Off Saturday Afternoon Last Saturday commenc ed at the Davis Leather Co works at 6 a and quit at noon It is proposed to continue this pro cedure during the hot weather Saturday only Will hold their meet ing alift initiation on Wednesday night June at p in- A good attendance is requested Special Stock Reducing Sale MB II I I I I SEED SPECIAL Turnip Seed Christian Church Sunday June Sunday School Please keep up the attendance Morning sermon Subject Hot Weather Religion Evening topic at p m Jesus talk with the Samaritan Woman about he Water of Life etc I by lbs and put up Ferry Co and J A Popular as Ever piers at J Robertson reports no quite as many orders for Ford cars as previous ph seasons but there has been some a quantity at this owing to strikes However cars shipped to Winnipeg have been slopped on the road and will be distributed Ontario on ac count of the labor difficulties in the Prairie City and this will help him out this month price tcl Importer of China and Picnic The annual picnic of the Meth odist Sunday School which was j announced to take place at dys Grove Keswick has changed to Wilcox Lake on August It is expected that the children will be taken down in automobile procession Found Dead Mr Enos Rogers on the of East went out of the house at oclock yester day morning presumably to do the chores Not returning for breakfast someone went to call him and found him hanging in the barn No reason can be as- Signed for the rash act De ceased was a quiet respectable farmer in circumstances The funeral will be held on Sat urday Horn While leaving hirpony tied in the Methodist Shed on Monday afternoon Mr Fred Bowser had the misfortune having it stolen by a stranger v He has no trace of it as yet but we trust ere long it be restored to its owner Imperial Cafe IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK RESTAURANT TEA ROOM THE PLACE FOR A QUICK LUNCH ICE CREAM AND CANDY R Bole ford C W I E8 O N near the Market of Its flavor our bread has found fa vor with the folks who like the purest Explain In a kindly but emphatic man ner that your grocery man should tend you our bread Its a better kind of bread you can tell the difference In the dark Temperance Day The Ontario Al liance sent workers throughout York County to occupy the vari ous pulpits last Sunday in the in terests of Prohibition The speakers in this section were as follows Newmarket Jos Gibson Esq Rev A E Smith Mr T J Win chester Aurora Mr F Caswell W Smith Esq and Mr E P Stewart Sharon Hope and Holland Landing Capt Spencer ML Albert and Rev E Potlageville Snowball and Ket- Mr Oaten Strange and Mr Yellowlees Rev Bucha nan Sutton Egypt and Bethel A Hazzard and R J A Rutherf The Lennox At Jacksons on Wednesday July promises to be the big gest yet The speeches will he nonpolitical and everybody is cordially invited Ad Junior Baseball The boys of the King George School went to Bradford on Mon day and were neatly trimmed by the home team the score 16 to This was largely due to the fine playing of the Brad ford pitcher and 1st baseman The return match will be play ed on the Fair Grounds in New market next Saturday commenc ing at 330 If you are not doing anything go over and encourage the boys Ability Internationally Recognized We note that the twentysecond Annual Convention of the Ameri can GaslroEnlerological Associ ation which was in session for several days of last week at At lantic City and heard dis cussions by eminent American and Foreign Specialists was pre sided over by an old Newmarket boy the Associations President in the person of Dr W Arthur Basledo who has risen lo high rank as a New York Medical Spe cialist and writer A IB IB EC H MS oh B 11 Pi High 8ohool Exams Time Table July 2 to Composition to Spelling to 330 History July 3 to 30 Arithmetic to literature July to Grammar lo Writing to 330 Orai Reading at convenience of candidates and examined t I Scoot A to Scooter Suit of for a FREE Scooter Away with Every Boys Clothing 130 University Exams The following pupils of New market High School have passed their University Exams Max Evans has completed his first year at the Faculty of Ed ucation Miss Eileen McGonigle has passed her 1st year in Arts Miss EdithAtkinson passed her 2nd year in Arts with honors Miss Jessie has com pleted her 3rd year with honors Congratulations to all of them from the Staff and pupils of the school FLIGHT OVER ATLANTIC London June The final goal of all the ambitions which flying men have ventured lo dream the Wright brother first rose from the in machine was morning when two officers John Alcork and Lieut Arthur Brown landed on Hie Irish coast after the flight the Atlan tic Their was without accident and without unforeseen Incident so thr can be learned It was a straightaway cleancut flight achiev ed in fix teen hours and twelve from Newfoundland to Ireland distance of more than J the brief and modest descrip tion which comes from the airmen at tells Of an adventurous and amazingly hazardous enterprise Fog aid rnietg hung over the North and the biplane climbed and dove stniggling to herself from the worst enemies She rose to swooped down almost to the surface of the sea and at times the two navigators ifound themselves lnr down only ten feet above the water Before corning to earth near the Station circled the wireiess aerials seeking the best spot to reach the earth nut no suit able ground found so he chanced it in a hog Milts robbed the night of the ad vantage of the full moon and the apparatus was torn away by soon after the start So the young pioneer of the Atlantic flight without a Mop were thrown upon their own resources The skilful navi gation which brought the machine the centre of the Irish coast fine was one of the finest features of the Wit New York June The alertness f an elderly hank messenger who pursued six holdup men down the stairway of an Manhattan station and felled one of them with a of shots from his re volver frustrated a daring attempt at robber here today The was shot vas carrying a bag to have contained in taken from David Ryan the messenger who did the shooting and Henry employee of the Colo nial Bank who were taking the the federal went back Resolution of Sympathy The following letter was re ceived by the Mayor of Newmar ket from Mayor of Au rora Sir I hand you a copy of a resolution passed at a representa tive meeting of citizens tonight that the citizens of Aurora extend to the citizens of Newmarket their heartfelt sympathy and condolence on the lerribledisast- that has occurred in their town We extend to the families af flicted his expression of our profound sorrow and sympathy lo the injured and suffering and our hopes for a sure and speedy recovery and to the firm of Cane Sons our regret at the loss have sustained We also extendto themour sincere hope that their factory will be able at an early date lo resume work and employment for the wel fare of all Yours very truly At the meeting of the Town Council last Monday evening the Clerk instructed to acknow ledge the same with thanks Reoital The following is copied from Toronto Saturday night Marie Strong and her artist students soprano and Marie contralto gave a genuine musical feast on last Saturday afternoon June to a distinguished musical audience which taxed the capacity of her large handsome studios Her lecture recital on Edward Grieg and his songs was interesting illuminative and poetic the course at her Miss Strong paid a beautiful tribute lo Griegs mother and also to his devoted wife both whom played such an important part in the life and career of Nor ways greatest musical genius looking like a dream of loveliness surpassed herself in her Intellectual and ex quisite ion of fifteen of From the Love Letter Song given with Intensity of feeling The Princess Willi a Violet One Summer Night sung with poetic charm beauty tone and daintiness of expression the of the Spring Song Good Morning Song of Hope Iho sweetly pathetic rendering of Mother Borrow On the Journey Home and The Old Mother to the highly dramatic descriptive ia- lerprelalion of the Autumn Storm Miss created an atmosphere that was truly and carried her audience lo a pitch of admiration and en thusiasm Marie beautiful contralto voice vas heard to advantage in a number of Griegs very grave songs The Cradle Kong which is really a dirge sung with pathetic tenderness At a Young Womans Bier vas given a dra matic and tragic Interpret aljon which created a profund on Iho audience The Wounded Heart A Swan and Song wore sung with great beauty of tone and soulful expression of the text Gerald Moores were Intellectual and arliBtlcand help ed largely towards making the Grieg programme a great success Real Estate Sale Mr Joel C sold his property on Second street this week to Mr Wm Maines who has recently returned from the West The sale was made by Mr Hughes Hamilton the Real Estate man has made two sales week as follows Mr Wesleys farm on street acres sold Dr Wesley of Newmarket The residence on Park Ave owned by Mrs A Howard and occupied to Mrs Wesley on Division Court A very interesting session of the Division Court of Ine County of York was held in the Fire Hall Newmarket on Wed nesday His Honor Judge Denton presiding The Hall was filled with witnesses and spectators Five lawyers were present In cluding two from Toronto About suits were on the doquel and only two or three were ad journed The list comprised two Interpleader suits three or four Judgment Summonses and a number of disputed accounts One interpleader suit which a wife sued her husband for pos session of goods was adjourned and the other similar suit Royal Bank vs Boh mar judgment was given for plaintiff In all cases of Judgment Sum monses order was made for pay ment of definite sums by certain dates and failure to do so order was made for committal Court continued from a till oclock without mfinl Change of Time The Summer Time Table on the Metropolitan came into effect Saturday The Time Tables are reedy for dis tribution Cars leave Newmarket fr Sutton at and 1030 am 3 and pm Cars leave Sutton for Newmarket at 6 and a m 515 and 645 p m Extra cars Saturday only for lon at 1 and 9 pm Extra cars Saturday only for Is land Grove at 330 and 530 pm Leave Newmarket for at 8 and a and 630 p m Forward Movement In the A general rousing of the Churches Activilies has been planned for all Canada to meet and keep abreast of present con ditions Delegates from all Parishes in West York Rural Deanery are summoned to meet at St Pauls Newmarket on Monday June 30 at oclock p m Rev Dr Bla- grave of Parkdale will explain the movement Womertas well as men are expected to take part in the organization It is hoped that every family of the church of St Paul will be well represented at this meeting McGonigle Rector and Rural Dean Choir The Choir Recital in the Meth odist Church Wednesday night was quite a success Mrs Dea con in a very pleasing manner rendered several selections in the French and English dialect Mrs Arthur of Newmarket gave two very interesting read ings Those Imported Brides and Jiners Including encores and was greatly applauded Music was also furnished on the organ and piano by Cecil and Mrs Mason After a vole of thanks moved by Mr and seconded by Mr Wark the meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem Extra Special in Mens Straw Hats 100 Smartly Styled Boaters of the medium type have Black Bands and Leather Sweat Sizes to PRICE Japanese Manufactured Panama J Hats In Many Smart Shapes Prices 300 and 350 A Full tine of Tennis Shoes For Men Br and Boys Summer Underwear at SPECIAL Prices s succession It was suggested by Mr P Smith that the original baseball be again hoisted on the Office Specialty flag pole to denote days on which games would be played The suggestion was heartily approved by all and the public are Invited to keep their eyes peeled for the Pennant Geo Vale and Dr Mitchell were ap pointed a permanent committee to take up collection on grounds A communication was received from Mr Livingston n with or ganization of Met League Mr Doyle was appointed as Newmarkets representative and the secretary was requested to reply asking for particu lars as to the probable action of other towns and date of meeting for final organization Sec London Juno A big fire NeUe In broke out on the Alexandra docks Womens Citizen Association In in Liverpool last night Ware- Toronto recently gave out some whole- houses stored with timber cotton advice Here Is one thought- oil four hundred barrels of lur- bearing on the domestic pontine and other inflammables average girl would rather stick labels blazed fiercely or hours and on pickle bottles and eat poor meals are still burning Several vos- lnan sels were safely removed from danger zone but a blazing i roof from one warehouse fell on the American steamship which was badly damaged The crew of the ship escaped News paper despatches estimate Iho damage at Theres a reason When six oolock comes shes done She goes lo a re staurant and has a of buns goes to the moves and then goes to her little room and there isnt anyone with a long face waiting for her to say where have you been We must give the domestic helpers the A TV learn to Send Era lo friends inspect they deserve The Town Wells An expert has been here for the past week testing supply of water at the Town Wells were victorious over their oppo- Lawn Bowling The new Club House is ap proaching completion and will soon be ready for the use of the members Our annual fixture with Town to Granites resulted in a win for Granites but only with small margin of points Four rinks competed Two of our teams capable of supplying An air purnp driven by has been found to increase the supply There are several wells to tost yet After the fire at Canes Factory Iherc was only two feet of water left in the large reservoir Yes terday morning this had increased to five feet and 20 feet of in the reservoir on hill The Town uses about all the that the wells flow in the day time so that it is only what runs at night that can gain in the reservoirs The report of the expert will tell whether there is sufficient at the South end for Beverage purposes or wheth er other wells will have to be sunk at the North end for further supply Baseball The Town Team for Fridays game with Military Hospital will be picked from the following players K Brown Smith B Smith Smith Henderson West Cornell Doyle Duncan Gor don Pollock Hall Bowser M Smith Hose Lemon Cody F Thompson J Widdis Doyle West Quinn All the above players- are re quested to attend practise on Thursday evening at Fair Grounds The propose oldtime Procession to the base ball match on Wednesday even ing withdrawn on account of Die calamity that causing rnounflng in the Town and simply a procession took place Henceforth when any matches are to be played the Base Ball Pennant will be hoisted In the part of the Town The Northern League held another meeting at Allandale when it was resolved to revert lo the same schedule as last year Campbell Bradford is and Shear Allandale Secretary Below is schedule for 1019 July Orllla at Aurora at Newmarket Bradford at Newmarket at Barrio Allandale at Bradford Newmarket at Aurora Newmarket at Aurora at Barrio Aurora at Bradford at Allandale Bradford at Barrio at Aurora at Orilila Newmarket at Bradford at Aurora Allandale at Newmarket Barrio at Bradford at Bradford Aug Barrio at Newmarket at Allandale Bradford at Aurora Bradford at Orilila Aurora at Orilila at Allantoic at at Barrio Aurora at 27Orlllla at Barrio Aurora at Bradford requested to put In an appearance on our lawns as games will bo played every evening from now on Baseball a mooting of the Executive of the Newmarket Baseball League was hold Tuesday evening the King Hotel The original Cup presented by Mr Watson and won two years In succession by the Office Specialty team wan again put up for competi tion by Mr Smith and will stand as a trophy for the coining The conditions were that the Cup must be won by the same team three years In The policy of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited to sell its cars for the lowest possible price consistent with de pendable quality is too well known to re quire comment Therefore because of present conditions there can be no change in the price of Ford Cars RUNABOUT TOURING COUPE SEDAN STANDARD CHASSIS 660 ONETON TRUCK CHASSIS a ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO These prices are O B Ford Ontario ALL SUBJECT TO TAX CHARGES EXCEPT TRUCK AND CHASSIS lii tfW I i if A K