WATSONS Jewelry Store The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance i- TERMS per when to United States in only- JVC Watson Graduate Detroit Optical Institute 1S04 Canadian mm I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE 9 Copies VOL No urn Its Fun to Refinish Your Home When You Use the Right Varnish DO you know that a good floor varnish is not necessarily a good furniture varnish is of the things we have learned in our long experience in selling varnishes Our knowledge is at your dispose be sure to tell US what you are going to refinish and we will give you the right varnish at the right price BINN8 HARDWARE The Place to Buy Good Paints and Varnishes over tee years Bank Money Orders For settling small accounts where it is not desirable to pay by cheque many Business Houses as well as Individuals regularly use the Bank Money Orders issued by The Bank of Montreal THE ROBINS RETURN By Special Correspondent of Newmarket Era A C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD SOLE AGENT FOR SCR ANTON COAL THE BE8T MINED IN AMERICA Why not Buy the Best for your Supply ORDERS NOW TAKEN W PEARSON Cor Church and Carters Giles John Murphy ESTABLISHED OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND Success A SAVINGS ACCOUNT steadies the ladder of success Every branch of bank has a sav ings department Interest allowed at current rate Main Office Wellington Street East Blanches In Toronto The elderly gentlemen with the oppressed manner ran his fingers through his iron gray hair and sighed faintly The sigh was caused by a little French miss practising her latest piano selection in the apartment across life way She did it with stops and stumbles Willi jerks and starts and maladroit fingering but still guishably The melody came float ing in through the windows of Suit A Hotel Meurice stirring boyhood collections in the elderly gentlemans bosom- He knew tune His little sister used to play it years ago at Grande Pre and with the tinkling notes came back the scenes of those dim distant days reminding hirn he had a native land which he had seen only at short intervals for a very long time He remembered that the piece was called The Robins Return and the associated idea which caused him to sigh faintly was that Robin was a pet name of his own and that there might be people in Canada who would say that was about time for this partic ular Robin to return He could envi sage the heading Robert Reluctantly Returns and he sighed again One can always go home when there is no place else to go The Robins jingled on its thrills and roulades representing ap proximately the joyous sounds of spring the birds chirping the crocuses croaking people sneezing In damp houses and other vernal outbursts Hope gleamed in the elderly gentle mans eye Perhaps he muttered its the spring That feeling of lassi tude which the patent medicine adver tisements speak about Certainly its not love or anything like that The last tiling I could feel like is a wanton lapwing Its not that Maybe its indigestion This French cooking does lure one oil He plunged deeper in his gloomy thoughts A spasm of pain wrenched his features tie moaned can it be that I am homesick Kst- je suls whats the French for if 1 a has Mustnt say helm well thats talk Thats the worst of those peace conferences get your languages mix edmake Babel a mere affair The elderly gentlemen rumpled his hair again No no he moaned not that Indigestion yes Spring lassi tude yes But homesickness at my age how foolish I Id got over that long ago As a citizen of the world as a statesmen of the habit able universe as a moulder of the whole rather than of any particular pari of earthly globe I can afford focus my affection on one spot And yet here a tear trailed slowly down toward his moustache and yet I am human must pay the penalty Of such a weakness They are missing over there What docs my dear friend Mr say He turned to a large three hundred and seventy five dollar mahogany desk fished out a yellow cablegram and read Spring backward rained every day since you us no meteorological expression of nations sorrow at your continued absence country sodden with grief fanners cannot do their seeding until he sunshine of your smile removes the water from the land That said Premier fur I can keep the secret no longer that said Sir Robert settles It I may not be homesick for Canada but Canada Is homesick for me Whatever befalls must do my duly Thoroughly aroused Canadas stern strong silent son touched it button and a servant appeared kindly ask Mr to come here Arthur said the premier when that insculahle and gentleman had taken a seal we Start for Canada tomorrow My exclaimed the Pride of Alberta Shocked out of his usual reticence Youre not going to fly hot after what happened to Hawker and Grieve Well not exactly and Premier smiled again Its a case of come birdie come lets fly away home but were going to do It by boat a fast safe boat preferably Hie Aqui- Are we all going toy fly away home asked Mr Sifton Do and Foster fly too No Arthur lust you and I do the flying We leave and Foster behind because are ground birds and will stay where they take you Arthur because well because I dont care to leave you be hind Where I go you go at least un til things are straightened out I brought you to- Paris smiled Premier Borden because your name is Arthur and lhal name is associated with Round Tables such as they use at the peace conference the cafes Now that pur mission is over for a while at any rale we go back to the Round Table on the Parliament Hill where we can watch each other Needless to say the wanderers hearts even a fast ship like the Twenty knots an hour was all to slow for them- The wirless put in touch with DooReld and Jim at least two days before the ship docked There were kisses all round on both checks It is the French fashion explained Premier Borden to Doc Reid who emerged tousled from these embraces It signifies brotherly love We are going to Introduce it in Canada Thats no reason growled Jim Why Arthur should bite off the end of my moustache fts a sad homecoming Doctor Winnipeg Is in the hands of the Bolshevists who have set Up a Republic Whats the matter with the mach ine guns Were COMMUNITY LEAGUE PROPOSED FOR NEWMARKET Much Interest Aroused Welfare In Child About people attended the meeting in he Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week and it was indeed a great pleasure to hear Mr J J Kelso of Toronto give a quiet talk on Community interests For oyer an hour he dealt with personal experiences with boy and girl life and how best the communitycan benefit the growing generation Not only that but how lo make life happier for everybody- He strongly advocated good wages for working people because it meant better surroundings better clothing and more personal all having a tendency the right direction The com plaint about small own life is that it is- dull stupid This not bo so if the community providodwhat the growing youths require A town Of this size Mrs Geo A Brodle of Newmarket President of the United Farm Women of Ontario Hard workers as they arc the rida fl women on the farms are finding grounds tennis time in these strenuous days to ling for selectfew think as well as work and their cal I root problems of S community and the Canadian life Rural spent in y iB academic ques- best flns ion but an evil and a misfortune innir I Sin T which presses on their very lives Sf seen as a greens not for the think as well as work ihei for the public People thoughts are taking a praclicf should encourage the play spirit turn They are occupied wit The Moving Picture Shows should some of root problems c posed that Newmarket should have a Community Service League and a building for this purpose would be a very suitable War Memorial There should be a Town Mother who would visit the poor and provide for their necessities out of a charity fund menace to the whole Dominion The best most enterprising farmers it is said are leaving the land for the where the chances of ample re ward for brainpower and in dustry are many times greater than in he country though aflvr YEARS AGO From EraFyle June 1869 The Dominion Lacrosse Club has been organized composed of young men of the village and others from Street Brigade Major Dennis inspect ed Newmarket Grammar School District Association last J Selby in command Mr John Dennis advertises his new patent barn Mr Walter Dudley has put his shingle as Barrister Dr of Schomberg has taken up his residence here The Newmarket Woollen Mills under the management of Mr is in the height of its prosperity Died At June i his year- 25 YEARS AGO J ffH s fcK mm snorted Premier Harden you afraid to erack that Kg Well alder we thought you might like to discuss it with You were willing enough meet them al Prinklpoo Bill not here snarled Premier and Canada are Iwe different Am I never to get away from the Bolshevists It seems Doctor Mold spoke with a tear In his eye You gel em going and coming Sir Robert Thats why we brought you back In Union Government there is strength or ought to be and your the father of it Well here are your babies for you The scene changes lo Ottawa the civic welcome to Canadas Presumably Son a brass hand half a dozen twelve flags on the Post office and two Controllers it a rather scratch us scratch can reception- Premier Bor den remarks I more people on ihe streets to catch a glimpse of me Its a little early explains the Minister of Immigration This Is not a reception but a funeral and very few people rare to view the remains NEW MARVELS IN TELEPHONY BY WIRELESS ft- REYNOLDS NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch alto Aurora so goon Hi Cheer up We shall come back in fall If survive the general lection In good lime to our great privilege of signing on dolled line think protested the Minister of Customs think of gloom will was- aptly from practical life Children and young people will not wrong if pleasantly occupied School life should be made tractive There is a danger in suppressing natural genius to conform rules rather than en couraging originality The idea of community service is modern instead of the former sanctimonious and prejudicial attitude His Worship Mayor Kves pre sided and expressed his personal appreciation of the Think of Big Four sorrow NOTICE TO CREDITORS All to estate of fate village of Mount Yeoman who died Albert on the lath day of are notified to I with solicitor for Thomas and John executory Uie by the day of Immediately thereafter joe said will proceed to mm hereto having regard only to then filed May A I W Solicitor for Newmarket Oat WOOD AND LAND FOR acres south east quarter Lot ft in the Con estimated to contain cords or more wood Including pice birch and maple suitable for manufacturing Land can be pastured at wood cut as wanted and a market for all pine birch and maple suitable for manufacturing guaranteed at per cord Look this over and make Cane Newmarket Ont cast over Paris It will bring have already thought of that and ha ve made Arrangements to soften the blow Our friends shall not sorrow as hose without hope I am leaving Lloyd gets my pocket comb permission to pari his hair in the middle Just like mine Clmnceau gels a full set of my photographs from the age of seven years Up a very interesting human document And Orlando gets my best accompanied by certain parting word of advice on the Latin lempcr- ment President Wilson we shall see of course quite often In fact If by any mistake I that Washington post Balfour must have had a of this said the Minister of Custom I heard him whistling Willi ye come bark again last Oh we all right and Premier Borden smiled wanly but meanwhile we do our duty and pay at least a flying vIhII to Canada Youre not going fly are Mr face expressed alarm y London The other day I chatted with Marconi That great scientist touched for a few moments wireless telephony During the early part of war said he a message des patched wireless telephony from America was actually received in IVonco so that for this invention there would appear to bo sonic scope Some modesty Hits if ever there was such a lust try imagine the marvels of the wonderland into which this old world is slowly nut surely de veloping Win to do in the wireless Will achieve in future with perfect ease A chat between couple of busi ness magnates one in Paris ihe other in Chicago will become pari and parcel of the business routine of the As time goes on and wire- loss telephony become loss ex pensive business will speedily find il a constant Widely as was wireless tele phony put to the test during the latter- stages of the war vocated a public skating rink for What be done lo keep the winter amusements under proper farmer on his farm his absni management and would not oh- necessary business The jeel to young people dancing thinkers on the farms men ami dec similar Child- women believe they have the an- and young people try to live to this question and are up what people expect of them getting together in mighty and this was to press their solu tion on the attention of legis lators of our country The great successful organiza tions of the Grain Growers of Saskatchewan and Manitoba and of the Farmers of Alberta and Ontario Are making them selves fell in the national life In the West farm women banded themselves together several years ago lo work for Hie same objects as the farm men with in addi tion some specific objects of their own but association s called the United Farm of which was preceded by vocal solos Ontario will not be a year old by Messrs A and till June next also Donald Mrs Mason to make itserf felt and that in no j long lime for the farm women of Ontario are many and when I hey come inlo line must have weight The President of the new or ganization is Mrs George A of Newmarket She is a Canadian of the fourth general lion for It was hoi- greatgrand father who first settled in North York where she was horn husband was also born in this country but his immcdiale fore bears were Mrs should prove a successful organizer for though direct and forceful in her ar raignment iff be ills she knows she has he fearless air if one who can see the way hi victory puts cause of rural de population and the attendant so cial disadvantages the country in a nutshell The whole ques tion is economic she says The farmer does not get his fair share of either capital or labour and cannot compete with protected industries for the labour he so urgently requires It must be acting as accompanist Mr W Hunter eulogized the address of Mr Kelso ami strongly advocated the formation of a branch of Childrens Aid So ciety through whose officers here might be a morn equitable distribution of at Christmas time Reeve Keith emphasized the democratic spirit in Newmarket and explained what the was doing for neglected children He also endorsed the of a Community League for the Town Hall of the Christian Church who was in charge of the Aid work in Hi Ontario for four years spoke Of the absolute necessity of an j She educational campaign on child welfare He strongly endorsed Mr Hunters idea- Father Wedlock briefly Spoke on the community idea for social and moral of he people and regretted thai some are- to be found who do not ful fil I heir obligations as parents- After some leolilcil in wit it h I Aid officers wore chosen President Mr W Hunter VicePros Father Wed lock 2nd ViccIres C Hall Mrs Cane Treasurer Dr Wilkinson It was also decided lint the fee be per year and a number who were present joined In newlyformed organi zation from the churches and factories will he appointed on the Executive and steps will be taken add the list of members F Thomas and Lawrence were also on ally in be- but time did not permit lie aerial commanders and the units operating under their direction infinitely wider will be the scope of this invention In the great days to be Now Is the lime to can your rhubarb for use before It gels stringy CASTOR I A For and ChUdrea In Um For Over SO Years ftlvvaya of them to give addresses It was nearly oclock when the mooting closed TIME TO WIN When you have failed once it is the time to go in and win Wo the weakness that was our undoing before Wo see the mistakes which we need to avoid life In Mia country and if he gains from the high prices of foodstuffs he lakes market he suffers from heavy taxation from the exces sive cost of machinery of clothing and necessaries That least one view Of Ihe situation from the Inside Mrs Hrodie says thai farm ers and farm women want cheap food and desire that every work er should receive the due reward of bis labour As means this the of farmers demands a tariff for revenue only and direct taxation on land values Is of interest that member ship in the P W is open In farmers and their sons as well as lo 1 In wives and daughters while the mens organization also admits women Farm men and women are accustomed to work ing together as Mrs Brodle says want to ope rale in the same way on municipal Provincial and Federal matters One of the special objects for such coopera tion is building up of The From Era June 1894 Mr John spent the at Mrs Coglin and daughter of Toronto nee Miss is visiting Miss The Toronto boys who spent at home are Messrs Ed and Will Oliver Fred J Lewis Thomas Gardner of Toronto Sep Nash of W of and Ed Barry Acton Mrs Jane Taylor and daughter arc making a lour of the Eastern States Mr and Mrs Watson of Pine Orchard celebrated their Golden Wedding last Monday Mr J Woodcock and Mr Jackson are spending a couple of days this week in making arrangements for the Agricultural Excursion Messrs J Millard Stephen Howard and Weddel are delegates the Christian Church Conference at- Keswick on the 13 of June Benjamin Wooji of Toronto minister of Friends Churcii attended Quarterly at Yonge St last Sunday and was the guest of Mr Thos Moore of Newmarket About twenty girls went down to the Station to see Miss Gertie Wright off for Manitoba They presented her with a gold ring as a rememberance The following from Newmarket attended he Young Peoples Convention iis this week Miss Miss Mor ton Miss Pretty Miss Miss Lehman Miss Miss Jackson Miss Keith Messrs W Starr Pretty and J Sodden Mary Ida and Harry Paul of Detroit are spending three weeks with their grandmother Mrs NoMnr A Fife ami Drum Hand was organized on Monday evening with fifteen pieces Mr is the leader North Council had a Mutton Bill last Saturday Dan ford Co are how occupying Ihrec adjoining stores which show their immense stock to great advantage The Altar on May by It AHin Mr John Holland of ML Albert Miss Elizabeth of Whitchurch On May by the father of the bride at St Catharines Mr J of Buffalo to Miss Sarah Smith daughter of W Smith late of Newmarket SOME is the wish of every patriotic parent that bis child shall stand in front ranks of the business To get this result the teacher the parent ami the child must work together Open mutiny with the school means hindrance to the child to attain this high standing There should lie close unity freely on these subjects which will largely determine he welfare of the future of the child If ho is not doing well in school it is your duty to see the teacher and help to devise plans which will remedy the evil Dont pour your wrath on the teacher at supper table in the presence of be children It only means that your will reap you sow for them They will have no confidence in the teacher cause trouble in school and lose in terest In learning- Exohange i I 3 K saRB If wo have Up right material In women are on having con ns our determination will be solldated schools technical much strengthened not weaken- I raining and education planned by our experience We with a definite view needs should never accept a falluc as of the man and woman an excuse for not trying longer wish to have at least one make It a reason for trying woman Misfortune Sometimes brings the out of Slnoo There is sot 6 Ire must o noes out of which a strong until relying upon his Strength may net himself are beneath the notice ft tails that of men The spirit or organization and cooperation is spreading from province to province and at time of writing Mrs Brodie Is on her way to represent the young association Ontario in the great interprovincial convention on every rural of United Form Women ho again and I board to attend to the small do- Canadian Magazine for May ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO