Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1919, p. 3

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lb lb Ic ch ch ch en I ich 9c ich lis I fe ll i OUR LOCAL NEWS Mission Circle The Mission Circle of the Methodist Church are planning a splendid enter tainment of music and readings for Tuesday March after which an Irish lunch will be served Further particulars later Farmers Club I At the next meeting to be held on Friday evening Feb 21st at oclock Moving will be provided by Department of Agriculture A toliorl musical and literary program including selections by the Bunker Hill Male Quartette will also be given Mothers Meeting at Mrs Feb proved a helpful and pleasant time rendered by the young ladies of the Society of the Christian was appreciated Next held at Mrs in Feb A cordial invitation to nil mot hers who can come Sec Christian Endeavour the regular Tuesday evening at oclock Meeting in charge of Miss Mamie Granger Miss Bessie Morton is pre- l paper on Toilers of Japan Mr Jack is give his second address an Naval Warfare Lei all members be present and bring a friend Coin CO OVER YOUNGS FAIR Aurora Burrows of Aurora- has applied for probate of of his mother Mrs Abigail BurrowsVa ow who died in PebJ leaving in household goods 5220 in mortgages in the bank and her home in Aurora valued at After the debts are paid- any money left in the bank to be held In trust for her grandson Norman Walton until he is The residue she left to her son George subject to the payment of legacies of 300 each to his sisters Martha Ball and Annie Isabella Walton in six annual instalments L- Skating Carnival The pirl season has been very sports consequent ly tiler not been much going on to young people This is reason why lite High School Gar- nival at lie Kink I night likely to bo a huge Band in attend- air- Ice reserved for skaters in till Follow the crowd York Rangers Cadets in- people of Newmarket invited by phone to attend a in Up- Town Hall last Tuesday p consider the organization in- fa Cadet Corps in the t to be affllliated York Hangers ij tie at ere si was manifested by if u that after an In form it was decided to drop the mailer for lie present GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES We own and offer subject to prior sale withdrawal or advance in price Victory Bonds any denomination maturity or amount at market price Government of due yield Government of Saskatche wan due 1925 yield Government of Ontario duo yield Government of Alberta due yield City of Toronto due 1925 yiold Greater Winnipeg Water District Bonds due 1924 yield Interest payable halfyearly No expense in collect or prin cipal Bonds delivered to your near est hanks THESE ARE THE HIGHEST CLASS SECURITIES AND WILL GROW IN VALUE Full particulars on application Let us double your income J WALTON Deal or in GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS A U A PINE ORCHARD The Pine Orchard Farmers Club will have a meeting in he Hall next Wednesday evening com mencing at 815 Lantern Slides will be shown on various agricultural subjects under the supervision of Mr of the Department of Agriculture There will be no charge Everybody interested in farming should try and be present j v AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK I ALL GOOD PATTERNS I RAKING POWDER V tbii DRY 0 D Oup Large Purchases of All Kinds of Dry Goods Enables us to sell Many Lines Much Less than we can buy thorn for today Anticipate your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present Prices GROCERY TALK We have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a Lower Prices than usual TEAS AND Are pur Specials we are SHOES a fj The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound Our Large Stock gives you Protection on Price for some come offering for about 10c less per lb than they are usually sold EVERYTHING IN SHOES UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Palp Guaranteed- I ATTEMPT TO ASSASSIN THE PREMIER OF FRANCE Mrs James Murray and Mrs Geer spent part of last week in Aurora Mr J spent a couple of days in the city this week Miss Olive Watson of Toronto spent the friends here Mrs S J spent a few days in Toronto last week Mrs J Djitcher is visiting in to to the Make Your Money Work Walton of Aurora is very attractive in ure only Post Office EXPRESSION FROM NORTH YORK Mr advertising some vcstiiinls for people who wiling per cent Savings Hank A Success supper in Pauls lions given by Hie womens Auxiliary on Thursday night f last week was a splendid success Tilt room was gay with Valentine decorations Hie wallers also wearing with Valentine caps and aprons The upper was all an epicure could wish and the proceeds amounted to St Pauls Entertainment In Parish Hall Thursday Feb I loins Piano Recitations Welcome by Seven Little Tots Doll Drill Sixteen Girls Paper Sells Three boys fairies Nine Girls South West Wind Four Boys Drill Eight Hoys Tribute Soldiers Four Girls Etc Concluding Willi comedy in III ets Maiden- All Forlorn by six at oclock Church The congregations are still growing and Hie pastor is continually increas ing in popularity The sermon last on The truth shall make you free was excellent and contributed a choice solo The Sunday is doing work in all A Splendid of cO Operation exts The attendance is approaching the mark plays for half an hour school opens and this lie pupils out so thai the ses sion Starts on time If you dont go Sunday School you find this one vry- instructive and enjoy the home feeling Official Casualties Died I A Ml- Albert on Ihe Juliana Corp J Harden Newmarket Cadet A P A Mr Harvey was the sole speaker at our wauling of Tuesday evening last in the regret led absence of Clark and Gibbons He spoke of books and of how environment affected the choice of reading also of the varied Style Of books which appeal to differ ent ages and characters On of the interesting little digressions was that In he touched on his life as- a young teacher in County and of his experiences among its people The evening was completed by quartette in which Mr Miss Evans Mrs and Mr Chop pin took part Mr Arthur kindly furnished two solos The mcelfng closed Willi God Save the King Sec The following telegram was des patched lo Lady Laurie by the Liberal Association To Ottawa Liberals of North York extend sympathy and condolence you in your most bereavement The light of the pure life of Sir Wilfrid will illumine for all lime the pages of Ids countrys his lory May the Tributes of bis loving country men lighten Ihe burden of your grief Howard Cane President MWalton a NEW ARMISTICE TERMS ACCEPTED BY GERMANY Copenhagen rob German Government on Sunday right accepted the allied terms for the extension of the armistice according to a despatch to the from Weimar The meeting which lie acceptance was decided upon Ihe correspondent says was attend ed by leaders of the various par ties Free Methodist Church The Meeting held last Sunday was one of In Hie III- lory of the Newmarket wort II was us and preached four excellent sermons lie on Sunday morning was one of old fashioned lypc There was no waiting one for th- oilier all seemed anxious to tell of of Jehovah It was not oiirorornoji for two or three to be standing id tin- same awaiting an opportunity witness for the Master At times the Glory Cloud swung low the faints were constrained to give vent to Ihe pnl up Joy of their hearts in various ways reminding one of ihe day of Pentecost when they were all filled wilh the Holy said a that lime thai they were filled with new wine a fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel Joel When the glowing is no longer in evidence Is a sure sign of Spiritual decline for when the heart surcharged with holy Joy must to it or serious results will follow Muring the Triumphal home were offended because of the and requested Jesus itfmult but he said If lliese held their peace the very fltODCB would cry out the of the Love Feast the Flder preached an based on the text if the Hon therefore shall make you free ye Shall be free Indeed John JG A fine Intelligent audience gathered Sunday evening to hear the message of full The Meetings arc in excepting Monday and Saturday That a revival of pure and undented rell- Is we arc folly convinced hence solicit an Interest in the prayers of all true Christians that such may he brought Police Court On Monday last about a boys from 10 to years of age were before Police Magistrate ronton to answer the charge of dis orderly conduct and using profane language on the Streets Complaint had been made to the Mayor that boys were congregating on corners and making remarks when girls and ladles were passing and he put a Constable on duly The Constable warned the boys but I hey paid no attention con- tie got their names and sum monses were issued Their parents were also requested to attend the Court and when case started His a sharp lecture to the boys and remonstrated their parents for al lowing them to be on streets night Idling their time away and form ing habits thai would lead to vice and ruin lb- placed Ihe boys on their honor to be better and dismissed I hem with a caution William J was charged with Stealing articles from clotheslines lb- admitted the charge and gave no anal ion of his lie ap peared quite cheerful about the matter and was willing to pay a small fine but he magistrate sent him to Jail for CO days A good sized telescope full of articles was seemed by Constable Imu ran who made Ihe arrest INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE London Feb In great industrial conference filled by the to mod Feb it is hoped that fully five hundred delegates will lake part repre senting all branches Of labor the guilds and the associations of employers The possibilities of this coun cil are momentous for British industry for no conference on such a broad scale to meet Hie demands of labor has ever been altempledi and it may set an ex ample for other countries lo fol low Mr has moved bouse owned by Mr Tice Mr Titos has moved his family to the village to the house which he purchased recently from Mr Mr Campbell is home for a short time from Hie West A very enjoyable evening was spent at Mr Robert Archibalds on Saturday evening when a large number of friends gathered to welcome home Pie James Archibald who recently relum ed from France Pie of Toronto who re turned from France a short lime ago is visiting Sir C Davis FIFTH LINK KING Paris- Feb Premier of France was shot and slightly wounded by a plan named Collin as he entered a motor car in front of tils residence this morning His assailant was arrested According In the latest available in formation the bullet lodged In back near lie spine and it was feared the wound was more dan gerous than at first announced especi ally because of the danger of diabetes developing a Upon emerging from his car passed wounded hand over bis face leaving the face smeared with blood and this was the reason for NEWMARKET 1 FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE the first report that he had been wounded in the The assassin who attempted Ihe life of Premier was himself I nearly killed by the mob which at- lacked him Premier condition was considered satisfactory laier in the day He had partaken of food and was cheerful despite fits of coughing Cutting ami hauling wood is the order of day around lids burg a pleasant evening was spent last week at Mr Will Ashs All re port a good time Wonder bow Blanch enjoyed ride in the rubber tired buggy We hear Jack intends going in the Fox business as lie is quiet often at the Ranch Jack says are real tame now Wonder if John was down the 5lh Sunday Jim is driving heavy these days three in a buggy is some class Glad to hear Harry is able to be around again He has been in disposed for sometime Some class to Myrtle sporting a rub- j Miss Flossie Terry of Toronto spent Sunday at her home on the Line Wo see Clifford Is able be out again and lake his usual to Van- Messrs Clifford Terry and lawrenee Morning visited friends at lis ton Mrs Will Carson of Toronto is visit ing at her fathers Mr Andrew Har mon Pleased to hear Willie got a posi tion in Hie City Hope lie will like Ioin Crow Sale Register Thursday Fob Mr rant will have a sale of farm slock implements etc on lot in the 3rd of Fast utiles north of Credit till Nov 1st or off Hale at one sharp 11- Kavanagh Monday March Mr Thomas Morris will have a sale of slock Implements on Lot in the Con of miles east of Sharon Seven months credit or off Sale al one oclock Koivanagh Tuesday Maroh Mr 1 Piece Only Black Silk 36 In wide Reg yd On Sale for yd Heavy Cord Velvet Rose Brown Grey Black Green Navy Taupe Reg for yd Heavy Cord Velvets for Coats Reg Sale yd Ladies Fine Lisle Hose Mercury Brand All Shades Brown Pearl Grey Taupe Putty Navy Berry Reg Sale Price 75c pr SEE OUR STOCK OF PRINTS GINGHAMS AND GALATEAS New Voiles Organdies Poplins and Dimities if a EQUIPMENT OF GERMAN ARMY SURRENDERED TO THE BRITISH London Feb On behalf of the Government has been announced in Ihe House of Commons In answer to a question I hat the following equip ment of the German army had been surrendered lo ihe British up to Feb Heavy guns Field guns The day of If you think you are rigid go ahead if you want but dont ex pect every one go with you Machine guns Trench Airplanes Locomotives trucks Freight cars aOOO 1005 1220 126820 That Perplexing Gift Occasion hard to upon an Article It Then why not do as so many others do Dont try to decide at home at all Pay this store a visit and you will see More Sugges tions than you ever think of at home There are Watches Clocks Fountain Pens 8llvervare and Out Glass Besides numberless Ideas In Jewelry And the ranges accomo dates Itself to i any 8lzed Purse AND U8 Atkinson Co Marriage I P Agent Gilford- Driving are holding their third annual Ice It res M Hon Brown former of Sas katchewan died Monday in gina There look llys if liltle to the look live years younger The Cant il he tipped a little farther Cleveland Plain Dealer As we grow older we are all compelled to give up much Of spunk we displayed in youth One of the greatest electrical Combines in the world has been formed in London to he known as the Company with capital of 925000000 employing persons In effort to Obtain ascendancy in market with the as the Americans Men who were discharged be fore Arm is CO Nov who the war service reason of ser vice in Franco may forms of application All com munications should he addressed lo Paymaster War Service ilv Ottawa Hx armed ban dits shortly after noon today entered the Side branch of Hie Slate Bant of Detroit held up clerks and several patrons and escaped a estimated by bank officials at Schomberg sail news reached town Moil- death Of Mrs Sydney Leo- hard who died al her daughters Mrs Dr Irwin of Weston She has been sick since December and has been gradually sinking and passing away The funeral look place Wed from the residence of her sis ter Mrs Dennis Of Newmarket thence lo Friends St Another sail ineKsage reached town Tuesday of the ileal 11 of Mr John Taylor son of Mr Win Taylor form erly of but of late years has resided in Miss and Miss visited with Miss of Sunday Mr Her weekend In Toronto Mr and Mrs Webb spent Tuesday In Toronto Mrs Dr Perry of Mrs Dr Stewart of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Chanter of spent Wednesday Willi father Mr Sidney Leonard Mr Lindsay Leonard spent the weekend with his cousin Mr Wilfred Thompson Holly Park Mrs Wesley spent a few days IhsI week in Jessie of called on friends in Mrs John lo Toronto Thursday Mr and sister Veda of ville spent Sunday with Misses Miss Carrie linker of Is re newing in town this week I Mr Blake Skinner In Mr Win Wilson of made a business Irip to lown Tuesday Horn on Hue of King to Mr Mrs Lome on Jab a son Thomas Cherry James will have a general farm sale including household fur- on Lot Con East one mile south of Sharon Credil till 1st- of Oct or ofif- Sale at one o clock Wednesday March Mr Arwed Case Centre Road halfmile south of Mount Albert will have an extensive sale of burses pigs grain al one oclock mos credit J i Tuesday Messrs and will have an extensive sale stock iuj- plcmcnti el oil Lot 18 Ron North about miles from Sutton mos credit Sale at one oclock II Auct Wednesday Mar 12 Mrs las A Host will have a stile of Farm Stock and Implements etc on rear of Lot 32 in iv Con of fetop Met- Right mos credit or five per cent per an num off for cash Sale one oclock Tuesday 25 Mr will have a sale of farm stock Implements etc on Lot Hon near Stilton motility credit Sale- at one oclock W Aucl 10 Complete returns of yesterdays in North Ontario thai J the is majority Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this week Export Steers and Choice Butcher Steers and Heifers Medium and Heifers Medium Butcher Cows Common Cows Choice Milkers Springers Choice Medium Choice Veal Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Choice Sheep Hogs off car BLUE AND BLACK WORSTED SUITINGS UNEQUALLED IN ANY OTHER PLACE IN NORTH YORK FOR QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND PRICE AT- C WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET A CALL SOLICITED I AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE DEPflT Expert Storage Battery Repairs There is now no to send your Battery to Toronto to be Repaired If you have trouble with your Storage Battery I fix It While It Is being I can loan you a to keep you going until Repairs are IGNITION REPAIRS BATTERIES CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT J i FACTORY AND RE8IDENCE LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATIONS EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD COO 1825 Market Building NEWMARKET OF ONE YEAR ALFRED R STARR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENUINE NOW IN FULL BLAST Newmarket Markets Feb Mm Annie Philips widow living alone vynu horned to deatli her clothing catch ing fire it Is pre tuned while prepar ing the noon meal Her niece and Mr calling at on finding the fnml door lock ed made entrance by back of the and found Philips lying dead In he WO 1 ami the cloth ing thai was not already burned off Mil supposed by removing Hip ltd of the stove her apron Imt fire and she rushed combed MENS LADIES AND CHILDRENS READYTOWEAR w Butter lb Now Oats hush 52 AH Toronto Markets Being Cleared Out Regardless of Cost Come and Examine our Goods before you Purchase A I do Butter Turkeys lb Chickens Fall Wheal Goose hush Oats bush Mixed 1 55 42 83 lit i ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD 1 L JU bush 83- in Hay ion Doors of hy Hoy on King Hotel

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