Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1919, p. 2

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ft house on South side Street property of the late Robert Thompson rooms and cellar cement foundation small stable in rear Two acres Apply to CHOPPIN Solicitor for Administrator Editorial Note i Caterers to the amusement J life DEBATE lffC r THE SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD OF CANADA evening Full Information regardlna Soldier Land Settlement Work may now be secured at the of fices of the Agricultural Repre sentatives of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture throughout the Province Agricultural Representative for York County seem to keep pace June Problem every scientific advance- of industrial more menL The merrygoround is particular reference to the lame affair compared with Uietnipeg stride was roller coaster or the chulethe chutes but now the seeker after exhilarating excitement is offer ed an aerial night at Ine up-to- date amusement grounds One wonders wnat will come next v I I ta- Plumbing and Furnaces GET OUR PRICES Kb HARDWARE NEWMARKET The first instalment of The Bear of Silver Dale by George Gilbert the wellknown outdoor writer appears in Rod Gun for June This is a thrilling story of adventure along the trap line Anyone interested in the Timagami Forest Reserve would do well to read splendid ar ticle entitled 4 Seven Day Canoe Trip which tells of the doings of eight red blooded young men in the north country The May number of the Cana dian Magazine is an exception- ably interesting one take the liberty of reprinting a timely article on The Way to Industrial Peace by Mr of To ronto which worthy of the per- sal of our readers It is a com prehensive statement of facts and deductions therefrom with which we heartily agree and the sooner public opinion recognizes the lines of argument the sooner will industrial peace obtain Miss own spent the weekend Toronto Mr of Cooks- town was calling on friends in Town one day last week Gunner Meek son of debated in the commons for several hours yes terday the topic being introduced by Dr Blake of North Winnipeg who moved the adjournment of the house There was sharp cri ticism by members the opposi tion of the government for its methods of dealing the sit uation and milder criticism from supporters of the government Dr Blake thought that the granddaughter spent a few heart of was ail right but Mr returned home from overseas night many friends in Town of wilt be pressed to learn of his safe arrival from overseas Mr and Mrs Chas Kinby and The Column Words or for and J for each additional word per Word for aoh subsequent ttan If not ordered extra will be charged for boohing Refrigerator and Table Apply to Mrs Lehman Prospcot Aye House Keeper middleaged to look after Box 644 Newmarket ill it At last the Dominion Govern ment has woke up to the fact that it made a mistake in forcing out W OConnor from the Cost of Living Commissionership and a new Commission has been appointed to deal with the neces sities of life The Toronto Telegram is of the opinion that the power behind the Government is the packing houses and storage plants who were respon sible for his removal Possibly the new Commission is more in sym pathy with the Government and will succeed in holding to draw salaries and continue donothing principle of the Government At any rate it can go through the motions of getting at the bottom of the high cost of living if nothing else A a MOTOR FREIGHT SERVICE TO TORONTO I will start a Daily Freight Service commencing Monday June 2nd to Toronto Goods will be deliv ered from door to door as requir ed Will also handle long dis tance moving No trip too long to give service and all work guar anteed 1 MURPHY Newmarket Phone Box I I FOR on 3rd con East Gwil- acres under cultivation balance pasture Good Barn Cement stables Implement filled Flowing well Cement Mouse of rooms Close to school Church etc Acres Township East clear balance bush Run ning water Good Barn Silo Utter Carrier Frame House close to school 100 Acres Town ship North All tillable Large Barn First Class Stables underneath Silo Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Class Brick House Lo cated miles from miles to shipping points miles from Metropolitan Railway mile from School ami Church Newmarket Phone 208 Box According to the census re turns of there were in Cana da persons over five years of age who could neither read nor write in any language and in the prairie provinces are 102525 people who cannot speak English Commenting oh this condition Dr Andersons P for Halton said that segregation prevented education and Canada needed a more progressive policy especially for the children of the foreign horn Re gave figures to show that the countries which have national schools have the least illiteracy The question of amending he British North American Act is discussed in the House of Commons and it would seem the part of wisdom to secure the establishment of a nonsectarian school system throughout Dominion of Canada I i AHARCHI8T8 TO BLOW PLOT UP AMERICAN i VafihlmTtfH Radical apparently attempted tei throughout The country through the near liie residence of prominent men Within a few minutes after the ex plosion of a bomb at the door of residence here With the killing of one man evi dently the person planting the bomb reports were received from Boston Pittsburg Philadelphia J Mass Cleve land and New York City of similar attempts tun In all cases except and Philadelphia the bomb attempts were directed against Ihe lives of public Officials In the home of a Bilk manufacturer was wrecked while in Philadelphia where two explosions attempts were made to blow up a Church and a private re sidence The similarity of in reports re ceived from the various cities recall ed to authorities the May Day bomb plot of a month ago The bomb planted under the steps of the borne of AttorneyGeneral Pal mer In the fashionable Northwest section of Washington wrecked the smashed In the window of adjoining bouses for a block but in jured no one within the Palmer re sidence An empty suit case found near the entrance and a handbill signed the Anarchistic Fighters printed on red worded in inflammatory fash- Ion and served notice of Intent of its to begin general war on lead ers of was the only clue avail able at a lite hour tonight In the Renfrew Mercury was a strong advocate of Union Government In last weeks is sue it says Canada at this time needs a strong man a man who will be bold enough grapple with Ihe situation who will show us what the real rouble fa and how it can he ef fectually cured and thus lead us bark once more into the prewar days of peace and contentment When a lively debate over the results of legislative action was discussed in the House of Commons on Monday night the Premier said Keep your heads you are belter off than of Europe Thus Inn fails to submit any proposal to alleviate Ihe In dustrial unrest that paralysing in this recon- period The Dominion vTanls allow Leader one wilh an optimistic program and a com mand of language that can in spire the people to activity that leaders were not al ways what they should be The Winnipeg situation partook more of the nature of a revolution than a strike he thought While agreeing that there were many real causes for unrest he de clared that the government should stamp out sedition radical labor leaders and deal with mat ters with a firm hand Government Inaction A and Major Power two of the chief opposi tion critics of the day maintained that government inaction and in ability to properly handle the re construction problems were the chief causes for the unrest in Canada today The govern ments action in naming a parlia mentary committee to investigate the high cost of living Mr described as too late For a Commission Major Andrews Centre Win nipeg who represents probably a majority of the strikers in parlia ment was disposed to be sym pathetic to their cause and made a plea for the appointment of a commission to deal with disputes Mr W A Buchanan of Leth- likewise favored action along these lines and urged that the high cost of Irving could be lessened by tariff adjustments Force Broken Speaking length at the even ing sitting Hon Arthur who returned recently from Win nipeg told the house that the force of the strike had been large- broken The strikers he said had assumed governmental au thority and had denied the neces sities of life to many people The aroused citizenship of Win nipeg had organized and the strikers had retreated from the position they had assumed the result that the strike had les sened The attitude of the citi zens of Winnipeg hesaid was adamant and they were deter mined that there should be noth ing but complete defeat for those who have asserted governmental authority If collective bargain ing was to be granted as a prin ciple there must be some unit to which it would apply and beyond which it could not go Mr Meighcn announced that the 380 post office employes who declin ed to return to work have per- manetnly lost their jobs W Jacobs said Mr had made it clear by his speech that he was the wrong man to send lo Winnipeg and accused Hon Gideon Minister of Labor of having been recreant in his duty Liberal Suggestion Liberal Loader suggested the establishment of a labor court on the lines of the Supreme on which the provinces would all repre sentation a properly established court handing down judgments hat would be res pected the right strike might be denied The suggestion caus ed Sir Robert Borden who fol lowed to describe the Opposition leader as of the finest Of in the house days with her sister and niece at Grand Valley rMr William Belfry and family have moved from Toronto and will be welcomed by their many friends Sgt Nightingale of To ronto just returned from over seas was a guest at the Methodist Parsonage on Saturday last amethlst and pearl broach Finder will be rewarded by leaving at P 0- Wanted An experienced Stenograph er State salary and give references The A Co Aurora Office Desk for Sale A splendid roletop Desk as good as new at a bargain Enquire at Era office For Rough House an Niag ara St Large gardenall kinds of Small fruit Apply to Box Newmarket For Sale Brick house All modern conveniences West side of Town A miscellaneous shower was SIablc given Miss-Ada- at the Millard Part Ave home of Mrs A on Farm for Rent or would Sell Acres workable pasture Bush Rank Barn Silo Hog Pen Bearing Orchard Apply Box 364 Newmarket p Eggs for S While Leghorn from a well selected heavy laying strain Eggs for hatching per E Hodgins Keswick Thursday evening of last week by her many girl friends Driver Lyons Inch got home from France on Thursday even ing of last week looking splendid He went throuigh the two years of warfare without receiving a scratch W Straw These warm days make you feel like discarding your heavy hat or cap We have Just open ed up our Sailor and Panama Hats and they certainly are nifty In Panamas We are showing these in Fedora and Telescope In prices from to We are showing a nice range of 8ailors in Split and Sennets in the New 8hapes See our Windows for the Latest Mens Us a Call Outfitter WILL SIGH All men born but grow up to Irt president or baseball umpires The poorest way In the world to get a light heart Is lo throw your load on others Lots of people find marriage a failure but a grass widow only temporary embarrassment Winnipeg June At a mans meet ing lo- day the Policemens Inlon un animously voted to sign the modified terms contained in the ultimatum pre sented by the Police Commission pro viding that the police must not par ticipate In a sympathetic strike A resolution passed to support con stituted authority hi all times In main taining lav and order Troops Which were ordered to be In readiness yesterday and help at the Winnipeg Barracks during a parade which marked the most aggressive activity of union men since the strike began were on duly again this morn ing The city Was quiet during the night IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT The announcement of Premier that he will not do anything regarding provincial legislation which union men are demanding until the sympathetic strike Is called off came as a surprise to those who had de manded that he and his Cabinet resign on the ground of Incompetency The statement by Railroad Brother hood executives that they had trans mitted to the executive Of the Winni peg Metal Trades Council an offer for settlement which had been received from the heads of the Winnipegs three leading iron workers was Another Im portant development The Premier Speaks Sir Robert Borden denied the assertion of several speakers that this government was subject to the influence of certain interests He said the government was not subject to the Influence of any one outside parliament and would pot bo so long as he was a mem ber of it He reminded the house of a governmental policy regard ing the packing industry and challenged a statement by Mr McKenzic that the government had never taken any step in Interest of labor by slating that a labor man had been created a member of the senate and after words made a minister of the crown The government he said had repeatedly consulted em ployers and employes on Indus trial mailers and he believed that In no country In the world would Industrial problems he morn easi ly settled than In Canada Mr Leslie Jackson youngest son of the editor of- the Era who is located at Alberta has been appointed Po lice Magistrate for the Town and adjoining District Rev Frank Cornell a former pastor of the Friends Church in Newmarket is expected to attend the Canada Yearly Meeting Friends to be held in Newmarket the latter part of this month MrSsH Lush of Toronto formerly of Newmarket an nounces the engagement of her daughter Mr Victor It Smith the marriage to lake place quietly about the middle of June Mrs and Miss returned from Cali fornia last week after greatly en joying the warm climate during the winter Mr and Mrs J lo Toronto lo meet them coming home Rev and Mrs John Locke Brampton formorly of Bradford announce the engagement of heir daughter Marion to Capt Clement A Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Geo E Clement the marriage to take place the latter part of June Mr Albert Hendry who is at present residing in British Co lumbia called on- a few old friends in Town last Friday He has not been feeling very well and is taking a trip east for the of his health His mother is living in Michigan and he intends to visit her before returning to his home Word was received- from Nurse Olive She had re turned from Belgium to London on two weeks leave and was leaving next day for Lord Derbys War Hospital In Warrington where she will remain until she receives her passport for home She saw the procession of 12000 Colonels in London on the 3rd of May among other sights The weather is beauti ful in England hut she is anxious to got back to dear old again Gunner Harold of Raven shoe an expupil of New market School got back from overseas on Monday He enlisted in wilh the Univer sity fiorpfl in Toronto hut after going to England the House to East side of Niagara St All modern conveniences Possession first of June Apply to Mrs K RobertGon Church St Home Builders for our Free Book of House Plans and information telling how to save from Two to Four Hundred Collars on your new home Address Company Box Jackson St Hamilton Ont For roomed house on Huron new electric light domes tic water bath etc Stable for horses garage Garden with small fruit Percy Browning Newmarket Cauliflower Plants Genuine early Snowball for postpaid Shipp ed successfully everywhere Ask for price list of Cabbage Celery and other Vegetable plants olds Farms Ontario Niagara District Farm For Sale or Lease Acres North GwYlllmbury cultivated balance Bush and Pasture Plenty of water Convenient to shipping points church and school Brick house bank barn hog pen silo drive house Apply to Box Newmarket Drug Sundries Stationery Huylers Chocolates Cameras Photo Supplies VICTROU Masters Voice Records J Druggist MAIN STREET House Phono No 151 if- and Chemist NEWMARKET Store Phone No I THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A MOTOR HEARSE IF DE8IRED Night calls attended to at residence MILLARD and Imperial Artillery He saw fighting and declares that it was the greatest fun ever saw in his life to sec the Huns run lie was very badly gassed last Oc tober and has been in Hospitals In England ever since He is only just beginning lo get the effect of it and Jic considers himself very lucky at that as a number of the men who were gassed at the same time from Us effects He expects his brother Carman who is another expupil of Newmarket High School will be homo In a few days The Cradle At on Tuesday May Mr and Mrs P I Lee a son In Newmarket on May i0i9 Mr and Mrs Walter Of a daughter cuiicn In Newmarket May to Mr and Mrs Andrew Cullen a son In Bast on June 3rd to Mr Mrs Edgar El son That will give you so much i i Pleasure in the Home as The Phonograph with a Soul LET PUT ONE IN YOUR HOME Of r Y Newmarket June a East on to Mr and Mrs Hoy son l Comments of Exchanges BLOOMING Miss Wilson of Toronto a week at Mr Fairies MISS Burnett spent few days in Mark ham Mrs Simpson of Toronto was a of Mrs on the Mrs J Cleaver and Mrs Jos Bur nett were at Lindsay to see Mr Hodge who Is quite HI Quite a number from here took In Fair on Urn May Mny horses wound have of beat during the past few days John Newton a township farmer dropped dead while plowing in his garden overcome with heat The at a to Should Manage London Advertiser Communi ty bargaining as as collective bargaining must be arranged the state so that excessive charges shall not bo taken In the handling of necessities The force of all honest public opinion is behind any government that will endeavor lo prevent profi teering In necessities We can not have in Canada a system of social democracy and economic autocracy The two will not work together In Whitchurch on May to Mr and Mrs Herbert Ander son a son Garrett In at the home of the brides parents on Saturday May by he P of Lilian Mora Garrett fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs Garrett formerly of Bradford to Mr James J of Compeer Alberta tones Oat At the residence of the brides parents by uev If Thom- as of Newmarket on Wednesday June 4th Mr Christopher Jones of Newmarket Miss Alice youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Arwcd Case nf Mount Albert The happy couple left for the south on the p m train and after spending their will reside In Newmarket There were numerous guests at the wedding and the pre sents were exceptionally beautiful CAR OF GOOD MANITOBA OATS I JUST ARRIVED Bush I 90 Cents per LUMBER All LATH SHINGLES LIME and CEMENT Kinds of Building Material Phone 22 Newmarket While at work with a telephone gang Port Credit Mc- years of age of Acton was killed by electric current which passed from a high voltage wire when It came In contact with the line wire which he was unwinding from the reel for use by the men who were working on the posts Deceased was a widow and Is survived by a family of children Wm a widelyknown farmer of Hamilton township died very suddenly after his work owing to the heat S J Ftimitnre Undertaking Main North Newmarket The Tomb Comer At Egypt on June 1st infant Babe of Mr and Mrs Harry aged months Funeral on Tuesday 3rd from the residence In Newmarket on June 3rd Jack son of Mrs Frank Wheeler aged about 2 years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery Service conduotcd by E Hall Satisfaction AH Orders Careful Attention Children FOR FLETCHERS Years of practical knowledge an and modern plant equipment assure pa trons a service that cannot bo surpassed A telephone call No 12 will bring a man to take caro of your wants r ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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