Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1919, p. 8

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V5 EIGHT u5 DANGER ONE OF US Life Around KING CtTT I As FuO of Deadly Poison Aft A Germ Laboratory AUTO- INTOXICATION SELFPOISONING Pre nnti Dangerous Condition The chit cause of poor health is oar neglect of the bowels Waste matter Instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day Is allowed to remain there generating poisons which are absorbed by the Wood Im other words a person who is habitually constipated is poisoning himself We know now that Auto intoxication due to nonaction of the bowels is directly responsible for serious Kidney and that it upsets the Stomach causes Indigestion Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness that chronic Rheum atism Gout Pain In The Back are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular and that Pimples Rashes Eczema other Skin Affections disappear when Fruitatives are taken to conect Constipation Fruit a tives will protect you against Auto intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine directly on all the eliminating organs a box 6 for trial size 25c At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by The Womens Institute King East Branch held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs- and Mrs Badger King City The ladies are asked to keep In mind W the Council deems it special meeting of the Institute to conslurct and install a to beheld on Tuesday June at sewerage system within the Munici- A Wells The Institute and Messrs James Loudon speaker is Miss Port of who J Engineers have reported has had a wide experience in nursing I such system and have submitted Dollars for purpose of con structing and Installing Disposal Works- comprising Tanks or other approved method Sewage Purification and to authorize the Issue Of Debentures therefore and as teacher and demonstrator at different hospitals We hope for a large attendance this meeting Similar occasions In the past ensure us a good time at this meeting Mrs who was injured by falling into the cellar of her home on Wednesday night of last week was taken to Toronto General Hospital where an pxamination showed that the arm was broken near the shoulder making necessary to put it into tf- plaster cast She is how very nicely Aurora FARM FOR acres in the village Sharon New Warn new driving- house good frame dwelling well small hardwood bush Ap ply to A Shaw Sharon Ford Truck in First Class con dition Tires almost new thor oughly overhauled newly painted Extra springs Genuine Leather Upholstering Front doors and cover over Drivers Seat Price Hardware Newmarket HOUSES FOR SALE Brick House on Park Ave All con veniences BUSINESS FOR Store dwelling stock in village of Belhaven Investigate This Is a money maker FOR In the Town of Bradford 7 rooms Cement Block House Basement piped for furnace Cistern Stable llenery A li Land on Main St of above The return baseball match between Aurora and Newmarket High School was played on Wednesday afternoon and resulted in favor of the home team by a score of On Tuesday Mrs William of Street passed away after an illness of some weeks Deceased was in her year and was the widow of William who predeceased years ago She is survived by three daughters and two sons Miss Alma at home Mrs Webb of King Mrs Evans of Toronto Mr William of Ottawa and Mr Charles of Oxbow The fun- eral took place on Thursday after noon to the Aurora Cemetery A meeting of the ratepayers of the town was held on Monday evening in he Mechanics Hall to discuss the advisability of pulling in a sewerage system for this town After some dis cussion a resolution was Introduced proceed with the work an amend ment to this resolution was introduced to the effect hat the work be delayed On putting the amendment the vole he resolution was then put to vole anil was lost by two votes This no doubt settles the matter Of sewers for some imp and the work of installing the rood roads win be proceeded Willi SS it contains the very to re acts ASOLLQWSf from the That debentures of the Corpora- a 35 naval sum of Forty thou not far the locality of the- one now reported dollars shall be issued thousand and that the plans and specifications therefor at a total estimated coM of one hundred and ten thousand dollars and whereas appears from such report that the estimated cost of the sewage disposal works comprising trunk sewer screen ing chambers sedimentation tanks and other method of sewage purification will be the sumof Forty thousand dol lars AND WHEREAS the Council deems it expedient that such sewage disposal works be- installed and that the cost thereof shall be Borne by the Corpora- lion generally and that remain ing portion of the sewerage system shall be constructed in the manner provided by The Local Improvement Act AND WHEREAS he plans and specifications for such sewage disposal works have -been- submitted and have approved by the Provincial Board of Health as evidenced by the Certificate of such Board dated he 1 day of May AND WHEREAS for the purpose aforesaid will be necessary to bor row the said sum of Forty thousand dollars on the credit of the- Munici pality to be raised by debentures as hereinafter provided and this Council deems it advisable Issue such de bentures hearing interest Hie of five and one half per AND WHEREAS is desirable to make the principal of he said by annual Instalments dur ing the period of years after the issue of such debentures the instalments of principal repayable to be of- such amounts thai the aggre gate amount payable for principal and in any one year shall be equal as nearly as may be In he aggregate amount payable for principal and during each of the other vears AM WHEREAS neces sary during the currency of the said debentures and to provide funds for paying the same or the instalments of principal and Interesl raise duririg period of twentyfive years by a special rate on all the rate able properly of he Municipality the sum of 298i97 AND WHEREAS amount of the whole rateable properly of he Munici pality according to revised being the I9l0 Is proceeds thereof shall be applied and expended in the construction and in- It had a similar result the of sewage disposal works fleet to comprising trunk sewer screening gome of vessels were re- two storage sedimentation ported have been hit The British Admiralty stated later that there had been no casualties tanks niters humus tank and of effluent if neces sary or such other approved method of sewage purification as may be found necessary That the Mayor of the Corpora tion Is hereby authorized and directed to issue debentures of the said Cor poration to the amount of Forty thou sand dollars and the same shall be sealed with the corporate seal and signed by the Mayor and counter signed by the Treasurer which de bentures shall bear the same date and shall be Issued within two years from the date hereof and snath be payable within twentyfive Interest at five and one half per cent per annum in equal instalments covering both principal and Interest as set Out in the Schedule to this at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of Newmarket That the total amount required to be raised In each of such years for paying the said debt and Interest shall be the sum of as set forth in the said schedule and that for the purpose of providing a fund for the payment of the said principal and in terest due from year to year as such debentures respectively mature due there- shall be raised and levied in anil every year during he said place weakness strength viz Beef and Cod Liver and Manganese and Glycerophosphates with a mild tonic wine This is a splendid combination to restore strength vitality and vigor It has given ninety percent satisfaction for sixteen years HERE IS PROOF to the British forces i PI KEEP THE 8ABBATH William H steel magnate and religious writer Coatesville Pa addressed the Toronto Methodist Sun day School Union in the avenue Methodist Church yesterday Mr Ridgway spoke- of the conti nental mode of living where Sunday was not observed and warned his hear ers that when we Americans Jet go of the Old Book and the Sunday we will find ourselves in the same situate ion as continental Europe Is Referring again to article by Mr entitled Civilizations Peril he went to show- how debasled the world had become in the craze for wealth and pleasure he contrasted the Easter Sunday In Europe with the same day in America From the At lantic to the Pacific on the day the sun will look down upon people with one united thought he said MsJona I am yearaof age and got into a feeble weak and nervous condition bo I could not aleep haa not only built up my strength bat it has given me a good appetite and I sleep all right now Without doubt Is the greatest old people obtainable Mrs Wells If Winchester Va I am a armors wife years of age and pneumonia left me In a weak rundown condition bo I could hardly keep about- and do my work neighbor brought me Vinol and it built up my strength bo fast that think it is the best medicine I ever taken Mrs Jennie Chapman For Ml rundown narroni conditions woman ore worked man old Is no like VInot Also at the Best Druggists in all Ontario Towns J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Good Well acres 81 Of town A Snap for a quick buyer For purlieu lit and prices apply to It Phone iOfi Box Almost all broken parts of Ma chinery can be satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by this Process Try it ROGERS Newmarket Phone Residence East of Hank of Toronto at Fred Shop 3m62 Newmarket Threshing large and small Good Portable and Traction En gines Separators Clover Mills Cutting Boxes Wood Saws Call and See before you buy Proprietor Shop East of Hank of Toronto SHAWS Summer School Toronto appeal lo Ambitious Students do care to lose two or three month a tlrne You may enter any and continue to Graduation In to a petition Free Book let Write Shaw Schomberg Too late for last week About three hundred citizens of vicinity tendered a banquet to a number of her relumed soldiers on Saturday evening May in the Market Hall Among these heroes was a modern Joan of Arc Miss Wood who hundred soldiers in West went overseas and nerved for two years and a half under he Government by courtesy of the authorities During this lime she rendered gratuitously first aid he wounded and served as ambulance driver She was at front anil was wounded three limes gassed twice and has the of hav ing been decorated by anil Belgian authorities The sumptuous feast was by all Tommies and passing was We have not seen the lik- for many a day All agreed that people knew Musi bow in the mailer of Welcome Home The Programme may be complimented on Ihe selection of ladies and gentlemen who so tastefully decorated the Hall and tables for an occasion Much as this also the men who the toasts to the Ladles in a most and manner Among of the evening were Mr J A Armstrong P Mr Alex Ferguson M P who respec tively proposed and replied to Our Country The evening Eliminated In the presentation of a well worded Il luminated address which was received by Roys with the typical Soldier Spirit The evening brought to a close With the singing he National An- sum of i Annual payment No Interest 161 5 201321 Or 18iiV5 171588 11 17 70030 87 23 i428 TAKE NOTICE dial of twenty five years upon the whole rateable properly of the Cor- poratiop liable to be rated the sum of 5298107 and the said amount shall raised and levied as a special rale in addition to all other rates in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied That the debentures to be issued shall provide for the payment of annually and shall have coupons attached thereto providing for the payment of interest the amount of such debentures and coupons re spectively to be as set out in said Schedule A- Such coupons shall be Signed by the Treasurer of the Corporation and shall be payable an nually during the currency of I he debentures That this Bylaw shall come Into force and take effect upon the dale of the final passing thereof If previously assented to by the municipal voters in the manner provided by The Muni Act Clerk Mayor Schedule A when Int Total annual pay ment of Prine are payable ment of Int According to a recent magi strates decision a peck of po tatoes must weigh fifteen pounds Some lime ago city dealers were fined for sejling bags of potatoes weighing less than ninety pounds This law applies to all who potatoes The English is called our Mother tongue per haps because father doesnt get much of an opportunity it Some men are born black eyes and other acquire them PLAIN SUITINGS a In Fine will be Popular this Season 8EE THEM AT A CALL SOLICITED I C WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main NEWMARKET 113752 133572 above 4 6 7 15 20 22 23 from issue yrs yrs yrs is a TRADE COMMI88ION ITEMS w I QUEENS in the year before lie war Germany Mold goods valued si to Hit- British Canadas I unity gt share of this Is walling for lhal opinion Canadian Com mission A far greater in farm stuffs is done in our own cities and towns- than I done lib road This fact is mentioned by Canadian Trade not lo minimize x- but show ill unrecognized Importance of our home markets Placing Canada on flic map of trade Is the happy way In which Mr If Montreal who rcprc- a group in London and who hah brought back heavy orders Canada describes work of Canadian Mission In Trade offered Hie oversea are varied and the Trade IiiHlntM again and again I hut a fir larger hare of Dominions dburden could be borne by if they would group them selves to thin trade true copy of a proposed Bylaw which if the assent of electors is obtained will be Is ken into consideration by the Council of the Municipal porallon of the Town of Newmarket after he expiration of one month from he day of May helpg the dale- of Hi publication The votes of municipal to vote I hereon will he taken on the day of June be tween hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five oclock In Hie after noon at following places Polling subdivision No prospect Avenue Officer John Polling No 2 Market He I Officer Henry Polling subdivision No Fire Hall Deputy Officer Prank Stewart 298198 298197 298197 298197 298197 298107 208197 298197 298197 yrs 208197 208197 208107 The Mayor will lit lend at the council chamber on Friday day of June at a poin persons to attend the final summing up of the votes and one lo attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons desirous of the Bylaw and a like number on behalf of persons de sirous of opposing the Bylaw The Clerk will sum up the votes given for ami against the Bylaw at the council on Wednesday the at in day of June Any corporation or tenant who de sires In vole must deliver to Clerk of the Municipality not later than the tenth day Before the day appointed for Inking the voles declaration provided for by Municipal Act Section 205 of The P J Clerk oh how do appreciate a hoy who is always on time Ilow quickly you learn depend on him and how soon you find your self intrusting him with weightier mailers I The boy who lias c quired a for punctual ity has made the first contribu tion lo tin capital thai in after years makes his success a Ininly U Brown the result of on unwavering lly accepted engineering No radical changes mark the H Series arc refined de veloped and improved than redesigned On llic two chassis Master Sixes and Light Sixes arc mounted var ious body dJgna in open and closed models comprising a cai for every need The McLaughlin Motor Cor Co MO T BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket r of COOnc iay Mvercl by THAT SOMEBODY MOTHER Somebody prays for a hoy from home at Close f day Somebody loves In spite of Kin Somebody seeks his soul to win Would give her all I to win That somebody In Mother I Somebody heart with joy To a penitent hoy To know her prayers were not in To welcome home her boy in of every and stain That soWbody In Mother I ACTUAL SIZE the Bigger Bar Be sure you receive your own favorite brand Comfort Do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted Comfort is the biggest and best for the money For nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality popularity and big sales So why buy ex perience instead of soap Comfort Soap Its All Right D1NGMAN CO LIMITED TORONTO ONT 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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