Chopping 6c per cwt r 2w5 every day Terms Cash or toll FRED HOOVER Prop Notes PRIVATE Household Furniture Silver ware Books Going to England Apply to Hollins St Newmarket i Eight acres of land with good build ings between Newmarket and St on the Town Line Ingram Newmarket Apply to Mrs iw HORSES FOR SALE Good work team rising years old John Kershaw Box Newmarket North End of Main MALE HELP WANTED Be your own Boss Start a CutHale Grocery of your own to invested should earn you weekly Send for free plans V Martin Windsor It looks- as if the Liberate in he Ontario House are waking up and that the Government are not going to have things all their own way the coming session Already the Opposition Leader Mr Proudfooi and two other Liberal members have filed of enquiry into Government matters The new Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons has already taken occasion to make a strong plea against national extravagance and also sounded a note of warning against the infringements of Provincial rights In connection with the Governments various schemes for housings and roads It is not often that it fails to the lot of an editor to be so kindly remember ed as was Mr of the St Mans Journal week when a deputation waited on him on behalf of the Town and presented him with a handsome mahogany CloclC in appreciation of his public service in his paper during the War They must be exceptionally good people in St Marys Iw fc is v FOR SALE Dry and Hardwood Slabs lengths Dry and Green Sawdust In the Con of King off the line near Kettlehy J A P There is a suspicion that Sir Robert Borden will retire from the Premier ship of the Dominion within the next two or three weeks and that Sir Thos White the present Minister of Fin ance will be asked to take his place Sir Robert has never distinguished himself very greatly except in his proposition to hold the reins of office at the last election by the formation of the Union Government As a platform speaker he is a failure HELP BOOST THE TOWN Anyone desiring Boarders communicate with The Office Speci alty Mfg Co Ltd as we are now- employing extra hands both Men and Women and daily have enquiries for vacant houses Phone or commu nicate direct with Employment Bu reau The Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd Newmarket There seems to be a great scarcity of houses to rent in Newmarket but the high price of and all kinds of building material will not justify a man putting capital into this line at the present time with Government Bonds selling at per cent and Municipal Debentures at interest payable half- yearly The Town Council should consider the building of a row of cheap tenements on corporation properly in Gardens financial assistance proposed by the Government housing scheme OPENING THE ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE floor of the House and the almost to suffoca tion the fifth session of the Fourteenth Legislature of Ontario was formally by his Honor the Lieutenant Governor on Tuesday afternoon The opening of the House Invariably at tracts a large gathering of peple but the crowd that flowed into the Parlia ment Building outnumbered any other in the memory of most of the mem bers So for as the ceremony itself was concerned it differed in no important particular from those of past years but the fact that the House was back to a peace basis after the restraint of four years of war was reflected in the bewildering display of gowns If anything was needed to give the finishing touch to the ceremony it was the appearance of Gen Pau He en tered the Chamber accompanied by Mayor Church shortly after the arri val of the Lieutenant Governor and was given an ovation He was an in terestedspectator of the proceedings and after the Speaker adjourned the House he was surrounded by a score of admiring Sir William Hearst did the honors by introducing them to the onearmed French Reference is made in the Address from the Throne to Hie victorious is sue of the great conflict and venera tion towards those whose Jives have purchased our security demobiliza tion and construction work arrange ments to secure markets abroad for products of our farms forests fisheries and factories advances for assistance towards technical educa tion changes in the assessment Act extension of sup ply allowances to widowed mothers with dependent children the wisdom of Consolidated Rural Schools and satisfactory Provincial finances LETTER FROM NEW ONTARIO irand S spent the weekend in Toronto Harden Street is another of our soldiers back from the front HOU8E8 FOR SALE Thrae dement North End cement block Main St Three on Joseph St Two on Huron SI Three Queen St Two Millard Ave Three Park Ave Three Timothy St Two on Andrew Si Four on St Three on Prospect Ave Also other places Apply to HUGHES The Ileal Estate Agent NOTICE is hereby given that Arthur Everest of the Village of Nairn Centre in District in the Province of Ontario Electrician will apply to Parliament Canada at tin session now going on for a Bill Of Divorce from his wife ADA EVER EST now residing at Town of Newmarket In the County of York in the ground of Adultery Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of February A I ARTHUR EVEREST by bis solicitors Adelaide Street West Toronto If there are any LATTERDAY SAINT8 Of the reorganized Church in or near Town will they communicate with Mrs J F Box Newmarket tw FOR SALE Lot Concession York Co acres HO Judge 1 D Mackenzie of Cap Breton is the leader of the Lib erals in the House of Commons His selection was quite a surprise It was thought that the Liber al Whip would be chosen but much Opposition was expressed by Western and Ontario people against choosing another Quebec man and the result was a compromise The Quebec Liberals were willing to give up if Hie others would not Insist on Hon Fielding who is one of the most experienced parliamentarians in House and the selection of Mackenzie was to keep peace in the family The Judge has now got a chance to prove ins ability Comments of Exchanges Not the Time for Talk Toronto Telegram The present is not the time for talk and agitation on behalf of weeks and social ization of industrial ownership That variety of agitation is the foe not Hie friend of labor Agitation must tend wreck confidence and thus leave labor with few rights except the light lo learn in a sad experience that Capital in the form of unemployed labor can only utilize lis opportunities in a Mate of comradeship with Capital in the form of employed money cleared balance bush long Hide by main grave road fair build ings three miles from Sutton vil lage If not sold by April 1st will rent Apply to Cameron Our Toronto Letter St 1 1 ton Newmarket Bakery STATIONERY AND GROCERY Having purchased the Business of Mr A J Main St Newmarket I am prepared to supply all old Customers and many new with FirstQuality Bread And Pastry of All Kinds The Bakery ih in charge of a man with yearn of experience And Satisfaction Is Guaranteed All Kinds of Stationery Supplies at Lowest Prices Family Groceries Everything Fresh GIVE ft TRIAL I Gordon Johnson Next Door to Bell Telephone Co Phone Newmarket Garage Expert Motor Car All also Stationary and Marine Engines Reasonable Charges Excellent Service Two white girls were found in a Chinese opium den here one night last week Which shows that there is an even in Toronto keeper was fined 200 and costs Thai shows the danger of city life for wayward Twelve hundred of the Hell Tele phone operators were entertained to a Hall In Columbus Hall by tin chief operators Twenty- five prizes were given Mary of Niagara Street was probably fatally burned Thursday evening when she poured coal oil on a stove tin- set her clothes on fire She Is in the Western in 3 Critical condition Toronto has acquired section of tin- Metropolitan within the limits to Stop at a purchase price of the eoin- receiving In addition per petual franchise to carry packaged over the line The York County Council ban no tified that it will expend on maintenance and in construction work In connection with the Toronto and York system of high ways this year Under the agreement between the City and the County the former must provide an equal amount Thirteen charged with gambling on Sunday in Queen Icecream parlor paid a total of in the Police Court treasury Another party of four gamblers on the Cords Day were fined and costs apiece An oldfaahJned pistol found on one of the accused who was fined and costs or days In Jail Important changes in the adminis tration of Ontario Department of Agriculture were announced Tuesday night by Sir William Hearst The of fice of Commissioner of Agriculture held by Dr the early days of the war has gone out of and Dr win now devote bis whole time to his position as president of the Ontario Mr Jackson We appreciate the Era more when distance divides because at homo local news spreads with great rapidity and has usually made the rounds before the pa pers go to press Out here we get the news a day or so later but wo got it accurately and it is the more appreciated We are living in a very fasci nating little valley called Falls an Indian name meaning the beautiful setting sun and are four and a half miles from our postoffice Nairn Centre which is an exceedingly interesting though singularly un pretentious place as it is the centre of the mining and lumber ing district in the part of the Province It is really wonderful lu be snugly and picturesquely situated among rocks rivers islands a id splendid woods enjoying every desirable convenience that Ihe modern home provides The neat compact little type of house is provided with splendid water and electric installa tion and wo enjoy the use of many contrivances such as modern housekeeper de- in are aboul forty miles from Sudbury and the run from Nairn down reminds one of the run from to Toronto and a good motor road conned Nairn with Sudbury The runs Sudbury in an hour and a half the calls at each mining town and is there fore a more interesting run One may sit comfortably in the train and look inlo mouth of a nick el mine When my ambition to venture down a mine has boon realized I will write you how interior looks from a womans viewpoint Yours sincerely Mrs Manning is vis iting in the City two or three days this week Mrs Manning had some ladies in to a last Friday afternoon Mrs Merrick of Toronto is spending a week or two with her aunt Mrs H Cane Mr A Binns attended a Hardware Convention in Toronto two or three days last week and Mrs KN Robertson were At Home on Wednesday night to a number of friends Mr Stanley Watts and fam ily also Mr Bert Lehman and sister all of Toronto spent Sun day at Mr John Watts Mr H spent over Sunday with his parents in To ronto and tended the funeral of the late George Mr Alva has been promoted to teller in the Bank of Toronto his predecessor having been removed Winnipeg Mrs Mick to of and Mr and Mrs Harper Falls were guests of Mr end Mrs Howard Care over Sun day Mr arid Mrs Andy Davis left on Tuesday for Florida to visit Mr and Mrs Shaw who are spending the winter down there Richmond Hill Liberal Prin cipal A Lehman of the School was away Tuesday attend ing the funeral of Mrs Lehmans mother at Mount Albert Pie Fred Flowers of the Highlanders who has been over seas for four years and four months has returned and spent over Sunday with his cousin Mr John Watts of Newmarket A cable from Lieut Walter son of Mr Geo of this Town slates Ihal he on and expects to land Halifax on Saturday or Sunday Mr J is im proving hut very slowly lie able to sit up yet Mrs Cook Richmond Hill was vis itor at the homo on and Miss Slight Toronto on Sun- use soap in cleansing a greasy surface to which dust and other dirt so readily adhere the film of grease breaks up owing to the emulsifying action of the soap solution and you can then readily wash it away The removal of dirt is also facilitated in a me chanical way by the lather and foam that the soapy water forms another result of the lowering of the surface tension of water ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Dont Fail to Attend the Anniversary Tea On Monday Evening March 3rd SUPPER IN BA8EMENT TILL 730 P M Followed by- Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE BY REV A LOGAN Of Parkdale Presbyterian Church Toronto Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED ilght calls attended to at SUBJECT Four Months In a British Base In France Tickets Admitting to Supper and Lecture Children 30c EVERYBODY COME EARLY Dont Miss this Big Double Treat I LARD Phones and The Cradle At the North End New market on Feb 1919 to Mr and Mrs a daughter McDonald Newmarket Feb 1919 to Mr Mrs McDonald a On St Feb to Mr and Mrs Harry a son Ellison In Kins on Jan lo Mr and Mrs Lome Ellison n son Cherry At Sutton lo Mr and a son on Mi Feb day REEVE 18 TO JAIL Also Condomnfid to Pay Fine of 4600 Making Disloyal Remarks Mr and Mr Lewis St entertained about members the League on SI formed I In a in use men I of the which a very deliigbU lunch was served Little Miss Ruth gave a farewell party to her school mates a few days ago prior to the family removing Aurora They had things parked and expected lo move on Monday but are unable lo II a house to suit them in Aurora ami may slay here for a month or so yel has been received Daniel Anderson brothel of Mr P J Anderson clerk died in Moose Jaw on the of Feb at of years lie had suffered from trouble fop some time and about a ago visited specialists in liuffa- lie underwent in Moose The a considerable lime in Moose law Ills two sons are now in He is survived by two sons and two married daughters Owen Pel li was given hem llecve Weber of for disloyal when lie was sentenced lo spend one month in to pay fine of Sf500 trouble over year flsfo when lie look unlawful steps to secure exempt Jo a of his son from military service and also made re marks 010111 the allien lo travellers store at was severely cojiUcmncd by the Judge today Inside Ihe hars or outside Is the only place for dis loyal citizen so far as is con cern his Lordship operation lie returned to Jaw some two weeks ago deceased had lived WHY CHARGED AND STORED 9 and Huron College Moss I Munich Feb Councillor has rv- and several officers of the war office gravely wounded In the rioting hero The radical elements have threatened with death entire classes of the popu lation as ft for the llon of Kurt A TRAIN I happened recently lo be I rav elling on a local train which was a marvel of The en- gine and puffed and pulled evidently Hie load was 160 much for it and he Wore very numerous The pas sengers were not in the best of humor and the conductor In for a great deal of criticism One man on the train a drummer especially indignant and taunted and the conductor unmerciful This train is Just about the limit Why it couldnt heal mo lasses In the winter etc etc Finally the conductors pa- became exhausted Ray ho said to the drummer If yon dont like train why dont you out and walk I would responded the drum mer only my wife doesnt ex pect me until the train gets in WANTED i A number of Barfed Reasonable it MM It is often curiously interesting to know precisely why things we have always taken for granted are so It is like making a wholly new discovery For example WO all know that soap takes off dirt but how many of us know how it acts The cleansing power of soap says Prof Alexander in Chemistry in the Service of Wan depends on its physical as well as on its chemical qualities most important property Is it lowers the surface tension of water Everyone knows that when water is brushed over a greasy surface it docs not wet the surface evenly but breaks up into a number of separate drops as if each little drop were sur rounded by a thin elastic skin The force that keeps the water in the form of a drop is called surface tension if we reduce the surface tension sufficiently the water will spread out over the greasy surface and vet it That is what dissolving a little soap In the water does Soap enables the water to come into close contact with oven a greasy sur face There is another properly of soap solutions that plays an im portant part In the cleansing cess the power of oils and fflts When you vig orously shake any oil with water the oil breaks up a largo number of droplets and takes on a milky appearance That con dition Is not permanent In the course of a few moments the droplets of oil run together to form larger drops wblcfi then collect as a separate layer on the surface of the wator The thus disappears If instead of Shaking the water you shako it On Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Macdonald Melville Ave Toronto nee Miss Maud New- burn of Sutton West a daugh ter Both doing well At the College- Farm Newmarket on Feb lo Mr and Mrs A Penrose a son Henry Wesley Tfte Altar CaseDike At the home of the brides parents Mount Albert on Saturday of Feb 1019 at oclock am by P Fletcher A uncle of the bride John 11 Case to Mary Dike CaseGraham Near Ml Albert on Feb 26lh by Elder I Prosper at the home of the bride Mr Waller Case lo Miss Cora Graham of ML Al bert The Tomb Wlamer At his home Lang- si a Feb 22nd Ira Al bert aged years Funeral Tuesday Aurora Cemetery Newmarket on Feb 1919 Jean infant daughter of Mr J Os car aged weeks and I day In Feb Mary infant twin daughter of Mr J Oscar aged weeks and days Double funeral on Monday lo Cemetery conducted by lev F Thomas Deaths due to the flu Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World- CHOCOLATES c Bailor mre MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo House Phone No GLUTEN MEAL The Great Milk Producer OIL CAKE BRAN AND SHORTS We now filled have on the several way Cars of Orders will be as Promptly as Possible for sale by Phone 22 Newmarket wr Dividends Paid in Arthur Phillips with water that contains a little Vernon In Newmarket on Fri day Mary Laur etta Vernon daughter of Mrs Nelson Vernon in her year Draper A I Keswick on Satur day Feb 1919 Stephen Draper in his III year At his rosidoncCj Ave Toronto on Tuesday Feb IH J be loved husband of Olive II loch Airs was Miss Olive before her and ls a niece of the late Mrs J of Newmarket Newmarket On Feb 2d Mary Minnie I Clark dauglitor of the late Clark in her year Funeral Friday at pm from Ihe residence of her uncle Mr Chan ley QueensvHIe Cem etery At on Feb daughter Geo aged years Park In Newmarket on Feb 23 1919 Daniel Park aged one year ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD OF PREVIOUS YEARS This Is a Most Romarkablo Fact The Mutual Life of Canada And a High Tribute to Management of the Company FRED CHANTLER District Agent Newmarket Ont art S J Roadhouse Undertakin Main St- North Newmarket All Orders Attention LET LEARN A LESSON Here is the kind of the youth of Germany were fed on before the war It is taken from an article prepared for school boys- War is sublimes and rf acred expression of bum in action affords opportunity of sacrificing the highest pos sessions for ones brethren ac cording to Gods commands and bestows eternal life on the brave Deep still In the Herman heart there must live joy in war and a longing for war because we have enemies enough and vic tory comes only to a nation thai with music and song goes to war as to a festival United Pres byterian GOOD AND SUFFICIENT How did you come to off your engagement with Miss Snowball asked Uncle Moses of a darkey In the fust place Undo she wasnt berry young and she didnl no money and jawed do neJbbel and secondly she would not hah mo and went ami married another so I luk do advice of my irons an Jess her Boston Trans cript count ot and 1 rami jaw SO The over Feb the ballots farmers lain is the elected in North Ontario to a majority of over the Conservative can- Major Cameron Mara gave Widdilleld majority QRACE8 VALENTINE I MM And tirade wrote u it was just a Hue twas printed very neatly Will you he my valentine Willi a heart a dart And a Cupid pink and smart And a shower of doves and roses They were only colored pictures cui together some apart from plates you Spread with and with a- moist and flhWBW hand Wall PaP Mr Be tor has roll for varlo compare where Boy The B cured of age w March It On are President The with the their en loom or known Toronto lo assist which Church The he celeb will and Dr Church On TeaMet by a Logan War Sta Some a on ferenco form at York r Having I consent the Con Mr liar mailer iations Decided Since North have and more their plans Huron she Also Maohia on the he up- The and on of The si atthouj as ml good land mans i vole Mason Quart with for Mi The paper have Little printed in Grade on tier lellcr plainly as before very sweetest Dolly Josephs store With an Oh Undo Joe Laughing loud and smiling- low tho nolo upon the swcctf dolly lo a lovely WW Pinned another note that said dear Ill be your Then he wrapped It up in paper a ho lied It up with Ram tlful