Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1919, p. 8

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RE A Perfect Treatment For This Distressing Complaint Basing I had an attack of Weeping so bad that my clothes would be wet through at limes For terribly I could get no relief I tried and The first treatment gave me relief Altogether I have used three boxes of and two of am entirely well HALL Both these sterling remedies are by dealers at 0c a box for or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa FruitativesV is also put up in a trial size which sells for BEST MEDICINE FOR WOMEN On Friday afternoon Mrs Hunt was the Hostess of Golami WE v Molly gives gives For Ohio Woman a very pretty Miscellaneous Show- I 4U given by the maids and ma- What Lyda of Bettiesda to Miss Bertie Vegetable CompoundDid Atkinson aNew Years bride Many useful and pretty gifts were received by the bride elect Short speeches were made by some of Portsmouth suffered from the matrons giving the brideelect irregularities pains in my side and was j such advice as thought bo weak at times I 1 am issllaler on in life hen Hllll around to do my work and as I had four in my family and three boarders it made it very hard for roe E Vege table Compound was recommended to me I took and it has restored my health It is certainly the best for womans ailments- 1 ever law Mrs Sara Shaw No The Bradford Club held a dance Portsmouth Ohio all joined in singing For Shes a Jolly Good Fellow MJsi At- 1 replied very feelingly went to their homes feeling they had had a good lime TO RENT Store and Office heated and ligted in the Bank of Toronto Building J HWESLEY Newmarket HOUSE TO RENT North end Main St Possession at once per month Apply at Era Office TO RENT Brick House Prospect Ave Electric Light Possession 1st January Apply to Mrs Hatch Charles St East Toronto Bradford A number from here attended the dance in Cooks town on j day Bessie gives love and ever smile gives taunts and never shows guile And Bessie declares the world is all She long since has learned in this we live That all the word over we get what we give- in the parish hall on Wednesday Mrs Shaw proved the merit of this night medicine and wrote this letter in order Miss Wesley of Newmarket is that other suffering may find visiting with Mr and Mr Sam w Martin Women who are suffering she was The Marathon Rink was opened 1lmld not drag along from day today on Wednesday afternoon for the herb remedy iaE time this seasonBeaton EST Compound trial For pedal I in regard to ailments write FARM FOR Acres more or less rear end of lots and 21 in the sixth concession of East Bank Darn cement stables driving house and out buildings good frame house or eight rooms good cellar hard and soft water good orchard creek crossing both lots For further particulars apply Bos Newmarket Post Office or Mrs Frank Weir P Ontario FOR Good Farm part Lot Con East of St East about acres frame house fair repair granary and stable good water and WW fenced soil clay loam also acres marsh land grows good hay for feeding acres fall wheat good apple trees land nearly all plowed and piece seeded Apply to Box Holland Landing or to Solicitor Newmarket FARM FOR con- too Acres south half lot cession West farm Is No grain farm good day First Class brick clad room ed house Willi summer kitchen attach ed Frame house for hired man A good barn on stone founda tion with good stabling cement pig pen sheep pen above Oarage and implement house The farm is well watered There are acres of fall wheat acres clover Fall ploughing done About acres maple Easy terms MCKAY fivv4C LLOTDTOVVrT Mr and Mrs Jos Godson and I family of Newmarket spent with their aunt Mrs Jos Street The funeral the late Miss Margaret took place on Friday interment being made in I Lloyd town Cemetery The Tree and Entertain ment was much enjoyed espe cially by the children who pre sented Rev and Mrs C New man with a diningroom lamp At he annual meeting on Thursday last Messrs J E March ant and A Winters were appointed trustees of school for and Mr Wilson whose services have been entirely satisfactory was reengaged as teacher World A house nd lot in valued at 700 household goods Si cash promissory notes war bonds and in debentures make up the estate of Miss Sarah Conner formerly of Markham St To ronto who died Nov 5 last By 1 will executed four days before she died the left her house and lot to her brother Trios Conner Concord Ave her household goods a silver jug and watch and chain to her sis ter Emma Caswell and the resi due including her fathers watch to her nephew William Conner of who is to receive the property when he reaches the rtge of result of forty years experience is at service FIGHTING IN SNOW FOUR FEET DEEP Canadians Guns Got Busy Willi the Allied Army of the Jan 5 American troops fighting desperately near Kadish have driven back Bolshevist troops which made an advance there The Bolshevists also Iaunhed attacks on the Ouegn sector and bombarded the allied front The Americans came into battle along the road and in the frozen swamps that border it The battle wad fought in snow from two to four feet in depth on Tuesday the Bolshevists oper ated a terrific fire from three and six- inch launched a counterat tack against the buildings recently captured by the Americans in So hot was the artillery fire that the Americans were withdrawn tempor arily from the village The line however was not taken back very far and the new positions were firmly held The enemy did not occupy Kadish because the barrage fire from the American guns made the place un tenable Shells falling on the frozen ground spread their ones of destruc tion twice as far as they would under normal conditions hater under the protection of Cana dian artillery fire American detach ments again swept forward and the town REASONS GERMANY IN A HURRY s gives fcmiles anil never gives hugs- i Yet Molly complains the world is so cold So selfish and hard so ready to scold She never has learned in this life we live Thai all the world over we ge what we give Soldi ers L Stouffville The FOR SALE Acres Township North imbury All tillable First Class Stables underneath Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty l miles mile water Clans Brick lions- ft miles from miles to Phlppfng points from Metropolitan Railway from School and Church Acres Township of North All tillable Kail Wheat aercB New Seeding Barn Driving House Cement Stabling for stock Frame House Plenty water This is First Class Soil acres adjoining was offered and not Hell Will give special lermatO quick buyer A snap Acres Township All under cultivation Good Barn Stone stabling Good House Well acres Fall Church and School mile to shipping point An Ideal acre Firm Acret Good Bain with stabling Frame House Water miles ship ping A Bargain Acree province of wan on easy term Methodist parsonage at was the scene of a quiet wedding on Saturday bee when Miss Josephine daughter of the Mr John of be came the bride of Mr Nathan of the ceremony was conducted by Rev If Lee brotherinlaw of the bride fawsisted by her brother and her broth To the Strains Of bridal chorus played by Miss of Toronto flic bride entering the drawing room on the arm of her eldest brother Mr She was gowned in a pearl gray crepe chine Utile Hey on of Toronto made a charming flower girl bearing ring in a basket of flow ers During signing of register Miss Vida played Mendelssohns Wedding March happy couple on honeymoon bride wear ing a brown soil They will live on Church Si Quite number of our have been laid up with but we arc pleased to say all imiirovincr Miss Dennis of Victoria Square has been visiting her aunt Mrs Mrs has moved bouse which purchased from down only inleresl for first two I Mr Milton Cook and balance in four euual pay- Mrs Austin of Toronto Paris Germany hurried to request when she saw hat a new Allied offensive was to be launched on Lorraine front on Nov by men under command General says the celnlor and French troops it says went eoiitent rated on the front be tween Rrley Chateau Thierry They supported by 3000 guns of all and had tanks able a front of about miles Duke WiirtloinberK fjerman on this had divisions of Inferior fighting quality These ill visions contained men lb had I OHO guns The Allied attack Ihe would have rallied war into annexed Lorraine and llhenlsh Prussia to rut off the army in Belgium and in Hie from ils bases general llial he on were exhausted and its furrcs were and worn out liveried a by pleading for an Eirnifslire The The of tie- offensive was assured hut it not have made victory more than it already was because Germany accepted all our Marshal deemed ft useless hi further of blood and consented lo slop allhough Germany was I lien in a plight of lb for and npfiilUiUloi is nil seals The world is so dreary says Molly- to pa The world is all gladness says Bes sie to I says sad Molly Id never been How sweet tis to live saysBessie each morn The maxim is certain in this life we live That all the world over we gel what we give Ollve Plants BRIEF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC S- The Law says that the liquor traffic has no Inherent right to exist The Courts that drink Is largely the cause of crime and pauperism that drink is the chief cause of disease Business produces incom petency anil inefficiency The Home that drink destroys hap piness and prosperity The School that drink is the great est enemy of education The Church thai drink Is the chief foe to religion Motherhood that drink poisons the very fountains life that wastes food and robs labor that drink disqualified a large percentage of young men called to the colors HOME AGAIN Mr Henry Ashmead writing from the Toronto General has sent me this welcome to the home coming boys Therell he flags and banners waving When Hie boys come back from war Therell be crash of drums and bugles And cheers from rich and poor- Therell be flowers across the roadway Triumphal arches too As we welcome back our loved ones In khaki and in blue Therell be many vacant places When the boys come home from war Therell he many tear stained faces And many a heart thats Though the absent ones are sleeping In their graves beyond sea They have perished nobly fighting In the cause of liberty Therell be Joy the Dominion the boys home from war Therell be work to do in plenty theyll never leave lis more Then the ravaged plains of Flanders And vineyards of Champagne Will blossom into loveliness Like a garden nfler rain Campaign Work and of the SALVATION AftMY SERVELAST TO I N FIRST The Salvation Army has for S3 years been organized on a military basis inured to hardship sacrifice and service It is always in action day and night i It has maintained MUitary Huts Hostels and Rest Rooms providing food and rest for tens of thousands of soldiers each day uniformed workers and ambulances in service at the front in addition to taking care of the needs of soldiers families here at home assisting the widows and orphans and relieving distress arising from the absence of the soldier head of the family Notwithstanding all the Government is planning to do notwithstanding the pensions and the relief work of other organizations hundreds of cases of urgent human need are constantly de manding the help the Salvation Army is trained and equipped to render W You January to While It could do so the Salvation Army has carried on without any general appeal Now the crisis is arising with the return of the 300000 soldiers The budget for essential work during the coming year has been prepared A million dollars must be raised to continue activities which include of avail Coasi Hostels for Soldiers the aftcrthcw4r Salvation Hostels are for protection and comfort of the soldier at the many places between Franc and his home here or militar hotels proride good can at a the soldier can to pay If the boys did not are a to go WHERE would they go pare of the Wives Widows Dependents an J Orphans of Soldiers Scores and hundreds df cases could be where have been comforted by the assurance that the Army has stepped In to relieve from dire need As an a mother with children located no fuel weather food and funds exhausted by sickness and other troubles are taken to Salvation Array Emergency Receiv ing Winter and soldier returning Increase the demands on the Salvation Army personal help alone Is of avail Consider too the vast and Complex problems arising out of the care of soldiers widows and orphans Keeping the Family Unit Intact The women of the Army on their visiting rounds accomplish the apparently impossible Is the discharged soldier out of a job They find him one Is the wife steles the homework piling up the children neglected the wife mother the children Wash and scrub Is there urgent need for food fuel clothes or medicine They are supplied It takes money of but more important is loving of in which the work is done When the Soldier Needs a Friend The Saltation Army Lassie provide the bogs with hot Coffee the pies chocolate magazines writing materials And the spiritual comfort which the boys in need Until the last soldier is reestibtahcd in civilian life will you not help the Salvation Army to combat the discomforts and evils that beset his path The service of the Salvation Army founded on sacrifice demonstrates the true spirit of the Mas ter It is directed to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ For two generations the Salvation Army has stood out and out for God It approaches practical problems in practical way and achieves RESULTS It cooperates with all overlaps none It recognizes neither color race nor creed It Is always in action day and night No organization does greater work at less cost To carry on its great work It must havo financial help and on Its behalf members of the Dominion Government- business men and returned endorse this appeal for funds YOUR GRATITUbE FIND EXPRESSION IN SERVICE THE SALVATION ARMY MILLION UND COMMITTEE Headquarters Albert St Toronto lit- pence throughout Ihe wide world Win ho hoys are home again Mi Uvea lost and bloodshed Will ifii have een in vnln ihe freedom of lie homeland Will mad good And ill in a 8AY8 HE WILL TO THE LIMIT Hell is in a mood a his dan der Is If tin- is put I Intend rigid II and fight It Until In says I am mil lunkhiK for hut I am not away from right figlit flglll No has Mr In innnoctlon with against and he Bays lie Cannot iiudiTsUind why an impritidriili d of action should In I hi iMiiKorshlp department MP Spriiii says thai the hook The Parasite in which the objectionable mailer is concerned was only in protest against Hid traffic which In his opinion has iinqtlOBtlon- 8IQN OF PEACE There are sign posts which lead to the end of the trail that leads to the city of peace Each one of which shows the graves of those who gave to the future release I The dead who watched the struggle have their eyes on the men below And looking into the future j mark the seeds of peace ye sow Their work accomplished they have no part in framing that citys laws But in justice to those who fought through hell ilied in a righteous cause Ye must make these laws so bind ing lhat reproach may not be known By the humblest of his subjects to the king upon his throne j God the toll has been so heavy and the sacrifice so great Thai the world might be made belter and a saner newer state j born from out the chaos a- new light shed dovn lit years death of many millions bought by suffering ears Keep those sign posts in your memory as ye sign the treaty scroll And beside il place the parchment if our allied honor roll MaHcolm Parsons Si Johns Newfoundland EPITAPH FOR BRITISH SOLDIERS THE LATE SUNDAY SCHOOL Pellmell I ran to my train Booked up to leave the lown at eight my might be in vain I feared I might arrive too late I reached the station breathless quite And saw the last receding car My face in wrath turned red then white- The train had gone a mile too far To catch I asked the agent why A train would leave at such a rate I held my watch before his eye He said You are two minutes late Well I exploded I am Why must she start in such a hurry Two minutes more Law how I ran And now must storm about and worry He said in patronizing way The road dont run by such a rule Where did you get that notion pray him Al Sunday School We always come a little slow They wail on us for quite a while What did the agon do know He rubbed his nose and then he smiled The Superintendent Llvoth to bo on Memorial lengthened the war I I fit re I per percent Price and daughter few diY her mothers Mrs Potter Oil Misfl bad the FOR 8ALE Store dwelling general ftrm In of and enjoyable a money M the home of FOR Brick side of add Hardwood floors to dale in every detail apply to SvYlTZBB When in need of a do resort to take ho gentle natural laxative flir- on Monday A and for the of the Sunday School wor Klvon A ood was rendered and the children wore which were flCrved A rounlon of family of Mr mid Tftcoh was hold at old homo on Day A voryilenB ant day wan and by different Ihe tfalherintf wore Mr and Mr Jacob rockier of Mr and Mrs innd three daughter who live on the old homestead Mr arid Mr It a merchant of A ion and daughter find Rev hod Mr Chan rockier ml liter or Kail River vlio are coming to live at crack at tills traffic when ever got a chance Mr If ant a sinner I am an unrepentant and Khali continue he so as long as the I raff hi exist A dcsphlch from says Their name forevcrmoro This is phrase ttial will bo upon Ihe groat stone which is lo be erected Inl each of Ihe of British who have fallen in the war is suggestion of Kipling who in the phrase to the Imperial War raves wrote was lo and word I praise and honor which should he both simple and well known comprehensible and or the value in all and also standing as far as oulj side flux of men and things Six reasons Now She Strong and Hearty Philadelphia Pa I over worked run down nervous could not tat or I felt like crying all the time tried different remedies with out benefit The doctor It a wonder I alive and when Vlnol given me I began to Improve have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly In respect and have gained In weight I can not praise enough Sarah A Jones St Philadelphia Pa We guarantee Vlnol to make over worked weak women strong or re turn your money formula on every This Is your protection J al the Best In all On tario towns One Bottle Cured Her Theft vc ftwcaurtOiOcitic or Thick more than on of effect cure quickly nd does win or difficult It told on pad of ft or your Read one It tv a I A I 1 it I Mtf Bottle Sf J A lit The Marvel Co MM Siil 1 After search and consultation ranks arid many races in armies and well its with those who given sops it seemed me that single phrase could he better than the one which closes the tribute the famous men in lea Their name livelh forever- more THE O TV A pay To or i Some A Is really other folk Who drink and It all Willi many a slur Some cranks refer vlec and llulnt this time Had Theyve refutat on ample Degenerate As some poor fools her The Old hand would be Down ami out And wed have as Kaiser The of the of under direction of the Control Hoard Carlisle receives a salary of would be and more efficient Its a good friend Steadies nerves 2 Allays thirst Olds appetite Helps digestion 5 Keeps teeth clean Its economical Sealed tlfiht Kept right MADE IN CANADA Chew It after every meal I DET nor PIPE JAP- LOW PEE Was thou Band Been poor Go tr A

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