KtfAl 1 J t i I I I I I xT I J For Children Ladles and Men NOT THE WEDDING RING WATSONS Jewelrv Store r The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldei No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in Test Your Eyes WHY NOT HAVE IT DONE NOW Watson Graduate Optician SB A VIM I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ON FRIDAY FEB 0 I You can depend on getting at all seasons the following Goods at BINNS HARDWAR WASHING MACHINES in Electric and Hand Power by the barrel the proper sweeping compound for Schools Offices Stores and Homes DETROIT VAPOR Wickless Oil or Gasoline Cooking Stoves IRON PIPE in Galvanized or Black PIPE All Sizes a Stain and Varnish Combination LOWE BROS HIGH STANDARD PAINTS for Outside and Inside Work ELECTRIC BULBS in 25 and 100 watts ELECTRIC Irons Toasters Grills Heaters Cord Sockets Rosettes Switches Etc PEERLESS GASOLINE CHARCOAL GREASES THE PAINT STORE PHONE 28 FOR GOOD VARNISH ESTABLISHED Sales Notes Collected Farmers will save them- selves much delay and possible loss by making Sales Notes payable at The Bank of Montreal and leaving such notes in bur care lor Collection I VOL No ENEMY TO BE INTERNED Government has Taken Action Under War Measures Act I Jam Ottawa Feb The it has been announced has taken decisive action in the mat ter of dealing alien enemies Indications have been most pro iiouiicect for some limo thai a fooling of hostility was developing in various portions of he against alien enc- most of whom have profited during the war and have not so conducted themselves to show appreciation of the Citizenship they wore enjoying and for which others were lighting On other band the behaviour of many was creditable in every way J Already the force of public lias shown itself CANADIAN PRICES ARE LOWEST A comparative table of prices of milk in Canadian and Ameri can cities shows that Ibis important article of food retails in Canada at roundly than in the A The prices given below have been reduced lo the imperial- quart so as to make comparison easier They are retail prices to some The lowest American quota- Iai cities Lion is A and the highest demand has been in El Texas the i deportation but as has been lowest Canadian quotation is sol out in and and the highest at Moose P articles that already Jaw The Canadian av erage content of in the milk is also higher in be returns which were secured Canada powers may permit in many represent- hat deportation alive Centres in each country as possible but these figures are not included because they are loo technical to guide the general housekeeper appeared to enemy fa only possible under such terms and in such numbers THE LIBERAL CHIEFTAIN IS DEAD fltAO C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch r SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Sir Wilfrid Laurier Suffers a Stroke of Paralysis Ottawa Feb While strength of his His for this morning Sir sway was almost autocratic suffered a stroke its power rested upon Hie of paralysis from the effects of auction and intense of which he did not regain con- all about him His splendid ficiousness for some minutes constructive skill found play in Sir Wilfrids physician national and imperial been in attendance all day Ills keen vision sent him and at tonight bis forward lo meet every opportun- patient was declared to he Hill linger unerringly and out of danger and resting well j delicately touched public Mr Secretary pulse Wilfrid was great in SCRANT0N COAL The Best Coal Mined in America ON HAND Nut No 1 Pea and Stove W PEARSON Coal Carters Cor Church and DArcy Sts Giles John Murphy and Leslie Shier 1NCOHPOHATKI BANK ofTORONTO Assets S8400000O Farmers Business given careful attention Sale Notes discounted Loans made 10 responsible parties is afforded to Savings Small or huge sums may be deposited and interest paid on balan ces Branch A LI8TER Manager Banking Service SEE OUR NEW FURNITURE PARLOUR AND FRED SKINNER ESTABLUHED I OF CANADA WAR MONEY ORDERS wit 1 NEWMARKET BRANCH I it sir Wilfrid reported that itwlll hi- necessary for Sir Wilfrid to re main in bed for some time to come as any exertion might bring on another stroke It is expect ed thai will with rare partial ly regain his vigor and but In will have refrain from political for the of bis days It is expected thai a Libeial tur us will be held in a few regarding Die file leadership of the in lie oil He of Commons fllawji Feb If anylbing grief of Lady arid friends who stood by Ihe bedside of Sir Wilfrid Laurier as he passed lo Ho- Beyond Ibis il would be thai the hour was the most peaceful lap in Hip long journey of bis strenuous and varied life The beating of his heart became gradually length being so imperceptible dial I here seemed scarcely any change lo hose who watched by the bedside when at last life had bis frame His Pace was not pain wracked and if still carries he look of peace and real which gathered on it as lie e ml Loved Life and People To most in Ottawa end has come with dramatic suddenness because bis distinguished figure striking face ami debonair smile were familiar to all resident Never for a moment did be re linquish his keen Interest in life in people and in all the various events which make up the life rtf and so he was to he seen regularly at meetings of the Canadian Hub and gatherings of various associations which made Ottawa their headquarters In public be displayed no ftr I bat lime bad yet weakened bis physical and public men loday say thai in private con versations up to near the end he displayed the same acumen charm and ready Which bad always distinguished him Very near friends however say that he realized the end could no be delayed many years- be cause of the growing weakness and lassitude which he fell on rising in the mornings He was supremo man Mis youth was marked by melan choly by mysticism by almost poetic refinement He was deemed a dreamer early palion In public affairs found him strongly almost pas sionately in earnest as a cour ageous Champion of his ideals and convictions His manhood found him the exponent of I be sunny ways the smile the word of encouragement un failing of those lit tle things thai make for happi ness In life His call to lead bis country developed the latent success He was greater in de feat He was the best loser as well as the most generous vic tor And because he was both he was- great His Greatest Achievements Among most notable achievements in the judgment of history must he the inaugura tion of preferential tariff a vigorous and successful immigration policy for he set tlement of the West con struction of si second railway of il owned by the people and the closer knitting of the by consultation with the Home dill liorilfes 65000000 REALISED BY GOV ERNMENT FROM- BU8INESS WAR TAX Province British Columbia Victoria Vancouver Alberta Calgary Medicine Hat Edmonton Saskatchewan Jlcgina I fie Moose Jaw Saskatoon tuimAh lbs Manitoba Winnipeg Brandon layc lie Ontario Hamilton Price per quart to Consumer l5J27lhsc ii 1 can be availed of it will be car ried on to the end that all alien enemies who have hos tility or become undesirable as citizens be gotten rid of In the meantime it is intended to take care of the situation by intern ment YEARS AGO From Era Feb A happy sendoff was given to Mr Joy last Tuesday even- in at the residence of Mr Master Jr- Mr Joy left next day for his new home in Osprey Co of Grey The North York Conven tion tobe held in Newmarket last Tuesday was adjourned for two weeks on account of the big storm Mr Radio has been an- pointed Bailiff Mr Simpson of is now Europe making pur chases for spring summon trade The dwelling Of Abraham Car- ley on the of King was de stroyed by on morn ing The house on the farm of J Union St East was burned lo be on Fridayfand two children of the tenant Mr wore burned to death Messrs J Willows VUohj How ard and Wm i Donne all of East J mbury sold lambs for the Westerns ales this week at satis factory prices The Income Tax Collections are Expooted to Aggregate 1300000 Ottawa An official from Ihe Department of finance gives the following in formation respecting the admin istration of the Business Profits War Tax Act and Of Income War Tax Act of The re turns from both measures will exceed the estimate made to Parliament as to the amounts ex pected to be realized Under the Business Profits War Tax assessments have been made aggregating of which about 959000000 has been collected The balance will probably be received within he next two months The returns to date from the Income War Tax of which applies only to incomes in excess- of in case of married persons and in cast of unmarried persons show that about assess ments have been which I are paid The total amount o assessments made by the department and approved dale aggregate 95500000 Three and a half millions have been collected The difference is nip- resented mainly by assessments made last month The assess ments still to be made for the current year are estimated at about A husband and wife luuve no business tell one anothers faults to anybody but one another and the more raroy they do that the heller Windsor Nich olas used coal oil on a Ore exploded knocked him over humeri him badly set he kit- Chen ablaze The badly injured mans 5yearold son was sleep ing in Ihe upper flat ami the father crawled up the stairs pick ed the child up and with tin lad In his arms jumped folhc ground The man will die New Nova Quebec Price to Consumer Canadian Stale Equivalent Colorado Connecticut New Haven Harford District of Atlanta f Illinois I7e Indiana South Mend Iowa Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Springfield ft Michigan i rami Minnesota Minneapolis I I si Paul Nebraska New Jersey New York lluffalo Ohio Cincinnati Oregon I8-I8yc- Pennsylvania Philadelphia Island Tennessee I Texas so Virginia Wisconsin Vermont HOMELESS HEIR TO Feb In a Jack ies uniform penniless except for the Money lent him to come east from Chicago Danny graridson and missing heir of the late Daniel If King Money Vendors dies intes tate a year ago is on bis way to this city to claim a fortune of Dannys father bad been estranged from the boys grandfather since marrying against the money lenders wish es When grandfather died at on Danny was tagged and almost friendless and ignorant of fact that be had a grand father a millionaire and never dreaming a search had been in stituted for him as the heir to the great fortune years he has been wander ing through ijJie Middle working at raid jobs trying to make a living as best could a lad who at thirteen bad lost both his parents He was in Mil waukee then and lie the Great Lakes Naval Training School has of about tiffin ffJS Tn last year nearly tie f Reserve Account Mr Hill Agricultural Society held its annual spring show on Saturday afternoon in Lome Hall Unfortunately entries ii the grainH were fow and the range of varie ties was CANADAS CLAIMS AGAINST GERMANY Ottawa 1 Canadas claims includ ing war expenditure date now over eleven hundred and forty million dollars Wai alone from the of the war the last totalled This represc which have passed 25 From Era 23 Mr Lemon Hake- i or Pi Mr Manning is is Ihe in Toronto begin- end of S I I accounts through the books of the Finance Department In addition claims for aotual en emy damages against Canadians claims for damages by subma rines and in other ways now total about ylOonoono The figures are of particular Interest in view of Mr Laws statement in the British Mouse of Commons today thai British delegates Peace Conference intend to claim an in demnity which will include the cost of Ihe war PLANT BEGINS 8PINNINQ OF FLAX I The big plant of Max Spinners Limited of this city commenced operations to day and is producing wet spun linen yarns sixty lea The plfinl will eventually spin up to eighty lea yarns which are very superior quality are being spun from Canadian flax and are he first wet spun ylarns produced in Canada and so far as known first in America The mill will commence opera tions an both dry and wet spun low yarns in the next few days When tin balance of the equip ment manufactured in Belfast and Leeds is installed the plant will- Wave a capacity of approx imately pounds fin ished yarn per annum CO Phillips filling Lodge of A week flesh has ok a k ii a clays a pair f ducks ajul Largo t open La I tl am that FLEW FROM TO LONDON IN ONE HOUR FIFTY MINUTES m V I fi v Loudon Feb 1 The British Air Ministry announces that a French service machine yester day made a record flight between Paris ami London covering tin distance in one hour and minutes was mib Era Ads alter the Family A Hughes Fred Miller Jack soil Last Tuesday members of the Methodist Clour and the Orchestra drove to took part in a concert place The Christian Parsonage was tin scene of a surprise party from King oil Monday night when Hew and Mrs Pressor were made feel that their work was ap preciated Aurora Knights the Macca bees Toronto officials in stalled the officers of the local lodge end were afterwards enter tained to an oyster supper at the loyal below zero last Friday morn ing and Faster only weeks away- Air was ap pointed assessor last Monday night a salary of About neighbors surprised Mr and Mrs Ferdinand and daughter at Keltleby last Fri day night and loft suitable minders of their visit Mr Stouter has organized singing class in Mr Geo Wight advertises that he is retiring from in The Tomb Sutton Feb IS in his year At The Cedars Newmarket Feb Mary relict of Smith in her year At Feb pard Morton in Ills year Markets 5 and butter re- a- Wr- i