Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1919, p. 2

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Eight acres Of land goodbuild ings between Newmarket and SL on the Town Line Apply to Mrs Ingram Newmarket vV WANTED ft For light housekeeping Miss Hayes Box Newmarket Many papers had a goodword for Sir Wilfrid are now full it hat a good man is never fully until he has departed this life If there are any LATTERDAY Of the reorganized Church in or near Town will they communicate with Mrs J Box Newmarket CARD Luke Doyle and family acknowledge the kind ness of neighbors and iicndiin their recent bereavement GOLD RING FOUND j r At Methodist Church last Mon day morning Owner can have same at Era Office by paying for this notice FOR SALE Lot Concession York Co acres cleared balance hush long side by main grave three miles from Sutton vil lage If not sold by April 1st will rent Apply to Donald Cameron Head St Hamilton Newmarket Bakery STATIONERY AND GROCERY STORE It is not lawful for soldier to wear khaki more than thirty days after his discharge papers are received An Ottawa I Tuesdayi election is of IremeW man was arrested the other day dons importance on the general on Tuesday oyer soldier opponent- of govern ment candidate by a majority of with one poll to hear from In the election fleld ran as a Liberal candidate was defeated by the late Hon Conservative can didate by The result of Miss Stella Brown spent the weekend in has been received from Sir Robert of Toronto J Borden who is attending the Peace was in town for violation of this order The majority of soldiers are only glad to get back Be sure to read the report of the Town Council meeting in Ihis issue The importance of pub lic outlined by an of ficer from the Provincial Board and is worthy of more than pass ing notice Let the citizens co operate with the Council in mak ing Newmarket a model Town to reside in and thus attract those who are looking around for a fu ture home with conveni ences 1 Having purchased the Business of Mr A J on- Main St Newmarket I prepared Id supply all old customers and many new Bread And Pastry of AH Kinds The Bakery is in charge of a man with years- of experience And Satisfaction is Guaranteed I Over girls from colleges and schools spent the last sum mer variation harvesting Has in the western part of England They lived in a great camp pitch ed in a beautiful park lodging and a minimum weekly wage of seven shilling w the concrete compensation by these patriotic workers but there is no means for measuring the mental and physical advan tages gained The workers be longed to the National Land Ser vice Corps political situation and is the third defeat the Ontario Government within the past four months It looks as if the agriculturalists of the Province are determined that their organization will remain in politics All Kinds of Stationery School Supplies at Lowest Prices Family Groceries Everything Fresh GIVE US A Gordon Johnson Next Door to Bell Telephone Co Phone There was a byelection for the Ontario House in St Catharines J last Saturday when the Conserva tive candidate was elected by a majority of 168 In the previ ous contest the Conservative ma jority was over Parnell who was returned was opposed by Longden a soldier and Labor candidate It is said that the Prohibition Issue entered largely into the contest and the liquor men voted against the Hearst Government If this is actually what made the difference in the vote then the temperance party North York is away behind in the matter of rural school edu cation and it is time our farmers up South York is being thoroughly aroused to the neces sity of Consolidated Schools A meeting was held at Is lington on Tuesday night when the facts of the situation were clearly presented and the pro posal heartily endorsed Con solidated Schools have done ef fective work near for the nasi and it is surpris ing that their good example has no been more generally adopted In Manitoba there are no less Consolidated Schools and the result has been that the enroll ment has increased and the average attendance Under Consolidation the grading is per fect and the advance of the pupils is very noticeable We would suggest that the Public School Inspector should arrange Town ship meetings with school trust- tees in some central place and discuss the matter The chair man ofi the County Council Edu cational Committee Mr P Pearson of Newmarket is thor oughly in sympathy with the idea and would no doubt be pleased to iMonii and point hut its advantages many Red Cross Society ere left the Soldiers Banquet Newmarket Garage Expert Motor Car Repairs All Makes also Stationary and Marine Engines Reasonable Charges Excellent Service CHARGED AND Corner Wain and Huron Moss Phone Invest Your Savings in BONDS and you will have the most high ly secured investment in Canada and as a result a good income Full information on request Our connection enables ustoj give you prompt and courteous attention Choice Town and Farm Properties for Sale Also for 1 Tramways and Power Aw secured Gold This Is safe Invest ment fit an exceptionally high rate of In crest HAMILTON SON Office at Livery Newmarket PRIVATE following articles at a Bargain Oil Stove Quick Meal Small Heating Stove for OP Apply to I J Sharon With the object of providing work for the Dominion and Pro vincial Governments are spending huge sums of money and it is confidently expected that if there are no labor disputes strikes or lockouts for the next rfix months Canadian industry will adjust it self to ho new conditions caused by the cessation of munition work and the return Of the sol diers This can only ho done by closer understanding between labor and capital and it behoove both sides to be patient in he matter of adjustment The man ufacturer who invests his cap ital in various enterprises is en titled to fair but not excessive profits but until he cost of living decreases materially ordinary factory wages eta not ho reduced in justice to the mechanics and laborers In speaking on Una subject last week at a public meeting in Kingston Hon Carvel minister of public works the Government should discontinue the fixation of prices and that wheat should be thrown into open market The farmers who he said had made tremendous pro I Its during Ihe war be with n dollar and a quarter or a dol lar- haf fnr their it in stead the present price The speaker slated thai hi- day if machine polities gone as the result Ihe war and that tilt common men would have a hundred Limes more say jc the mailer of management of the country ban they hud bad in tin past Willi I lie hitler part al least all will agree cut basing these articles will Miss TC ladies carried in mistake a glass Fruit Dish and small China Bowl Any person or per sons CO to are desirous that there should be ho complaints as f lie Soldiers Banquet will have to in the near future The ladies of please remember that has a sewing meeting in the rooms over Grocery every Tuesday afternoon and in repeated will he in ihe wish it express thanks to fr J Patterson tot very liberal donation of all the cream used at the famine lis tee THE ORCHARD A rf formerly of who Was wellknown there as the leading fruitgrower with years experience with all kinds of Orcharding also Agency for Belling Nursery Stock from Stone A- Wellington since will be pleased at any time to bake your orders Satisfaction guar anteed Will do a limited amount of orchard pruning now Drop rile i card for- your several wants A Box Al Newmarket X Almost all broken of Ma chinery can be satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by thin process Try it ROGERS Newmarket Phone Residence East of Ban of Toronto at Fred Blacksmith Shop ihe sudden death of greatest statesman will send a the length and breadth the and and among all lands where the voice of he silvertongued ora tor was ever beard Sir Wilfrid has occupied the princi pal position in Canadian for many years His ability integrity purity of bis noble re cord distinctive achievements in national prosperity and his personal influence has pjficwj hint far- any of or predecessors The party has received a tunning blow but his memory will be a living influence and In spiration and the highest con ception of liberalism and Cana dian Is rn His dignified presence gift and courtly man ner will be greatly missed in the House ot Commons and especial ly by the men of his own A state Funeral is arranged liaifieht opened yesterday and as as Hie ceremonies were over the body of Sir Wilfrid was taken to the Senate Chamber where will lie in -tnli- until Saturday morning Then It will be re moved to the Church which Sir id I tend ed and sad rites will he made in the Notre Dame Cemetery at Ottawa The question of leadership is now talked of and three names are mentioned lion Martin formerly nieuiber of the Com mons and now Premier of Hon Maekeiiie King formerly- Minister Sir cabinet and Hon Fielding f Finance taction will probably be taken next week III III pro- Newmarket Military Hospital The tied Cross Society made Valentine long to be re- inhered by he patients at Military Friday evening each sol dier was presented with a treat orange candies and cigarettes by lady officers of the So ciety the gifts being made pos sible by the donation of Hor nier lady Mrs Mc Lean of California sister of Mrs Jos in connection with the above t lie Red Cross presented a splen did musical ti program which was arranged by Mrs Maurice who panjed most of the vocalists and presided over Mr Ross Those hiking par gram were Mrs Mrs Art Mrs Howard Cane Mrs Dill Mr Master Master Mollis Mrslei- Albert MoCallum Miss Jean Master In addition to he numerous duetts and read ings in which all did splendidly I here were choruses for the men join in and these they heart ily enjoyed this three reels moving pictures were thrown on I he screen which were also mil ell appreciated A number of townspeople had been to share the enter tainment with the soldiers and the Assembly Hall was filled by an appreciative audience The entertain inept Continued from to and was only another evidence of the willing ness of our citizens lo contribute to the pleasure dPIho men who are so unfortunate as to Ik con fined wilhir the precincts of the Military yMrs Dr Boyd is visiting in the city for a ffw days Mr and Mrs Douglas- Scott of Toronto were home on- Sunday Alderman Howard Cane is in New York City this week on bus iness Hugh of To ronto lihe weekend with relatives in town Mr and Mrs Corneil were At Home with a fow friends last Saturday evening Mr and John Bingham of Toronto spent Sunday at the Presbyterian Manse Mr Will of Toronto was in town this week on account of his mothers illness Brodie and her sister spent a couple of days in Toronto last week Mr Herbert Regan of Toron to was in town Monday attend the funeral of Mr Luke Doyle Miss Winn if red of Toronto was home over Sunday I visiting her parents on Andrew St Hon J Davis and wife left on California and expect lo he gone a couple of Ken Robertson re turned home after spending two or three weeks at and Penetang Two more Newmarket sol diers came on the week- Pies J Ingram and Archie Gordon Miss Vernon one of- the clerks in Drug Store is in Toronto this week the Convention Mrs spent the with her daughter Mrs Rev Lawrence Methodist Tottenham Sentinel Mrs Bradley Cordon and Miss and Miss Susan motored to Newmarket on Mon day Miss Mildred of Toronto and Dr Carey- of Camp Virginia li spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs Not tingham Park Ave Miss Maude returned to her homo in Parry Sound last Friday after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs Joseph Ave Mrs and little daughter Mary of Norwood Mrs A 1 Fitzgerald of Toronto were guests al with Mrs last Tuesday Captain Margaret Lowe of Chatham also Inn brother Herb Lowe and friend Miss McKelvey of Toronto were week end visitors of their aunt Mrs A J Rogers Prospect Ave TYVord bus been received that LI Irwin Lloyd sou of Mrs Da vid Lloyd who is in the medical service reached Vancouver on Wednesday and sails on the for Siberia Hudson Bowman Au rora visited the Methodist Bun- day School here on Sunday in connection with Ihe Convention to he hold in Aurora on the of March in the Presbyterian Church Mr J Peters of Kendall writes The weather up here has just been lovely all win teronly bad one or two told snaps We could hot do without Hie Kra It is heller than a Conference March st 22 TO March 1st WE WILL HITCH YOUR DOLLAR TO THE BIGGEST LOAD IT EVER It is with deep sorrow that I have received tidings of Sir Wilfrid death Since I became leader of a political party more than years ago our relations have been intimate and never have our- political differ ences interfered with- our personal friendship With his death there passes the stage one was from the a commanding figure and duringa long period the chief figurein our public life To the af fairs of Stale in which his life was passed and to which his wonderful ability was lie brought of leadership experience of pearly half a in public affairs had given him a Soap Brooms Corn Whisks Scrub Brushes 8oap Reg for Worth for 15c A to 30c Each 3 Bars for Bars for 3 for 25c THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF Night calls attended at residence I MILLARD Mortons Soap Flakes 3 for Babbitts Powder 2 for 15c Babbitts Cleanser 2 Tins for 15c Toilet Paper Rolls for 25c Pure Cream Baking Powder Worth 35c lb for 25c lb Breakfast Coffee Worth for 39c lb Sap Pails Worth Each for 23c 10qt Tin Palls Worth 35c for Each No 1 Galvanized Wash Tubs Each 14qt Granite Dish Pans v Each Tumblers See Them at 5c Each Fruit Nappies Each 25c Each Assortment of Jugs Reg for 33c Iron Stone Dinner Plates for dozen Hair Nets with Elastic 5c Each White Dressing Combs Reg 39c Each for 23c Each Dressinq Combs 10 12 and 15c Each Fine Tooth Combs Each Embroidery yds for 39c Coates Spool Cotton Shop Early as many of will be Sold Out for a singular dexterity which seldom failed him Ills vision of ic questions was wide and compre hensive and his sympathies as well Dp to the last he maintained an keen interest in the duties of his leadership and in the work of Parliament Indeed his political life iad become so much second nature that although he felt its burdens weigh heavily upon him he would never have been happy to lay them His personality was singular ly magnetic and with j Solid Copper Tea Kettles this tie combined an inspiring eloqu ence an unfailing grace of diction in both languages and a charm of which gave him a supreme place n the affection and respect of his party All Canada will mourn his loss ami those who differed froiu him be I Berry profoundly conscious that- his death leaves in tile public life of uur that cannot be entirely filled phones and 200 yds Each the Specials Early in all lh news The Cradle Hill on Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs Grant Crydorman a son Stairs At Halifax on Feb 111 to Lieut Gordon fi and Mrs Stairs nee of Queenville son Blovlns At ftnrnduff on Ian to Mr and Mrs a daughter In on I t Illi to Mr and Mrs a daughter The Altar At A Toronto on by I ho llrv Waller Annie Campbell Mackenzie f Qucchsville Out to J Nowadays it is Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I Montreal Ml As a the late Sir Wilfrid the president of the Canadian Pacific Hallway has directed a in on Saturday when the fu neral Is scheduled loHtarl train on the Af- to Pacific shall stop and activity I ho Wm shall cease for one hitler as ii gives every week Deputy lleeve Newmarket who is Chairman of the in the County Council attended a iiik ill Islington on Tuesday ev ening when the Con solidated Schools was disrussiM Mr Thus of Alia writes years subscription lo weekly from home When does a fellow become a lEejnemhej I have put In the most of in Al berta and tils is the finest yet only II days to dale Mr Arthur lvenst of Nairn Centre On writes I receive my home paper week and r6nd it with much pleasure It keeps me posted on all lulls news of my old home I own We arc having a very mild lr The point reached so far is only zero and of snow Mrs Walker came down from Newmarket last week spending a few days wlih husband who is on staff of the Montreal Bank She is planning to return lo the 1st of April and with Mr Walker will lake up residence in ihe West Main St homo formerly by Mr and Mrs Crowe and Mrs the Church Choir at the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday and they had an exceed ingly social evening This is the first lime they wrroover en tertained the Parsonage Lawrence had a number of origi nal stunts guessing contests ami surprises and the Choir oughly enjoyed themselves Halifax Feb The rlOtlllR by returned soldiers broke out mldnlsht great on the night before wan Finally the mob and by the police The trouble began when crowd of sol diers at police Station anil demanded release of soldier There Is a trnll of broken windows along more than of Seven been made four iunijii ami three In the afternoon One man Is In the hospital with a broken leg THE i The MostRemarkable Musical Instrument World- CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No 151 No The Tomb In on Sun day Ken Charles Al bert of the Whitby Caelte and in his year brother of Mrs Carrel I formerly of Bradford On oh at lior lale residence West Mary Heady in her year dearly wife of Albert C and daughter of Dig Win to si on Tuesday last and iilermenl In Cemetery adjoining Linton At his late residence Au rora on Sunday I Union aged 80 years rnonlbs and I days Leonard At home of her daughter Mrs Irwin at Wes ton on Monday Fell Hughes Leonard beloved wife niffnoy Leonard of In her Bill yea The look place on Wednesday from the home of her sister Mrs Of Dennis Newmarket in the Friends St Jones At Hill on Monday Ieb 1010 In his year interred on Wed Zephyr In Newmarket on I8i0l0 Irene daughter of Mr aged years yesterday to Cemetery At Sask on Ieh 1st IU10 Muriel ran I daughter Of Mr and Mrs formerly of son Hill We now filled GLUTEN MEAL The Great Milk Producer OIL CAKE BRAN AND SHORTS several Cars of Coal on the way Orders will be as Promptly as Possible for sale by Wo Mo Phone Newmarket NO PREFERRED CLASS Interred in Comet cry J Furniture Undertaking Main St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful v In tho MUTUAL LIFE of Canada every PolicyHolder Is a Partner admitted to Equal Privileges on the Same Terms as all his asso ciates There is no Preferred Class WRITE FOR PARTICULARS STATING AGE ANTLER District Agent Newmarket Ont j i I I Wi i t I Hi The Church tainmei Irish I the short Hill i

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