Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1919, p. 5

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Dp ft Wilkinson DENTIST a Corner Main and Botsford Sis Newmarket Dr J Boyd Graduate In Medicine of Toronto- also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng land Former clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Univer sity College Ear and Throat Hospital London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone HO Hours 16 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining Post Off BERTGREEN PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket CHOICE STOCK OF WALL PAPER on hand Phone P O Box RAT0L1FF Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music Newmarket on Wednesdays OUR LOCAL NEWS Brief lets There was only a small market last Saturday but eggs came down to HEALTH A TiTt SPANISH INFLUENZA OR GRIP BT DR SMITH An old enemy with as again and whether we fight a German or a germ a dozen and butter sold as low as we must put up a good and not be afraid The runs a very brief course when the patient ia careful and Dont Forget The Euchre and Dance to given by the in the Hall on Friday evening Feb Music by Mr Cards lo start at oclock sharp Com i Lights Out The electric lights were playing hideandgoseek last Saturday even ing to the annoyance of the merchants and people generally The darkness seemed darker than ever when the lights were extinguished There was a very high wind at the time which was causing the trouble but we are pleased to slate that the interruption in the current was not the corporation limits The trouble was on the volt line be fore it reached the substation in New market It was the first time there has been any Inconvenience for months LIVERPOOLMANITOBA Fire Insurance Agenoy FRED HARTRY Newmarket A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses the Kra Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence if desired Methodist Church Increased congregations last Sun day both morning and evening About in the gallery at the evening service In the morning the Pastor delivered very earnest sermon on The call for service in the Kingdom Miss Manning contributed a beautiful solo and there was also a mixed lelte The Song Service in the evening was much enjoyed the congregation heart- fly responding to the suggestions of the pastor whose short talks between the hymns prevented the interest from slacking from beginning to end Next Sunday morning the monthly Fellowship Meeting is to be resumed if we keep the system in good condition and throw off the poisons which tend to within bodies we can escape the disease these three a clean month a clean skin and clean bowels To carry off poisons from the system and keep the bowels loose daily of a pleasant laxative should be taken Such a one is made of Wayapple leaves of aloe root of jalap and called Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets Hot lemonade should be used freely if attacked by a cold and patient should be put to bed after a hot mustard footbath To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and to control the pain tablets should be obtained at the drug store and one given every two hours with lemonade The tab lets were first discovered by Dr Pierce and as they flush the bladder and cleanse the kidneys they carry away much of the poisons and the uric acid It is important that broths milk but termilk and diet be given regularly to strengthen the sys tem and increase the vital resistance The fever is diminished by the use of the Anoxic tablets but in addition the fore head arms and hands may be bathed with water tepid in which a table- spoonful of has been dissolved in a quart After an attack of or pneumonia to up and strengthen the system obtain at the drug store good iron tonic called Irontic Tab lets or that well known herbal tonic Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is dry it will not freeze It is the food solids of fresh separated milk with water removed Use KLIM wher ever is required At your Grocers in J lb and tins Canada Feed Beard TRAN8FldUREDMU8IO For the Era REPATRIATION IN CANADA Those in the and the pastor hoped that there would he a hearty response on the part of the membership t Commences ten sharp in the schoolroom Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop I THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO r PHOTOS THAT ALWAY8 PLEASE Get Them at The Photographer In Your Town Door of New Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone I53a 8T NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETO Nov Ready In Quantity No Order leas than Delivered PHONE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTCIS J hereby that Stanley Gordon of the City of To ronto in the County of York and or Soldier win apply the parliament of at the next thereof for a bill of divorce from ADA now residing at the City of Toronto In the County of- York on the of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this fay of A GORDON by Godfrey A Lavton Street Went Toronto OddFellows Banquet The anniversary of the Institu tion Odd Fellowship in Newmarket was celebrated a Ban quet- in their commodious Hall on Thursday evening of last week which was attended Grand Officers and visiting brethren from Toronto Rich mond Hill Aurora and Brail ford Covers worn laid for people and nearly every seat was occupied The ladies of Rebecca Lodge who had charge of the refreshments deserve great praise for the attractive and bountiful Spread and fur the efficient manner in winch they served The inner man being fully satisfied Noble Grand Master P W Pear son presided over the toast list and was especially happy in his introduc tion of the various speakers Mr Parks of Toronto responded on behalf Sovereign Grand Lodge which he regarded as one of the best legislative bodies that could possibly ejtfst The laws to be broken were fr Hie boys in uniform and the lodge would see that the fund for their benefit was properly apportioned He spoke of a former Can toil for Pyramid Lodge and hoped that another would he formed to represent Newmarket at the Baltimore The Grand Lodge of Ontario was responded the Grand Warden of Ontario Robertson of who congratulated Newmarket on its splen did bulges and equipment The boys over there have made Ontario safe and the market is ready for our manu factures Times are good and we look for an increase in our membership all over the Province Reference was made to the death of Sister Thomp son President of the Rebeccas who was buried thai afternoon and the said she had her self on the alter of serviced She was a woman gifted with great executive ability motion of the Grand Warden seconded by Sister Itoadfioiise a letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to the bereaved family The period of silence followed by Nearer My God to Thee sang very ofMy was very impressive letter of regret was read from Mrs Middle tan who was expected to speak behalf if Rebecca Lodge Marshall Of Toronto Messenger being called upon told a Couple Of jokes to change the mood of I he gathering After a fine song by It Man ning the toast flhapfer Members of Pyramid Lodge was to by l who gave an exceed ingly Interesting account of the or ganization of Pyramid Lodge on the of Feb l7r and events leading thereto during the previous years There were five charter member and he is the only one remaining alive There were members Initiated at the meeting At one lime New market Canton had Soldiers The Rebeccas be said are a great help to the Lodge Canada and Iter was the next toast and Rons made neat reply He spoke Of Hie companionship In the Army and the necessity of showing the glad band to the returned soldiers He also the thanks of the men for the overseas parcels The toast the evening was The Master of OddFellows of On tario Our Guest which received with great applause Rev Cox of express ed his delight at being present at such an enthusiastic gathering of and Rebeccas He was vlalting all the chief centres of the Province and of course he could not leave New market out This was the on Hal and he had travelled miles in Ontario The the beat order he knew of to the other fellows away from borne Oyer four million have the and there are now on this and Rebeccas banded together and finding this life worth while in going to find others were spent last year in relieving distress among the members in this province There are OddFellows and Rebeccas in Ontario and many of our members are occupying the highest positions in he land Over have donned the khaki We are proud of every one of them but will never come back We are going to cele brate the anniversary of the founding of our Order on this Contin ent at Baltimore next year and are planning to place our Home in Toronto on a sound financial foundation and thus increase its usefulness as Monument to recognize the event incidents were given lo show what the Home is doing The church and society are on trial Fraternity can deliver the goods He hoped Odd- Fellowship would take up the chall enge The Grand Master is a fluent speaker and his address produced a fine impression The Grand Encampment was re sponded to by Grand High Priest M Sinclair of Torotno lie said the Re beccas had already done tiller share for the Home and emphasized the necessity of the members of Pyramid Lodge to meet the responsibility were promised and more to fol low After a stirring solo lire A His Worship Mayor Eves ex tended a welcome to the Grand Lodge Officers and visiting brethren 10 New market and extolled the importance of the Town to which Past Grand Master Perry of Toronto replied lie remark ed that this was the first time Grand Lodge had asked a voluntary call from its membership He urged those present to he boosters and not kickers and success would crown their efforts A very pleasant function closed shortly after midnight and the mem bers one and all felt that is was a distinguished honor to have pres ence of so many Grand Lodge Officers The visitors returned to the City a special Metropolitan car and expressed themselves as highly delighted with their visit The Grand Master over night anil made Null a of morning when he their magnitude and heir products remained in Town lour of industries next was surprised at of The Ibgulir Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday the fill of March In Hie home of Mrs II Gune on Huron commencing at p A fell I en da tine is requested and we would like if all Hie ladles Interested In temperance work would come and help us- Press Slip Montreal Feb were burned out Inst night in persons fa Ml when fire broke small hotel at Sic Jovicl In the Mountains The til is thought have Started from an overheated slove Feb Vil lage passed a bylaw for today bring Hydro power to tin village Of voters voted for the Hydro has at present a local power plant so all thai will be necessary Is to bring the power from and turn on the local wires will then have a service Instead of a fivehour service as present And the cost will he reduced both for users and nonusers who only pay for street lighting Guelph Feb At the Police Court morning Louis Kncflchew- of St Jacobs was fined and costs or three months in jail for wilfully destroying a registered letter Which had been sent from the office of the Registrar In London to his brother William knowing that the let ter was from the military authorities and which contained orders for brother to report for medical examina tion The charge was laid under the Military Service Act Instead of the Criminal Code as the was a crimi nal one and the penally was not severe Had he been convicted un der the code he would have been liable to be sent to the penitentiary for not lens than three years nor more than seven without the option of a fine The work of Repatriation is no job it is the duty and the privilege of every citizen of the Do minion of Canada The war was not the work of the soldiers alone it was the task of every Canadian and it is our pride that Canadians as a whole recognized that and set a standard for self sacrificing intelligentJoyful service not surpassed In any country The war is not yet won soldier boys who have been midst of alarms for four years and more still suffer from its effects although many are coming home physically sound These boys must change whole scheme of living Their outlook of life must be changed To do so they will need help They will need sympathetic kindly treat- men I Thai is where everybody can help Not all- have Jobs to offer The men must have satisfactory work at a proper compensation A body of public sentiment must be created in favor of giving the returned man every possible chance to make himself the self supporting man that he wanls to he Meet him when he comes home Give him the glad hand Smooth out his little difficul ties Be kindly sympathetic towards him and then help him lo get a good position And when he gets thai position be still sympathetic with him so that he may get back to thai place in the community to which his talents fit him but which his experience has in Hie sense unfitted him Repatriation Is a big problem but the can and will be found in patient kindly treatment The Land Settle men I scheme Is un der way The Government will se cure land for the men who want to go on the farms The Provincial Governments are in a most splendid manner Soldier farm ing comfnuniUcwlll shortly dot the land There is no danger of a fail ure in this proposition We will go I he limit for the Re turned Men- is the substance of a resolution passed unanimously by the Saskatchewan Legislature at the ses sion just closed That is an excell ent motto for all Canadians The limit is not too much The Repatriation Committee has named Major I with bar its representative absolutely neces sary acquaint I ho men coming borne Hie plans adopted by the Govern ment for I heir reestablishment Into civil lire will prevent their worry ing and will enable the men make I heir plans accordingly Major first fighting man four or gallantry a newspaper man of experience and ability and his work will undoubtedly he most pro- good Li Charles Cavers formerly editor of Sunday World Toronto has appointed to lake charge Ilia publicity department of the Land scheme Cavers was In France two years gassed bill returned during the fall of lie is capable experienced newspaperman employment offices have been named In over dries in Canada and of liars will be opened Intention Repatriation Com mittee agencies in very with population of over if there is need of such offices men are put in charge and Mry effort Is bring made bring employers ami returned men In touch Willi each oilier Kxcelleiit reports are being received of Hie work being done A Repatriation League has been formed In Toronto with John A as president This league has been approved of by Mr 1 chairman of lhe Repatriation Committee and will he work and share he responsibility of gelling returned men Into positions Municipalities are doing great work III connection with receptions to re turned men The councils have as a rule entered into this most heartily with beneficial results The majority Of the municipalities are also planning if civic Improvements on n large scute This will give Employment many men and will the problem of unemployment There Is a cry for farm labor at present lime Is expected thai when spring seeding arrives many men will be discharged from army allowing them to take up their former occupations on the farm Increased production Is essential to Canadas prosperity and the expectation Is that the shortage will no be acute when these men get back Two travellers one summer evening were descending a steep mountain path in the Alps Suddenly came floating around them from an unseen source- pure Impersonal music so distilled no sediment of mere sound remained to blur the divine har mony It was clearer than any piano note finer than any strain of violin more resonant than any peal of bells richer thanahy organ swell sweeter than any human voice travellers stood listening to de termine whence it came The rugged mnuntaio of rock rose above them half a mile high and the top was splin tered into crags The music came from the mighty wall of stime The sing and throbbing with its burden of whole mountain seemed full of it pul sing and bobbing with its burden of song Again and again it pealed forth like a mighty cathedral bell so grandly sweet so allencompassing that all Hie atmosphere around seemed pregnant with the glory It seemed as though angels had come hack to earth and sung as they sang at Bethlehem What did it mean A mite down the path travellers came upon a mountaineer with his Alpine horn a big wooden instrument ten feel long the flaring end of which fitted into a box like a hopper He blew them a mighty blast but it was only a loud rasping noise that was unpleasant and almost painful to the ear It was that rude horn blown by hat rough mountaineer far down In the valley that was making that celestial music up among he summits of the Alps The majestic mountain with heart full of music gathered up those rough sounds and transform ed and transfigured them Into harmony divine So may Hie life on earth be trans figured into the life in heaven The Instruments on which we play may be rude and clumsy he sounds we may often seem harsh and discordant we may be far down in the valley all the conditions of life may seem narrow and its service hard but when these experiences are caught up Into celestial world they may he transform ed into such music as will make our heaven forever And I heard be voice of harpers harping with their Presbyterian mm Buy LANTIC fine granulated sugar in the original packages for your Marmalade and be of a perfect result Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd MONTREAL LITTLE BY LITTLE in of Sol- Mr being fall of ami an A very busy man wo had very little time for reading or was asked by a friend how it happened that he knew so much more than oilier people Oh said 1 never had time to lay in a regular stock of learning I save all Ihe bits come in my way and they count up in Ihe course of a year One observes an intelli gent boy who is always on Ihe look out to learn what he can While wailing in a newspaper office for a package he wjll notice how a machine is made to do its work and if he Is sent to a florists he will be able lo lell you many things which he noticed there In tiese anil a hundred other ways such lads are educating them selves To same rule of little by little is equally true In the accumulation of a fortune Home was built of single bricks piled up one by one The little coral insect seems too small and weak accomplish much and yet It labors on and last rears those great reefs which serve as breakwater against Ihe mighty ocean Not only are all good things secured to us Utile Utile ac complish heir ruin in same way it is by small concessions evil and slight indulgenees final de struction of life Is accomplished Tin steals lumps of sugar apples will go on lo steal bigger things In one of I livers lilies Of bis fabulous ravels he tells us of being down to the by pigmies- no bigger than his thumb Bill liny cam- upon him They bound him finger by finger with liny ropes no thicker than a hair Bach one he could have broken In an iiislanl hut all together they bound him as fast as if lie wen- tied with cables and fettered with iron In a Carolina forest of a thousand acres you can scarcely find a tree that is not dead and crumbling to decay No fire has swept over It no lightning scathed those naked bleaching pines This ruin was wrought by a little in sects larvae no larger than grams of rice What a hundred could not accomplish by years of hard labor tills seemingly insignificant Insect sent lis feeble offspring to perform One alone could have power It Is true but millions were marshalled and all the of man could nojl Slay their course Such Is he power of little sills performing same act over for even two or three times In succession be habit Is formed from the dominion of which It is hard to deliver ones self again el to WHEN 8PELL8 FAIL U HE III A hie SB success for woman does not mean domestic or Individual happiness and on the whole business life makes for restlessness selfishness and discontent cannot measure the Influence of business on woman by figures or statistics You cannot count wrecked lives among women wage earners as you can tally off divorce caseH on court calendars ami trace them toccrtaln causes such aft desertion cruelty etc You cannot Hay that a woman In business Is a failure or accord ing to the salary she draws You the trim selfcontained girl your elbow to admit that her perfectly- appointed little apartment her perfectly trained mold her per fectly ordered life of dinners clubs theaters and opera parlies spells She says she Is a success In her heart she knows that when the last gueBt has and the trim little maid has been dismissed the exquisitely ap pointed Mile becomes In which the starved soul of the woman sits alone weeping Homo Companion The Greatest Name An GoodyLand if I l MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Such us Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Materia all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak Sold at prices that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial mm son NEWMARKET Limited HURON ST NEWMARKET J a ALL KINDS OF ANTHRACITE On hand receive COAL and all Orders will Prompt Delivery Prices Right Give Call 1 J i J t v tWfi

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