Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1919, p. 4

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ff t5V A The History of Gin I Si as a Agent AVI -run- -I- Worthy London Advertiser Justice love and truth were the- guiding principles t of Sir Wilfrid life and no life have been a better example of religious toleration Whether the questions involved religious prejudices of any kind all heard his challenge la it just TV pnieif Time- Ths Liberal Platform London Advertiser Whatever Can adas fortunes in the hands of ltd pres ent rulers the day is not distant when the people shall have power io choose the men they trust arid to place them in positions of governing authority The whole interest of the people rather than the top crusts of society must be represented still Before Gin Fills were available gin ftMmcd to be the popular remedy for backache pains in the groins swelling of the joints and ankles lumbago sciatica aid other troubles arising from deranged kidney action but when Gin Pills were placed on the Vet containing the curative agent of gin without the alcohol people real ised that the benefit of the old rem edy were purely temporary and that permanent relief would be only by using the new The access of Gin Fills is the beet testimonial to the value of this cine but for those who prefer more direct testimony we have hundreds of letters on file from people who owe their return to health entirely to tat Minister Should Get Busy xheuiction of the kidneys is to Advertiser There is remove the impurities and poisons need for this province to prevent fur- gathered by the blood When the kid neys fail to act these poisons remain in the blood stream and are circulated through the until they settle in muscles arid joints and there set np infection You can readily understand then it is to keep them in good always- Do not let your kidneys go from bad to worse At the first sign of trouble go to your nearest dealer and buy Gin Pills a box Or if you prefer a free sample of Gin Pills will be mailed upon request to the National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto residents write Inc Handy Hints for Repairing Machin ery Harness Gates and All Other Breakable Farm ment Work Is Done Before Spring Many Valuable Hours Will Be Saved at a Time When Delay Spells Greatest Lous V t movement from the land to the cities and from the farms of Ontario to the farms of the west The pres ent Ontario minister of agriculture has been well spoken of and he has the the I chance of a lifetime to to become deranged and how himself by rousing a department thai has never been remarkable for getting Unto the field and dispelling the fal- j lacy thatOntario is a wornout prov ince exists to build up the province by a policy of vestivalion and advertising Main Buffalo NORTH YORK MARBLE w Compelled to Obey Wilson Star Throughout Europe there is a feeling amounting almost fear that military power will restore I he thrones of former empires and kingdoms This is why the I tea of nations plan for AND QRANITE not armaments The league musthave punitive power as well as persuasive influence it must have ways and means of its edicts which peoples who will respect only force will be compelled to observe and obey The Transient Trader and J Latest Designs in Monument Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call and See us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR CHURCHES Kept In Stock JOHN MOSS Acton Free Press There is a feeling among retail merchants thai should be enacted stiffen- iiiK restrictions on transient traders j so thai they cannot as they often do under existing laws do transient busi ness for several months in a town in settled merchants who are regularly paying taxes and then remove without paying any taxes themselves The Retail Merchants Association is now seeking legislation In this injustice to permanent merchants and to municipalities where such transient trading is done The Muzzle Off Kingston Standard One about war being over is thai editors in Canada are now Dealer in and Importer of Foreign permitted to breathe above a whisper and Domestic AND MARBLES in newspapers and Io say a few Words of fair criticism without living Phone Box in fear- and trembling lest they be Make no Mistake in Place Huron Near Depot Term Opens March 3rd In Business Schools Toronto and into Session from June 30 No compulsory vacations Free Catalogue Write H President WJOTT i and Charles Sis Toronto Has superior courses equip ment and teachers it makes good every claim and promise Every graduate of the last three years has promptly secured em ployment Open all year NOW Is a splendid time to enter Cat alogue free WJ ELLIOTT Principal r is hereby given that Eliza beth WmUfs of lb of Toronto In County of York in the Province Ontario Married Woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of from her husband Joseph Henry Winters of Toronto Manufac turer on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this Gib Novem ber 1918 Jones Newman A Victoria St for the Applicant Is hereby given at Will iam of the City of Toronto In the County of York and of Ontario Mechanic will apply to the of Canada at the next thereof for a bill of divorce from his Pearl of In the of New York on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this day of December a o Jones A Victoria Street Toronto Solicitor for Applicant hanged drawn and quartered because running counter to some mysterious of which hey never even heard Now happily the days of by are passed and we an actually going to In permitted not only to know what is feeing on in Government but also lo talk freely It Its great to be alive Neither Time Nor Money Spared Times The North On tario on Tuesday was a battle royal between the Hearst ad ministration and- In United Fanners of Ontario The farmers recognized the e loci Ion as an opportunity to test strength on to win Hie spared no effort defeat the fanners Mr J Wfdilfffeld Four Cabinet Ministers were sent Into the Hiding and neither time nor money was spared in Hie campaign The constituency i- tartly rural mil Hie electing Mr by iver four hundred majority The villages in every installed WCIlt Mr will make an able rep resentative in Ontario and undoubtedly he if will a prominent pan in next idee I Ion whenever it may be brought on The only rpgrellable feature Is I hat mi gowl a fellow Major Harry have beep ride the wrong war The in- iinniisliikably gofiiL to defeat AIRPLANE CAM FLY MILES AN HOUR I Make money In your spare time dur ing the Fall and VlnUr mouths by selling Hardy Stock and Kuroptan markets will for Canadian and now Is the time bo order for spring Largest Hal of Fruit A fttok feed Potatoes In Canada Writ for Stone Wellington OM v- OUT America to be Brought Within a 8hort Days Journey of Europe Parts An airplane a speed of from miles an hour vhirh bring within a short days Journey of Is the prospect held out by Invention of a eiiKineer Bateau according to Matin The Invention of Ha tea wag one of the In for the which were lo be revealed fighting ceased At the present time without the in vention the higher an airplane mounts the power Ik required on account of the of the air The loss at feel for Instance per cent device the paper suyn Is very simple It consists of an arrangement by which the exhaust from engine works a small turbine which compresses the air down Into engine to normal so that the engine develops full power no matter what the altitude Ah the resistance of an airplane decreases at high altitude the Matin adds it follows that the higher a ma chine filled with the new device the greater will be Its speed This fact It Is declared was demon strated by the famous German long- range gun ft been found that a heavy day bombing machine whose at feet ordinarily did not exceed miles an hour made miles an hour with MlUteaus by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto HE time for a systematic overhauling of the farm equipment is at hand Re pairing at home means say ing in two ways a saving of expense and a saving of time Before attempting to take a ma chine apart it is well to thoroughly look over it to gain a clear idea of the general arrangement and location of the parts Machines with few parts or parts whose relations are quite obvious do not require to be marked but machines whose parts are numerous and similar in size and In appearance should be given dis tinctive marks similar marks being put on adjoining parts These may be centrepops arranged in de vices so or letters stamped upon surface of the parte where there is no contact In the stress of a busy season a broken tooth of a gear can be flied up in a few minutes and If properly done gears so repaired will often last an Indefinite time often many years Chip and file the broken tooth down to the root Draw centre line of tooth across width of rim Drill the required number of holes according to width of rim A pin of wrought Iron stock may be driven gently Into holes and filed to shape to match the other teeth A better job may be made bytapping the plugs into the rim Fig 6 To mend harness by sowing pro cure a couple of strong needles a ball of highgrade flax shoe thread No a ball of cobblers wax a straight and bent awl and a clamp to hold the work The clamp can be made from two oak barrel staves Fig 1 The thread should be made in length and strength according to the work to be done For light work from 3 to Ave strands will suffice for me dium like lines and girths from 6 to strands and for heavy stitching as tugs and breeching it will require from to strands Break the thread by rubbing it down upon your knee with your right hand and give it a sudden jerk It should break in a long ragged end The ends should be placed together so as to form a long tapened point Hold strands together In your left hand With wax in right hand draw It over the ends a few times enough to keep them- together Now throw strands over a nail draw ends even twine the end in left hand over fore finger and rub the other end down on the right knee with the right hand When well twisted rub on more wax Thread a needle on each end draw the thread through the eye for about two Inches Bend back the points of the thread and twist them well into the body of the thread Fig Pierce a hole In the work with a straight awl and Insert a needle into the hole drawing the thread halfway through Fig lb Pierce- another hole and pass a needle through for two or three Inches Through the same hole draw the other needle With a thread in each hand pull them both quite tight Repeat Keep stitches straight and uniform In length Fig For joining two pliable surfaces together In emergency there Is per- nothing so handy so strong and so neat as a rivet An assort ment of rivets should be kept on hand both of soft Iron tinned and of solid copper Figs 2 The spilt end clincher rivets are suitable for leather or stout woven material girths and head halters iron or copper flat head washer rivcta may be used for leather cloth thin metal and for even thin strips of wood Fig The wagon Is an Important factor In the dally routine work of the farm and should bo kept in good running order but requires spe cial consideration and experience to profitably repair the wheels for un less the proper taper and gather given to the spindle and the axle set the right way it will result in a hardrunning wagon the wheel grinding on the collar or nut Instead of playing easily between them farmer however can attend to loose spokes tires and hub hands checked hubs etc After renewing the brok en parts and tightening tires and loose skeins clean the wagon thor oughly fill the checks with some good filler and give the whole a coat of paint This will preserve the wood and prevent shrinking A broken shaft or tongue may be efficiently spliced with hoop Iron as shown In Fig The iron can easily be bent round close by fixing one end first and then pulling it over with ono hand and tapping It with a- ham met at the same time Assume a broken rail of a gate hay or slock rack old bar or rati is sawn about a foot from down rail as shown by dotted line in sketch A short piece of new stuff Is then driven Into the mortice in the head and cut off right length the two then nailed to gether as shown at In part plan If broken at A Fig the splicing may be as shown in sketch by wrapping hoop Iron round It or by nailing on each side strong strips of hardwood as at I Fig One of the first places for a to get rotten Is at the junction of brace and bar or back caused by wet lodging The only way to fix this Is as shown at Fig by nailing strip of hardwood firmly to brace as low down bottom Will allow Prof John O A College Congress becomes effective and the great re- public to the south of us goes dry Canada therefore hits beaten the United I Slates to the nationwide prohibition by just two months In one point however United States leads Congress remitted to the States of the Union for their ratification an amendment to the Federal Constitution making prohibition forever the law of the nation of the fortyeight States already ratiflea eight more than needed As yet Canadas prohibition is but temporary It will be for the approaching session of the Parliament to embody in statutory form provisions now in force through Orderin Council It would be nothing short of a- national ca lamity for there to be any sign of reaction in this land In such a case Canada would be come the dumping spot for the of the United States the vantage ground which the great liquor of the United States would seek to utilize for its illegal efforts to smuggle liquor across the international boundary Whit i shmvi amount of uncollected tax and lobe20 of which lias since been paid and of council met percentage collected at Vandorf Hall Wed Feb 1911 with Cft1png all the members present and the Reeve J Mr Rone and Mr were referred last wero The Treasurer was instructed to The minutes of road and confirmed A communication from A James Engineer York Highways Commission re approval of division plans pre sented to Council and requesting of such before approval is given Wherein such Subdivision plans touch under County manage the I was presented ami read Application was made on behalf of Penrose for refund of lax for dog wrongfully assessed in Ac mils as follows were present ed The Tribune printing contract ballots The he repress resolution forms ami other stationery John Foot for work at Cedar Valley bridges Cairns for brass for the Figures Notice how the cost and the cash valuecof the stamp ad vances each month until on the 1st day of January 1924 the Dominion of Canadais pledged to pay 500 for each WvSS Cedar Valley bridges Waller Bone opening water course bet Lots and Con lays Fred W 1egge opening course bet Lois and Con i days I- Collector salary and postage The Auditors Report of Receipts and for laid Council The presented pay other accounts presented and also refund of dog tax to Ezra Penrose Resolutions were passed Accepting the Auditors Report as satisfactory and adopting the same presented Accepting the Collectors as satisfactory Authorizing The Standard Bank of Canada pay eh pies Issued and signed by Clark Treasurer of the Township Appointing the following j sions The Reeve repair road opposite J Con expend si hi gravelling Lot 1 Con have brush on road bet Lots and Con and sell tho old road planer at present on premises of John Carlisle Councillor Crawford lo gravel and repair Sideline Lots and Con at a cost not to 18000 The ByLaw fixing the charge for Commuted or Returned Statute Labor was amended by raising the amount to be charged for each day not performed 5100 On motion Council adjourned to meet at same place on Tuesday March next at 10 a m Following Is Diagram of Previous Column Just to see If the Price will sell these Cars to you In the winter when you cannot use them They have been overhauled and In First con dition with flood Tires or will make you Good Trucks and the balance are pleasure cars The Prices will be Satisfactory to you THI8 18 AN EXPERIMENT OF WHICH YOU WILL GET THE ADVANTAGE New Models on Show ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE DEPOT Expert Storage Battery Repairs Thoro Is now no neod to send your Battery to Toronto to bo If you have troublo with your Storage Battery I fix It It Is bolng I loan you a to you going until Repairs aro Gomploto pi IGNITION REPAIR8 BATTERIES CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT BAorc yo repair FACTORY AND RESIDENCE LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATIONS EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR ALFRED STARR Market Building ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NEWMARKET J on A woman of feet with six Inches wide and wearing a heel two Inches Ik thrown two feet off the perpendicular Mimculur effort cannot bring back to the normal vertical line accordingly the and hopes In line With the tibia and the ineUtarrioluhnlangcal a heel the boot heel being chiefly used balance and support weight Involves much strain and lo preserve the lumbar curve without overtaxing her hack she uses corsets Should Take special care to keep free from headache back ache constipation and depression For these recurring ailments and other condi tions peculiar to women Pills are a tested and effectual remedy They act gently and promptly on the stomach liver and bowels and exert a tonic strengthening effect on bodily functions These famous pills are purely vegetable contain no habitforming drug and produce no disagreeable aftereffects Women the world over find needed help and strength in tofMf Sat of Any in iff World ARCHIVES OF i i 1 i I I I I ff

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