Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1919, p. 1

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hi y 7 New Purses A- Ladies Mens to 500 AT The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance per annum in advance when not so paid- la United States in advance only JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JUNE 1919- Single Copies 5c VOL No Its Great Fun Gardening THE owner of even a small back yard or front yard will find the happiest hours of the day are those spent in cultivating flowers For small sum you can plant a little gem of a garden seeds next to nothing and we can supply the necessary Gardening Tools far few dollars I pi Paints Enamels STAINS VARNISHES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Will You Accept Our Adcice on Furniture Polishing We of ih inJ to We vt you how whins the OCexii hit A a few of OCfCar en And Oil Seen will see the Theft cloth eolith of a jo with surface so htxd ii rot Incidentally if do your In OCeJa you At COLLECTING bUtfdof id Five People and Dead from Explosion Property Loss of 50000 BINNS HARDWARE AUTO ACCESSORIES i 28 Hew market Arthur Everest assistant badly scalded out of machine shop McTavish28 a soldiers scalded Oliver scalded suffer ing from shock hit in lec by fly ing fragment Robert foreman of first section of Pencil scalded down the back and arms and also bruised by flying debris in BANK- ESTABLISHED OVER YEARS The Farmer and His Bank should be on intimate and friendly terms They can be mutually helpful The Bank of Montreal is always glad to give to its customers the benefit of its financial experience and knowledge were being dressed There was some uncertainty as to the of persons in the wrecked sec tion and until two oclock that afternoon the ruins were dili gently searched for the of several people feared to be mis- Three doctors anil four nurses from the Military Hospital three own doctors and a number Of volunteer workers were soon on the scene within fifteen minutes the explosion occurred giv ing valuable G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END DUMBER YARD ft Fresh Car Just Arrived W PEARSON Cor Church and Darters Giles John Murphy ESTABLISH A BANKING BY MAIL In your busy and whenever Inconvenient in per ton tend in your you to go to the bank by mail Immediately on receipt of your order cheque or letter the amount wilt be credited to our account IH ft- REYNOLDS NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch at Aurora Manager would pay mil on your Hank- you to a Bert Greens Show Rooms are Snaps of oow Lou Ceiling wana and for can get paper from me if you wish w it yourself BERT Painter and Hanger West of Niagara St Ave Wool Wanted Alto Poultry Wanted Canes Factory will be Restored Now that the of the toward Friday morning he bright- hour has passed away we begin and called across lo his to realize something of the extent sister in an adjoining bed that he of tin awful catastrophe that be- wls feeling fine asked how fell the Town of Newmarket last j she- was and inquired for his week when a boiler at Canes other sister who was injured An Factory exploded causing the hour later lie died sacrifice of five lives after great Alex 32 machinist suffering the temporary suffer- scalded and struck by flying ing of twenty em- debris He died Saturday morn- who were scalded anil leaves a young widow escaping steam and otherwise in- Five years ago a brother nicl by flying debris j death from a live wire at Cas- niense factory in flames fed by sidy Marble Works and another wry inflammable materia brother died of wounds received threatened- by being wiped out at the Front owing to lack of water caused by Waiter 30 machinist the flood breaking the dam at the son of Mr John badly WaterWorks a few days prev- scalded and bruised He has a and doing monetary damage wife and five children roughly estimated at Susie Bishop compound frac- explosion occurred at lure of shoulder badly scalded on Thursday morning of last week other injuries without any warning There Lucy Bishop arm fractured and was no great noise like the compound fracture of the of a cannon and people er down Town knew nothing of the calamity until the Fire Alarm sounded Mr Cane who is the senior member of the firm and General Manager was in of fice when he was startled by an unusual noise and immediately everything in the business office was covered with He rushed to the street and was al most confounded by the sight His first anxiety was for the per sonal safety of the employees and directed the men who quickly I gathered in releasing the victims of the wreck While thus en gaged at front of Factory il was not observed for some minutes after the explosion that the premises were on fire at the rear minutes passed be fore the Fire Alarm was sent in However the response of Ihe Firemen was so prompt and vol unteer workers so numerous that splendid work was accomplished in confining the flames to small area This was due largely lo the assistance of Davis Leather Co and the Office Specialty Works in releasing their men once to assist in staying the ap parent holocaust When situation is taken into account the wonder is that whole plant was not destroyed The explosion burst a fourinch water main at rear of the main htlHfliPf which was unap proachable for some time and during first hour of the fire this writer was going to waste at full pressure The reservoir j WalerWorks was lowered four feet before this waste was discovered and water was going down so fast that the Mayor phoned to Bradford to send down their steam engine so as to pump water from the canal When a valve leading Ibis broken main was closed the pressure was greatly increased and water held out so thai the order to Bradford was counter manded but the engine had got ftfl far as Holland Landing The willingness of Bradford au thorities to give their assistance js ff really appreciated Pad sad to relate the explosion has resulted in no less than five deaths Nellie was one of he worst- cases She is 10 years of age and was employed In the Pencil Department of the second floor She was carried feet across the room blown through a window and landed in the road way amidst a heap of timbers brick and machinery She was scalded from head to foot and faken by Dr Webbs car lo Dr Wesleys office before the fire alarm sounded Her body was filled with broken glass and there was very little hope of recovery from the first As soon as the first dressing was completed she was rushed to the General Hos pital in Toronto by motor car where she expired at 730 on Ihe following morning Fade employed in the Pall happened to be on the balcony and was pinned among the heavy machinery car ried off the falling floor He was badly scalded receiving also a broken thigh and broken arm After first aid he was rushed to I be General Hospital in Toronto where be riled on Friday He was a married man and leaves a wife who is all and children John Booth employed in the The Wreck After Explosion at Canes Factory The explosion had burst the pipes of the sprinkling system and the factory pumping system Norman the engines Pencil badly scalded ran hose from A number of others were hft at the Davis tannery slightly I looked as if the Within ten minutes after the j whole factory would go explosion all the injured had ft oycroft been removed and their injuries I motored to Aurora and brought extra hose winch were of valuable assistance and among these was Nurse Olive who just returned the even ing before haying been about four years and a half overseas At Dr Boyds office every sheet pillow erase and towel in house was torn up and for bandages The Explosion The boilers were situated about the centre of the main building rear of machine shop There are four of I hem in a row and lie bead of be second one on the West side blew out de molishing a portion of the Fac- I wo service ft was only by the utmost ef forts continuing for three hours that the extreme wjngs of the building were saved and the fire brought under control shortly after noon The ladies of the Field Com forts with their proverbial thought fulness were on hand with tempting lunch for the which was very greatly ap preciated One of the great surprises is that there was scarcely a pane of glass broken in all the remaining factory Three members of the Bishop family were working on sec ond floor of devastated lion when the explosion occurred only a few fqet from the end of he boiler that blew off Lucy Bishop was hurled through a window and landed on the road HO feel from where she had been working She landed on her shoulder which was broken Oliver IBtinn was also hurled across the road The seven re maining employees on the see- about ft carrying the I floor fell with the debris solid brick walls and Ions of Three men who were working in Also all kinds of Junk Good prices paid Phone 232 Newmarket al my expense or address i Main South Pencil was and thrown against fell among the almost naked condl- I Hie celling ruins In an He ran madly into the road was helped auto and rushed to the doctors office He was badly scalded and bruised and died on Friday evening was unmarried Alfred Bishop was burned from to fool Only on bis feel which his shoes protected was any akin He vas deli rious during the night but machinery into the roadway on Huron Street The end piece of the boiler instead of going straight ahead turned at right angles shot straight up In the air and landed more than a hun dred feet away A machine on the second floor that weighed Ions was tossed into the street At the time there was about pounds pressure on the boiler and the water gauge was three parts full The two firemen in of the boilers were unin sured and the engine room was not wrecked The damage done was only in front of the boiler head that blew off Workmen In other parts of Ihe factory heard noise and rush ed from the building the bricks had ceased to fall attention was turned to as sisting the injured until suddenly the drying kiln immediately he- hind engine room commenc ed blaze The origin of lh fire in the drying kinis is a mystery While explosion is held responsible Mr If Cane said no one can understand why the drying kilns not affected by it should have caught firp The only explana tion offered Is thai a back draft following the explosion blew fire from the hollers to battery of kilns feel high They were situated about feM from the roller room and though lined entirely ouslde with metal they were filled with material to feed a fire The flames were soon rising feet above and large of dry lumber as well as wooden buildings all around the vicinity Immediately following the panic that momentarily ensued upon the explosion and outbreak of fire the ffrefyrhUnft appara tus of Cane firm and the Davis Leather Company were brought into action and eleven lines of hose manned by regular and volunteer firemen t wore played upon the fire which by this time had gained considerable headway and was being augment ed by further explosions the machine shop below were buried beneath the rubbish Though on the floor above there were at least three machines weighing a quarter of a ton one a ton besides a number of smaller machines the were injured only by the steam Fifteen years ago a similar ac cident occurred at Canes Victory One of the boilers blew out two men were killed and a number in jured Gordon Birch the son of Frank Birch one of the men killed in the first explosion was working in the factory last week although at some distance from the explosion Bert who fifteen years ago left the engine room fifteen minutes be fore accident occurred was struck by a flying plank this lime and was badly bruised Ho was in the engine room a few minutes before the accident and noticed that the water gauge was three parts Pull Follow nig trouble years ago firm imported special boilers from Scotland which it was said had been known lo blow up These cost them more than ordinary boilers They never given any trouble before They com prised four sols of and Scottish boilers with the larger lubes called headers on top One of these ends blew out and the steam from this rushed forth blowing down a inch brick wall for a distance of about feet and blowing out the front wall Pressure in the head was sufficient generate p and the rush of away all supports and caused roof and floor collapse All damage was done by the rush of steam from the four con- I nee ted boilers and was altogether different from an ordinary boiler The head ft In 50 YEARS flOO From Era June Mr and Mrs Jackson took in- the Press- Excursion last week Annual Meeting at then across Lake Ontario to Roch ester Syracuse Oswego and other American cities Plans for new Cemetery were submitted Monday evening by Alfred Wilson and adopted Work to be commenced forthwith Two Bradford young men Armstrong and McBeth were drowned in the Holland on Monday A Lacrosse Club was organized last week with the following of ficer A B W Davis Geo McMasler and Jr Tea Party look placo last Saturday The Royal from Toronto furnished music Immense crowd At Toronto University last Thomas iBentlcy of Newmarket won a silver medal in the science of medicine Pearson has up residence in this place Married June- 22nd by Rev Canon Ramsay JiOSJCay to Char lotte Lake both of DiedAt Belle June 1 Josephine wife of Dr J Montgomery aged years AGO From Era June The Annual Convention of Chris Iran Church was held in Keswick last week There was a very large attendance of mini sters and delegates Gar- butt and Elder Prosper look prominent parts Mrs Rev W L visited Mrs J P Belfry last week Mr and Mrs Allen attended the wedding of their son Mr Allan in Toronto on Wednesday About people took in the Agricultural Excursion to MhiH- yesterday Tbe has arranged a serious of club runs Mr J Hughes Is president Robertsons Bakery is selling a large loaf for six cents now About five hundred attended Murphys in tins row Halt night presided Mr Wal Ions house was struck with lightning Sunday afternoon The Officers of the A are John Smith John J J McLaughlin A Snid er Geo Haines J Stoddard Smith Collins Haines H and J Officers of the are Mr Pretty Miss Morton Nettle diameter made of best steel was facing south was blown through the roof and landed Mss yards away to the North of the Factory which is most peculiar A domination for The Boiler Inspectors were here r in Ontario on Monday and said they never ffS to Ihe Town Hall on Tuesday J J Pear son presiding Candidates were J Davis and J Hutchinson A lively meeting followed Markets Eggs cents but ter cents Chat Just after fire alarm was sounded the electric current was turned off the Town for fear of accident in fighting the fire ami il was oclock before it was turned on again As we dopend on electric power beat our metal and run our typesetting machines this delayed our work i very much and we were not able ftTSjfi second explosion and yet one and knew a of this make to ex plode before and they were puz zled to know the cause Unfortunate Since commencing operations in Newmarket some thirty years ago the Factory has been burnt second bo lor Oil to as many particulars about always paid Ihe explosion last week a we Bag mm Otherwise would it being neces sary lo go to press about oclock In order to catch the evening Explosion a Mystery There was no sound of ex plosion only a great rush of air and steam which shook and vi brated the entire buildings boilers have been inspected reg ularly every three months the last inspection being only two weeks previous i for years was mainstay of Town employing from 250 hands in the manufacture of palls tubs clothespins small wnodanwarc and building sup plies Shortly after the War broke out the firm launched the manufacture of lead pencils the kind in the About two years were spent in GALVAQE Six of Them t bo Employed Railing Viftla by UBoati The first of a new typo of mystery ship for the British Ad miralty lias been completed at South- The new vessels are Intended for salvaging merchant vessels sunk by German submarines around the of fin- United Kingdom Six ships of new type to be built each at a cost of nearly The salvage ship present ap pearance of a series of towers with a broad foundation shaped like a ship Each lower is made up of numerous hollow of curbed to withstand Internal pressure They have watertight doors by which the blocks can be filled with water and pumps to replace the water with air Having no motive power of their own ships are to be towed in pairs to where a sunken merchant man has been located On a calm day the concrete blocks will he filled With water and the ships will he sunk on either of the wreck Divers will fasten them tightly to the wreck The water then will be- pumped from the blocks and the power ships it Is expected will rise bringing the wreck to the surface For Infants and only enterprise of the In For Dominion of Canada J Always bears Continued on Page l of i i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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