Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1919, p. 2

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A PS I wish lo express my sincere gratitude to the friends of my father who were so thoughtful of him in his illness I am also thankful for the deep sympathy shown me in my bereavement Yours in deep appreciation ROSE Editorial Notes J V TENDERS FOR DISPOSAL PLANT The St Catharines Journal of Saturday Feb gives a very interesting history of years of Progress in the printing business conducted by Mr Burgoinev who celebrated the event by gen erously donating SI for the establishment of a Civic Rose Garden The fragrance of name will be perpetuated by- the citizens of his native city The Government has decided to expand a million dollars this year in connection with an im mense cold storage plant in Montreal to aid in the export meat trade This is a good thing for Montreal and eventual ly will he a good thing for Cali ber Limited but is not lively to reduce Excelsior Lire the high cost of beef to the Toronto epders very rapidly he received at the same Tenders will be received up till noon February for construc tion of a small sewage disposal plant at the Industrial Home Newmarket Plans and Specifications may he seen at the f of London CiUiuHin Knin- lie i it J A Commissioners THE ORCHARD experience all kinds ion Tuesday when arding also the Agency was by a vote of out ASCollins Box formerly of who was wellknown there as the leading fruitgrower with years ex of for selling Stock from Stone Wellington since will be pleased at any time to lake your orders Satisfaction guar anteed Will do a limited amount of orchard pruning now Drop in i card for your several wants A COLLINS Box 17 Germany has through her Na tional Assembly adopted with a few slight modifications the form of government represented in the Cabinet of Premier and his colleagues So Germany is now a established republic with written constitution ap proved by the majority of the German people at the polls The election of a President took place every contained a keg consignment wasyal- ued at a yardman was tipped 16- switch its upon track but owing sickness he was off duty when it arrived and a detective got wise the mill The man to whom the we roods belonged was fined 940 and the consignment was confiscated This is another case where the big man gets off easy while the little mart with a suit case is mulcted The whole business Is a travesty m justice OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Albert Stork end Miss Mae Stork spent thtj weekend in Toronto Mrs JF is spending a week with her parents in cuse GENUINE Miss of Ihe Public Comments of Exchanges School staff spent the weekend in Toronto- Miss Gertrude Moody spent a couple of days of las week with her parents mm Prospects Tweed News Daylight saving is once more in the air Many a man will rejoice at the prospect of being able to save something Help Wanted Male Men ice Belle Lake Good wages and best of board Apply at once- to foreman Lake fee Company Limited Belle arL WANTED Men establish small local plants in every county to handle the Famous European Retreads for Automobile Tires puncture and blowout proof Cost half as much as new tires and wear long er Money maker for live men good opportunity get into bus iness for yourself Dominion General Supply Co Ltd I Confederation Life Toron to On I WANTED By April 1st an allround Farmer with a wife who is a good plain cook for a farm at Aurora Permanent Job Will pay per month from 1st of April to 1st of December and per month from 1st December to 1st April Free house free garden free fuel and three or four quarts of milk per day free References re quired Apply to Shep- Waubausheno of being a majority of Thus another Empire is changed to a Republic A number of articles on sub jects of national importance ap pear in The Canadian Magazine for February One is on Edu cational Preparedness by Prof Ira A of the University of Saskatchewan It is a very timely article and while it dis cusses the place that education must lake in the advancement any country it takes Canadians lo task for indifference to it as a national factor and gives a warning that as Germany had been regarded as the school-mas- of the world it is now incum bent on other countries to see that she is not suffered to as sume that role again Prof warning in hat unless we advance education we cannot advance at all Soldiers Letters Following is a letter from Mur ray son of Mrs John of Lemonville Belgium Jan Dear Cousin I must write and tell you how- we enjoyed that line box of doughnuts which you sent One fellow said they were the best he ever lasted lie said he would always remember me even when he was put in his grave lie said he would roll over and say to himself God bless Pipher arid his doughnuts They sure were good They were just as fresh as when they were made- Your box was first 1 received for with the exception of a box of candy Red Cross sent me spent Christmas in Genval a little town not very far from Brussels We had a dining room of a hotel there for a mess room On Hay we had the lablcs drawn up together in two rows and covered with while paper There were Crack ers and some Canadian ap ples on the fables We had roast mutton roast turkey dress ing mashed potatoes and gravy and lots of plum pudding with Widdifleld leaves next week to visit relatives in Vir ginia A Mr Levi Rogers has been quite illf but are pleased lo say he is improving Mrs Mijgate of Bradford writes V would not like to be without paper Mr OK Thompson of Fort William says the home Era is always visit or- ho has Pte Wesley wh been very ill in France and England arrived home yesterday Richmond 1 ill Liberal Mrs Win Cook spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs J Rollings- head Newmarket Mrs Cordova Man writes We could not do without the Era It is just like a letter from home every week Miss Mary of OIL was visiting in Virginia when falhei died and Jhe burial was held over for her I turn home Mr las Taylor who a hoy at I lie tended Soldiers Town week and of Through press and by oth er means the attention of the is being direct ed to the advisability of complet ing the extension of the and Northern Ontario Railway through lames Ray as soon as possible hereby opening up a great deal of territory filled with Umber and pulp wood minerals fish and furs making trade possibilities very much better and brighter and affording employment to ar my of men who are about to be returned home from the war A Dominion Land Surveyor esti mates that there are hundreds millions of tons of iron ore in the James Ray region During the past few years England has im- portcd nearly six million tons of iron from Spain North Africa arid Scandinavia Why not let Can ada fill the bills EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against Estate of Albert I late of town of in county of York deceased who died Newmarket on the day of September are hereby no tified to Me their claims properly proven with undersigned So licitor for Robertson and Keith Executors of the last will of deceased on or before the first day of March as immediate ly thereafter Hie said will to distribute the sts among entitled I hereto having regard only to those items then filed Dated 3rd February WIDOW for Newmarket Ont Daylight Saving will no doubt engage the attention of Parliament when il assembles again There seems to be a di vision if opinion between farmers oil one side and the res ident- Cities and Towns on the other as to the merits of Ihe pro position as worked out last year The farming community declare thai il is detrimental to heir while the urban popula tion delighted in the extra hours of day i hi for both recreation and garden production The Cornwall Freeholder asks Couldnt daylight sav in he confined to who want it In our opinion this would make confusion worse than ever Either have it all over the Do- I minion or no at all If he SI flies continues Ihe Act which seems quite probable it will cause considerable confusion on the border lines if Canada do adopt sauce We read a pretty good dinner but eats were not Ihe only good things we had Our godierOeneral and Colonel came in and the General made a speech and told lis thai we were to make our first move toward demobilization very soon It was pretty good news to us for we thought we wore on our way to Germany Of course a start doesnt moan that wo be home right away forj it will lake months to get back Say we one of the best Colonels there is in the British Army Col no doubt yon have of him Re liaised and equipped this battalion and brought it over in He has been wounded four times losing a leg He is in command of battalion now and I guess he will Lake it Well I have had some ex periences during the year even if I was a little late in gel- here I weui through he heavy fighting last The crap of Sutton Front in was Ihe Mr Watson Mi A J Lawrence who spent the past fifteen years in Manitoba is spending- a few weeks with his brother at the Methodist Parsonage for the ben efit of his health Mr Martin L of Ed go ley writes We had a very mild December and January hut are getting some genuine Western weather the past few days Miss Mildred Willis who Largely as a- result of this war Canada- will have to pay interest on about Her hope of financial salvation the develop ment of her natural resources In calling attention to these facts Chair man B of the Canada Food Board urges that the greatest possible development of the sugar maple trees of Eastern Canada be un dertaken this spring for the use of the family on the farm A Montreal dealer recently sent out a questionnaire to large number of maple sugar producers asking ques tions as to the amount produced number and receipts in money Tim answers varied very eonsiderahly but one- man with of realized SI last year for about three weeks work I will do no harm for farmers to experiment his season and see how many trees Ihey could tap sugar and syrup will pay Dominion Live Stock Commissioner who has been despatch ed to connection with the export of meals and olher animal from his continent has been with the live slock Industry of Canada for many years and has the confidence of all those with whom he has associated or whom ho has come into contact during this period He will able supply the authorities over there the latest direct information as conditions on his side and back lip representations made by the Canadian Cabinet Ministers overseas to Authorities dealing with this problem and en deavour develop whateverchannels that may open towards the lishincnt of the import hade in Cana dian animal products hi a issued by the Mini- FULL BLAST I i a v MENS LADIES AND CHILDRENS Being Cleared Out Regardless of Cost Come and Examine our Goods before you Purchase ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD Three Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET sa3Zi iiXi I hi i v- emphasized li is due solely to Up- sudden termination of the war which found with large reserve provided asa margin of should war be indefinitely prolonged Once slocks are distributed it is confidently exported the 111 a ml our live slock pro due Is will he and continue for many years The present problem arrange Credit for the purchase of supplies continent of Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phone 1 i j uiss uiuireu mis who been overseas for the past thrr a of mcate years the last one in France as P nurse is hern a HOW 111 Of visit with her father Mr Win Willis Sin entered the service at Kingston wilhN Ontario Military Mr sou of the late John of sendp his renewal for the Era to keep in touch with the old home town for another year He Is now at Windsor Out and he says they have not had snow to give the ground appearance and not couple of days that wen cold enough a while than a really reeonslnietion there is no doubt that our export in meals and animal products will enter into a period of great development An order in Council has been passed forbidding the sate or gift of liquor to any soldier in uniform BURGLAR CAUGHT AFTER LONG CHASE Montreal great exi eeulury tli Witness has been Prohibition in w2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All having i he Eut of Jack eon late of the Town Newmarket in the County if York deneand who at on the day January are notified to fib with lie- undersigned on or before the 1t day of March Hereafter tile will the MIk hereto having only those filed iivitiU a 20th iy of Ian Solicitor for WELDING Almost all broken parts of be ftatlsfaotorily re paired at reasonable by Process Try It Newmarket Residence of Bank of Toronto at Jrid flUop fnuadu and Ihe of peeially a Prohibition in and issue of lh is Prohibition nomine It says effeMive na tional Prohibition is what Ibis nation and what the vast majority of its demand linioroij will still want to experiment and impure by plebiscite but those who do not rid- threat moral wave O- be by It and will down in history as men who shirked their duly and lost heir opportunity Personalty several members of I lift Federal ment are If know lb temper dud determina tion of the Canadian people they will lead in the cause of perma nent effective national prohibi tion Bo when Parliament meeds on the of Ibis month let there be evidence of a mor al tide flowing in favor of- nay demanding an immediate effect ive permanent national prohi bitory lav Considering camouflage operations of the distillers in Shipping quan tities of liquors into dry On tario in violation of all lav and order the Newmarket is of the opinion that It is lime the Dominion prohibited the manufacture of alcoholic li quors in Canada except it may be a very limited quantity or medicinal purposes We are credibly informed that List week a car load of paper was Shipped to a mill In Toronto and lint out most of summer was the worst Our battalion came out with eightyseven hum Our Col Col Stuart was killed I lnl many friends there will never forget Sunday after we came out when we were up for church how small lip looked only a mere handful of men compared with what there was the Sunday fore I believe lint it was in this scrap Ihol Len Money Were killed I where Len Honey won Hi we hid two weeks then won I tip in rve for a couple weeks near Valeiirieiines On the III if Nov we look over the line which at Mint lime was right at the tBel- border We op with full packs We pliss- large town when I here worn all kinds of peddle out on street and flying We hough we must lift mills behind the front line but just when we gol of the town were ordered to foff our packs and ready to jro In Mo line Just then Fritz put over a few shells and the Of ma chine guns told us that he was a little alovid Tilings quieted down about midnight ami we crept up to the next town and found he loft The we took another Village and then we were held up for the rest day That night though he heal it for all he was worth and on the morning of Ihe we set off in pursuit and mode tlfe biggest advance of the war advancing about miles in one day The main road was just one steady stream of troops guns ammunition Kind supplies The streets were lined people and flags The people were ho overcome with joy they didnt know to do Just Imagine they had been under the Gorman rule ever since We marched Inlet Moris on the morn ing that the Armistice was sign ed I think this is going back to Ottawa as a unit Many thanks for your box and letters Rest wishes of the season to nil as ever Murray linker grocer awakened Wednesday morning oclock by someone tampering with safe in the store his bed room He fired from the window and mi tded in frightening the burglar The note of Ihe shots help from the neighbouring houses mid John nun James Hi two miles finally catching him Grove The man leave his mime as lames Shaw and evidently old hand Hie ganfe When unable parnple the of the safe be look as much canned woods as he could conveniently carry It dial he has been living for lime on the proceeds of vi and had in his pocket when In case he had taken a lamp from a Inhind lie- ilore ami it at lie fool of tint stairway that he owner would be ofriiil lo wall Into tin- Shaw was brought to Hi city by ami who deserve for tie- capture appeared InUie police on 1 targe of house breaking lb uilly ind to having ioits in Major Ihuiiton seatemed him In years at THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash undertaking a embalming a Specialty motor hearse if desired Night to at J Phones and GLUTEN MEAL The Great Milk Producer CAKE BRAN AND SHORTS We now filled have on the several way Cars Of Coal Orders will be as Promptly as Possible for sale by Phone Newmarket Cradle Ball To Mr and Mrs Hurry hall Miss Nellie IllXoil Oil t a a FARMS GET FOR SALE READY NOW FOR SPRING Scctt At Mr find a daughter mi Mr- ACRES MILES FROM acres workable hush hardwood bench maple oak ami hickory small orchard plenty of water solid brick house rooms ffood cellar Kelsey furnace hank barn cemented floors 1 head of cattle I box stall cemented barn yard litter carrier driving shed pig pen sit school FOR acres of with food buildings hid ween and St on Town Mrs liiKiaui Newmar ket iw Coombs In Si Catharine on IVll HI i Wile Coombs the Iwius hoy all doing well Mr lormeriy Principal of School pig Udi mil Price a fanner liv ing near was held up by two highwaymen In an au tomobile and of gold but a largn sum of sncreled in the their notice On Church nineroomed House all modern and gaidon Apply to Newmarket Out PRIVATE SALE Following articles at a Oil Stove Small Stove for coal I or wood Apply to P Sharon FARM FOR Adjoining the to wn of New market loo acres cul tivated land balance pasture and hush wellwatered drained and fenced Good soili splendid stable well built solid brick bouse furnace fireplaces floors acres seeded acres fall crop Plowing done Will be subdivided Apply ARMSTRONG Newmarket P The On at liloor St Church Toronto by Rev C Miss Annie Marys to John Lockie of Ont The Tomb In Newmarket on Feb Luke Doyle in bis year Knight On Wednesday ilh at his residence Oak- wood Ave Toronto Stephen Knight beloved husband of Ann fane McGracken aged years formerly of Stratford Out Deceased was a brother of Mrs A of this town Hi Pegg At Toronto Feb Das aged years Motor funeral to Newmarket Friday morning and J torment St Cemetery Taylor At Man Oil Feb John A Taylor of Pino Orclrard and father of Mrs J Stephens of Newmarket aged years church J miles mail and telephone ACRES WHITCHURCH Near Pine Orchard GO acres small frame house barn Good barn in class condition worth hail price of farm runs through portion of farm Price Terms arranged ACRES FROM HORNBY 180 acres workable balance bush and pasture acres of or chard soil loam neverfailing well brick bouse rooms first Class cellar furnace bank barn L part with first i class stabling under both barns implement house driving shed Silo windmill school mile Rural mail and telephone Price ACRES V MILE TO RAVENSHOE TORONTO 35 MILES acres workable soil sandy and clay loam plenty or water small house barn No barn No 40x18 tieup cattle driyln hog pen ben house school 2 miles Price ft At Newmarket on Fob Betsy Shaffer in her year Interred til Aurora hush and pasture acres orchard rooms bouse firms i ranged 120 ACRES MILES TO AND LOCUST HILL 18 TO TORONTO MARKET I no acres balance bush and pasture small orchard soil clay loam frame house rooms bank barn driving bouse hogpen hen house silo school I miles church miles Rural mail and telephone Price SI 3050 WILLOUQHBY FARM AGENCY J P Representative Newmarket Throe hoys who on Lake broke through and word noun drowned on the ire Monday after- S J Roadhouse Furniture Undertaking Main SL North A AIL Attention J m t- ATTENDING TO BUSINESS You aay the officer arrested you while you were minding your own business Yes your honor He caught suddenly by the and threatened to shoot me unless I ac companied him quietly station Youwero peaceably attending to your own business making no noise or disturbance of any kind None whatever sin It scorns very strange What Is your business Im a V -j- Offlcl Erit At tl will all Missl will i 730 Cane quest Mr core out 1 was when to in ten to be Dont fliers they BO id may bond their nixed couh who do By co hi Mr the look once G A wi Monc tuni in Miss with Brief meet Kii on Hi Go Me Minn Moth Sp seals the a vei the most too Hoar Th on son Boar yon Tl Stew a let remt use and Mess Ion gran It cong held the Tl were vis Geo Ar- ii Choi day the

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