CORNS i Apply few touchy corns off fingers Comments of Exchanges a m Tvj II- F I f I J I I f I mm The to Social and In By WE lavish favourites viorii in- I had the conscience of the world been possible Victor Hugo less hypocritical Drop arittle Instantly then you lift Yes magic I Doesnt hurt bit 1 on an aching corn that corn stops hurting it right tiny bottle of costs but a few cents at any drug store but is sufficient to remove every haVd corn soft corn or corn between the toes and the calluses without soreness irritation is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius It is won derful YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Latest Designs in Monuments and Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call and See us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR CHURCHES Kept In JOHN 0 MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND Phone Box Make no Mistake in Place Huron Near Depot Political Farmers Sun National unrest will be a periodical consequence long as our tariff remains within con- trol of If has too long been a mere political football In Cana da tossed about by men who have no serious scientific knowledge of Its Complex problems and who have per- I desires to uproot its schedules with no object but to gain class leges or political advantages Pulling Together Goderlch Star In the town of Pe- in a recent Board of Trade campaign a number of farmers were Included among those who became members In the ciyt of Hamilton the farmers section of the Board of Trade Is a live This is the sort of cooperation between town and country we like to see and the more of It we have the better for the coun try as a whole Labor Under Freedom Ottawa Citizen When Canada has moved forward to a sound fiscal policy including freedom of trade and taxa tion of land values there should be an abundance for all productive Workers so that every industry could afford similar wages and conditions of labor The tendency in an awaken ing world of towards labor under freedom The present artifi cial state of labor under tariff pro tectionism is liable to be left in the rear of the procession The Man Who Owns His Home Expositor The admis sion by an expresident of the Trades and Labor Council that the men who own their own homes in are not members for the radical elements in the labor party is suggestive It may fairly be interpreted mean thai a man who has a stake in any com munity hesitates before taking any ac tion which might imperil his posses sion- while the man who has no slake is ready for any venture It is the first which secures stability and progress without which no city can permanently prosper Wool Wanted Poultry Wanted Also all kinds of Junk Good prices paid Phone Newmarket at m expense or address Main St South Newmarket Newmarket Garage A Mistaken Idea Express When you pull down the town in which Is your home by causing dissension you are pulling down yourself and when you help build up your town you are building up yourself and your neighbor Try and banish from your mind the mis taken Idea that all good things are away Off in some other locality Give your own town ail the praise it can legitimately bear It will certainly do you no harm and will cost you noth ing hut above all patronize your own Institutions Including the printing office Sure Thing Reformer Charges made against lads in their teens in the Police Court the week prove what we predicted in these columns a few weeks ago is only loo true Hoys and girls allowed to run the Streets at night are sure fall into evil ways and com grief bringing woo upon themselves and disgrace upon their parents This warning seems to fall on deaf ears in tills own hut unless all signs fail parents who ore sowing the wind now by allowing heir growing hoys and girls to run the sheets at all hours of the night not knowing where they are will reap the whirlwind Inter on- CHEATING Expert Motor Car Repairs Ml Makes also stationary and Marine Engines Reasonable Charges Excellent Service BATTERIES CHARGED AND Corner Main and Huron MOSS HART 3m50 Phone Before deciding on your Hang ings it would lo pay you to make a visit Bert Greens Show Rooms There are some good Snaps of Room Lots Ceiling Side- walls and Holder for You can get paper from me if you wish to hang it yourself BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger I Blocks West of Niagara Hi Ave Newmarket THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL T O N J I R A O I mm Unexcelled Dining Car 8ervlce Sleeping ears on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full Information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or K Horning District Passenger Agent Toronto J ft Phone Up Town Agent IN EXAMINATION It lftks that word wherever it in used it is HO ugly schoolboys In employ a substitute to the deceit In examina tion You will often hoar a hoy speak of cribbing in ex aminations you seldom hear him speak ex aminations Cribbing an act depraved more and lighthearted a prank than a crime How is it that boys otherwise honorable arc ho often ready to adopt dishonest methods in the examination room and scheme and in order to carry off a successful cheat No doubt it is because they have willingly acquiesced in the false tradition that a slate of hostility between the teacher and pupil inevitably exists thai IJie teacher is always trying to get the heller of the pupil and that the pupil there fore is justified in doing any thing he ean to circumvent the teacher Schoolboys seem to take it for granted are entitled to certain exceptions and exemptions from the normal code of ethics that there are some things it Is all right to do as long as you are not found Qui The boy who cribs In an examination And holds in a football game is perhaps a reasonably honest and person He does what he knows good fellows have done and SO his conscience does not trouble him Yel when a system of cheating in a school or a college is sud denly brought to light the boys who lightly joked among them selves about the cribbing are asliamcd and mortified the school or the college is hurt in the public esteem there appears little of he jocu lar extenuate the shahhiness of the demonstrated fact and somehow all the easy justifica tions fall to the ground There is only one standard of honor and it Is not to be revised by schoolboys Was it quires for Napoleon lo win Waterloo He says that it Was not and not be cause of Wellington not because of Blucher but because of God- It was time should be eliminated His excessive weight in human destiny disturbed the balance Probably Hugo says the principles and the elements upon which the re gular gravitations of the moral as of the material world depend had com plained Smoking overfilled cemeteries mothers In tears these were formidable pleaders Napoleon had embarrassed God But If God intervened at Waterloo eliminate Napoleon why did he not interfere at Marengo or Why all the intervening and welter of human misery when It might have been prevented at an earlier date the Hun in the fifth century was called the Scourge of Godi May we believe that the people of that time who named him so were using words having a very real meaning And if was the Scourge of God so per haps also were Genghis Khan and Tamerlane who reared their pyra mids of human skulls and Napoleon and every other predatory world waxed fat and kicked And so has been Peace hath her defeats no less renowned than war riches idleness luxury- Intellectual hide and perhaps there Is no cure for he social carbuncles begotten of these things hut blood letting and perhaps William has served as a leech for the world of today as Attlla did for the world of his day We tell ourselves that there was spiritual decadence in Germany and that Germany deserves to suffer the penalty So be it But it is as though good Hie prophets had dwel not on the sins of Israel but on the abominations of the Philistines We ignore the fact that we also have paid and are paying the penalty The destroying angel passed over he land and only Ihe ten or twenty or two hundred or a thousand millions In a lifetime At all events if he gets such vast wealth he does so wllh the of the existing social order and if he Is per mitted to control his while he lives there- will be no violation of the moral law if society appropriates them at his death subject to a provision for dependents but leaving his chil dren when old enough do so to work for living like other respecting members of society In other words there is no natural testa mentary right and no inherent right of inheritance Another moral law Is Thou shall not kill The heathen woman throws her child to the crocodiles Civilized women have other means of prevent ing the demonstration of the theory until race suicide has be come a byword though scarcely a re proach Primitive man was his own beast of burden in lime his labours were lightened by the domes Ileal Ion of the camel the ox and the horse Then after many centuries came steam and machinery and the fruits of Ids indus try were multiplied by ten and I hen came electrical and gasoline energy and inure machinery and were again multiplied many fold And still in twentieth century myriads of the people of highly civilized coun tries win a bare subsistence and nun and women and lilt lo children live huddled together in unsanitary sur rounding and die for lack of 110 things which could Command were given their fair share of the of their loll May this also he murder according lo mural law Before war here was a general consensus of opinion among he stu dents Of the subject in file United Slates thai week the minimum of subsistence of a labouring family Bui in one of great Chicago packing average weekly half of he men was Sfi37 In the industry of the United States according a government report twenty per cent of Ihe men worked twelve hours a day and seven days a week and half Ihi employees got less than eighteen rents an hour Not one of twelve basic Industries of paid the head of a family on an Within one hundred dollars a year of Ihe minimum for family sub sistence and nearly onethird of all working class families of Hie coun try had Incomes Of less Hum year And as the scale of wages tic infant moptaliBy Increases would have discovered lions nearer the heart Of both the European and American civilizations Service Is the basis of the moral taw- Self Is the tap root of the laws by which- we are actually governed and the vice of It Is that the average man accepts the the land as the boundary of his responsibility and Justifies himself by the- laws society has made to replace the moral law within individual Our selfmade laws are in number as the sands of the seashore No man knowelh them They are contained in volumes so numerous that could scarcely be read by a man in his life time and their number grows steadily greater year by year If there is no is the nearest precedent It is only when there is no statute and no precedent that the Judge is free to consult the moral law within him Now and then indeed he feels im pelled 16 rehiind litigants that his court is not court of morals He might also often truthfully say that it is not a court of justice though I have never heard il put by itself so frankly as thai In truth and in fact our courts are courts of law Sometimes the law is justice and some times it is not Greed is one of the master passions of mankind It was thought by the Idealists of the French Revolution that ignorance was the chief prop of greed and that if only men were edu cated greed would lose its mastery What men meant then by education was the gelling of knowledge Well in century and a quarter since the French Revolution knowledge has come beyond anything dreamed and greed is more strongly entrenched than ever before For greed was crafty and when educa tion became inevitable greed Go to now education also shall be I my bondservant And greed en grossed fruits of knowledge and more and more our universities were given over to the pursuit of science and less and less to the distinction be tween right and wrong Idealists of last century per ceived that while knowledge had come wisdom lingered and hat while we were mastering the material forces of the universe we were losing our moral sense and they warned us that the only true education the only education thai would conquer greed was that which would help men to see clearly the relation of cause and effect and the difference between right and wrong But the voices of the Idealists were voices crying in the wilderness and greed paid no heed at all except to- sec to it that as little as possible of these things was heard in college SAFETY DEPOSIT BONDSI Insurance Papers Valuable Jewellery I Title Papers The clanger of loss by fire carelessness or burglary is an ever present source of worry to the owner who is without FA I the protection of a reliable safe A Manager Newmarket Branch Toronto places at the disposal of the public safety deposit boxes steel boxes of various sizes to hold important papers and small valuables The owner when he takes over the Key is the only one to have access to the box The contents may be examined in privacy and have the protection of a wellconstructed vault Boxes may be secured at a moderate rental halls The essence of democracy as of Christianity is brotherhood The es sence of autocracy Is privilege and privilege is greed rampant democracy of millionaires and paupers is a contradiction in terms As well speak Of democracy of autocrats or aristocrats ami slaves The figures for Canada are not available hut from Report of Ihe Commissioner of Internal Revenue of the United Stales published In ft appears that at the end of here were millionaires In that country In year persons hi Ihe United Slates paid axes on comes of or more as against 120 In fio in 191 if in an Increase in three war years Ten of the who had or civilized world of aulocacy they will have scant patience with Its blood re lations aristocracy and plutocracy They may not at Ibis moment see clearly how the desired changes are to be brought about but they do see clearly the false pretence thai our so- Cial order as a present constituted is- sounded on the teachings of the of Peace The militant democracy of today under the hard pressure of laws that create social conditions as far removed from each otlier as poles is Christianity with the graces faith hope and charity subtracted In other words he socialists and perhaps even anarchists and bolsheviks accept the social teachings of Christianity and reject lie spiritual In his respect they are one step in advance of the defenders of the present social order Who reject both If the masses have the support of Ihe leaders of public opinion in their for social Justice the graces will be added in due season If not the solution will have to wait on strikes and lockouts and other social disorders for by one means or an other a Waterloo is as Inevitable for social immorality as was for inter national immorality In his speech before Peace fererfce formation of a League of Nations President Wilson said Gentlemen the select classes of mankind are no longer the governors of mankind The fortunes of man kind are now in the hands of he plain people of the whole world But the easy way of living does not bring the results we desire One who never put his muscles to hard use becomes a weakling One who shrinks from hard thinking and hard mental work is little belter than a fool To choose the easy way morally means contemptible character Life is hard Activity of any sort is hard and in that hardness there is health and iiwigoration is death and decay that are easy GET THE BEST IT PAV8 and Charles Toronto Is noted throughout Canada for High- Grade Business Education Great demand for our graduates Open all year Enter now Write for J ELLIOTT HURON 8T of eightfold The rale was perl where the father earned or more a year When I lie fnl her earned only a year rale was per 1000 or more than three times as great a pitiable effort to eke out Of the family larder more than boys in United states between ten and twelve years wee workers for wages And conventional commercial morality saw nothing In these figures hut law of supply and demand ion all while the moral law was being vfotnU d the penalties were piling up It would be strange If the millions men who are of these Conditions endured their lot without protest Syndicalism sabotage anarchism socialism ami Industrial Workers of the World are the eruptive protest Of those of I hem who resent most keenly injustice of the present order And however much we may reprobate Iheir excesses we cannot conceal from ourselves lie fact that their complaints are ground ed upon facts and figures taken from Government blue hooks Dont you know said Present Wilson tin before the war Children FOR FLETCHERS year hat this country from one end lo the other that Is wrong What an oppor tunity it would be for some man with- out conscience to spring up and say This Is the way follow me and lead paths of destruction We arc in a temper to reconstruct economic soci ety as we were once In a temper to reconstruct political society A hare score of years ago the con science of the world wan shocked by the atrocities of Leopold in Bel gian Congo The natives were en slaved and tortured and murdered that the old King Might Jewels incomes or more in 1010 paid Conic on or more I The defeat of Ihe German armies was victory for International moral ity To adapt the language Hugo ihe events of was not pos sible the Kaiser should have- won the because of Koch not of not because of Persh ing but because of Cod Lincolns proclamation of emancipation of Ihe slaves In Septem ber est Ion at issue he ween the Norlh and became a moral instead of a political- one Before if in- Ihe had sympathy of Crcat Britain on the Issue of and many people even in North were lukewarm Washing ton was depressed by Bull Hun ami and Ihe outlook was dark Indeed It Is said that during first two years of the war no one ever heard President Lincoln say thai he knew the country would bo successful war Hut his emancipation proclamation brought he moral opin ion the world definitely lo of Ids and after that lime no one ever heard Lincoln ex press a doubt Of success A house divided against Itself can not stand A civilization cannot en dure permanently half barbarian and half Christian as was our civilization prior he war I do not Include In this genera ligation the civilization of Germany We now know that that Civilization was essentially barbarian and the war progressed It changed only for worse ill no sooner was the war started than tin- Christian element in the civilization of the rest of the world began to assert Itself over the With an abandon of self Belgium and gland and Canada ami Australia and even South Africa threw their bodies across the of Ihe beast and from that moment even as blackness of darkness descended pon tile earth the morning light began to break and men began to after the war the world would never be the same again What they lo say was thai the triumph of Inter national would be followed by the triumph of social morality Of course It was not- to have been ex pected that the new order would be born fullgrown That would not have been according to the law of evolution The application- of the moral law to commerce and Industry education and legislation will ho a complicated process and may not he accomplished without a pain ful struggle But world has been thinking these years In terms the essentials people have been seeing clear and thinking straight Having rid the The select classes will do well recognize Ihe change socially and in dustrially as they have already done politically It is the only way to social and industrial peace The Canadian Magazine THE EASY WAY There is an instinct in most of us which urges us choose the easy way Often telling the truth moans difficulty unpleas ant explanations possibly cen sure all of which could he avoid ed by a little equivocation Half ihe untruths told not because the speakers prefer falsehoods hut because they arc looking for the easy way it through the gateway of prevarication Those who arc seeking the easy way cannot afford prin ciples The easy way means agreeing with everybody float ing with the current A by principle has little do with compromise Prin ciple antagonism sometimes resist a nee- always One whose life is controlled by Ihe word ought must bis pro- pared for conflict Then is no question hut that it is easier lo ORDERS FOR COAL FOR THE ENSUING YEAR WILL BE RECEIVED BEGINNING 1ST MARCH AND WE TO FILL ALL Give Us GUARANTEE Prices Right ORDERS Call a OLIVER TERMS DIKE Phone AUTO ELECTRIC Expert Storage SERVICE Battery Repairs Thoro la now no need to send your Battery to Toronto to bo Repaired If you have troublo with your Storage Battery can fix It It Is being I can loan you a Battery to you going until Repairs arc Complete IGNITION REPAIRS BATTERIES CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT FACTORY AND LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATIONS lip and slidealong through life agreeing compromising yielding Principles are not for those- who are seeking the way EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERI OF ONE YEAR ALFRED STARR i Market Building NEWMARKET ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR louse Cleaning Lawn and Garden Supplies Have you repaired fences yet Bdep8 supplies Sheetlnq Roof Inn Etc COME IN AND TELL U8 YOUR Finish thai Endura ENAMELS and LACSHADES paint ia applied with brush It keeps woodwork and floors bright and in sanitary condition It wears as though it were an actual part of the wood On floors and it is the one finish that will wear on the job not off It gives an excellent gloss surface and unlimited service in hard wearing Lightens Housework A splendid range of shades for furniture woodwork and floors in any room in the home are shown on our complete color card which we will send you free on request la for FUgUx for HARDWARE and Main St Post Phono T ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO