riv Involving thousands of worth I 014Sm of Clothing Hats and Consisting of Mens and Young Mens Suitsr Latest Shirts Trench Models King and Etc Etc I 11 RainProof Coats hard Fine Dress I KNOWN IN NEWMARKET the LOWEST PRICES EVER nu in Prices Based on locating in Newmarket this store has Endeavoured to place before the PricesMerchandise bought for Spot Cash from the Foremost Makers in fact has grown so that many changes to the store are necessary in on our Service To enable us to meet these conditions it is necessary for us to dispose of as possible It is necessary for us to our shelves and wardrobes of every so that we will be in a position to offer the buying public of Newmarket and I Since Reasonable in a ate people only Dependable Merchandise at Canada The business has grown order to cope with the increased de S m every line of Stock now on hand as far dollars worth of merchandise immediately vicinity an ENTIRELY NEW AND STOCK OF MERCHANDISE when Alterations are To dispose of this Stock quickly it requires drastic PriceCutting and notwithstanding the inevitable loss of profits we named prices so very low as to make this Sale to you Merchandise of the Character we sell seldom if finds an outlet in this manner Bargains on Sale Be here as Early as you can and Secure have ever first We quote below only a choice few of the Many Ex I Mens Young Mens Suits for Worth for Suits Worth 2000 for Suits Worth 1800 for Suits Worth 2000 for Suits Worth 2500 for Worth 2800 2500 for Worth 3000 2800 fop 8ults Worth 3500 3250 for Worth 4000 RAIN COATS MAKES Values Now 1400 Values Now 1500 Values Now 1250 1800 Values Now 1500 i MENS PANTS 300 Values Now Values Now 248 Values Now 298 Values 348 Values Now Values Now 9 BOOTS 1 Pyjamas and Night Robes At Great Price Concessions All Summer Gloves at Positively Clearing Prices All Summer Underwear at Great Reductions WORKING SHIRTS Values for Values for Values for 98 Think of Mens Heavy Military Boots war ranted all real leather arid positively proof Worth to while they last at A Collection of Young Mens Fine Boots button or lace tan and gun metal pointed or square too Included are a few Patent Leather and 7 only Worth up to and Sale Price Mens Mahogany and GunMetal Blucher or Neolin or Leather all sizes Regular to for HATS AND CAPS Mens Hats soft hard all new Shapes and Colors Worth and Now and AND BOY8 CAP8 Tweeds and Cheviot 98c Regular OVERALLS and SMOCKS Overalls for Overalls for Cotton Pants for talk The above are only a few examples of the Great Bargains Offered and bear in mind these are not merely newspaper but Real Genuine Unadulterated Offerings A visit to This Store will easily Convince you of this fact Wednesday at noon during May June July August and September SPECIAL BARGAINS will be a feature of this Store EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Old Imperial Bank Building Ms Comments of Exchanges Deadly as a Serpent London Advertiser The Govern ment thai permits Bolshevik agents to operate country or privately is as guilty of criminal nej- parent thai permits etillil to fondle rattlesnake The Question of Title Ottawa If the daily press of Hi- would refer In all knlglitcfl or oilier Canadians mlfiters Instead or old- r iSirfi Hie would estimate at there true worth The whole iifalUr fa one public decision We not eompelled to call Canadians by their titles and If we do so It is because we like to do it- in the circumstances ask the authorities not to favor us wiili any somewhat analogous to a small hoy asking his not to send any more candy or he will be io eat ft Bad Time to Strike Times is most regrettable labor troubles up so alarmingly during tin- period Cooperation of ill classes was the KKaiest factor in the winning of the war and cooperation voold be Hie factor In secur ing a proper readjustment of things if labor and capital had mutual con fidence in each other The contention lhat rlxht has disproved in the late great war and strikes and lockouts should not he resorted to cept as extreme when other means have railed Capital may be unreasoning and Corporations soul less but labor ean be equally unjust and Intolerant and strikes ordered without sufficient warrant the Robin Times The small hoy ap parently forgotten the lay lies In for the slayer of and Sffuirrels wtietlier in town or otinlr and thai offense a punishable one Catapult shooting and stone throwing these bright spring days appear to he exceedingly popular and a warning If the small boy feels he must destroy life In some form let him a crusade the and fly those two abiding sum mer evils rather than the feathered It would be well too for both the hark yard gardener and the farmer to keep a prospect eye on his Hie Insect It la true that robin may steal a few of his choice berries hut the thoughtful gardener will not begrudge them when be remembers that these fellows arc at the time waging a much more diligent and on the destructive and elusive cut worm than he could ever hope to do ho If you a garden and beet of in working warn the fainall hoy and encourage the bird Mw In Trad- While the campaign in favor of metric system a Up In the announcement of State department of commerce that It has found the decimal of hying goods to possess advantages over the other plans Instead of buy ing goods by the dozen formerly the department will in the future buy by of or The move ment 15 rapidly gaining favor in oilier ways and the time seems to be at band when Instead of ordering a dozen eggs the housekeeper will order by Ihe system one unite eggs and two units and so on A prominent knitting slates that it lias is saving adopted Hie new plan many wearybrain hours in arriving at costs for whereas was necessary rl divide by twelve all that is required under ulhcr system Is ihe derirnal one or two places in- pruspcela are that the decimal will I al lied with I he decimal money system on this continent ami lornblnalion will against which Ihe will rage in vain PERISCOPE WILL AID SHORT MAN IN CROWD FARMS FOR SALE ACRES IN TOWN8HIP TORONTO 10 acres workable balance bush acres fall ploughed Clay loam soil level bouse storeys 8 rooms good cellar fur nace Hank barn lioup horses and cattle box stalls water in stable driving house hoc pen hen bouse silo windmill fact that It can be carried around for viage and 1 JS3 whenever the liny switch is 1 SECRET OF THE FLASH LIGHT A pocket flashlight is the handi est little- device ever perfected for use about home during the night It saves all the bother of striking matches of lighting lanterns and the carrying of lights when one wants to look into dark places There is no mystery about the handy little flash light In spite of the AGENT iiQ NEWMARKET ACRES MILES FROM WE8TON MILES TO CITY LIMITS S from almost any position Dont up hope even if you are a liny person in a largo crowd To your rescue comes an of Ihe periscope designed specially for use in a crowds Ac cording to Popular Mechanics It consists a case having a minor at the proper angle at either end which can be extended to a length of two feet or more by reason of bellows connecting the two ends With the device lengthened the mirrors are ex posed ho the user can see over the heads of a crowd without difficulty YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKG This beam light be into the most Impossible The I acres workable balance pasture acre of orchard Clay flash light is an electric light It j loam soil level Good water house rooms cellar good differs in no way from the I trie lights in your home except that it is smaller The miniature lamp on the end of the flash light Is a perfect lamp of a fine fila ment of tungsten wire enclosed In a glass vacuum bulb no larger than the end of ones finger Wires lead the current into this lamp through the base and stem filament The stabling for its socket and can School of a mile Price Terms arranged 148 ON STONE ROAD MILE FROM MILES TO CITY LIMIT8 view from house Barn No on ground No 2 I mile from school I mile from stone road Price Terms arranged 1 ACRE8 WELL SITUATED ON YONQE 8T AURORA MILES TORONTO MILES acres workable balance bush and pasture Clay loam soil Plenty of water Frame house rooms good view Dank barn ft Latent Designs In Monuments and Headstones All Kinds of Work Promptly Attendfid to Call and Bee us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OP 8TONE Out to Order MEMORIAL TABLETS FOR Kept In JOHN 0 MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and GRANITE AND Phone Make no Mistake in Place Huron at Near Depot homed out like my The electricity for the flash light I Is produced by two chemical acres workable balance hush and pasture acre of or- batteries concealed within the handle chard acres fall ploughed Soil clay to sandy loam Good or body of the device These bat- water wells and a creek Brick house rooms Hank barn arc made to conform to the tieup horses and H cattle box stalls hog ncn hen house shape of the handle Each battery I consists three elements a zlno plate a carbon nlalc and the or chemlcoj The electrolyte Is school mile Church mile Price 10000 WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY Head Office Georgetown J A Representative J- P Representative NEWMARKET ONT Phone Junction 383 Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability made the Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community WITH a single tool the combination wrench and screw driver shown below which is included with every De Laval you can take it apart and set it up again in a few minutes Could anything be easier or simpler There arc no complicated parts no chain drives no cog wheel puzzles no ball bearings to get flattened or broken Every adjustment can be made quickly by the man on the farm without special tools of any kind Such simple construction makes the De Laval not only the longest lasting but also the easiest separator to clean and care for We will tell you on terms that cant help tilting you Come In and examine the machine let us show you it will do THE ONLY TOOL REQUIRED A NEW LAVAL THE CANE SONS GO LIBillTEl MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRE88ED LUMBER MO to form of a panic surrounding in zinc and carbon When Is hot In use Die spring tle- vlre of the push button circuit open the battery produces no The Instant the circuit Is completed by pressure on the 1 0M compound begins to no wnos the a form of com bustion the zinc Is consumed by the chemical electricity Is pro This electricity flows out over Ilia electric circuit of tiny wires within the device to electric lump ami causes It to glow and produce light The light Is reflected out Into a straight beam from a small reflector affixed behind SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pino Fir Ash or Oak Bold at that will Interact you Kindly give us a trial J OKI the hide lump I- MAKING NEW ARKET Co Limited When plumber makes mis take ho charges twice for it When a lawyer makes a mis take it is Just what ho wanted because he has a chance to try the case all over again When a carpenter makes a mistake its Just what ho expect ed When a makes a mis take he buries ft a Judge makes a mistake becomes the law of the land When a preacher makes a mis take nobody knows the difference But when an editor makes a mistake Good night I Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Expert Storage Battery Repairs i Is now no to send your to Toronto to bo Repaired If you have trouble with your Battery I can fix It While It la being repaired I can loan you a Battery to keep you going until Repairs are IGNITION CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT AND RE8IDEN0B LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATIONS EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERI 3D OF ONE YEAR ALFRED R STARR Market Building NEWMARKET S Mm f TORONTO VSFfeLS 5 sy 5 3