Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1919, p. 3

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i A U H OUR LOCAL NEWS Ontario Christian The annual Conference of the Christian Church in the Province of Ontario convenes in on he of June Local are appointing dele- pates Attraction at Bond Lake Orchestra of Toron to will be at Bond Lake Park every Wednesday evening during the summer months and a special oar will leave for Newmarket at p- Christian Endeavour Tuesday evening the Juniors to meet with the Seniors Mr J Stephens is give Hie It is hoped all Senior Junior will be A short program is arranged Com Mission Circle rhc regular meeting of the Mission Circle will be held Tues day evening June at the home if Mrs Wilkinson Park This is the first regular meeting of the year Will the please bring their fees with them A report of the branch mating will be given Com Who Said the Town was Dead Awake thou hat sleekest If you feel blue get busy and start Something If you wish to boost your Own Home Town and are interested in young people a sport and bring some to F Brook corner Timothy St and Market Square whore an uhsectarian proposi tion will be given consideration at on Saturday evening June HOUSE DRESSES i Billy Burke Style J HOUSE APRONS Buhaalbw at a largo Stock NECKWEAR a A New Stock- the Latest LADIES WOOL PULLOVERS All Colors NEW RIBBONS and FLOWERS LADIES SILK MOTOR CAPS Childrens Aid A meeting was held in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon of the officers and rep resentatives from each of the churches in Town with their pastors when a Constitution was drafted and adopted it was also decided to hold another public meeting on the of July and to invite Mr the County Agent of the Society to deliver an address MENS NEW STRAW HATS and MENS OXFORDS for 200 MENS COLLARS 20ci for J Anniversary- services in cop- with Presby terian church will be held oh Sup and p by McLean Bradford Oh Monday evening June a garden parly will be held on Mr lawn Prize of will be given for baseball A program is being arranged Tea served from to- p m i v Si RICHMOND HILL AGENTS FOR PATTERNS HOUSE -I- ALL COOKS USE baking 1 1 We carry a Large Stock of AND OILCLOTHS i RUQ8 CARPET SQUARES AND JAPANESE SQUARES CURTAIN DRAPERIES BUNGALOW NETS m WALL PAPER at half Price LADIES SLIPPERS Richmond Hill- residents have decided that the Memorial Hall which is to be erected to the memory of sol diers from the town slain in the war will take the form of a com bined hall and skating rink The hall will form the front section of the rink and will be constructed of brick with an auditorium meeting rooms etc The rink is to be a wooden structure witn a goodsized ice surface The cost of is set at some thing above plan ned to hold a big field day August the raising of funds for the memorial As this is To rontos Civic holiday it is hoped to secure a considerable atten dance for this meet Prizes for all the athletic events will be given WINDOW 8HADE8 CURTAIN POLES MADRA8 MU8L1N I Many of these Lines Bought at old prices at less than they can be bought wholesale ART SATEENS ART DENIMS PS for CHILDRENS SHOES for 75c BARGAIN TABLE i In Laces Embroideries and General Dry Goods Up Stairs oyer Youngs Fair ROCHE CO 2 Public Meeting The Mayor has arranged for the public meeting to discuss the Sewer ByLaw to lake place in the Town Hall this Friday evening commencing oclock This i- a very important matter af- the future health and welfare Of the Townand it is hoped that the citizens generally will attend Many points of in terest will be explained which are accessary to be understood to give an intelligent vote on the I J Law Several houses are re decorated this week by the paint ers Pome pieces of fall wheat are looking excellent and rye is head- iin out Union prayer service in the Friends Church last night Ten again thiswcek and local news on every page Methodist Sunday School At a meeting of the officers and teachers on Tuesday evening it was decided to hold the Sunday School in the morning at Alock commencing the first Sunday in July It was also decided to have the annual picnic at- Grove Keswick some suitable day in the early part of July which a Com mittee will endeavor to arrange the date to he announced later The Mens Own and Womens Bible Class expect to picnic at Orchard Beach tomorrow after noon Choir Concert The Methodist Church Choir will hold a Concert on Wednes day evening June Mrs A Deacon of Winnipeg who has been here before and was most heartily received will be among the talent secured Fur ther information next week RESOLUTIONS OF NEWMARKET Q V A In Newmarket Mr A Cecil A I C having returned from overseas has located En Newmarket and will take up the work of his pro- He learned his trade and Organ builder and loner as well as tone and action regulator with the A u of London one of the piano makers in Ills old In en listing Mr spent several years with the man Co Toronto ami is expert in building tuning Previous to overseas he was or- in Klin Street Methodist Church and Wesley Methodist Toronto He is eom poser of music and many his compositions are in Me will he pleased to act for any organist in who wishes take holidays and is quite a musical the Town Letters in earn of the Military Hospital receive prompt attention That the soldiers return to civil life is being materially with at the present time by the labor unrest The special endeavours made by this as sociation to obtain proper civil employment for returned men are being rendered fruitless due to strikes which arc largely due to high cost of living the returned man finds himself in no position to live without wort while large numbers of workers who during the war are able to subsist during lime of labour unrest and this Association that the un rest amongst workers is largely due to the suspicion that they are being robbed by food manufacturing and whole- sale profiteers cither through the influence of the large financial interests or through inability to Institute measures for the pro- lectlon the common welfare of the country He il resolved that this Association determined to support the Constitutional Government of the Country de mand that drastic steps be taken to deal the food and cloth ing life ration by tin- present ca binet or that they resign and allow the people of the Dominion including the returned soldiers to place a Government In office authorized to deal with problems which if not Immediately dealt with mean the overthrow of Government and dis tress for the returned soldiers and his dependants A FORTH President JAMES Our Toronto Letter The annual meeting of Canadian Press Association which was to have been held in the city this week has been called off on account of the industrial strike There are over men on strike in Toronto up 235 factories of the metal trades in dustries garment factories and the decision of the carpen ters to join the strikers has ser iously hampered construction work on many buildings The action of the street railway men who decided not to go on sym pathetic strike has relieved the general public considerably though steps had been taken to institute a jitney service with several hundred The escape of Miss Vera from Toronto jail last Fri day morning was the sensation of the week She was the ac complice of McCullough who broke jail a short time ago What is the mailer with the of ficials that such episodes are possible On Friday evening of last week May 30th a large number of people assembled at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas in order to welcome home again from overseas Lawrence and William After a couple of hours spent in friendly conversation and amusement Mr George called us to order and requested the Pastor Rev Roy Gray to say a few words At the close of Mr Grays remarks Lawrence and William were asked to come for ward and Leslie Oldham following address May 30lh To Lawrence and William Dear cials of the County and alldiem- of the House of Commons and the Legislature have been invited All members of tne in the Fenian Raid Rebellion or African Campaign are vited to take part in the proces sion The Citizens Band the Battalion Bands the bugle Band ana other organizations will take part Every centre in the County is asked to arrange for automo bile transportation of the sol diers in localities These processions will time their starting points to arrive in Aurora by 1030 a in and every locality us urged to their best showing At noon a monster parade of soldiers veterans of former cam paigns and civil bodies will take place through the streets On return to the town park the over seas men will be briefly addressed by their officers and a repre sentative speaking on behalf of the people of the County Fol lowing this brief formal welcome to the men refreshments will be served to the soldiers their families Following this will be a grand program of sports and amusements The ladies of Au rora have undertaken the provi sioning of the soldiers There T NEWMARKET SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK I It is with deep gratitude to Almighty God and warm affection charges and the day will in our hearts for you that your everyone Fancy Wool alF shades Rose Mauve Purple Gold Reseda Turquoise Black White and Tan put up In 2 skeins Reg 80o for Monarch Floss In all the leading shades 35c Ball 11 pieces Print light and dark shades Reg 40o for yd Pillow Cottons Inch heavy quality linen finish Reg for yd piece Bleached Cotton 38 in heavy Weight fc fc for Ladles Summer Vests good value at Special Sale New Ginghams fancy large plaids in wide many friends of the Community assemble here this evening We have greatly missed you all these months during which you were giving your services to the noble cause of Justice Civilization and Humanity With keen interest and earnest prayer we have followed your movements from the time you first donned the Kings uniform until your safe return to our midst last week While you did not escape wounds and sickness we rejoice that both of you are looking so fit con sidering all that you have en dured in the cause so dear to our hearts As the hour of Peace approach esa Peace which we are con fident will be a just and lasting The town will be gaily decorated for the occasion and the people of the town and district will make their best effort to celebrate this great occasion in a way that the people will remember forever The town is preparing for an attendance of at least on this day Aurora is the original military headquarters for the Battalion School Reports Report of School for April and May Webster Kathleen Volma Doari AT THE Jr Dunham Vuron Peace we realize more and more Webster Ruby Doan dial nex to the constant help of I lit Grace Cut- in the death of Rev Dr John who always supports Inciting Vuran Doan Kccfcr at his borne Bruns wick avenue on Sunday the Presbyterian Church in Canada loses one of her great scholars His death it is believed was due primarily to overwork Resides his post as Treasurer of the Pres Church Dr was Clerk of the Assembly Sir Adam Beck has announced thai hydroelectric commis sion has taken over from James Rattle of Thorold his electric plant transformer station and contracts for the of to be paid in four per cent hydro bonds The provincial hydro is negotiating for the ac quirement by the pity of Chatham he Chatham Company which generates electricity in city Negotiations are in progress for the purchase of miles of street railway owned by the Detroit United id the Windsor district A man years of age dropped dead iTi the Union Station on Wednesday from the excessive At the Metropolitan Church Toronto at two oclock Tuesday afternoon the marriage took place of MW Mary Adams daughter of the and Mrs Adams to I Jtiv Watson Alfred Westcotl of Mr John of The was performed by the brides father assisted by the Rev J Wilson of Oshawa Miss Margaret Dove cousin of the played the wedding march- The who was escorted by her uncle Mr Arthur Dove re a dainty gown of while iio chine heavily veiled with tulle- veil and orange blossoms and carried sweetheart roses ftnd Miles There were no After a reception at the home of brides father on Don Mills road the bride and left for their wedding trip the travelling in a suit of rey hat to match On return thry will reside at Many people have learned to consider such and a as an Ideal When they buy they want that particular Watoh We dont blame them be cause have Watoh too and Ideal They and the Elgin and the Hamilton and one or two others These we have learned to depend upon these we buy and sell In greater quantities And be fore you make a Watoh pur- we would like to talk to you about these Move ments May we Atkinson Co Marriage I it Tioket Agent Pleading guilty On Wednesday in the County Police Court charge of an illicit still Richard Bromley of York Town ship was fined and com mitted to one month In fail by Magistral- had found recipe for whiskey in an old encyclopedia and when the magistrate tested of the of the still he found ho high wines strong enough to burn his mouth Toronto breathing easier The sympathetic strike is called off and the rnetal workers will carry on the battle alone for a Hhour week and collective bar gaining with all union labor City Wholesales have bought the entire crop of strawberries at Oakvflle at per quart This looks as if his fruit is going to lie dearer than last year Robinsons circus drew bigger crowds than ever yesterday Right and who more this War snatched our- armies from the jaws of defeat and the invincible British Navy which cleared the seas German ships and brought Germany to the verge of starvaton we owe our wonder ful victory to the bravery In genuity and determination of men such as you who were not trained in the arts of War hut who nevertheless or more than one occasion proved themselves more than a match for the flower of the Prussian infantry We welcome you home again ami fervently pray that Gods guidance and blessing may ac company you just as closely lur ing these critical days of striiciijon as during the testing days of battle In order to express to you our deep regard and gratitude we ask you accept this watchchain and locket and we assure you that we shall never forget In the days to come your devotion to the Cause of Truth Signed Geo and W J Mr William made the presentation Lawrence and William briefly but fittingly TheiMunch was served and a agreeable evening came to an end Just two more boys viz Isaac Pegg and Bristol dore are still overseas We ex pect them some time in July We Tire sorry learn that Mrs David and Mrs Then Graham are ill these days hut hope their recovery may not be far distant We are glad to learn that Mabel Pegg who recently was operated On for appendicitis is doing nicely than once in Karl Tholma Willie Orser Fred absent Carl Black Harold Lyons Macl Mil ler Lome Orser I Laura Black Clarice Jim Keefer Lome Kccfcr Johnston Primer Roy Keefer Dor cas Watson Tom Watson Bruce Black John Dunham Jr Primer Wray Ted dy Manning Jack Bethel Black Wesley Johnston Albert Johnston No enrolled Highest in attendance and con duct Volma Keefer equta Least mistakes spoiling Clarice One hundred and thovisand five hundred persona died in Paris between October I and February from influenza diseases resulting therefrom Live Stock Markets prices paid in Toronto lhg work Choice Export Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Steers anil Heifers Medium Steers and Heifers Medium Butcher Common Butcher Cows Choice Milkers Choice Springers Medium Blockers floi Choice Veal Calves Common Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Yearling Lambs each Choice Sheep Hogs off cars To the Ream not and the Best Quality that the Can Produce Window AT Aurora Sask June Eight Indians were burned to duath Iwo are not- expected to recover and ore severely Injured and large Quantities of provisions property of the Indians have been This report reached the Indian Commissioner today from his agent who was sent to Investigate conditions In the country around Cold Lake several days north of on the boundary between Saskatche wan and Alberta Forest fire pre as the of loss of lives and property lr brine Try J1 M Main Si Newmarket Toronto Markets do Butter lb Turkeys lb Chickens lb Fall Wheal bush Goose Wheat bush Complete plans arc now being made toy he and Military Field Day to bo held in Aurora on July 1st This is be the Countys official wel come o her returned The Battalions of this County I Barley have given very Oats hi h service the great war They have done honour and ho people wish to lender them Oiling welcome on their return This welcome will also be ex tended- to all men In the County who may have In other Battalions or any branch of the All of County CnUnoll all mayors reaves and members of the municipal coun cils judges sheriffs and 00 50 87 Mixed Hay ton Timoth Hay ton 1700 Newmarket Markets j Butter lb doz Oats bush Should You Have a Mutual Policy 1 THE MUTUAL SYSTEM Most Economical The Most Equitable Most Democratic System In World FOR INFORMATION REGARDING The Mutual Life of Canada FRED CHANTLER Newmarket t ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO Children FOR FLETCHERS A STQRIA

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