Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1919, p. 5

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IBS Sj DENTIST Main and Newmarket Dr J Boyd firadiiate in Medicine of Toronto in also Licentiate of the Royal of Physicians and member of College of Surgeons of Eng- a Former clinical assistant in fields Bye Hospital and Nose and Throat England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone 78 WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoi Post Office GREEN PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket CHOICE STOCK OF WAUL PAPER on hand Phone PO Box Teacher of Singing Studio of Music upm on Wednesdays CANADA CO OILMAN District Representative for Co of York fit fire Bank of Toronto Build ing St opposite Market Phone REAL ESTATE and Town Property for Rent Bonds and other Securities and Sold Insurance a Specialty new office in the NEWS Richmond Hill B Club had a dance at Bond Lake Park last Saturday night Orchestra supplied the music Several went down from A new Telephone Book is now in circulation If any names are omitted phone the Manager at Central having been learned that Chas an employee of the Office Specialty Works who came here a number of years ago from Rochester had decided to leave here tie of Tandown back ad things BOY thing a vM done for more Una a in the Whstitkuitm em lifer to lift up bred women thats THOSE TEA Special Correspondent of Newmarket on the 1st of July California the em fc be- to locale in i ployees in his department read Tablet form cent at ail drug an address to him last week ex pressing regret at the severance of companionship having learned esteem him for his excellent Securities Bought Farm Call at our HAMILTON Newmarket Ont A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs qualities Wishing success for himself and family in his future home the address was accom panied by a handsome pipe A Great The man who does not attend great sale certainly does not study economy as he should We understand that when the Alterations are completed that it is Mr intention add other departments His busi ness during the past four months alone has been threefold better the preceding four months This fact in itself is proof posi tive that his advertisements are fully sustained by the Values of fered It will pay you to come to this store from the remotest parts of North York and adjoining ter ritory Everything i Clothing Boots end Furnishings of he highest character go at prices never before heard of in the his tory of merchandising in New market Ad The mortal frame known as Union Government shows more signs of up It was never very strong at any time and Us health not Im proved since February last Its ail ment has been diagnosed as pernicious it has no energy to do any thing Its days are full of trouble and so are its nights and that tells on a weak constitution Its best friends- predict for It a short but fatal Illness which it will bear with Christian fortitude and then goodbye goes as per schedule it ought to ady for the undertaker next spring next summer The funeral will be AGENT fev NEWMARKET A- rtorej private there will be no flowers and It a nude especially almost the only mourner will be the to up and to cure J Hon Newton Wesley Mr women an inrigorating re- has already signified his atoratite tonic and of being absent at the obse- vegetable and Mr Guthrie has a pressing alcoholic and perfectly a trial by Bend ing to Dr Pierce Buffalo Y A few years ago I had a severe nervous breakdown I would have pains In my head and would suffer with backache I waa ailing for about two years Had doctored but did not seem to get cored of the ailment At I took Dr Pierces Favorite and it did me more good than any medicine I ever took It built ma and I felt better In every way than I had for two years A Pretty Wedding A quiet but very pretty wedding took place in Toronto June when a former Newmarket boy Gordon Rogers son of Mr and Mrs Norman J Rogers Boon Ave Toronto was married to a prominent Toronto soloist Gwynold Osborne third daughter of Mr and Mrs Town Council Regular meeting last Monday evening All members present except Mr McCaffrey Mr Ewing who is making a scientific test of the quantity of water that the Town Wells are capable of supplying was heard before the Council Following bills passed E Manning account Piano Tuninfl Agent or jr Osborne 226 St Clements and Prompt W A CO Solicitor Etc NEWMARKET AND TORONTO Mr announces the of a haw office In the Bank of Toronto Building St thai he Will be in Newmarket follows Every Tuesday 700 to p Saturday a to noon Note It is expected arrangements will he made whereby a representat ive of the firm will be in the office Furnace Work Plumbing Ave Toronto The bride was supported by her sister Miss Lilian Osborne and Miss Helen Milarr daughter of Rev Dr W Milarr Toronto and the groom by Mr Harold Moffer and Mr William Gibson The grooms gift lo the bride was an amethyst necklace to the bridesmaids sil ver chatelaine handbags and to the best men pearl lie pins Im mediately after the ceremony the bridal couple left amid showers of for Buffalo the bride travelling in a navy blue jersey cloth suit dress with long stole throw of moleskin lined with amethyst satin and a pretty French hat of navy blue malina and uncurled ostrich Mrs Rogers is contralto soloist of Bond St Congregationalism Chiirch Toronto Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom Outfit at lh Shop THE LEADING TTOBMITHri R SONS TO SMITHS GROCERY PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Get Them at- The In Your Town ft Door Hew Foal EVENING BY APPOINTMENT GREENHOUSES ST The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Now In Quantity Ho Order teas than Delivered PHONE at the Era bring Era Office Try one Large Gathering of Presbyterian Women at St Newmarket Too late for last week St Andrews Newmarket was the scene of a large and enthus iastic gathering on Tuesday when Section Toronto met lo hold its Fourth Annual Meeting Mrs Allen Aurora pre sided and the program through out was most interesting and full of inspiration was a large reprcsftnta- front all the Auxiliaries and Mission Hands of the Section also a number of visitors from Toron to and elsewhere The addresses were unusually bright and helpful Mrs Dun can Port Credit dealt with the Aims and Efforts of Home Helpers Department The For ward Movement was forcibly dis cussed- by Mrs Miller Mrs Johnston and Miss M Smith Toronto under the three heads The The Call for Workers and Stewardship Mrs T Graham Markharn delighted her hearers with a splendid address on lhe things which impressed her most vividly at the Annual Meeting of the On tario Provincial Society held recently in Mrs Donald of Shanghai China touched all hearts at she told of the needs of the women and children of that Country which she has lived and worked for twenty years In referring to the Chinese Christian Church she said vere all the now in China re called the church would Mill stand as a proof of the efficiency of he preaching of the Gospel Miss Atkinsons vmy pleasing account of her slay last year at Geneva Park Summer School was followed by the announcement that Miss Webster was the choice of Toronto to attend the same Ibis year hospitality of the ladies Of lhe church was unbounded hero with each other in doing everything possible for the comfort of the visitors Beauti ful flowers vere everywhere in dicating that many a Newmarket garden had been robbed of choicest bloom to give pleasure to those present The closing words by Mri Allen followed by a abort prayer very comforting and as In that quiet evening hour we rose to leave the Utile church where a happy day had been spent the thought in each heart was It is good to have been here Can General Elec Co on coal 2533 and A Smith Geo patrol 3100 Pay Sheets Application of W for electric light granted Applications of W Brodie and T Blizzard for water grant ed Registration Public School Board for for school pur poses referred to Finance Com Communication from the Mayor of Aurora conveying the pro found sorrow and sympathy of the citizens to the Town and in dividual families who suffered through the disaster at Canes Factory The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the same with thanks Communication from the To ronto General Trust Corporation re Right of Way at the Power House to the properly known as Referred to Prop erty Com Communication from the Workmens Compensation re fees to be paid by contractors Referred to Property Com The Property Com was in structed to place suitable signs marking the Town Limits and announcing the speed limit with in the Town at Appropriate places on the principal roads leading into Town The Mayor and won appointed draft a letter to the Cane Sons Co ex pressing regret and sympathy in heir recent loss and also letters of condolence to those who suf fered bereavement in the recent accident The Clerk slated that ByLaw had carried by ma jority Council adjourned engagement with the Excheauer Court which will prevent him following the remains to the grave Some critics are cruelenough to say that there will be no remains to follow because long before a funeral can take place the central figure will have wast ed away to nothing Meanwhile the patient is making a losing fight against human nature the Grit and Tory corpuscles in its watery blood are wolfing each other and only one re- result can be expected in Us enfeebled state of health Ultimate recovery being impossible the question arises Why doesnt some one kill it now and put it out of Its misery The answer is that it hasnt suffered enough It must linger on a little longer to pay the penally of its sins before it departs to that limbo where governments good creature made an appeal to the coun try even with the War Time Election Act in its imploring hand it would get knocked on the head by Grit Tory High Tariff Low Tariff Free Trade United Farmer Returned Soldier Trades and Labor I W and Bol shevists All the discontents would conspire to bash Its In and nobody with a heart see It manhandl ed I hat way It has worked hard in and It deserves a quiet death bed And a quiet deathbed it will have even if Quebec has to vote Con servative to save It from itself It must have time to purge Its soul apd be shriven besides the Opposition Is not quite ready It receives nothing but the gentlest treatment from those who have gather ed around its bedside Fred Pardee has said The best of friends must part so Ml start The Hon Mr Fielding looks forward with moist eyes to the sad day when it will pass to that bourne whence no traveller returns The Hon Arthur gives fifteen minutes of something that may be a or an probably a little of both which goes to show At a meeting of the General at Hamilton last week it was decided to advance the minimum Blip- end for the ordained married min ister from 101500 and mar ried men to revel Nov that the voters lists for the year are being prepared In various mu nicipalities of Ontario it in well every where to remember thai many of the women In each municipality are en titled lo vote a both parliamentary and municipal election LIFT OFF CORNS Apply few drops then lift sore touchy corns off with fingers Doesnt hurl a bit I Drop a little on an aching corn that corn stops hurling then you lift It right out Yea A liny bottle of costs hut a few any drug but Is to remove every hard corn corn or corn between lhe Iocb and the calluses without soreness or Irritation Freeone Is the sensational Of a 8 won derful that the least said is he soonest men ded when the end is in sight And the Hon Frank Carvel I what does he do The Hon Frank leaves free to criticise certain details of the budget which means that the deathbed con fession Is not complete enough to suit and that he may throw a few stones at the hearse Other members of the Cabinet In dicate by their praise of the patient that the most they can he counted on for Is to attend the services at House They will not follow the body to the cemetery and much less will they Jump Into Hie it They remember duly liv ing and what is going be alive after Union Government is dead arid burled is wo great political parties Liberal and Conservative High Tariff arid Low Tariff or whatever they may be called and wise men will make their arrangements accordingly Already n look of resignation spreads over the vast features of the Union Government It doesnt exactly fold is hands on lis breast and say now it me go but makes a little flutter ing gesture In the budget which is not only a confession of repentance but a sign of extreme weakness As a con fession of repentance the budget says High protection Is wrong The tariff must he revised The West has rights as well the East The rich men who own Canada must pay more of Canadas taxes As a sign of extreme weak ness it says I do the best I can but strength falls me So far as ordinary expenditures arc concerned Ill pay as I go until I go for good hut da not torture my last the Nat ional debt The ruling passion strong In death as you will observe pass ing the buck with Its latest breath And to credit hell said this haunting spectre the war debt with Its dreadful legacy of borrowing Is only whispered In the dying Govern ments presence It speaks no- louder than the voice of conscience Is usual ly allowed to speak No reproaches Just a sad yielding to he Irony of cir cumstance and perhaps suppressed sight for the next loan What will lhe Government do when It has lo fall on the hanks Ah yes will It do Will It OX- the next Issue of Vic tory bonds Will It lax previous Is sues so as to get after the big hold ings of corporations and profiteers These are the horrid thoughts which embitter Union death bed How can II depart In peace With Hi- thunder muttering In the distance Moreover has a sin on its so at least the East says when It bribes he West with reduced freight rates which are made general The tariff Is another dark thought with a Union Government that dies per cent In the Tory faith At times its mind wanders and Its babies of East and West coming together by plant ing manufactures in the West which will take the curse off the tariff by making it everybodys orange Being delirious it reveals secrets and the nurse has to turn people out of the room when it begins to tell of Its past or rave of its plans to send Sir John to Washington to get the re ciprocity offer removed from the books and thus banish continual tempation to freer trade Dubious credits and Greece an inflated currency which fixes the high cost of living for years to come a gold reserve whTah can never come back to normal until the paper money is digested such are the black cares which oppress the de parting spirit and cause the Govern ment to moan In its sleep Of course there is an atmosphere of anxiety Who is not anxious when there is a sick person In lhe House But I think one of the Whips overstat ed It when he told me that he was go buy a revolver to keep track of the pairs The Government will nol die Just now The Almost Persuaded crowd will let it goat that They will not do anytihng to hast en the end but those who live in the West will not come back If they do not declare themselves on the tariff issue They will confess themselves stand- palters and as Allan of Winnipeg said the other day quoting from the Bible Every dodblasted man who with against me It will not be ne cessary to vote for lhe McMaster re solution which Is perhaps not radical enough for Mr and his Wee Feesi but it will be necessary to make an affirmation of principles and then refrain from voting altogether- If they do not follow either of these courses Ihey will have the Indian sign put on them and that is their finish As I said before everbody is con siderate of the dying Government which cannot go West yet and so has to stay East No harsh words no loud threats no violent scenes disfig ure its last solemn moments There are no regrets and no complaint everybody is Satisfied to let it die It will leave no will because for the last eight or nine months It has had no will to leave Read that last sentence twice The budget debate does nothing to disturb the brooding quietude of ap proaching dissolution His voice attuned to minor key fails to bring a flush to the faded cheek Mr Crerar and his little band do their speaking with bated breath not wish ing to crowd the mourners The end Will come soon enough Mr and his faithful few including Dr Michael Clark who can never stray far from Free Trade have set out to be a leaven out why they shouldnt be on a division According to the rules they cannot bring any amendment but they can divide the House on the budget and that will put them on rec ord Onr or and reliable goods coupled with the Lata record of service durability has made the Da Laval Crem Separator the leader this community ssa mm NO farmer enough to feed butter to hit hog carres in soft a watte of money tad food that your your your country But a waste that is going today wherever an cream separator is being wed or the wasteful gravity method Why not put a Cream Separator 1 i mm stop to ibis waste with a Laval There no other separator that can compare with the Da Laval in dean capacity ease of freedom From repairs and dura- Its the worlds cream saver Come in some day and talk it over SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A You cul afford to do A it mm Kff LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN rough and as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Materiel all well kiln and nicely machined- Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pitta Ash Oak Bold at will Interact you Kindly give us a trial fefiao NEWMARKET km I J J Patterson BELGIUMS AU a paper pub lished in Belgium prints a graceful tribute to the depart Canadian troops on part as follows So you are now on the point of leaving us dear Canadian friends No longer will the frantic shouts which you let loose in ad miration of your re echo in the neighborhood We will no longer assist at these daily inspections so silent and thorough which your officers made you pass in little groups here and there on this or that public square No longer shall we hear your entrancing hands which led you each Sunday to your religious services There will be a little less dancing less eating of choco lates and other sweetmeats of your country here will be some thing missing in our streets where your khaki uniform- the most elegant so agreeable and warm to the eye made a gay showing after the coldness which for so long had been the effect of the uniform In any case you have neglected nothing to make yourself nil the more welcomed Neat discreet correct generous you lacked nothing to please or even lo Charm is it then surprising that so many representatives of the gentler sex I can not say only girls for that would bo inexact have granted you their favors Oh you have known how to recognize those favors in a princely way For gifts were nothing for your wellfilled purse and canteens then and thank you Thank you brave and hand some Canadian soldiers who have been among the best of the great army from Britain Thank you for having been the first of the Allies to enter our town you Because of your stay among us you will have a place apart in the gratitude and admiration which we have pledged lo the liberators of our country Our boys will perpetuate your games and our girls your dances Your acquaintance will not be without effect It is impossible for example have seen you wash your teeth and shave your self every day without feeling in clined to imitate your example Nothing lo the man of sens turns everything lo account A severe wind and storm caused heavy damage at Winnipeg on Saturday night Three person were injured One pushing advertising merchant docs to bring thrift Into a com munity thai fifty who huddle by their stoves and wait for business to be brought to them by the energy of some one else rf I i The Greatest Name in GoodyLand fjrjrmrirrr JUICY FRUIT GUM I am V Hi sm The largest- selling mini In the world nat urally has to have a Package worthy of Its contents So look for In the sealed package that keeps alt of Its goodness In Thats why The Flavour Lasts 52 Good blood makes firm tissue strong nerves steady eyes and clear brain Keep your blood pure and full of healthy red corpuscles arid your liver active by using Pills which remove poisonous matters from the system assist the stomach to assimilate its food and the food to nourish the body A world- famous remedy to strengthen the vitnl organs and help to ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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