Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1919, p. 7

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Stock Reducing 1919 Specially good In finest quality Porcelain Dinner at and upwards Remember we are selling above Sets at old prices Just have a look in our window see one of the NEWEST and NEATEST Sets we have had fop some time For we give you another bar gain in a fine quality China Dinner Set of Brloflets Dont fail to hear the Metropol itan Choir at the Christian Church next Wednesday evening Division Court The first session of the year was held in Newmarket on Wed nesday last Judge of Toronto presided About a dozen cases were on the list and attendance very good A suit of wages between master and ser vant brought in a number of peo ple from East The business of the Court concluded at oclock Mrs John Lee of Waubaushene New Garage Messrs Moss Parks have of the late Eraslus Jackson Direct Importer of and Fancy China South End FLOUR AND FEED STORE opened a Garage for motor re pairs of all kinds in he shop next to Hamiltons Grocery on Huron St Mr Moss spent years at the business in Peter- and is confident that he can satisfy the most pernictity mo torist in this section of coun try if only given a chance See announcement in another column of Newmarket who has knit ted 309 pairs of socks for the soldiers We are indebted to the Orillia Times for the above electro and the following paragraph Mrs John Lee of shene who is over years of age has knitted during the period of the war three hundred and nine pairs of socks for soldiers Mrs Christian Endeavor constant reader of The first meeting of the The Times for over thirty years Society was a success Mr Rid- and it is with a greatdeal of ley gave an eloquent paper on pleasure her portrait is published Worth While Life Purposes It herewith Mrs Lee is remarK- is hoped that the attendance is as ably active for her advanced age large every meeting as Tuesday and is cheerful and optimistic evening She has certainly done her bit for Next week the meeting is in the winning of the war charge of Miss Ruth Kelley Mr Now III at the war is over and the substitute done away with Ihc de mand is constant only because the quality is in every bag Better let us you a bag of OF THE BREAD FLOUR Scratch Heed for hens H Licence No Prompt Delivery Phone OR J House Phone TERMS GASH ONLY Prentice Hall is preparing the paper Everyone come Officers for are Rev Hall Pres Lulu Collins VicePres Annie Knowles CorSecy Flo Verity Mae Stork Treasurer Frank Bowser Pianist Annie Lundy Assistant Gladys Belfry Convenors of Committees Look Out Bessie Morton Prayer Meeting and Gladys Social Constance Missionary and Temperance Nixon Assistant Verne Lundy Flower andCalling Maud Evans Press Mabel Program Laura Penrose Soldier Comforts Dorothy Lundy Social Uplift Rev Hall Stewards Stanley Smith and Wilbur Junior Gertrude Menar Assistant Marjory Smith See If you have Paid Your Taxes for If hustle or costs will be added I Euchre and Dance be held in Hall Lot St on Wednesday evening Jan under auspices of Re becca Lodge Particulars later Accident Mr Norman Trivelt happened with a on Monday af ternoon at the Office Specialty Works by having his third finger on the right hand cut off at the second joint His other fingers were also cut AND RE8TAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK NUTS ORANGES AND CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS Pattersons Also Prices on Christmas Mixtures MILK TICKET8 FOR HOT SODAS AND OYSTER lee and Soft Drinks as usual Hi near the Market THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO I I AGO Unexcelled Dining Car Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Jars on principal Day Trains Pull Information from any rand Trunk Ticket Agent or Morning District Agent Toronto Phone Jo- j y Phone 14 Agent Ik hereby given that of the City Of Toronto in the County of and Province Ontario Mechanic vill apply to Parliament of Canada at ih next thereof for a of divorce from his wife Pearl Of Brooklyn State of of adultery New York on the day of in III- ground Dated at Toronto thin December A Rowan Jones Newman a Victoria Street Toronto for Applicant FEMALE Young women wanted for light work In assembling department and paper and box department Excellent working conditions In modern sanitary factory Write or phone General Superin tendent Phone Office Spe cialty Mfg Co Newmarket Ont The Late Charles After a ligerin illness of near ly five years Lundy of Newmarket passed away on Jan 3rd The deceased who was a pa tient sufferer was previous lo his illness very active in everything that went toward the advance ment and welfare of the commu nity in which he lived He was born in the Township of East on July on he farm which his par ents the late Jacob and Hannah Lundy settled on in coming from Pennsylvania with the Hughes and Doane families and resided there continuously until 1908 when he moved to Newmarket In he married Martha Kelley who predeceased him by five days One of the noblest souls whom God did lend A wonderful mother and faithful friend Of this union children were born all of whom survive him Mia Minnesota Mrs KJ Barker To ronto Mrs Newmarket Miss Annie and Miss Dorothy at home and J of Bask and eight Kraiidchlldren The late Oliver of Yonge St was a brother Tin surviving sisters are Mrs II Daly of Queensvlllc Mrs Thorpe and Miss Rachel Lundy of Sharon The late Mr was an old- time Liberal in Politics and was DeputyReeve County Coun cillor for p for several years He was a flu ent speaker and his services were much in demand in election cam paigns In the early days hi- belonged to the DaylflllCH a religious sect now extinct and played In the old Sharon Band He later joined the Christian Church lie a member of the Queensvlllc and Sharon Masonic Lodge No AKAAM under whose direction funeral ser vice at the grave was conducted His death though not unex pected Is regretted by all who knew him The funeral of both he and late Mrs Lundy was held from their home Park Ave Monday Jan and was conducted by Rev Hall of the Christian Church assisted by Rev Thomas of the Presbyterian ChOrch interment taking place in the family burying place at New market Cemetery The pallbearers were as fol lows For Mrs LundyRoss DeGuerre Frank Kelley J Barker Irwin and For Mr Lundy Dr Clark Messrs Hunter Os borne Wilson j Milne and Jacob Terry Among the relatives and friends from a distance who attended the funeral were the following from Toronto Inspector Hughes and r i Presbyterian A preparatory lecture was to be given in the Presbyterian Church last evening by Rev J of Ave Church Toronto to lake the place of the union prayer service Next Sunday morning at o clock service the Communion will be observed All members are requested to be present Presentation Mr Ludlow of Department of the Office Spe cialty Co was presented with a handsome Mantle Clock and Silver Bread Tray on Jan by Mr on behalf of the employ ees in tola Department on the oc casion of his wedding Mr Ludlow was married on Jan 1st at Owen Sound Better Service The Metropolitan Railway Co has been prevailed upon- o put the late cars into commission again between Newmarket and Toronto on Saturday nights Commencing next night and continuing through the season a late car will leave New market for Toronto at p and a late car will leave To ronto for Newmarket at every Saturday night until fur ther notice Christian Topic for 1 am Christian Devotion being the first of a series on the Forward Movement Sunday School with Mens Class at pm Evening topic Christs Pre eminence a sermon aiming lo help people see the great world need and the true remedy We have no rented seats Good music and steps taken during the week will assure a warm church at both services Rev IS Pasoi Young Womens Christian After Saturday there will no excuse for ignorance on the most progressive work of the present Jay the Young Womens Chris tian Association The women of Newmarket will do well to avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing Miss Jones special work er of the Dominion Council of the YWCA on Saturday afternoon at oclock in the basement of the Methodist Church No town was ever more sadly In need of a Rest Room than our town Some lime an enter prising man of the town suggest ed that the Metropolitan Station house was good enough for us as a Rest Room hut we have had our nil of Now that the war over we must not settle down into the old dog trot we are going in but meet the demands that are Up to every enterprising town Ev eryone should see with a broader vision and so be willing to give their time to this work Continued ffom U floral tributes weir moat beautiful comprising the follow ing Wreath Son and three Ontario Daughters WreathsCalgary Loved Ones Wreath Joint Boards of Meth odist Church Wreath Town Council WreathsThompsons Robert sons and Wrights Toronto friends at Orchard Beach WreathDavis Family Wreath Cane Sons Co Wreath Ladies Aid of Methodist Church Wreath High School Board Wreath Employees of Era Of flee Wreath Agricultural Society Spray- Mr and Mrs W E Jack son Toronto Wreath Mr and- Mrs Jack son Edmonton The late E Jackson had a dom inant personality and never Staled to defend his position with tongue and pen He had his faults like the rest of us but we hope they may be forgotten be cause of the community good that he accomplished We might observe that all the bouquets were not reserved to adorn his casket On two or more occa sions he was banqueted by the citizens of Newmarket and pre sented with address of apprecia tion When the Agricultural Grounds were free from debt he Was presented by the Board with a handsome Mantle Clock which he took great delight in winding once a month as long as his strength allowed When he re tired from the Wardenship of the County he was presented with a GoldBeaded Cane by the mem bers before that ceremony became a custom On the Anniver sary of his wedding he was pre sented with a beautiful Illuminat ed Address by the Trustees of the Methodist Church as an expres sion of their appreciation of his valuable services as Secretary- Treasurer for many years The funeral was conducted at the residence of his son on Wed nesday afternoon by Rev Jos of Eaton Memorial Church Toronto assisted by Rev W of Broadway Taber nacle Toronto both former pas tors in Newmarket and greatly esteemed friends of the family Rev Peter Addison a superannu ated Methodist minister of To ronto who has been intimately connected with tfie family while at Orchard Beach summer resort for the past yeans also took part in the service as well as Rev Thomas Presbyterian min ister in Newmarket A Quar tette from the Methodist Choir composed of Mrs Mason Mrs Mr Manning and Mr sang two very ap propriate selections Deceased was buried with full Masonic honors the members of Tuscan Lodge Newmarket ac companied by others from Au rora and Sharon Lodges attending in a body and the ritualistic ser vice of the Order was In charge of PastMasters P J Anderson and both at the house and at the grave The pallbearers were Hon 1 Davis exMayor Cane ex- Mayor P Pearson Mayor W Eves Reeve Keith and Mr John the RecordingStew ard of the Methodist Church The following relatives and friends from a distance attended the funeral Mr and Mrs and Mrs of Bronte Mrs J Marker of Hamilton and Mrs Belfry Mrs John Jackson of Toronto Mr Edgar L Jackson Montreal Mr and Mrs W Jackson To ronto Mr A Wright Toronto Mr Hawkins Toronto Mr and Mrs W HThomson To ronto Mrs W Robertson Toronto Mr and Mrs Brothers Au rora Mr J M Walton Aurora Mrs McKinley Toronto Mr Gain Toronto Mrs John Boynton Aurora Many telegrams phone mes sages and letters have been re ceived expressing esteem and con dolence to the family One of wires was from Rev A Chambers of Toronto whom the deceased initiated into the Cadets of Temperance years ago and he deeply regretted his Inability to attend the funeral Sale of Odd Reduced Below Cost They Mens Underwear Reg 125 for Mens Boys Boys Mens J Mens Wool From 5 to 6 Wool Sweater Reg 350 Tweed Suits Reg Rubber Boots Reg Pullover Rubbers for Rubbers for for for for Ladies Mens Chocolate Boots Neolin Reg Big Reduction in Ladies Mens Boys and for for Childrens Footwear Three Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET METALS GET TJRED Metals frequently need a holi day This may be a surprise to many who believe that metals arc always the same never varying from year to year It has been proved however that metals suf fer from fatigue and that rest strengthens them proportionate ly Repeated experiments have also shown that steel and wrought iron deteriorate rapidly under constant strain and vibration and that if they are denied the ne cessary rest the time will come when like the human machine they will collapse altogether A rest however at frequent inter vals will keep these metals in good condition A Bessemer steel rail is one ex ample of what of rest will do to metals This rail bad done good service for twenty- two years without a days holiday Then suddenly it un der the weight of a train and broke into half a dozen pieces Lord Kelvin expressed the belief that with proper rest this rail would have for several years longer Singularly enough cast iron never considered very strong and thought by most people to be far less durable than steel im proves greatly in strength when subjected to constant shocks This was proved by guns of vari ous aes and service Guns tried a month after casting burst at the seventieth or eightieth dis charge Others which had been in use six years failed lo burst after or discharges and cast iron bars after being subjected to shocks frequently gain per cent in strength in all cases the cast iron thai proved the strongest was cast iron that had holiday in between hard work Edwin Tarrisso FOR OUR COUNTRY A Happy Prosperous Future FOR OUR FRIENDS A Prosperous New Year DRUG STORE Beginning Jan 2nd Store Will Close at pm i Except on Saturday Nights Sou About Semi Furniture We have some Pretty Designs whloh we would like you to call and and the Prices will compare favorably with what you can get In the City COMPARISON IS I Dealer In Furniture and Funeral Dlreotor SCHOMBEBd FRED SKINNER THE BRITISH NAVY WORK IN YOUR IN Will you kindly toll rue what you have here asked the visitor to the penitentiary With pleasure replied the warden who had once worked in a dry goods store We have a few things In that think will Interest you A PECULIAR HARVEST According to The one of the most peculiar harvests in the world takes place in the foot hills of Nevada and Placer Coun ties California during February and March At that time the state through its de partment harvests from to ladybugs The bugs are gathered in cases each holding about a quart or and sent to where they are stored until the summer season when they are sent to the different sections of the state feed on the aphis which attacks the cantaloupe beans and vari ous other vegetables IN THE SAME FIX A story Is going the rounds of ft of young people who fttlended church recently When the collection was being taken up the young man commenced fishing In his pocket for a dime His fftc expressed his em barrassment he hoarsely whiskered I guess I haven a cent I changed my pants the young lady who had been examining the unknown of womans for her purse turned color and said Im in the same fix Home things tin us much more ethers A long walk with a crowd of friends is much less wearisome than an errand to the si ore though Ihc latter is not a tenth as far Many young people come homo at midnight after festive occasion feeling as fresh as If were just gellingup lime who would home exhaust ed If they had been required to work till eleven oclock The things we enjoy do not tire us like those we consider tedious The hoy in an athletic contest works hard er than lie ever did in his life very probably and yet he feels more llped after he has hull the fire In the morn- lug than he does from running a hurdle race What W0 need Is to approach our work from a different angle We arc not tired because the task Is loo hard for us hut because we are not enough Interested hi It As a rule getting tired Is a reflection on our own mental attitude London Jan Sir First Lord of the Admiralty describes ihe men of the British minelayer flotilla as some of bravo si ami pluckiest of the navy Sir Brie said that night after night minelayer submarines had lo proceed through the great German mine fields off Heligoland in discover channels through which German boats left and returned to bases The Drills seamen then blocked these channels with mines During first si months Sir added more than boats were caught in these lrip mines fully attractive even though it does not possess a regular feature A sunny smile more than atones for an overlarge mouth and eyes that are both keen and kind can dispense the additional advantage of long and curling lashes We are not so foolish As to speak lightly beauty even in its conven tional sense hut we should ho sorry to have our girls think lhat symmetri cal features and a delicately tinted skin were Its chief essentials Put first in your formula for beauty active brain and a contented you will have no reason to complain even though nature has dented you some of minor charms sidi rfuge got iixl I Old their mines anil on the return Journey mopped up ail six of boats and look their crews prisoners Our mine harrier across the Channel below trapped German submarines in one mouth BLOWN UP THE RU8TIO SCORED shambled along carrying a packet which was seal- A rustle in his hand ami addressed with an Inscription In the corner the effect that It con tained In notes Struck with the sheepish look on the man a passerby asked wliat ho was looking for way of reply the countryman hold out the packet and requested him to read the ad dress as he had forgottcu It and was unable to read himself In a tone of pleasurable surprise Ihc other replied By Jove the parcel Is for me I I have been It over so long The mosflcnger appeared satisfied at having accomplished his mission and added that ho wanted half a crown for the trouble whloh was paid on the spot The new owner of the parcel at once retired to a dark corner to ex amine Ills treasure ho found nothing but couple of sheets of paper and la the middle a white label with the single word sold Meekly mado up his ho was not going to bo dictated I to any longer by his wife when he went home at noon called imperiously to the servanti Laura Laura Mrs Meekly camo out of thOj kitchen What do you want with Laura she asked Meekly staggered but braced up I want you to understand madam and he tapped his chest dramatically that I am the engineer of this establishment that I am Oh you are are you Well Joseph wantyou to understand that and she looked danger ous- I am the boiler that may blow up and pitch the engineer over into the next street Do you hoar the steam escaping Jo seph Joseph heard and quick ly got out of way of Ontario Married Woman will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a mil Divorce from her husband Joseph Henry Winters of Toronto Manufac turer on ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this Novem ber Jones Newman A it i Vfoteria St for the Applicant Latest THE CHARM OF CHEERFULNESS It Ib a pity that people do not real ize more perfectly charm there Is In cheerfulness A pretty complex I Ion and bright eyes and a nose modell- In artistic proportions are very I good things In their way hut no one of them nor all of them together can make up for habitual low spirits A face 1b and alert which shines with Intelligence and a LA On one occasion aids Sit four of our flotilla going into NOTICE is hereby given that Ellza- lani Right were observed by Her- Winters of the City of Toronto man boats which wore jcav- in County of York In the Province our boats by subterfuge got NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Ull Designs la Monuments Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call am Seo us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Out to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR CHURCHES In JOHN 0 MOSS in and of Foreign and Domestic AND MARBL8 Phono Box Make no Mistake in sparkles with happiness is wonder- Near ft i I I J L j v j

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