev ening Jan at The meet- was in charge of the Christian Endeavor Department of which Miss Brooks is the Mr Gordon occupied the Chair very acceptably Miss Rowland usual presided at the organ The Scripture was reirl Miss Brooks the topic was taken in a very able manner by Mrs Mort- a reading by Miss Haves enjoyed by the and then the was called and consecration Service held A number was present next week will be in of There was not quite so large a Market crowd on the streets as usual on Tuesday but a large amount of produce changed hands near Queensville and lived in the neighborhood some years The family then moved to Toronto Shortly after war broke out he en- mostly captured the whole Art geese a pair of geese and Jas EI jsr CORNERS den one goose The city cracks the Ball and ml lhat prepared to- hive the France 2i He has had to go home Ladies Fleered Hose Childs Overcoats Striked Shaker Pink Shaker at all times Wo S300 each per yard per yard loo always Sharon The slippery condition of sidewalks caused Mrs diek to fall in front of the Post Office on Friday Fortunately she was injured of our look a trip the city end Hit Hie old year it was with they KOI back on New Years Hay School Monday with good in all rooms The only change of teachers is in Ihe Senior Room of the Public School where Brown is by Miss Next pulpits of Ml Albert and Churches will he in probability John Morris Soldier and The Teacher Training Class of Albert Sunday School will resume their work on Wednesday fan The first regular meeting of the Sharon Farmers Club will he held in Municipal Hall on Tuesday even ing Jan All fanners arc re quested attend The Anniversary of Sharon Beef Association was held on Friday evening about being present An excellent supper was provided con sisting of an unstinted amount of Oysters and an abundance of delicacies which only ihe fanners wives and daughters of Sharon and vicinity know how- to prepare All were de lighted the supper and enjoyed a good social lime after They were also treated an eloquent speech by Dr Evans a resilient of Sioux City Iowa who was in Berlin Just before the war and saw the magnitude of the preparations the Germans were making for the war He gave us the view point many Amercians who are opposed lo President Wilson taking any part in the Peace Conference This Association has been doing business continuously for years The only remaining Charier members are Richard and Haloes John Tate has been Secretary for about 20 years and B the Association butcher for about the same period During that tiim- 72 cattle hive been slaughtered and about lbs of beef dis tributed among the members for their own consumption been on active service ever since and has never been wounded al though constantly working under shell fire with the Railroad Troops with whom he was later transfer red His wife and little son re- St until his return side with her mother at Bel aud hope soon to welcome him home After closed for three the church reopened next Sunday when a service will be held at p friends who were taken from Christmas week viz Mrs Thomas Mildred Abbs Dec and mother Mrs William Abbs on Dec Peculiar sorrow is attached to these bereavements as Mrs Sweet left a baby of a few weeks and two other very young children and Mrs Abbs left her husband five little ones to care for ranging from the baby of a few weeks old to Grace In her ninth year Another sorrow has since been added to these by death on Jan of Mrs Clarence Mould of Mount Pleasant who was a sister of Mrs Sweet and she also was quite a yuuiig woman The helpful sympathy of all Is extend ed each of and It hoped that all who can do so will gather to the Memorial Service to render the last Iribnle of friendship regard In consequence of most unusual sickness lie public school has been closed since lnc ID and is expected lo reopen on Jan by which dale it hoped Ihe last traces of influenza and pneumonia will be cleared away a single goose luck go with Confound the On Eve Mrs A Cry- Pie Crittenden was on the train which was wrecked near Edmonton but fortunately was not seriously injured Pie Oriey Hayes was home on four days furlough last week Miss Olive Terry spent as goods come and go rapidly it is best view often ami compare prices All goods subject to being in slock Save money limb and worry and come In FAIRBARN BALDWIN fin the Way to quality and Phone 21R14 Terms Cash or Produce acts lorman accompanied by her her 1arenls al lhe According in the is v nineteen vessels have ftSlll or been wrecked at lower if Lake Ontario and in St ine as far as Corn- wall during season NOTICE vallrt he I Teachers and pupils have set tled down to routine again Let hope neither epidemics nor fuel shortages may interrupt it before A new leather Miss A Toole in senior room of Public School- Sleet followed by a light fall of just enough to hide the ice underneath was cause 01 a number of falls last week and Iherewae no partiality about it either old young and middle- aged male and female shared the honors Miss Vera Dike was the only one seriously hurt She Ih suf fering from a cracked kneecap Hiss Nellie her sister had to undergo an operation in the I General Hospital last week but at last word was doing welt Mrs Dike nursing a sick sister at Aylmer lhe double trial must have been hard on her They have the sympathy of all The entertainment given on Friday evening the Br and Jr Bible Classes of the Presbyterian A a great success The Church vas Crowded Mrs Winch is spending some weeks visiting among friends at different points Mr Geo Leek who was getting out wood in the bush had several slipping experiences the worst being that of striking on a snag and hurting his side and lame shoulder Miss Cook spent last week with friends in Newmarket Miss Anna Dike returned lo To ronto Normal on Monday gaiter the holidays at her borne are glad to report Mrs improving an ill ness of some weeks fl Annual Hireling of the Mount Albert Company will be held in Telephone Hoard on Mon day Jan al Oclock p for the reception of reports The election of directors mid general busi ness 1 I MOWLAM NOTICE The Annual Meeting of of Ho- Mount Albert Telephone Company Limited will be held in their Hoard Room Mount Albert on January p m for purpose of receiving reports director and business JOHN MOIIB President Moool Ian Sill everybody is enjoying good slefglifng Mr- ThouipSOIl and Mrs Parkinson of the week end al Mr Mei Vtoodcoek and Hoy Stevenson of visiftd Mr John tin- weekend We aiv see Miss Wills hack lo our own Stanley Mroriimrk of Vivian Mike Hopper one AG PUBLIC NOTICE I Mr week Mis- Mavis Hopper Messrs Prank find Wilbur tic of Miss Widdlfiohl on 11 day Sonic of are very when gi out hi the dark Hill is a bright Do you know hill When he goes 011I he keeps 1usl so still That yon hardly would know bill I hi liui her cap nod her muffler ihey Hie dart of lie Those lire hard on Wedding bells are ringing up the horses Stanley We a ii- Kiud some of soldier boys home ami hope the real will be back in the near future forgot the Service Union Church Sunday morning at It Snow brotherinlaw Abel of North Dakota arrived home af ter four months and more ab sence There was great rejoic ing Albert was almost be side himself with Joy and merry as Old King Cole I sJ38s kisses were a Uncle John ston anI Aunt Sally were in a supremely good humor for Abel is almost a Prodigal Son fly has been absent 37 years a Yankee in everything but Cordial and generous a hearty handshake for old friends he is a son to be proud of is warming up in North Two very popular and men of ability Willoughby are against each other Both candidates are old friends of Uncle Owl have no choice or preference so stayed at home Edward Councillor tries it again Hes a good care ful man Gentleman Jim a chaff and byplay Three men- Jim Charlie and Herb recently met at an auction Jim was- logged out in his Sunday clothes Herb approached him and critically surveyed him Good day Jim Im always pleased to meet a gentleman from Baldwin be cause heres such a few of them Now here in Plug Mount every man a gentleman Yes spoke up Charles an Irishman ami therefore entitled to two chances Yes such as- they are Some day I may dray an Owl town picture of a wellknown Plug gentleman such as the above Your Uncle Owl received Cards from an old girl Sharon and an old girl Queensville now a Yankee girl Thanks very kindly for remembrance to an old schoolmate Editors Note Cant make out Please weeks Elms Dr and Helen Smith of Toronto were visiting at Mr Da rius and Mr Jas Peters during holidays A number of friends and rela tives spent a very pleasant day on the third of January at the home of Mr and Mrs Peters it be ing their Wedding Anniver sary Landing Mr who elected Reeve last Monday oft had majority Master Milton Is confined to his bed with cold Mr is not as well as we would like Miss Minnie Pegs of Hamilton is spending a vacation with her mother here- Mr Arthur Morning and Albert have been spending a week with friends in Montreal The ladies of the M I A held a quilling in the church on Tuesday afternoon last The many friends of Mr- Daly formerly of our village were very sorry to learn of lhn death of her youngest daughter Mrs Smith took IF ITS AN Then you know Its ffe IT Made I of Buffalo- The funeral in Newmarket on Friday ASK ABOUT THIS PRODUCT No No If Vca Wish J TORONTO OFFICE 18 Weal Era Office Newmarket WHAT CURED HIM SUTTON The annual meeting of Sutton Society will be held In Library Itoom on Saturday Jan at I HO p very body should be inter ested iii tin- discussions of day and il is hoped that attendance will be than double thai of year Come out and give the 1 dush than lo put friendship to such a strain The story has been told that once dismissed an officer for gross and dishonesty hut the only legible part of the document being the signature the man used it for years as a free pass on the You see I havent a particle of rheumatism said the man with a florid face and a voice that was intended by nature for campaign purposes I feel like a twoyearold Never have an ache or pain I dont care a particle for east wind roads Another case I have per- rain or known A letter contain- change in temperature known remaining wrflfi il again issue pages for next Is hereby that the Annual Meeting Of the Above Society vill be held in the Library Sutton On Saturday 18th of Jan 1319 At Oclock pm the purpose of receiving the Annual Report of Offi cers for etc Everybody come and hear the discussions of the day Everybody should be Interested A general attendance is requested A J KAY Secretary Sutton West Jan 1910 AQ 800IETY NOTICE I hereby given lhat the ANNUAL MEETING of the above Society will be held at Barretts Harness 8hop ville OH FRIDAY THE OF JAN At One Oclock P for the purpose of receiving the An nual Report Kindlon of Officers etc A general attendance Is requested JOHN A WAIT School reopened on Monday with a fair attendance and the pu pils anxious to he back to work to say nothing of the teacher Mrs of Mount Albert spent the last couple of weeks with her son Mr Frank A number from this vicinity at tended the euchre party at Mr Good win Holland Landing on New Years Eve A good time was reported A school meeting held on Monday evening lo appoint new trustees for the coming year Mr Dawson and Mr Miss Leila Belfry of Newrnarkot spent Sunday- of last week at her Mr Hoy Belfry Miss had her holiday extended a week hor school closed on account of the flu Mr and Mrs John Lewis spent Thursday and Friday of last week visiting relatives in Bradford and Churchill Mr Norman Goodwin entertain ed a number of bis friends Fri day evening Mr Jesse Blizzard of Bask Is visiting his parents here for the months gill Is Improving afl Jan 1919 to Queensville Owing hi Ihe of Parmers Club hits been- postponed until Monday Jan at In the Presbyterian Mall The Anniversary Services of the will he held on Sun day Jan I hoy Gray of Mount Albert will give the address to the children at 1045 a end hold service In the Methodist Church p rn The usual tea mid pro gram will follow on Monday Everybody welcome Those who got tickets for the cushion will find out who is owner as lucky 1 1 ok el will be drawn KleetrJc lights are all talk just now with good pcospoclH Our sick people are on the mend Mr Harry Jackson visited friends In Barrio last week Miss Marie of and Br and Mrs Smith of Toronto spent the weekend Mr George Thompsons Mrs T Huntley ami Master Murray spent New Years In Aurora Mrs Mr Hoy and lady friend of Toronto spent New Years at his home here Mrs spent the holidays In Toronto with friends Mr Hobs Milne of Toronto spent over Sunday at fathers bore Mr Darrow mid Miss of Toronto spent New Years at Mr J J Terrys The Directors of Society have decided to go on with the Hair this year The annual meeting will lake place on the of Jim at the usual place Copenhagen Jan Count George von the former Imperial German Chancellor died Saturday night at lie bad been III for six days Sale Register Monday Jan Messrs Isaac Rose and P Browning will have a sale of Standing Timber and on Lot in rear of King near Ketlleby Terms cash Sale at one Fred Smith And Wednesday Jan Mr Oak ley will have a sale of over id head of Cattle and four Horses on Lots and Base Line North miles from Sutton and I miles from Slop Metropolitan credit or off for cash Sale one Auct Thursday Feb Mr J will have a sale of PureBred Jerseys and Farm Implements on Lot Whitchurch More extended notice later eat three meals a day sleep ng quite full business details was like a top A I went received by a man in a small smelling like bottle in western New York He horse liniment One lime Id be managed to decipher the body of mi crulches then Id avo an with some approach lo arm all draw out of shape or a assurance but a much under- shoulder that was no earthly use scored postscript defied MS inter The last spell had was with my Potation assisted by the united and I was about ready wisdom of all his neighbors The throw up the sponge conundrum was finally submitted What did I do Everything under the sun I had horse chestnuts in every I curried potatoes hey petri fied I ale lemons till I was as to a young lady visiting at place and reputed be skilled in who immediately trims- luted it P He you keep this matter a profound secret The writer bad only received his sour as I looked I took more deserts in having has secret put at the mercy a whole I kinds of medicine than you find in any one drug was in a boiled slate for months from hot baths I was massaged inlo a pulp I travel led three hundred miles have the disease charmed away and bad back than hail going One day I met little old man He was spry as a kitten yet assured me that from the time he was from to seventy there was nothing of him but rheuma tism his hair ached He tod NIGHT JOBS FOR THE JEWELLER Jan Mi iny method Under Hie Jewellers teller and door hull wis a second hell Jewellers nig hi bell Kindly said the visitor Is craving for diamonds ami insatiable yam have up at night lo meel the Is not the of making a dishcloth pi lU have been taken to coflccal liquor while importing it- Into the but remained for Leo avenue to present an new one On Saturday Police Court He ap peared there on a T A charge and Constable said he found him corner of Queen and Marlon Sis lugging a large valise The gurglliiK Sound that emanated from attracted his attention and he seized the valise It contained four large loaves of bread Mice ft modern Moses he smote the end of one of the loaves and forth gushed living streams of alcohol Bach loaf In Its turn yielded a can of alcohol containing a gallon of the spirit Hence Mr appear ance before He was fined or three months in hi and for luck of money look the lime TO FARMERS Three choicely bred Hulls Springers Ton Pure- Bred Kwes Ewe Lambs grade Oxford a few grade To bo sold at once early and get your ohoico J CLARK Stone Lodge advised me to steal a and rub myself thoroughly with nltftil said Jeweler but tin every morning There was ho ones of my fellow num virtue in it unless stole the only people who up alter I would have robbed a hank lolworking hours are those who have a gel relief One afternoon I slip ped through the back door of a house into the kitchen grabbed a dish rag and started to limp away A hired girl let out Tip took after with a mop slick By the lime she had clouted me once or was running like a pro fessional and at the end of half block I was out of the reach of her weapon twinge since piece of jewelry on lliftl they canl pel off dont dare to until morn ing ror fear of blood poisoning These accidents happen doctor in town knows I tail routce in an emergency east lhat must be filed off swollen finger all earrings thai must he removed from inflamed ears all necklaces and bracelets that must be from bruised necks and wrists Ive never bad a delay are brought to York I dont Press whether pirl the pounding j running or dish cured me but Im rather disposed to think the rheumatism got scared out of me ILLEGIBLE HANDWRIYINQ IN STRAYED- From Koswick about Deo tat Cream Colt rising yrs old with dark down back Kindly Inform POLLOCK J The pleasure of reading a lot- tor depends upon with which one follows the thought and the necessity for any effort mars enjoyment and sense of personal communication This being so handwriting is of prime importance Nothing can bo exasperating than an indistinct illegible letter along whose highways one must toil and struggle never Quite mire of being on right track or of ar riving at lhe proper destination There is no for inflicting discomfort upon ones frlonda and il Is far hotter to refuge In cbaractor- less productions of the lypowrll- lei tip early In the morning turn night Into day and day into night by working Inlo lhe late hours The principle js all wrong When have worked from seven in the morn ing until five or six in evening you are not In n condition work late It Is unnatural You need rest bed therefore and Just as soon as you awake In the morning sot up and go to your work You will soon find It by far the best time to study do brain work think over ser ious business problems Still There Is no noise to disturb you few or no people arc moving about and your brain Is as clear as a bell and you feel lit Jumping to your work Then Is the time to no it and do It well So if you have boon working late at night change front turn about face up early go to bed early and you Increase your real working fifty per cent

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