Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1919, p. 2

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I a ill f I III J en Mis tome Mr pent k Not The Germans next Monday to sign the Terms Girls to learn stitching in Shoe Factory Good wages paid while or take the consequences learning Also experienced help MINISTER SHOE Torch to CARD OF THANKS No wonder a new of clothes comes high when the manufac turer makes 300 per cent profit The McTavish Family desire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and Peace Treaty Another evidence market generally for their shoU be abolish- According to the action of the Senate Prohibition in Canada will cease with the signing of the ness and sympathy during their recent bereavement and to those who sent flowers Wanted for Fruit Work I Girls are wanted to pic Campa are being established In various districts and girls an much needed for short and Jong periods 160 wanted fop strawberry picking June 17 for three weeks wages For further as to wages hours board etc apply Mis Kate Harte Womens Farm Ontario Govt Employment Bureau King St Toronto ed Forty Liberal seats by accla mation against one Conservative seat are an indication of the probable sweeping government victory in the province of Quebec at the coming provincial elections next Monday After all an Englishman Capt won the prize for making the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic His tame was a little over hours He hopped off Newfoundland and landed in Ireland Take off your hat to John Bull Our Toronto tetter Frank paid the penalty of the Friday- morning He said the origin of his course in life was due to reading dime novels Asked by the Deputy Sheriff whether he had anything to Say he replied No except that I would like it known that Frank McCulloughs death is a warning to other boys who start on the wrong path of life An aged man while walking through High Park on Thursday assaulted and robbed of a ticket to a point in Later Detectives ar- it is mm mm ACKNOWLEDGMENT To the Citizens of Newmarket We wish to acknowledge grate fully the sympathetic and ener getic assistance of the men and women of Newmarket in the care of the injured in our recent ex plosion and to express our ap preciation of the successful ef forts of the Fire Brigade and willing helpers who cooperated with our own employees in re moving the injured from the debris and subduing the fire and saving the buildings adjacent to the dry kilns which were burned This is not the first time that the citizens of Newmarket have shown us this consideration and we feel deeply grateful for their magnificent efforts without which the injured employees would not now be so comfortable We are THE CANE SONS Co The Town of is to be congratulated in having citi zens who are progressive enough to seize an opportunity for the public good as was manifested by the vote on the Sewerage System last Monday- It not only ensures the future good health of the municipality but a paved street for the business part of Newmarket- Contrary to the theory of military experts the returned soldiers are proving their fitness to assume the full duties of citi zenship Already about have taken land under the Sol diery Settlement Scheme and some 5000 additional applica tions have been approved This will bring a large acreage of new land under Cultivation and is another proof of the stuff Canadians are made of TINSMITHING PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES HARDWARE NEWMARKET SOUTH END FLOUR AND STORE The town of Renfrew charges a fee of for the privilege of selling cigarettes tobacco and cigars and any vendor is liable to lose his license if found sell ing to a minor or selling on Sun day It seems to us that here is a source of revenue for the Town of Newmarket which would have a double advantage it would help the finances and might be the means of ascertain ing where the boys under age have been getting their cigarettes of late In developing those chicks of yours do not forget our line of feeds for they are the best If your seeds are not all pur chased try uavbefore going else where Keep In mind our full stock of flour henfeed and stock feed We handle plants green and other garden necessities J C Prompt Delivery Phone 60 House Phone Comments of Exchanges r If It Looks Bad Durham Chronicle When but ler is a pound eggs a dozen live hogs a hundred live weight and other things in proportion it looks bad to see a man try to get a local newspaper at less than a dollar and a half a year The bantering business is not general but there are still a few who make Ihemseves appear small when they go to make a purchase of any kind They want full market price and more for anything they have for sale and they banter both In buying and selling so as to make them selves ridiculous a man who tries to do the right thing Rather Sarcastic Renfrew Mercury We are glad that Sir Thomas White was thoughtful of the GovernorGen eral and made provision for him to escape paying income tax It very kind and thoughtful of Sir Thomas and shows clearly that he reads the papers and had noticed that the best offer the GovernorGeneral could get for his little home over in London was five million or so On the Here Here The Acton Free Press puts this matter in a nut shell and we heartily concur in its sentiments The Canadian Senate has surely outlived its usefulness It is a menace to progressive legislation of interest to this country This has been manifested over and over again during the past few sessions It vetoes legislative enactments calculated to go far for the bet terment of Canada It votes down measures of vital interest to the of our growing Dominion Last week this ir responsible body nullified a bill which combatted the disposal of the rights of municipalities to the big corporations The control of the streets by municipalities should be an inalienable right and no corporation should he per mitted to trespass thereon at any cost without consent Yet the Senate has just killed a bill which sought to render impossible fur ther infringement in this direc tion And the jocular manner En which they did the unfair deed undeserved affront to their action The temper of the people of Canada is about the point where a nationwide de mand will he made for the aboli tion of the Senate The vote in the House of Commons was a very close one to 52 and every Cabinet Minister present includ ing Hon Mr Howell voted against the municipalities ALLEGES was and Mexico rested two women who- it is committed the assault and robbery while garbed in male at tire A Wright vicechairman of the Workmens Compensation Board died at his home here last week He suffered from exces sive blood pressure a year ago recovered sustained a stroke last fall but was active till April when taken ill with neuri tis He was a prominent journ alist and organizer for the Con servative Parly for years Rev E J Adams of Colling- was elected president of Toronto Methodist Conference on the first ballet witii votes out of a total of You have no right to drink and then go out in charge of an auto said Judge as he fined John convicted of criminal negligence- auto collided with Dr Thistles car on May and the doctor had several ribs broken Robbers stole an auto on Sun day and going lo a gasoline ser vice station carried off the of fice safe containing Nicholas of New To ronto an Austrian convicted of wifebeating in the County Police Court was sentenced to ten days in jail my Magistrate Brunton Each day of the ten will receive a lash in the jail as a reminder that wifebeating is not a be condoned in Canada manager of the Grace Motor Co who was ceiving a salary of a month was sent to penitentiary for three years on pleading guilty to the theft of 11000 from the Co by manipulating the books John Corbett a returned sol dier with and eight children was fined and costs or six months in jail when he appeared in police court charged with being disorderly around the Toronto Jail on the evening preceding the hanging of IrYank McCullough A gang seemed determined to cheat the gallows Mriph Draper was home over Sunday Bolton of Toronto Mrs T Bolton last week Thomas Mills is sailing shortly to spend a few months in England Pte McCaffrey came home from overseas on the Olym pic last week Mr Fred Saxton of Toronto was in Town on Monday calling on old friends Mrs Jerry Brooks of Toronto formerly of Mt Albert was in Town on Tuesday Mr Graham and wife of Toronto visited his parents here for the weekend Cameron Hall son of Rev E and Mrs Hall arrived home from overseas On Monday Mrs J of Toronto was visiting Mrs J on Saturday also Miss A Wylder Seth of Toron to formerly of Kettleby spent a week with Mrs Theodore Bolton The following Newmarket boys arrived from Overseas this week Carl Irving Art Morgan Mr and Mrs John Warren The Column IB 8ovimM elf Word- Oh If not paid will charged for booking Steady work Apply Newmarket Handy Men to Geo Barker For Outnt A- Clover Mill In good Repair Oldham Mt Albert- Baby for Sal Willow Body and lip strap springs in good order Box Newmarket For Furnace Pollock Eight roomed Brick House Electric Light Water J Second Street Newmarket WHEN TO CUT ALFALFA FOR HAY Mr rnaqagir of the Princess Theatre Toronto a witness in an action tried before Justice Latch ford de termine whether the mother or father should the custody of the children of Manford Terry of North Mr Shep- has now launched action against Mr Weyman Prosser lo recover unstated damages for alleged slander The words he accuses the defen dant of uttering arc that swore to a lie al the Terry trial WHAT OAR CQ8T was paltry a year and quisites that we pay him governing us he have Hi or a hard time to scrape along We confess to a Utile disap pointment however that the Ot tawa and Toronto papers did not feature this concession toward the Duke it must have escaped the eye of the feature editor For do nol the Ottawa papers put a rule border round the announcement that the Duke will attend the theatre and did not The Globe one- devote a column the fact That he drank out of a common while cup at Toronto Fair 1 like an ordin ary mortal My word- Expenditures by the Government on private cars with particular reference to the Of Kir Bam Hughes car Rolen purchased in when he was Minister of Militia were probed this morning In the Commons Public Accounts Committee The car was purchased for Sir Sam by D Henna of the J it in July at Chicago for At the time repairs were made costing After using the car for five years the car was repaired In the Grand Trunk Shops Montreal at a cost of Gol Winter said that the car had originally been a and when It va stripped It found that body required replacing The yielding capacity of alfalfa de pends on quite a number of factors one of them being the time when the crop harvested The time of harvest ing indeed affects the yielding acre of more than it af fects other hay crops for reasons which will be explained briefly It is a rather common practice among farmers to delay the cutting of hay crops too long under the mistaken Idea that by wafting a little after that the cro has reached its best stage from a quality standpoint larger and consequently more re munerative crops may be realized This practice however works out rather the other way hi alfalfa It is generally held that most sat isfactory returns both from the standpont of tonnage per acre and from the stand point of the hay quality are obtained If the alfalfa Is cut when as It Is generally expressed it Is one- tenth In bloom This expression real ly means that it Is lime to cut alfalfa Just after ft has started to come in general bloom The blossoming Is in fact on the whole a rather good In dication of the proper tlmelo cut alf alfa but Is not always so for In cer tain seasons especially If wet and cool weather prevails In the early part of the summer the blossoming period may be considerably delayed beyond the best time for cutting the alfalfa for hay Besides It Is not always easy to determine when an alfalfa field Is onetenth In bloom and In case of doubt on that question the alfalfa grower may easily be tempted to wail a little to long A far safer indication of the best time to for hay is given by the coining of the second growth from the crown of the root The second growth generally begins to shoot Just when the plants begins to blossom but some times a little earlier As the second growth Is the one on which the size of the seasons crop of alfalfa de pends it follows crop of the season should be taken off before the second growth has readied such a development that there Is any risk of it being cut off with the first crop And this might easily happen If the cutting of the first crop Is de layed too much the result of course being that the return from the second crop of the season Is apt to become smaller Under the Circumstances alfalfa growers would be well advised not to delay the culling of the first crop anytime after that the second growth begins to come on A simple ex amination of the crown of the roots will show how the new growth Is developing and the cutting of the Crop should place before it Is high enough to be caught by the mower and Mr and MrsJofcnson of To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs of Toronto and Mr Geo Ludlow of New visited Mr and Mrs O Ludlow last week Mr Baldwin Dennis of To ronto was in town Saturday at tending the sale of his brothers effects the late Chas Dennis Mr Ernest A wife and family paid a visit to his mother Mrs M OB Prospect Ave and his sister Mrs J Patterson on Water St Mr and Mrs Nelson Holland and Howard Art from and Mrs- John and her son from Midland spent the week with Mr and Mrs Morris Timothy St Mr Switzcr left on Mon day for Calgary on a business trip and expects to be gone about fif teen days Mrs Switzer accom panied him and will visit friends in the West Mr Norman Gray and wife of Fredonia accompanied his sister Mrs or Dunkirk Y arc over on a visit of two weeks with their mother and Mrs Gray and Mrs T Blizzard Mr Francis J and wife spent the weekend with his mother Mrs J McManus on Prospect Ave and his sister Mrs W J Patterson on Water St They were returning home from a Convention of the Men in Ohio where they were for five weeks They for their home in on Saturday Miss M Williams sister of Mr Angus Williams is the teacher who trained Ihe chorus from Pauline Avenue House for St I market terms A possession can be arranged with Mr Gibson at the house or Morton Mont rose Toronto Wanted An experienced Stenograph er State salary and give references The Pully Clutch Co Au rora For Brick house All modern conveniences West side of Town Large lot and Stable Apply Miss Millard Park Ave Straw Hat Thtee warm days make you feel like discarding your heavy- hat or cap We have Juetopen up our and Panama Hats and they certainly are nifty In Panamas we are showing these In Fedora and Telescope prides from to We are showing a nice range of In and Sennets In the New Windows for the Farm for Rent or would Sell Acres workable 5 pasture Bush Bank Barn Silo Hog Pen Bearing Orchard Apply Box 364 Newmarket P Eggs for S White Leghorn from a well selected heavy laying strain for hatching SI per Hodgins Keswick Plants Best Varieties all transplanted Poslpald shipped successfully everywhere Ask for Price List of other Vegetable Plants and Fruits in season Farms Ontario Niagara District Home Builders Write for our Free Book of House Plans and information telling how to save from Two to Four Hundred Dollars on your new home Address Company Box 61 Jackson St Hamilton I Mens Outfitter Give Us a Call I Wanted Several Slenographers ex perienced Speed accuracy and good vocabulary are essential Working conditions Ideal Apply stating ex- to Sales Manager Chevrolet Company Ontario c6w2l- Mr Sennett was the lay delegate from Newmarket Church to the Methodist Conference in Toronto last week Drug Stationery Chocolates Cameras Photo Supplies His VICTROLAS Masters Voice Records J Druggist MAIN STREET House Phone No and Chemist Store Phono Ho Cradle Terry At the Womens College Hos pital Toronto June to Mr and Mrs Stuart D Terry formerly of Albert a son Benjamin Rama- den Flther In Mount Albert June to Mr and Fisher a daughter on Sunday Isaac School in Toronto which won the First Prize Shield for the Public School Choir in This is a distinction she well be proud Williams is a graduate of markel High School Mrs Caldwell attended Commencement Exercises at Ontario Ladies College Whitby last week her two nieces of receiving special awards Miss Ruby received the degree of and won he gold medal for highest standing in Course Miss Ingram won the silver med al awarded for highest standing in One Year Mr John A Bell of Calgary who was a delegate to the Pres byterian General Assembly at Hamilton spent a couple of hours in Town on Wednesday with his brotherinlaw the Editor of the Era It is years since he to learn his trade at this office and years since his last visit He saw ninny changes in the old Town but very few people of his acquaintance Want of time prevented him from calling on more of them Ho visited relatives at and and left Toronto for homo on Wednesday night accom panied by his son Clarence who recently returned from overseas Cyril Atkinson who on- listed with the enmo over seas on the Olympic and arrived home on Monday afternoon He was transferred to the Hallway Engineers and had a great ex perience The most excising that first hay was when he went over the top with the Regiment escaped any though many of his companions suffer ed hut was gassed on one occa sion He went partly through Belgium before selling home ward Cyril learned to run a cylinder press in the Era Office and at the time of enlistment wns employed at the Methodist Book Room In Toronto When he en quired about work they took him hack on his old job the same day In Newmarket on June lo Mr and Mrs Harry a daughter Hill On June to Mr and Mrs C Hill Indian Grove Toronto to Mr Morrison of Newmar ket In Newmarket to Mr and Mrs a son Albert George June The Altar Curl JflacKlnnon June at Spruce St Toronto at the residence of Mrs Margaret Corby aunt of the bride Mary daughter of Mrs Mi A Curl of to Wel lington Archibald MacKinnon of same place Manning At Central Meth odist Church Toronto June by Rev Dr Longford uncle of groom Anna daughter of Mr and Mrs John Sheridan of to Gordon Manning Newmarket Rogers Osborne At Toronto on June daugh ter of Mr and Mrs It Osborne St Clements Ave Toronto to Gordon Rogers son of Mr and Mrs Norman Rogers formerly of Newmarket Al the Experimental Farm Ottawa on June by Rev J Maofarland A Hester third daughter of Jos J P of Strect Edinburgh Scotland to Charles Scott of To ronto and grandson of the late Calvin of East The Tomb That vlll fllvo you Pleasure in the Home as The Phonograph with a Soul LET PUT ONE IN HOME ON TRIAL J BROUGHTON Newmarket CAR The people who get the most out of life ore the ones who are chiefly con cerned with putting In something Those who make It their aim to enjoy themselves ore a generally discontent ed ftml thou ace bending every energy to nuking others happy gain tin Joy they give So It I In other things What you get out of life is- proportioned to what you put Into I J and of the same kind Ottawa June Tax he pro fiteer as much as you like but leave the food and raiment of the poor man alone It this science uttered by Fred Pardee Liberal member for West which sturk out in to- days Budget debate In the House of Cornnone in one of the most tel ling speeches of the session the former Chief Liberal Whip made a Strong fight on behalf Of the plain people demanding free food and free and an allaround re duction in the tariff that the cost of night be reduced to the minimum THE Furniture and Undertaking House can buy your You Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A MOTOrt IF DE8IRED Night attended to at resldenoo J MILLARD and Donnell In on Tuesday June Eva Helen In her year Barry At St Michaels Hospital To ronto on June James harry formerly of Newmarket In his year On Sunday June at the residence of her brother-in- law P Trivett Place Josephine Drlfflll el dest of the ate Jas of Had ford service at the above ad dress p m Monday June Interment at Newmarket Tuesday afternoon at oclock on arrival of Metropolitan car OF GOOD MANITOBA OATS JUST ARRIVED I Cents per Bush LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME and CEMENT All Kinds of Building Material Phone 22 Newmarket June At on Tuesday nth Isaac Pegg in hid year Funeral Thursday from Methodist Church to Ceme tery Robertson In Newmarket June Sara daughter of Mr and Mrs aged 8 years 3K3s2SSSsiss INSURE YOUR LIFE S J Road house Undertaking Main St North Newmarket All Orders ireful Attention a It is the most sensible reasonable wise and prudent thing to do Enquire of FRED ANTLER District Agent Newmarkei Ont FOR Mutual Life of Canada Representing York and j I

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