Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1919, p. 4

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v7 V j t A -r- V j c J A- J v ft V W TV v1 All WOMEN WHO ABE ILL J of Exchanges Hut Woman Recommend Vege table Compound Her Personal Experience McLean Neb I to E ComjJound to all women who Buffer from any functional disturbance as It has done me more than all the tors medicine Since taking it I have a fine heel thy prl and have health and My hus band and I both your cine to all Buffering women Mrs John Koppelhann No McLean Nebraska This famous root and herb remedy Vegetable pound has been restoring women of America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who Buffers from displacements in flammation ulceration irregularities backache headaches nervousness or the blues to give this successful remedy a trial suggestions in regard to your ailment write Medicine Co Lynn Mass The result of its long experience is at your service Thanks lo the Open Winter Broekville Recorder Tiie open winter is responsible for the carrying on preliminary work on the highway during last few weeks Be tween Kemptville and two gangs of men are at work o WILL RUN CANDIDATES Decides on Contesting Seat In Both Provincial Dominion General Elections North York farmers can- of the United Farmers Association for the next general elections has not yet been chosen hut at Saturday afternoons first widening the filling in with stone held a i was enter United Farmers cutting brush of way and Other gangs are employed further i south Kemptville men for both llo federal arc engaged in the manufacture and the provmcal houses of cement monuments to mark the right of way of which will be required Natural Expert on Thrift The first number of the Thrift Magazine published under the direction of the National War Savings Com mittee has made its appearance The meeting also sent a resolu- lion of protest to the government against the Daylight Savings Act as absolutely prejudicial to the best interests of the farmer The association elected the fol lowing officers President vicepresident OK A die secretarytreasurer Thos directors Smiths IP Itis edited by Mr J m a former student of the I Tpole Mount Albert Hope Coliingwood Collegiate Institute I Orchard Edward ment featured the session at stages but finally the mode rates prevailedi That the fanners had been andSmder dogs of the had adhered blind ly to parties instead looking after own interests were some of if he views expressed The delegates their with regard to the of things political Both the Conservative and Lib eral parties were condemned nor was the Union Government ap proved of Fourteen branches sent two delegates each These were- New market Aurora Sharon Keswick Sutton ML Al bert and Pine Orchard Another meeting of dolegali ft fa We is an important hour for Canada The is entering on a new era It is passing from war to peace Let us start this new era right J As generally expressed opinion will be held to choose the favored the selection of candi dates differences with on excep- Interviewed after the meeting arising only with regard to Mr the intention the question of lime and place to thoroughly organize the NORTH YORK MARBLE GRANITE WORK0 I director of the schools section of the organization who is also editor of The School The special purpose of this publica tion is to further IheWar Sav ings and Thrift Stamps Movement among the schools of he The one exception whose name j farmers of North York Atpres- I11IJ J n a 1 1 ion Huns Were Protectionists Ottawa Colonel Cur- says Iftat if the war were not over he would call the present tree trade agitation proGerman ism The colonel is on danger ous ground Germanism or and free trade were never bedfellows Protectionism and are inseparable com and the colonel may find some food for reflection in the coincidence Ural protectionism was adopted by Bismarck as the national policy of Germany at the same lime that it was adopted as I has been withheld believed thailent not per cent and indeed the present member J A M Arm- not very much over per cent Strong was worthy of the support of the North York farmers every farmer Angry com- longed the THEIR EYES ON THE SWORD peace There are thousands of soldiers returning from over seas The Government is doing all in its power to get these men back to civil life It is giving a War Service Gratuitymort than any other nation to keep the soldier going till he gets a job It gives him a pension where his usefulness is impaired by his service It teaches a man- a new trade when his service unfits him for his former trade It gives htm free medical treatment recurs and supplies free artificial surgical appliances It is bringing back to Canada at the public expense the soldiers dependents now overseas when limbs iii- and By F Special Correspondent of Newmarket Bra Ill am atst in lleaiNIiii- All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to and Sec us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR CHI Kept In 8tock JOHN 0 MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Box Make no Mistake in Place Huron Near Depot the national policy this fair Dominion Have Finished their Work Parry Sound Star We have bad an opportunity of going through Hie Cyrdite at Nobel and have seen machinery and there which for I two years has been running smoothly and continuously every hour of the day and night week day and Sunday making gun food Huns benefit and now FOR CHURCHES j js where there used to be lidlhing but organized bustle and hum When we looked at the magniAcenl power house with its horse power of energy and considered the need for which it was created regret we had at Hie sudden stop set to everything was more than over come by the thought hat the need no longer existed The Hon was licked and slay licked so let Nobel go so as munitions are concerned tiring Term march 3rd In Business Schools Toronto and merges into Summer Session from June No compulsory vacations Free Catalogue Write Shaw President I Yonge and Charles Sts Toronto Has superior courses and teachers It makes good every claim and promise Every graduate the last throe Prohibition to Blame Wilson Y Star will happen to fish stories if there is to be no Wait after June State Individual Instruction Wilson Star It not a crime to lie backward in studies and should not he penalized I Jack ward children are victims And when insult is added to in jury I he iron enters the soul Hut children be backward I heir studies is a crime anil should be It is a crime to obtain money under The backward ness of the children is conclu sive evidence of the false pre- Ottawa Feb The war has kings men did was simply lo brought not peace but a sword to him together again The par- Union Government This sword takers of Union Government may is Criticism There Will be have been educated to lofty plenty of it this session The heights of brotherhood and old days are kindness but the people over never They want their quarrels The signs of changed limes are hack that being about the only visible everywhere at line Capital way they can get a frank discus- khaki has disappeared largely of public questions This I from the streets Most of the S what Hob Rogers means when swivelchair generals and he says that he will wait slumped into what Sain means when he civics in which truth to tell- breathes slaughter and what Dr they do nearly so Michael Clark means when he The Mjlitia I hints that Union Government is does not stalk about in now Von ils merits lied any longer The Headquarters j was above all a Briton when the Staff has packed its glory of brass trumpet sounded but now he is hat and red tabs in the old tin free trader and a Liberal again box with lOic moth balls and hag and no doubt intends lo cut loose become a citizen fair to be a long session with plenty Of plain talk from ev erybody concerned a sort of am munition dump for the lies I gen eral election which may he nearer liail many people surmise A heavy barrage lire will be di rected against the press censor ship which has outlived ils use fulness in I In House except those hopelessly addicted to Union Government will take a shot at it The press censor ship will die of shellshock or worse and when it crumbles some of the worst of the will come clattering down it The War Measures Act may stand up for a while but it will be taking in the re serve trenches Once lie press censorship is destroyed free speech hob- up and I he sword Union Government fears most open criticism hangs heavy over head My information is again The captains and kings are departing as rapidly as pos sible The four years war mad ness is over and reason is about In resume her sway Of course some ravages of war remain- maimed men a stagger ing national debt a huge high taxes the fortytwo and a per cent tariff the War Time Election Act the press various war commissions and a raft of Or- which now like ugly warts on lite fair face of the British North America Act Certain of these disfigurements are bound to disappear quickly The maimed heroes the national debt the pension list and taxes we shall have with lis or ic tense Lei be an invesli- has promptly secured And M ploy Open all year NOW Is a splendid time to enter Cat alogue free W J ELLIOTT Principal is hereby that Eliza beth Winters of the City Of Toronto in the County of York la the province at Ontario Married Woman will apply the of Canada the next thereof for a Divorce from her Joseph Henry Winter of Toronto Manufac turer on ground of adultery Toronto Jones Newman a victoria St for the Applicant them Stat escape Meanwhile on by giving individual instruction The laker its individual in struction So the fault does lie with the department A Nov Tax years lo come but I misjudge temper of Ibis House if it doesnt make an early effort lo scrap the rest of the war machinery Gov ernment by wanes waxes- and hit by bit and quickly at that we are to gel our shattered consti tution back has long hail a on Laws It never did anything laws that were due lo expire died a natural death and were buried without ceremony This Com mittee can do good work with lie But the Government how ever drilling cannot provide the personal touch needed in this work of repatriation That must be given by the people themselves The men who went from parts to fight jn Fland ers deserve real welcome home the best we can give lit most towns committees of citizens have already been organized to meet the soldiers and their dependents at the station to provide hot meals supply automobiles afford temporary accommodation when necessary In addition many other towns are organizing social gatherings to give public wel come to returned men after they have been home a few days After he has rested the soldier must be provided with an opportunity for employ ment In towns of population Public Employ ment Offices have been estab lished to help soldiers as well as warworkers secure good jobs quickly Where these exist citizens should cooper ate Where they do not exist the citizens themselves should help put the soldier in touch with employments The fighting job is done It has cost many a heartburn ing But it has been well done The least we can do is to show our appreciation in ho uncertain manner Dont let the welcome die away with the cheers The Repatriation Committee OTTAWA it dial the Singer will he tin to crowbar he lid ami lake this good old reliable out of the box where Col keep it When this again Hie Central Canadian Carl el on of place All Ottawa man in Mont real on Tuesday is authority for the statement that a new lax will bo put upon a certain branch of sport namely motorboating this is correct government might also issue a lax against all bathers and thus have all the water sports properly tax ed ami be done with i NOTICE in hereby thai Wlll- lim of the City of Toronto the County of York lad Ontario Mechanic will apply to the of Canada at lbcnoxl thereof for a bill Of divorce from Of in lie of New York on the of I round of adultery Haled ill Toronto this a ftown a victoria Toronto for Applicant A FARMERS ATTENTION Make In your dur ing the Fall and Winter month by and markets tie for Canadian and how la the time lo order for planting If at of OrnainenUl Seed Potatoes grown in email for Stone Wellington Old TORONTO OUT i Why was not Elected Toronto Telegram Leaders of the Conservative party in professed themselves lo discover a soldier who could lie nominated and elected The Independent Labor Parly of St jUatharlnes found soldier who was nominated and almost elected The fact that the In dependent Labor Candidate never reached Franco was a misfortune for and a happy accident for DEATH 8UMMON8 WW LINTON Aurora Feb a prominent stockbreeder of llilri district and at one time the president of the Canadian Association died at bis homo here this afternoon after a long illness He was in bis year and had lived in this district Mince coming to Canada as a young man To the late Win Linton due the credit for Introducing flveel plover h a crop for cultivation in Canada thus starting an indus try which has developed into a great national asset many dis tricts In the Province of On tario being largely de voted to the growing of ha crop for both seed and stockfeeding purposes The deceased is sur- some of which arc dead I ready while oth ers arc black in the face ami others again gasp for breath The Committee will mil be arrested for murder if if hits all of them on the head and puts them out Of misery Nothing can be more ghastly I ban an which hangs on with Hie death rat lie in its throat Now that the war is over Hie War Time Election looks like a bad practical joke The joke is on the Union which expected to be elected for live years on a whittled franchise ami now finds itself with perhaps a years existence in sight and precarious I hat Union cm men I expects to survive session but after that the dark lived by the sword- ul on living by the sword and now sword a hideous if faith with Union Government throws It down tor making peace with the Germans If Union Government perishes within the next eighteen months it will be the sword was sheathed loo soon to suit its purposes i all events the Opposition will say that a wartime Government has another guess coming lib inks it has a four years peace man date and the Ginger Group In the House headed by Sam Hughes and the Ginger Group outside headed by the Hon Hob Rogers will develop the same line of at tack One of the first things Parliament will lake a kick at Is the War Time Election Act It has few friends on either side of the House Of course all this Is to say that party Is reviving One war Is finished now let the other be Kin Hie war of Grit and Tory that wo have waged for fif ty years and havenot tired of yetriot by a long way had a great fall but safe and sound Is back on his wall What all i no from he Most of the Hie laic Damocles will have nothing Union Government for nervous anxiety We can imagine them the suspensive thread every day expecting knots they have lied in it to the slender cord and asking while the sweat their man ly Well bow is the little old sword this morning For example Sir Thomas While will closely look the knot that stands a and a half pel cent tariff How will it stay lied it fray Will the Western Ifnionisfn spill tin beans The Western Union ists by tin way dont their name ft sounds like a certain American Telegraph Company and what 1iey really want from now on is wireless polities which will give the farmer his full right and reduce the pull of the Cana dian Manufacturer Association to a minimum It la only a question of lime until the West ern Unionists back to those peaceful alignments ami freer trade ideals which they intermit ted while be war was being won If the Finance Minister desires the sword to remain it is he will probably shake a chiding linger at which wants war profits to continue af ter the war la Over even if the the will have tie the knot pretty light and very soon or the sword will come crashing down on thai long clever head of hi Sir George Foster if he ever comes out of bis trance will take a new turn in the knot known as trade He had already realized thai the Overseas Trade Commission which threat ens to become permanent- and the War Trade Hoard which a Special Hand of Hope corral business havent earn ed sail and the only way In drum up trade for Canada is for the Canadian Mnnufncturefri send heir own commercial trav ellers if He has it as certain cable despatches indicate but will head upon il If he down comes thai Cruel sword on- his revered hill lethargic And last but no least Howell king of will look closely lo prohibition The knot I is slipping If Leader Howell doesnt make basic to lie il the people of this country will pro- j he voting the other way TOTAL OF THE The total spier May will be comparable with the eclipse last summer In the long Stretch of continental lorrij covered by the path of to- though not in accessibility of places along the path The track extends across South to see If Price will sell these Gars to you in the winter when you cannot use them Thoy have boon overhauled and In First Class con dition with Tiros or will make you Good Trucks and the balance are pleasure cars Prices will be Satisfactory to you THI8 AN EXPERIMENT OF WHICH WILL GET THE ADVANTAGE The YOU I a or places along me pniu no track extends across South Amer- 1 w Til New Models Now Show has to dip into Victory Loon to Stabilize prices and cash the antes shaky republic Hon Arthur wifl pay close attention to the knot labelled land policy for returned soldiers It seems to bo very loosely tied Ttic war ended too soon for the Hon Arthur With Union Government safely en trenched the Minister of the In terior expected the war lo make good for considerable The short sharp way in which the Allies bit it oVf at first good left Mr Moighen and his land policy very up In the air In ho had no he had no land He has had to make both on the spur of the moment was In a lionally long six seconds or more The Carnegie Depart ment of Terrestrial Magnetism Washington is planning to send twit expeditions lo favorable points J ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET John doctrine j Make all you can honestly save nil you can all l you can possibly Fob Mayor Duncan received from Hon Dr J I Hold Minister of Hallways and Canals a that he would recommend that Government pay towards tho construetluu of the promised Hunter St bridge cross- Ing The 1 1 in a Led cost of structure is The lates that this amount will he paid by the Government Hen of constructing a swing bridge Hie Government to bo relieved ul responsibility in connection with the construction of new bridge or any future mainton- to to tho try on Three to In for both and and sound Jo make both up on tho spur of with the construction of the new fc Prop era Faith purposes no deceased la If hack on Ills wall What all he moment was In a or any future Hope and by two aona and a daughter horses and all the V Mr l on up I PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED OARRIAQE OR AUTO Prompt A BOYD Prop

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