Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1919, p. 6

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Ms- AGENT MOUNT ALBERT a Albert j Mr Cunningham attended the sale of at Toronto last week and added another cow to his herd Mr and Mrs Slokes re ceived a cable a few days ago an nouncing that their son A was seriously ill in hos pital in France No particulars have as yet been received LEAGUE The League of the ail Methodist Church met on Monday Evening at It was Missionary night and the attend ance was very good Mr Ken neth conducted the meet ing acceptably The Scrip- Lesson was read by- Mildred Dike and the topic by Mr Hoy Stewart in an interesting way of Calabar I tie offering was in aid of the For ward Movement Fund rr I Sharon On Thursday Feb the Sharon League had Mr K mi Holland Landing Miss was who on i HOPE from Aurora lie gave an Interesting- address on League Work He said young people in the past throe or four years had gradually drifted away from the League because some people thought that no other person was capable- but themselves Of course this easily discourages some of us and we become interested in parties and oilier social evenings The real League feeling was to help the other fellow The League members were there certainly enjoyed themselves and hard something worth remembering hut those who were absent missed a treat The Bishop of Toronto wilt visit Holland Landing Sunday Feb when he will preach at Christ Church in the evening is hoped that everyone will be present A Valentine Social will be held at he home of Mrs Joe Friday James and a light Every- enjoy a Feb Mill lunch the program body welcome Come and social The Ladies Aid will hold their Monthly ai Mrs Dcaeoffs Thurs day Feb Papers will be given on Itnnl reading Queensville I BEREAVEMENT Mrs Win is busy quilling Beulah Grace the fiveyearOld these days daughter of Mr and Mrs Mr Herb and went Hayes passed away at their home Toronto on Monday in Toronto on Friday last The Mr and Mrs Hall also Mrs girl was attacked with menland took tea with Mr and Mrs and died after an of less than two days parents arc old residents of Ml Albert moving to the city a few- months ago and much is expressed for them their sad bereavement The funeral was held on Sunday at the home of Mr Hold Hayes interment taking place in Ml Albert Cem etery on Sunday Our young people spent a pleasant evening on Ml Albert rink Saturday night A committee meeting was held at Mr Boyds to arrange a suitable pro gram for the Valentine Social Mr Dyke is still busy with the ice harvest Mrs Wilfrid is on the sick list The little black driver went west on Sunday Wonder where r- FOR SALE A number of good Barred Hock Cockerels veryreasonable prices Davidson Mount Albert LETTER FROM A SOLDIER The following is an extract from a letter received by Miss Gladys from her brother who is attached to the Grand Fleet of the British Navy I am enclosing a picture of the battleship Princess Royal to which I arn attached She is a sister ship to Admiral battleship She has taken part in the battle of Heligoland Jut land and Dogger Bank I had the honor of guarding the Ger man fleet at jScapa Flow and then of escorting it to its last reading place I ft CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Hayes wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neigh bors for their kindness and sym pathy in their sad bereavement RECEPTION AND PRESENTA TION A grand was given lo of on the lb of January on his return from service over seas lie was surprised by his neighbors and friends com ing out to welcome him home af ter his long and trying absence on the Held of hostilities He was wounded Ridge and sent to England to recuperate and when fully prepared to return I the front tint armistice was sign ed and he was sent He was presented with I fie following address Dear A few of your churns friends and neighbor have gathered here I spend a pleasant evening with you and lo welcome you to your old home again We are pleased that God in His mercy lias seen fit to protect and strengthen you in your great risk and Hello I Hello Yes this is We are glad report that Mrs Wallace Young who has been so ser iously ill for some weeks is able lo be up for the first time this week The trained nurse is now able to leave Miss Dorothy Sweet has been spend ing a few days with her sister Mrs Deri Owens of Baldwin who has just recovered from an attack of the flu Miss Christie Wright man of ville spent the weekend at the home of her brother Mr Win Wright man also calling on other friends Mr Win Wright man was hailing hay last week Mr Herb Winch has had great fun sawing wood this week Mr Bob Davidson has been thresh ing clover Mr Jack Wtfghlman was the guest of Mr Joe on Saturday The Missionary meeting was well attended at the Free Methodist Church Oil Thursday night A very interest ing program was given Miss Draper made a flying trip to on Monday as her sisterinlaw is very low and also as her nephew Mr Draper has returned home from the front Mr and Mrs Perry Morton were the guests of Miss Draper to tea Saturday previous to their leaving I he village Master Morton Winch fli Thursday anil fractured his arm Wi are glad report that proving nicely Hie Hello iii- r I riflee for your Kintf and Country and has enabled you lo return to your home flrcslde with a reas surance of health and strength You have lived in our midst the greater part of your life and have always been ready to lend a hand to give a cheerful and kind word which made it pleasant for everyone We have ever found you earnest and faith ful in anything thai might lead to the benefit of the community Nov slight token of our ap preciation of your great sacrifice ask you to accept thin Watch Chain and Docket as a reminder of those who have grown to appreci ate you and it prove to be a useful gift and as you look at you may recall many happy mo ments and you have spent with your friends Remember that whatever you are led to pass through there is always a sliver lining to every cloud Vnshlnf you health and happi ness Your friends and neigh bors DattceCorp O replied by thanking everyone for their in remembering him he thought he was only doing Wis du ty in protecting his cod try He then gave a very Interesting ad dress on his trip and scenery wishing thai all the boys could lie brought home in the same himself who is In good health after recovering from four shrapnel wounds Other appro priate addresses were with continuous stream of niUmO and Refreshments were serv- and a very happy gathering brought lo an end by singing Mr Will Have he drover from Ml Albert laken charge f Mr Slat- ion- business is again able resume his work Mr Marshall our Intends moving In Sutton Hie of March Mr J teed of bus the residence and intends mov ing I town the first of March Mr and Mrs Anderson of To ronto were he guests of Mr and Mrs the weekend Miss spent a few days las I week Mrs 1 if Moore had the misfortune fall and sprain her ankle hut we are pleased to hear she is Improving nicely Mrs Jan Cornwall had the misfort une to fall week and dfsloiate her shoulder but Is doing nicely Mrs Cornwall is r years old and during the war she knit 100 pair of socks for hoys overseas health started to fall her at the time the was signed and since then hasnt been able to knit She often talks about her young days Which were Spent around Sharon and Newmarket She always looks forward every week for the Bra Mr J Moore was In Toronto last week on business Mrs Harringtons Sunday School Class Is entertaining a few friends on Friday SI Valentines night Mr Price Griffith of Wilfrid Is very low with pneumonia following the flu Word has been received here that the Halt were to leave England on or about Feb but on account of the extensive railway strike their departure has been delayed five days Miss took a paratytlo stroke on Monday Later reports state her condition Improving We hope for a recovery Mr and Johnston Spent a few days last week Id Toronto Mr Station the drover has been very low with pneumonia follow- In fill but we are pleased learn he is improving nicely and hopes to be around again in a couple of weeks Correction In the report of the Methodist Banquet last week it was stated that the objective of the Mis sionarysubscriptions was but it should have been Prospects are good for reaching that amount At a meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist Church which was held on Monday Feb 3rd the follow ing resolution was car ried That we the Official Quarterly Board of the Circuit in Conference assembled at our third meeting of lids Conference year de sire to place on record our high ap preciation of the excellent services rendered Circuit by our Pastor Rev during the past year and a half We take great pleasure in extending him an invita tion to remain on our Circuit for another Conference year assuring him of the hearty cooperation Board in the work of the Circuit and praying for the continued blessing of God upon our united services The Ladles of the Presbyterian Con gregation met at the home of Mrs last Wednesday afternoon The following officers of the Missionary Society were elected President Mrs Huntley ViccPres Mts Briggs Secretary Mrs G Treasurer Mrs Messenger Sec Mrs Waite Press Sec Mrs Strangers Sec Mrs Weddel Home Helpers Mrs Wright A very large and interesting Institute meeting was held last week at the home of Mrs Two excellent papers were given by Mrs Albert Milne and Mrs J Cowieson together with good music by Miss AH Institute members who want get the garden seed bargain will have to hand in their money to Mrs J by the 20th of this month A large crowd turned out on Tues day night at Bed Cross Tea by the Methodist I allies Aid and an excellent tea was provided Mrs Harper Price and law of Newmarket spent Wednesday with tier aunt Mrs Silvester King Mr and Mrs F spent Saturday in the city Mrs 1 li Moore and Miss Kathleen spent part of last in Toronto with Mrs SidliC Thompson Mr and Mrs of SI north spent Sunday at Mr lV In Mr John Wright celebrated his birthday on Tuesday with his old friend Mr Jag Mrs W Hill and Mrs Chesley were delegates it Ihe Womens Instil Convention in Toronto last week Mrs daughter of Island and Miss of Mount Albert spent the week end Mr J II Mr Cecil mil Mr Mrs Ceo Wight motored to King Sunday Tin- Mission Band of the young people had a birthday parly ill ha seine on Sunday and a splendid meeting was held Mrs was railed to the on Monday on account of the Illness of her sister Mrs I lamer Our sick list this week is Utile Helen Horner Mrs Mrs Alice Smith J Morton 1 Milne All are on mend Sutton West v On Monday evening of this week Ladies Aid of the- Methodist Church entertained the members of Ihe congregation at the home of Mr and Mrs Walker Holborn- It was a perfect evening and a good crowd came together Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves to he utmost The Sutton has arranged for a big Town Hall Sutton on Wednesday night Feb sharp program comprises A very enjoyable time is promised to those who love the art A ticket includes refreshments Mr J Kay unloaded a fine car load of nearly all kinds of Implements last week and had a delivery here Mr Stanley rue Is has gone to Windsor to hike a course in the Max well Car Factory hot when it is- put In and should be kept hoi by thoroughly bauking the outside of the frame with manure to prevent the cold getting In and the heat getting- out is to conserve heat in a bedhat is low than one that is built high tip Feb Duncan years of age of Pickering St was run over by a litem- Sunday afternoon when he attempted to board it while in motion- The boy missed his footing falling under Ihe engine which passed over his right amputating it below the knee ESCAPING FROM INTERNMENT ASM SMALLPOX AT KESWICK first for mere than five Smallpox Ihe years has broken out in this neighborhood One case only has been reported and strict quarantine has been ordered Several persons who had recently come contact with the patient are quarantin ed as a precautionary measure Sale Register Friday Feb Mr Ellis West Half Lot 35 Con 2 will hold an extensive fiarm sale at one oclock credit Auct Tuesday Feb 18 Mr Rob ertson will have an extensive sale of stock implements roots furniture etc on south of Lot Con 3 East limbury near Queensville till next Nov or off for cash No reserve Sale at one sharp nagh Thursday Feb Mr J will have a Sale of General Farm Stock PureBred Jerseys and Implements on Lot in the 2nd Con of church Sale at sharp Lunch provided for those from distance Conveyances will meet T It and Metropolitan cars at Aurora on morning of sale also morning train from the norlh at Auct Cata logues of Jerseys on applica tion Thursday Feb Mr Cecil will have a sale of farm stock implements etc on lot in the 3rd of Kal miles of Credit till Nov I or off Sale at one sharp IJ Wednesday March and will have an extensive sale of slock on 1H e about milts from Kulfon No serve credit Rain one oclock If Aunt THE U8E OF HOTBEDS FRAMES AND COLD ftave Sharon On Iween dark please Till and Con red Sweater Coat Finder communicate with Mr Peter who has been very Kick is slowly Improving Mm spent Monday In vllle Mr George a with new driver Mr and Hacklier Mr and and of spent at Mr lames Mr and Mrs John Huntley of Stouffvllle are Ihclr Mr Huntley Mrs Crann arrived home from last Thursday Mr J While of Winnipeg and Mr Norman Craig of lighten visited lust week at Mr Win Wights Mrs Fogg returned from her visit with her niece Mrs at fiALDWIrt Mr and Mm Andrew re ceived word that their son Sapper No was ill In Military Hospital at Upon Sapper is the second oldest son of Mr and Mrs of Baldwin where lie spent the greater part of his life until he enlisted In In the Unit and went overseas In Aug Previous to his enlistment he was a mason arid bricklayer by Since the above wa penned his death is officially reported and many friends extend their sincere sympathy to the bereaved family -VOOO- Belcher M p M former halt dead it Calgary iiui is wherever or flowers are grown in Canada If is a by which the plants an grown In Canada It is a means by which plants are grown III rough earlier stages in a ablc temperature in order to Hhortcn the lino of ln condition for use or In to flower ll Is early vegetables which an tin most profitable and most appreciated Furthermore with a hotbed it is possible mature vegetables In parts of Canada vjiierC If started open they would not ripen before being killed by frost Again a hotbed it is possible mature largo when without one the crop would be very small Certain vegetables also even If not subjected to frost will not grow If Ihe soli and air are cold hence must be started In warm soil arid warm air such us Is afforded by a hotbed and the plants grown here not set out in the open until warm weather Such crops as radish lettuce spin ach carrots and other Vegetables which will reach marketable size In a relatively short season and are easily handled while the weather Is still cool In early spring reach the stage when they are ready for use much sooner when kept In the hotbed or cold frame than If one had lo wait until the seed were planted In open and the plants developed There Is usually greater danger from keeping the hotbed too hot for these particu lar vegetables than from its being loo cool Cauliflower also can lie grown to maturity In hotbeds and In places where it Is difficult owing to summer frosts or cool weather to grow cu cumbers and melons a few plants In A hotbed will provide a fair supply for the family In making a hot bed the conserva tion of the heal In ft Is one of the chief considerations and to assist In this tho hotbed should be In a pro tected place preferably oh the south side of a building wall or close board fence where the winds wilt bo broken and all the sunshine possible be obtained The manure used should A French observation officer gives in the Atlantic Monthly a vivid picture of his escape from Holland He had twice before attempted to escape and on that account special precautions were taken to guard him He occupied a room on the sec ond story of an old and very high building The windows heavily barred looked on a garden 20 feet below and a steel grating locked by a chain and padlock had been erected in front of the door An officer personally grating and kept the key The guard in addition consisted of a noncommissioned officer and twelve men The room above the prisoners served as a guardhouse the one below was occupied by doctor on duly Two armed sentinels stood guard at the door and two others were stationed in the gar den under the windows The walls were thick and of the four windows one could be open- at the bottom Through friends the prisoner obtained a rope and saw and began work on the bars of the available window He could work only at night for during the day he was free on parole and under obligation not only not Jo escape but also not to prepare to escape Every evening he re ported to the officer on duty who returned to him the written pledge that he surrendered every time he went out After that he was at liberty to prepare his flight It took him fifteen nights to saw the bar two It happened that when the prisoner returned to his room at nine oclock every evening the officer accompanied him and then went to arrange the night guard The Frenchman thought that by quick action he might be able to reach the garden before the guards came down from the room above So one night at nine oclock when the officer had left him lo go upstairs the prisoner ran to the window pulled the bars aside arranged Ihe rope opened the shutters and slipped through the I small opening He slid down the rope In ho room below the doctor was reading his paper with his back to the window He half turned round but saw nothing and returned to his paper The prisoner had reached Ihe roof of an adjoining building when he noticed two soldiers at win of another building staring him They shouted and rous ed the guard Instantly the French officer ran the of Ihe roof jumped into a foil ground and running across the garden gained wall and climbed it As soon as ho reach ed the- he rushed to the house of a friendly Hollander who kepi him concealed for four days until police believing the Frenchman had IcflXhc city relaxed their vigil somewhat Then Dm Hollander and his guest spent two weeks in a Small house in the country From that place officer was able go aboard a boat Without lining seen He war first hidden in a locker where he fourteen hours closet ed with ropes paint and cordage After the boat got under way ho wns taken to a Small storeroom into which he climbed through a trapdoor for all vessels underwent a thor ough search just before leaving the Dutch waters it was neces sary lo take every precaution Fop that the officer un boiled a metal plate that he fell beneath his feet and crawling through a hole sat for live hours astride the cylinder inside of which the screw shaft rovolved When he knew by the rocking of the boat that it was at sen he came out On following day he In London Powers are proposed to be granted at the approaching session of Parliament to The Sol dier Settlement Board of Canada to purchase lands to be resold to qualified returned sol diers settling on land In the case of unde veloped lands the Board will be granted pow ers of forced purchase at prices judicially determined To enable soldier to locate in any district in Ontario that wish the Advisory Board for the Province of Ontario desire to have filed with them a full description and lowest cash prices on a small number of select farms each district of the Province available for purchase The public are hereby informed that this land is for returned soldiers and no tenders to sell are requested except for land of good quality and location and reasonable value making possible the success of the soldier as a farmer The purchase price in all cases will be fixed by the Board after the land has been inspected and valued The information received will be treated as confidential No commission will be charged or paid No offer to sell will be binding on the person unless a sale is effected and no obligation will be on the Board to accept any offer If application from a returned soldier be received for a farm listed with the Board a for such farm may be at once made by the Board and if approved negotiations may be entered into for the purchase and sale thereof An approved list is desired for each district of Ontario ft all CcmmUtilcalhnt fS M The Soldier Settlement Board 32 Adelaide Street East Toronto- Ontario NB Low aCHOLFlRLD WORTH WHILE BIG BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS Mens Flannelette Shirts Chi Ids Sweaters Mens Wool Drawers Mens Shirts Mens Shirts Mens Work Shi 86 75 85 100 95 95 45 75 125 76 126 I DICKS WAV Dick came home from school the other day full of talk about a new rule against whispering The teacher had devised new punishment for the child caught doing It Ill stump her to catch mo I he chuckled The mother reproved him gravely for the remark Haying that whoever breaks rule lnnure to be oaughl sooner or later and deserves to be Huh I he answered howII nhe If I dont do It Id like to know I a going to whisper not Minneapolis Four armed men held up the Liberty Hank on Franklin shortly before oclock morning and escaped with cash and Securities at in value Ladies White Middles Extra Quality Boys Caps Rog 76c Mens Light Caps Reg Heavy Caps Reg Mens Mens Wool Womens All Ovor Aprons Heavy Sox 2 for 75 Mens Mackinaw Sox 2 prs for 100 Mens Overalls In Black Khaki Striped Ladles Mocha Gloves Ladlos Waists Ladles House Drosses 4 Mens Bracos fc Reg Ladles Silk Tan Blue Brown White Black A CLEANUP ON A WLADIES COATS AND FURS AT A MERE TRIFLE DONT GREAT SPECIALS BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS Mons Fine Shoos 198 Mens Low Shoos 98 Mlssos Rubbers Size 2 to Womens Womon8 3 or Button 176 Over Rubbors Slzo Rubbers End Lot 25 Pure Popper 1lb B Rice S Snow Flake Rico tin Corn WW Pumpkin Wo have very Low Prices on Salmon 12 Bars Laundry Soap 5 1 Long Bar Turtle Castile Soap i Crown In Bulk Also In and 10lb Tins A Good Bulk Tea Mlnto Tea pKfl I MANY OTHER NOT MENTIONED If you want to these Great Reduced Offers move the Is going out remarkably Wo have a Select Stock of Flour Hardware Granite and Tin- wore Dry Goods GET A RIGHT START TO BALDWIN General store Terms Cash or Produoe Phono as A clothes line thief in has been sent down for year lie not only robbed clothes lines but he gathered In many other articles Here Is how he was caught he was having an auction sale and people who went there to buy recognized some of the things offered for sale as their proper ty was arrested and pleaded guilty 8HE HIM t it We hear lot of Joking about the shortage of marriageable men on ac count of the war United States Senator Smith of Georgia Is credited with saying and guess It must be true Judging from a proposal I Just heard of from my Slate Here was how the girl worked It on nor- bashful suitor There goes our minister she said Hes very pour I wish I could hand him a five Lei mo do It exclaimed the youth and will sing and all that In a fervor of Shall I go Oh Archie this Is so sudden Sergeant No Whats her ad- the sweet young thing and what chance did ho have Rookie Theres a young lady wants to a soldier from this camp every Tuesday night sir Sho says she will servo cake and hot ARCHIVES OF

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