lpA3 fc re ti W h tinsdale agent mount albert ft Mount Albert ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Cook Mount Ajbert announce the engagement of their second daughter Laura Ella to Arthur J Boe son of Mr and Mrs D Port Perry the marriage to take place early in June and Mrs Case announce i the engagement of their daughter Alice Case to Mr C Jones marriage to take place early in June CONTINUATION SCHOOL Sot Month of April Form III Stuart Rowland Kenneth Stiver Velma Cain Milton Gordon Flossie Brooks Amy Brooks Form II Mildred Cupples Mar lon Stokes Olive 62 Cook Brooks 57 Viola Thirsk M Stanley Garnet Form I Rose Nellie Wi Eileen Rowland Murray Stokes Kenneth Harvey Leek 47 S3 Oldham liill PERSONAL Miss Moore has passed her final Examination at University Toronto and obtained her A degree Mr a former delivered an interesting lecture on Jean In the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening Mr and Mrs John Moore attended the graduation exercises at University last week The Infant daughter Mr and Mrs Merryweather of Toronto was here for burial or Tuesday or this week Dr and Mrs Cody entertained i number of their friends to ft progres sive euchre party on Friday evening Rev Clugsion who occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening was the guest of Mr I and Mrs Walls during his slay Town 1 ill Ke v it 1 I i WOMENS INSTITUTE The annual meeting of the Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs James Lavvson on Thursday of last week It was decided that be given for flowers for the Cemetery again this year The following Seen were elected fur the PresidentMrs Gray VlcePres Mrs Mrs Sleeper Social Committee Mrs Mrs Paisley and Mrs Programme Commit lee Mrs Main- prize Miss Leek Miss Walton Mrs James Lawson Directors Miss Smith Mrs Burn- ham Mrs Rarnsden District Director Mrs A Dike District Representatives Mrs J Woodcock Stokes a Si Smith Jr Mrs Mrs Gray Mrs Steeper Organist Mtss Vera Hogg Windsor May After a street car strike that had continuously for ten days and has tied up almost completely local transportation facilities on the east eight mile distant and on the west eighteen miles away as Swell as all intermediate points including Ihecily of Windsor an agreement was arrived at this evening by which both sides make substantial concessions and to morrow morning cars will be running once more Brown Hill The rain- season of last week put seeding bark immense farmers arc fearing the foe Lots of rain and cool waves on this sum mer Mr Entry took a trip up north last week We are glad to learn that Mrs John Miller Is up and around but slow to gain vitality great session of dragged her down Housecleaning is on the bill of fare these days I heard about men wearing fancy cut moustaches and was condemned in service on Sunday This caused a rustle in the dry leaves I hope our butter buyer of this village is ex cused of this Looking forward for a few days of sunshine Sleeping Beauty Queensville Despite the busy time there vas a large attendance at the Annual Business Meeting of the Methodist Ladies Aid held Sri the basement of the Church May An accurate and very satisfactory report of the past year was given by the Sec Mrs Geo White and the follow ing officers were re-elected- President Mrs J Stephens 1st Vice President Mrs Strasler 2nd Vice President Mrs Eves Sec Trea Mrs Geo White A splendid tea was served by Mrs Sennett Mrs Mrs White and Mrs Proceeds It- was unfortunate that the weather last Sunday kept many from hearing ser mon on Mothers that Count as there was much food in it for thought We hops there will bo a good attendance next Sunday to hear Voices of Nature v if HOPE My what a lot of wet Sundays I many out to Church An evan gelist from Toronto preached on Sun day He was a fine speaker Mothers Day was postponed till next Sunday Hope we have better weather The Ladies Aid will hold their Monthly Tea at Mrs John Hodges next Thursday the weleorne There will be a program Mr spent a couple of days in the this week Officers of Ladies Aid President Secretary Organist Missionary Mrs Mrs J Maude Mrs Mrs Wilfred Conveners I r PASTURE 300 Will take in head of 350 for yearlings for 2-year- olds for the seasons Plenty of good water C DAVIDSON Mount Albert Mrs Dike Mrs Mrs- Dike Program May The Joy of Spring Tide Miss Una Boyd Miss Mildred Woodcock June Missionary Meeting Subject Japan Mrs Tansley School Reports 8 8 No Eat Qwilllmbury and King Report exams held in all sub jects on May and Required Ret a Jr Roy Madill Kd Jr III- Required i20 Jennie West Bertha Buckles Clarence Hardy 109 III Required Hurry Buckles iHi Ruby Lane Jr Required i57 I Cooke French Morning Morning Sherman Robert milh Best Sutton West The Toronto General Trusts Cor poration applied for or the will of Miss Elizabeth Kemp SU- who died at Sutton April MM Ieaing 50 in personal effects fiiwQ in household goods and a promissory not for mortgagee cash horse and vehi cles shares Willow Timber Co three lots In valued at i000 and the prop erly known as The 100 acres of land in town ship valued at The testa trix left her family pictures includ ing two valuable of her greatgrandparents to Jdhn Revels toko her personal effects to her trustees to be distributed according to in structions left with them The Willi all the household goods to her nephew John Prom the residue of the estate lega cies of each are provided for her sisters Mary Mossington now de ceased Susan Annie G Paget sisterinlaw Amelia her nieces McKay Annie O Sophia her Mrs and the trustees of St Georges church Provision was also made for the payment of equal a years wages to each of the male employees who had been with her for two years continuously Immediately before of her demise Walter J Paris- in the only beneficiary under this clause of the will Fifty dollars is he paid to each of the children of the dc- THE TARIFF ISSUE FREEDOM J of Hugh lVanctS children Thomas Lyall and nephews and nieces respectively of the testator To her niece Kathleen Lloyd the testatrix left and to each of her nieces Mary Paget and francos Paget latter of whom Is overseas The residue is be queathed John Drink water jr died before the testatrix le children Briars was I a gone to the Township f Oeorgina to he used as all hospital known as The Memorial Hospital for Hie Ireatmenl of residents of tin The trustee of muni- estate of to set aside an endowment for the hospital also owned properly in Shanghai he value of wllh he estimated at present a Ill cannot From the Ottawa Citizen lb is reported that the Western Unionist members have placed their minimum program of tariff reduction before Sir Thomas White While there is no definite information regarding the nat ure of their proposals it is un derstood that a reduction of per Cent in the general tariff has been asked for Some tinkering changes of this kind may seem highly satisfactory to members of parliament who are slHI Conservative though may call themselves Union ist or even Liberal But some thing moresubshintial will cer tainly be needed to bring down present inflated cost of living and to industry from the extraordinary overhead charges under which it is trying to carry on at present A testing time is aparontly here for those members of parliament who are free to take the for the cause of democracy Behind the economic question of fiscal reform is the larger issue of freedom That issue will have to be taken up this session in parliament on the budget or of parliament for some before session Progressive representatives need not go further than the- plat form drafted by the Canadian Council of Agriculture for a con- d five program The farmers platform as it is ailed issued by the Canadian Vnincil of Agriculture with at Winnipeg would seem to be indeed the only con structive national program of re form before the country The first plank in the platform is to reduce the customs tax by one half on goods imported from Britain and a gradual in the remaining tariff on British imports hat will en sure complete free trade between Britain and Canada in- five The this measure of freedom should his taken this session Among other progressive planks In the farmers platlforrn are the placing of all foodstuffs on the free list and a material reduction in he customs tariff on all other necessities of life Reciprocity with the United Slates would include freedom of duty on all goods at present duly free from Canada to the United States This would fake the tax off foot wear The first proposal for raising revenue in the farmers platform a direct tax on unimproved land values including all natural resources This proposed ax would among other benefits help to pry the monopoly interests loose from the valuable coal lands of Canada It would tend force the coal operators increase the coal people of Canada or let go to someone who would v firs A LISTER Manager Newmarket Branch homeless with hi3 amfljr almost stripped clothing thrown upon the charity of the community for their immediate needs forced to start all over All in one night 1 He had gene to bed with his security and with the gratification of having a home of his own and a tidy sum tucked away Truly a man who making his way in the world I in one flash all went fire had swept it all away of a It is the tragic story of the man who does not believe- in banking his savings where I can keep my eye on it he is apt to remark but when the big blow falls he realizes his folly too late In the Bank of Toronto money is absolutely sale There it earns a fair rate of interest there it is protected by all the resources of a strong national institution The ravaging flames of The savings and work THE QUALITY BEING RELIABLE One of the finest qualities can possess either individuals or as a class is the quality of being able to bo depended upon As a class of young men it is our earnest desire be reliable which means thai wo would rather make few promises and keep them than to make a number and bis j faithful in a few Whenever a class in an agreement it causes those with whom such agreement is made to lose faith It happens with us now and then thai through unpresentable causes we cannot meet an obligation as soon as we had honed but the first step towards j honorable way out of Such a difficulty is to get an a few days or weeks grace in which we have the opportunity to make good But this grace is offered not to dodge an obli gation but merely to give lis a chance We arc riot dodgers but meet every j obligation squarely By having the reputation of being reliable we are given greater We accept these or such I of as we can handle fully be- them lo be given us as a special favor The superintendent asks us lu perform special tasks for the Sun- 1 day School or for departments of the Sunday School because as he frankly tells us ho believes us to be reliable We cannot do everything would lik to do or thai asked do- and rather than fall we take only such tusks as we can successfully do mm The Clev does all kinds HERBS a tractor that works on ail coils It lays its own track It has repeatedly shown itself capable of pulling a Oliver plow at miles an hour in medium soil conditions turning to acres per day which equals the- work of three teams and three men It means easier more profitable work of all Saves time saves crops if- rowcr farming is a the Cleveland Tractor Ontario farms proven success and adapted jot The first step in making to a garden is lo collect lards supplies to the neighbors borrowed last year II is travel with I Write us for prices and fill you and where you can see the Cleveland doing actual farm I Then in Ci in the platform drafted I Canadian Council AkpI- ss y SV Hi Having seemed the services Q lately returned from overseas we are now prepared to do PLUMBING ami FURNACE WORK We have also full line of GENERAL HARDWARE 1 1 so PERFECTION COAL OIL J ROWLAND Mount LORD Import ami owned by 1 owl- oil A Rons will rod home for John Monday May droreJ In John Mat Joys Dal for noon Voiilnrf for Tuesday John Pine Jennie West Duff Vancouver May The between Vancouver and- Victoria was yesterday by Captain Alfred ley pilot and Carl jo nnu The flight way made in a Canada fcKijn Victoria at oclock they ar rived here oclock mak ing lie flight from Vnncohvor was made a of 7000 feel and against New Butcher in Sutton ffnvina Mnod flu I Shop In Button he undersigned solicit HASTENING THE CORN CROP The corn grower in colder ami more northern party of Can ada find some advantage from the use of as a Or Dominion out in an article hi The Agricultural gazette for May that one of lie Important functions of phosphoric acid maturity and view that the mi hare of the tor no f ML Albiil for Bert Scott to Id I for nlgh- for noon for nielli aUirrfay- KUwiUrKi I A for Si I fa noon ml tit A UPll ri S A JOBS TO LET Woodshed floor one floor House ft ft AM Kinds of and Salt Meats will he kept on hand Vies Will bo Found Reasonable Main St Sutton MAIL CONTRACT III- to will he re UV0 ft ft Cement Wall floored Above johfc will he let separate all Apply on lot ihe5fh JOHN mm A IK FOR sale heavy winter- Ayrshire reives A Wilt to reived Ottawa noon on Friday the of June for the of Niuiniys on contract for four years nix oiith route it Jacksons fio the t of October next Printed polices further to conditions of pro posed Contract may be Been and forms of Iciidr may bo obtained at Hie Post of West Point Hud at the of be Post Inspector I Toronto I A Post office Inspector Office Inspectors Toronto May is expresses the an amplication ji will materially hasten the coin crop more espGclally In season By this moans may reach the glazing Bingo before tinre is much risk from early aijiumn frot and the lime for cutting has tic an ap plication of say pounds aero or in on prepared land before planting in order thai the effect might he Dr that a strip alongside should he left a man Mir- lit for he golan 1 jiital May of villi and dctealis from several mun icipalities packed Victoria Hall last night and applauded Sir I opposition i the proposal lion Ilnnll and lion Or Raid hat Mm wilier powers of the si Lawrence should he developed by the Feder al for tha good of the and particularly for use of Ihe railways Moose Jaw May The in dustrial in the west was placed at the door of by several employer ami employee wltnesries the afternoon sexsion of Mathers commission here today Inact ivity on the part of the Govern ment was charged and the failure to fulfill promises made to the people the last election and since There was also com plaint that the high cost of liv ing bad always led wngdHi wilh the result thai there was no ch ance for worker to get oven or to put anything away for the lean years The commission finished Its Investigations ami left for the east on the afternoon train I by Council of culture It is a platform upon I which city workers and farmers can stand alike to their mutual advantage and to the advantage I lm whole country Western members especially should get themselves clear on the sound ness of farmer platform before budget is presented Ibis session and be prepared to I lake I heir stand when the issue I comes up for this the time to deride Canada is lo have freedom or bureaucracy The fact is that people of I Canada seem he the most heavily burdened of all by tariff protectionism The Canadian tux year 1 about 20 per ImArt The breadwinner for a family of five bad pay on an average in projectionist luxes on necessities of life food cloth ing fuel root wear In the Inifed Stales during the same period the amount collected in customs taxes was alioUf per bead The head of an average family in inpaying Sinn in euslonis luxes as ngainsl paid by Hie under in loon League show the police man Otherwise he is liable To smash the glass with his club E G00DERHAM COMPANY 97105 Wet Richmond Street TORONTO A A for very popular lor prefer ttruceful lints of this touts heel tip In Mack leather or browns Why in I Is lr fascinating that business Windsor soldiers in fin bow ihinr urc none of Ihiir YOU may think that because we are big manufacturers and you only one consumer out of several million we have no special interest in you and you have no real interest in us Nothing could be farther from the truth that that May I J- Nearly fill nil Loudon are oil following clash- yesterday between striking car men and strikers There was an incipient riot on avenue yesterday when five ears manned by strike breakers attempte operate in an effort to break the days old strike of motormen and con ductors of Hie Sandwich Windsor and Slreel May P On Thursday the Hon J Cody formally opened Barrios fine new Co I log J ate Just completed at a total cost of about Is situated in the centre of the town The building is thoroughly modern In every and the declared hat be had seen nothing to surpass it Hi Ontario This school was est ablished in 1841 and has always occupied a high place among the schools of the pro- Our future in the end just one tiling thy satisfaction Which our product given to you the consumer And your satisfaction depends to a extent upon the attention which you give to the buying of Tor bear in mind fact no matter with what care we select the materials which go into a shoe- no matter how the workmanship may ta il will not give you the full measure of satisfaction unless it is correctly fitted to your foot And that is something which we cannot control We do insist that the materials which go into our shall the best quality possible at the price do make sure that the workmanship is ji nearly perfect a our human organization can nuke it but we must stop there We cannot Insure that you will buy the type of shoe which will give you the best service or the size ami width which alone can give you comfort and satisfactory wear And so wc speak to you through this advertising the only method by which we pan hope to reach you all Our object is not merely to sell more of our siloes We seldom ask you to buy A shoes Our purpose rather to tell you how you may obtain better comfort and better service from the shoes you buy Of course we hope that you will buy A shoes and we are confident that sooner or later you will do so Hut wc want to make sure that when you fa buy them you will get all the comfort and satisfaction which try to build into them Our booklet How to Buy Shoes goes into the subject more fully than is possible m newspaper space It is sent on request to any address in Canada May we send you a copy with our compliments AMES HOLDEN McCREADY LIMITKD Shoemakers to the Nation TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER r