Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1919, p. 5

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I Toronto la tor Hlgh- Qpot Open all iU fop Cat- Dr H DENTIST Corner Main and Dr J Boyd M Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and member of the College of Surgeons of land Former clinical assistant in Mooreficlds Hospital and Univer sity College Ear Nose and Throat London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Hour WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoini Post Office BERT GREEN PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket CHOICE STOCK OF WALL PAPER on hand Ph O- Box Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music on Wednesdays CANADA CO P OILMAN District Representative for Co of York Bank of Toronto Build ing St opposite Market Phone REAL ESTATE Farm and Town Property Lited for sale and for Rent and other Securities Bought end Sold Farm Fire Insurance a Specialty Call our new office in the To ronto D HAMILTON Newmarket LOCAL NEWS It was so hot oh Sunday that there was a slim attendance at the churches Dominion Day only three from Tuesday w The regular meeting of the Methodist M will be held at home of Irwin Wednesday- June at 3 oclock Uncle TonYa Cabin This old favoritejneodram is to appear in the Town Hall again on Saturday night See an nouncement in another column A feature that thy boys and girls is Special No- lice appearing at the fool or the ad The first children a- companying heir parents will be admitted Free Methodist Church Sunday June 10 a Class Meeting in Board a Public Childrens Service Boy Scouts Parade Dedication of Boy Scouts Flag Monthly Baptismal Service p Sunday School p m Public Come I Lawrence pastor Call A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Columbia Grafonolas and Records Complete I Prompt Farm Produce Big market last Saturday par ticularly in butter and eggs and green vegetables lettuce onions asparagus tomato plants etc Ruling prices as follows Eggs Butler lb Dressed Chickens lb Potatoes per bag 180 Rhubarb bunch Lettuce 5c bunch Tomato plants Box Live Chickens per lb 2530 Live Ducks per lb Pigeons per pair 2530 Rabbits per pair Kips 2025C lb 18I9C Calf Skins per lb 600S700 Lambskins Tallow to Pains Caused by Kidney trouble It say to yon bat it is his tory to of fcve Painful Joints Constant Head aches etc that Gin Pills remedy Kid and Bladder troubles by first re moving the The cause of all Kidney diseases as Lumbago Sci atica etc is congested Kidneys Kid neys that fail to perform their func tion of filtering the poisons and impur ities from the blood These poisons remaining in the system are the direct cause of a of dreaded diseases If youve never heard of Gin Pills before ask any of your friends about them Gin Pills have been market for years they are the old re liable remedy for Backache etc If you suffer from any Kidney or Blad der afflictions try Gin Pills Should you not care to buy them an experiment a sample box will be sent to you on request Gin Pills contain the beneficial ingredient of Gin without the slightest trace of alcohol For many years bottled Gin was considered the ready remedy for Kidney or Bladder troubles Scientific research proved however that the reason for this was due purely to the of Juniper it contained and nothing else From hundreds of letters received by us we are convinced that all any sufferer of Kidney or Bladder trouble needs to do is try Gin and they will find relief at once The National Drag Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Ontario 8 residents should address Inc Main St Buffalo lea TelU HowLydiaEPinkham Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Philadelphia always tired my back ached and I felt sickly moat of time I went to a doctor and ha said I bad indi gestion which ad ded to my weak condition ma worrying most of the and ho said if I could not stop that I not get wall 1 Vegetable Com pound my husband wanted mo to try it I took it and felt a little bet ter I kept it up for three months and I feel fine and can eat anything now without distress or nervousness Mrs J 242 North Taylor St Philadelphia Pa The majority of mother nowadays overdo there are so many demands upon their time and strength the result is invariably a weakened rundown nervous condition with he d ache back ache irritability and depression and soon more serious ailments develop It is at sach periods In life that LydiaE Vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition did to Mrs have observed symptoms of It in Can ada too It is simply the Inertia which makes people- prefer to sit on the grand stand and Watch someone playing the game see this not only in our sport but just as clearly In our church life on its musical and its work ing sides It Is so much easier to pay someone else to do the singing In church and let us sit Inour pews and listen They can do it so much better than we can anyway It is so much more comfortable to choose a few leaders from the congregation and let them do all the work while we sit and look on and applaud sometimes IT is simply a chronic case of In its Insidious form So we come back to the statement made at the beginning that of the big tasks of Ihe rural worker Is the rooting out from his people of this baneful disease Spectatorlstis and getting them Into the game The com munity sing and frolic is one of the best of panaceas the writer knows of for accomplishing Guardian Allislon will have three blocks of main street paved with at a cost of The best money maker on the farm is the hen She turns grass into green grain into gold and from the sand and gravel she coins silver a a J AGENT Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable foods coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community PUTTING THE UNITY INTO COMMUNITY of your neighbors are using De Have you ever asked any of them how they like their machines Why not make inquiries You 11 find that the De Laval is giving them more cream and better cream that it is easiest to turn to clean and care for very seldom gets out of order and never seems to wear out- Your neighbors will back up what we have been telling you the De Laval So will any of the other 2325000 De Laval users We will sell you a Laval on easy terms Come in examine the machine and talk it over TALK IT OVER WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR lias re- Issuer of Marriage Licenses At ths Office Newmarket Office Private issued at res idence if desired Furnace Work Phone Plumbing DEPOT lairs Our Specialties RGED See the Bathroom at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO 8MITH8 GROCERY New Teacher The High School Board been foil mate in securing turned soldier Lieut King to fill the vacancy on the Staff caused by the of Miss was in Town on jr day last all the rhombar of ihe were favorably with his appearance Fling is a graduate of University and a Special ist in Classics lie served two years in France and is at home mi the athletic field He wl lake charge of the Gymnasium organize the sports for boys and with the approval of Mr who has bad of he Cadets he will conduct drills and parades of the boys in With the hfeh standard school fully and mora em phasis placed flic of physical he Hoard forward to additional for school in the new Fall term By Frank A catholic layman said to me other day Do you know that when we had a debt on our church we often used to have church socials at which the whole got together and had a really good time But now that the church Is all paid for we al most never get together and I some times feel that we havent any con gregation at all And applying his logic to the community we can quite truthfully fay that community that doesnt get together once in a while Is not a community at all It Is a mere aggregation of dwellings and the people that lite in them This Is equally whether we are thinking of a rural or an urban unit We use the word community a great deal more today than we once did but its connection is very loose and vague Even though we might succeed in agreeing on a definition would be formulated something like this A community is the collec tion of houses and farms around centre But is this necessarily a community at all A in his Country ELECTRICITY FOR PROPEL- LINO worker on whose heart has been laid burden of the pitiful isolation of the open country dwellerand the women is to start something that will get the people as a whole and not merely in sections The circuit on which the Writer Is pastor comprises in addition to the village with its usual three protest- ant- denominational churches two country churches four and six miles from town Following out the idea expressed above of getting people together as a community a community sing was started in the opera house meeting every two weeks This was designed to serve the village and the immediately adjacent farm population The proprietor of the opera house consented to let us use the building rent free on condition of our paying merely enough to cover fuel and light A box was placed at the door and the receipts each evening have been thna enough to meet expenses Not everyone can sing and hose who can do not want to spend a whole evening at It So our com munity sing lasts only for about half or threequarters of an hour Then Ihe floor is cleared and everybody forgets that he Is old and has aches and pains and proceeds to Indulge himself in not dancing but games The- committee has everything well organized beforehand and first we I Happy is Miller then Pig in the Men of Achieve one of Most Important Develop- ments that present age has seen In perfecting Motor- Driven Turbines fop of Vessels SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A Church Serving the com says We must not forget I of the most surpris- a mere collection of dwelling houses with their occupants does not make a community The word signifies a population group that ha become socially conscious working together as- one body to satisfy the common needs desires The Chautauqua On last ft iH was in in with PERI ilies I Etc I PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE Get at Th Photographer In Your Town Door West of Hew Kb Office Mr a yen I J Dominion i The will in fr the July and a woidc- fill presented cm of world Mr icing renown of he play vocal merit and Junior Phone Dr Frank Holm who I Ill led flu year is coming back again Tickets arc now available from of the Committee One member reported thai he had the promlac it twenty People who had only one the family are Ink ing WO this year A great many people who own aulos be country are calculating lake family this time nod prospects are gooff to all he season of the The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity Ho Order than Delivered A a foolto he jealous of a woman He also a be of a Tlii beautiful should exist in the the The if building and grounds Should portray the and beautiful Those things which adorn the home em- Hi school property lawn terra walks trees and floverfi Within should ho and A neglected school house a demn-alizM- a child at a mutilated desk put In his hands torn and soiled books and we find an almost irieslisU able temptation to continue the destruction with knife and peneij Place the same child in a clean mom with suitable stud beautiful furniture and wc lately remove the temptation for destruction ambitions and ideals Now as a mat ter of fact no community can be said to be conscious in the same sense In which the Individual Is conscious A community cannot be conscious of anything except as the individuals making up thai community arc con scious of it So he goes on to say The highest a rural worker has la to awaken he people of a given territory to he consciousness of themselves as a unit capable of acting together So a community is not a community until the people composing ft begin acting together either working or i were community gathering the unity hinging or playing together The fashoned logging of east singing or playing together The old- lying in the common work The now absolute were community affaire unity tiding sometimes in common work of tying the quill ad In the somewhat roughandlumhic of wrapping In the finished the unwary member of the male who happened o come along at the finish all more fun when it chanced to he he young preacher Bui these things have gone out of date in mist communities and of tale years for some reason or another wc do not have occasions as commun ities to get together that we used to have We do get together occasionally In our separate sections as church bodies or lodge groups or business meetings but many of these are groups that are more of a community than Otherwise Ah neighbors the families no longer Call on one another so frequently as before the advent of thai great socializing agency the telephone Twenty years ago when Parmer wanted Neighbor Smith to help him thresh the next lay he hitched up- old Nell to the buggy after supper ami mother and he and perhaps the children too there were not too may of them drove over to Smiths anrl combined a lit He virit with lie errand Today to the corner of ihe sit- turns a crank takes down a funnel and begins talking a Oil and metal instrument on the wall at the other end at Will all is another human machine engaged in a similar Occupation They gel through Willi their in a few minutes for a party Jlne and someone else is Waiting and hit down to the evening paper the time mother and Mrs Smith go on each with her own dishwashing a and a half apart Smith and Brown meet Ihe next day it the machine hut there is no time lo talk machine tost money and must he kept busy And so civi lization and business go on with the process of the farmer and incidentally the whole socalled community So It seems to the writer that one of the fundamental things for any rural Children Cry FOR I A things of all is the way the grown ups unbend and enter wilh zest Into the games they havent played since they went to sohool follows a group contest of some kind or a short intermission for conversation And so fun goes on till when with the singing of God Save he King Hie evenings enjoy ment ends ion Protestants and Catholics and lews and have spent an enjoyable evening together They have sung they have forgotten for two or three hours that they were supposed to be divided anrl have been in community In a real sense But it is in the open country he greatest the greatest sihilities of ihe community sing and play evening are to he found As a rule there are no rival churches there By Brewster Beach Scarcely years ago elec tricity had never been seriously considered as an agency the propulsion of vessels the adoption of electrical current in the operation of street cars automobiles railroad engines and so forth was an accepted fact The forward march of electri cal progress was comparatively slow to reach the ocean Vari ous applications of electricity as a motive force in driving loco motives and other vehicles of land transportation had reached advanced stage of development but the steam boat seemed to have escaped due probably to the difficulties surrounding the adoption of satisfactory and et- ficicnt electrical means of pro pulsion This condition was not destined to last Awaited the Turbine The possibility of electrical propulsion of ships was talked about indeed as soon as electri cal motors began to be used but the actual serious study of its application awaited the develop ment of the steam turbine When the development reached an advanced stage com bining high speed with light weight engineers were ready lo adopt electricity as a means of transmission between the tur bine and propellers So suc cessful have they been in this respect thai today the United Stales navy has been won over to the principle of electric drive and lias decided to equip all of its new capital ships with electrical ma chinery while lb theory is al ready making strides in the cargo carrying mercantile marine field Tims electricity again comes to lb forefront of scientific achievement elect r ideally propelled ship has undoubtedly conns and come to stay many scientists and en- CANE SONS CO LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRE88ED LUMBER Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pino Fir or Oak Sold it that will Interest you Kindly fllvo us a trial ft NEWMARKET Limited ft I ft as bo noprejiidlcc is likely be were active in suggesting if gatberlng is direct con- 1 methods of adopting electricity I the church as ours have are jmmcdlnle re a pro- with been Then suits be obtained from such gramme In tip first lie In the open country begins herewith usually never before to serve the you I do not fifty thai such service should In any supplant or be allowed Interfere with prime work of the church thai Of leading folks to Hut In our average church work we minister lo the select few or the Spiritually elite of he community mean those Who are In some way at least In terested In things spiritual We do serve and they appreciate it But every day there are people driving by our churches whom personally Ihe cliurch means nothing at all il Is simply a bare and often building by the side of the road The church is for churchgoers and they are not church- goers May I suggest I hat Ihe church no serving Ihe community until It begins to mean something even If only a Place foe jollification to these marginal people Then In the second place the coun try church usually has an absentee pastor lie does not get very close even all those to whom he ministers on Sunday I know of now belter way fur a get to know folks and on the let them see that be Is a real human being than by meeting with them on an equal footing at gathering once in a while J J have a great deal of faith in the community sing movement It may not succeed In making good singers or Instilling even most rudimentary knowledge of music Into the minds Of people It doesnt aim at any such thing The songs wn use would hardly be Included In the repertoire of even the most mediocre choir or singing class They are far from classical and some musicians would say even farther from musical some times Kill the allImportant thing Is that the community Hing ing together and whatever the psychology of It may be- It seems to he a pretty fact that If you have along fitcp In the direction of getting them to work to gether A recent American writer calls to a disease in name but somewhat old In fact which ho labels wid which has afflicted a great many American people I rather think as a means of Ship propulsion il remained for I who is consulting engineer of the Company to place electric drive on a practical basis for large ships and naval vessels while even now ship owners are beginning to prick up heir ears and realize the value f drive for their own type of vessels Chicago One of the oldest practical ex amples of the electrically pro- polled vessel in the United Slates is o he found in the fireboats of the city of Chicago ill whore the first hunt was equipped In Chicago the first municipality to accept the theory of electric drive for boats of this class The modern merchant pondered Upon the ways of men Who take as their example The spider in his den others if they will quoth ho Lay low and wait for flies In a dingy cobwebbed corner Im going to Advertise No more than you can eat enough in one day lo last a week can a business man advertise in one week lo last a year MM A L The Flavour Lasts All three kinds sealed in airtight impurity proof packages Be SURE to get AFTER EVERY MEAL MADE fe FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL COOK STOVES AVE cool kitchen this summer save yourself the labor of attending to a coat or wood fire use the cheapest of fuels kerosene ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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