Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1919, p. 8

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v- v VX BEDRIDDEN WITH RHEUMATISM Walk Aci Around the ivfV On Friday a pleasant and most enjoyable gathering look place at the home of Mr and Mrs Solomn Atkinson when their friends gathered to welcome home their son Gunner Atkinson He was given a royal welcome home after spending about months overseas Miss S Ransorp of Schomberg spent a few days wilh Miss J Mrs Maw of Coventry spent Sunday last at Mr Atkinsons Quite a few from here took in the garden party at On Mon day evening last KIN Mr pent t MR LORENZO Ottawa St Hull 13 certaioly a wonder For a year I suffered with Rheuma- ism being forced to stay in bed for Jive months I tried all kinds of medicine but without getting better and thought I would never be to walk again One day while lying in bed I read the great fruit medicine and it seemed just what I needed so I decided to try it The first box helped me and I took the tablets regularly until every traco of the Rheumatism left me I have every confidence in lives and strongly recommend them to every suffererfrom Rheumatism LORENZO a box 6 for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruitativea limited Ottawa Ont the third Quarterly Official Board Meeting of the MethodistChurch King Circuit the Rev was un animously invited to return King Circuit for a third year Notwith standing the raising of the ministers salary to the minimum the obligat ions have all been met in full and in almost every department an increase shown over last year and the financial standing of the circuit is good The year upon which we are about to en ter spared should he one of the best years spiritually and financially in the history of the circuit Mr frank Davis of the Hit conces sion of King had the misfortune to have his leg broken on Wednesday by being trampled on by a horse Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Groccrt and General Storca CANES FACTORY EXPLOSION Aurora FOR SALE Frame house on South side Gorharn Street property of the late Robert Thompson rooms and cellar cement foundation small stable in rear Two acres Apply to CHOPPIN Solicitor for Administrator fi FARM FOR SALE acres in village of Sharon New Warn new driving- house good frame dwelling good well small hardwood bush Ap ply lo A Shaw Sharon HOUSES FOR Brick House on Park All con veniences BUSINESS FOR Store dwelling stock general mer chandise in village of Bel haven Oct Investigate This Is a money maker In the Town of Bradford rooms Cement Block louse Good piped for furnace Well Cistern Stable A 1 acres Land on Main St of above town A for a quick buyer for particulars and prices apply to ft SWITZER Newmarket Phone On account of being unable to special transportation for Hie crowd which was expected for the York County soldiers reunion and Mili tary Field Day on July 1st it has been decided to postpone day until Wed nesday July Stouffville Five cars loaded with repres entatives of the Kinnear A Co To ronto sales staff including the head of the firm Mr Kinnear visited the horrid of Mr and Mrs A Law- son on Saturday June A Most em and sociable afternoon was spent on the spacious lawns after which all repaired to the diningroom for supper The happy event came to a close a musical ad dress and presentation of a Club nag to Mr and a purse to MrH Laws on Schomberg The Presbyterian anniversary ser vices held here on Sunday last were a decided success also the garden party on Monday evening It was an ideal evening for an occasion of the kind and the proceeds amounted to about Quite a number from Tottenham attended the garden party A bunch of hoys played against in the baseball tournament and won by a score of Bond Head de feated and divided the mon ey with Tottenham There is talk of the above teams forming a league Continued from I age I experimenting at a large outlay and this branch was just devel oping into a very important sec tion of their industry the article turned out being so satisfactory that orders were thousands Of gross ahead of the supply and it was the intention of the firm to double the output as soon as- machinery could be installed In the cutting section of the pen- department which was wreck ed from fifteen to twenty per sons arc usually employed about of them girls The Town feels the disaster keenly as in addition lo bereavement through loss of life about persons will be thrown of employment The work of clearing the debris was proceeded with at once and the will stored to its former outlines as soon as possible The Funerals The first victim of tin- accident was Miss was in terred on Sunday afternoon in Newmarket Cemetery The service which was conduct ed at residence on Superior Street by Rev H Thomas of the Presbyterian Church was at tended by a great many friends and sympathizers The funeral of the John Booth was very largely attended on Sunday afternoon He was unmarried having lived in Newmarket for some years and being a prominent member of the Masonic Order OddFellows and Orangemen he had many friends The three Societies attended in a body He held the foil owing offices Noble Grand of Pyramid Lodge Newmarket No 56 PastMaster of Goodwood Orange Lodge of Alex Peremptory Newmarket Senior Deacon of Tuscan Lodge No Newmarket Member of the Christian Church Choir and was a not exceeding Where the workman is under years of age and his parents or one of them are depending on htm for support a monthly pay ment of ceasing when the workman shall have attained the age of Where the sole dependants are persons other than those mentioned a sum proportionate pecuniary loss to such dependant occasion ed by the death but not exceed ing per month Compensation for loss of time through accidents are payable in proportion to the injuries and wages received Medical aid provided as long as necess LABOR UNRgST CHARGED TO INEFFICIENT Sarnie June Canada as she is from sea v to at sea I I FARMS FOR SALT on 3rd con lirnbury acres under cultivation balance pasture Good Barn Cement Stables Implement shed Flowing well Cement House of rooms Close to school Church etc Acres Township 100 clear balance bush Hun- Ding water Good Barn Silo Utter Frame House to Acres Township North imbury All tillable Large Barn first Class Stables underneath Silo Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Class Brick House miles from Ravens hoc to shipping points T miles Metropolitan Railway mile from School and Church Newmarket Phone Box A still pled by the Behold her glowing possimilities industrially commercially and socially The only reason that poverty is sometimes noticeable in the Dominion at all is because of the present powers of Die millionaire and the multimil lionaire within our bounds Thus spoke Charlton of secretarytreasurer of the Western Ontario Liberal As sociation in the city hall when he addressed the West Lamb ton Liberals on subject of organ ization He tidd of the ideals of true 201h century lihiiralfsm and pointed out the past which Liberals must pursue fop the future if the cause arid glory of the seed sown in Cana das House of Commons for many many years by the nations great was to triumph in days now before us your own thinking said he the greatest fundamental principle of Liberalism is free bought but get together and pull together with the one purpose in mind the ideal of democracy Forget Narrow Views the narrow bigoted way he went on The cause of the great unrest and division Between our two coasts today he continued is but due to the inefficiency and the weakness of the present Gov ernment The speaker then asked why it was thai the Conservatives in 1 cried aloud Have no truck nor trade with the Yankees Then during the war they set the price on Canadian cheese at cents and cents o Mont real while the Allied govern ments purchased cheese in the state of Wisconsin jit the rate A Lister may fail a receipted bill may be lost a household record may be open to dispute but a paid cheque is a lasting absolute fc P money Newmarket Branch Any person wishing to place personal affairs on a business basis may arrange for a checking account with this bank mm in Sunday penis a pound tu rn a SHAWS Summer School Toronto to who do not care lo lot two or lhre You may any day and to Graduation In to a Book let Write M GET THE BEST IT and Toronto Is noted throughout Canada for Hiqh- Qrade Education demand for our graduate Open aft year Enter now Write for W J ELLIOTT was found on In place Jew on line lie will appear before this week Pie Reuben son of Mr and Sirs Prank has returned from overseas and was given a hearty re ception Or Robert and children of and Win of Tor onto who recently returned from over seas were at the home of flutcheon Bros Riverside the summer home of Mr Howard Mitchell of Toronto was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Saturday last when relatives to- Hip number of over thirty met as a family reunion Riverside belter known locally as The Ranch la a delightful spot for a days outing and Mr Mitchell was untiring In his efforts to give his guests a good time The afternoon was spent in games of ball on the flats paddling In the Little I lumber anil in other ways in which young people find to enjoy themselves on such occasions A group photo will he a pleasant reminder of a perfect day spent in the open Brown Hill Too late for last week Mr Hoy in putting a new stone Wall under his barn which make an improvement we ire glad to see Thompson Improving Wonder who will put the eI bid on our warehouse that now up for sale by lender The tent meeting Is in its utmost now Much success far Quite a number from around here Is attending Believe their in some bun- comb preaching on record from Rev and others in view following now Dont miss these services Bleeping Beauty excellent Mr Fred QDEENS mm ARTS EDUCATION APPJUBD SCIENCE Mirtnt ufMAriM A man does not gel on the bright Hide of life by flouting his fellows Herbert Lloyd of Hay Bay his laughter and granddaughter were all killed as also their team of horses when struck by a fast train while driv ing Into Saturday A very sad death Occurred at the College St South of Aurora when Harold Dillon was out with few of his chums and seeing a Pile of roll along Hie track attempted to try Ids strength on one of them He lifted one end and Hie other end fell to the ground and Harold Hie rail striking him on the add burning an artery In his chest chest which resulted In death a short while afterward School for some years Service was conducted at the house by the Chaplain of Masonic Mr p Anderson and at the Christian Church by the lor Rev C Hall There was a great profusion of flowers ill the Societies contributing wreaths the conclusion Of be service the funeral cortege proceeded by motors to Church about miles distant some autos accompanying the remains After service Si- loam home of his boyhood I ho was made at Cemetery the ritual of the OddFellows being in charge of Mr Geo Young Mr Toil for the Orangemen and the Masonic ritual in charge of Chaplain concluding the ser vice Many friends were pres ent at both Church and the Cemetery Mr was a noble young man and his un timely death greatly lamented The funeral of Alf Bishop look place from Under taking Parlor on Monday after noon on Account of two other members of the family being sick the house Rev St Pauls Church took change There was a large at tendance of relatives and friends Interment in Newmarket Ceme tery Alex was buried same afternoon the same place Rev P Thomas had charge Service at the bouse and grave OddFellows Lodge in procession Large Chas was taken the Methodist Church for fun eral service the same afternoon at oclock The pastor Rev M S conducted efuieR Church was filled Very touching service at Newmarket Cemetery The other victims who were badly scalded are recovering The Inquest Coroner Wesley opened an of ficial Investigation at Road- houses Undertaking Parlor on Friday evening the following jury being P J Gibbons foreman R A Hamilton Scott John lodging lohu Kershaw John Charles John Williamson Terry A West Hughes One of the bodies was viewed and the adjourned until Fri day evening June Provision for Killed and Disabled Many years ago the employees of the Factory formed a Benefit Society to lake care of the sick and suffering- but when the Workmens compensation Act came Into force this took Its place the firm being assessed for all Its employees Under the provisions of the Act the payments are as follows Where death results from In jury for funeral expenses Monthly payment of for a widow and for child to year A of age not ex- Why did Canadas Government allow this Why was it that Ihcy set to record thai I hey for months and months paid the manufacturers of this coun try a double price for the of munitions Why was Sir Joseph allowed reap per cent profit on bacon Mr Charlton told the story of the boots and the horses bought in Canada and of the refusal to buy Canadian steeds and the of United Stales the product of the farms owned and controlled by desperate people whom the Government of Canada had cnied down in Inefficiency of Government The English language said I lie speaker cannot express the true inefficiency of the present Govern men I of Canada Pre vious we had a premier who for fifteen years strove night and day to achieve the common cause and purpose of unity an undivided Canada and Sir Wil frid in his death ipassed away he had lived in expound ing the faith of democracy the democracy of humanity Personal element is the thing thats going to win for Liberal ism ho went one and in order lo establish the basic principles of I literalism there must be bard work and sacrifice Nothing in the world after all is worth while without there is sacrifice in the battle to achieve and was because of the daunt less fearless calibre of the fore fathers of Ibis country who dared to bend their backs and strip their coats that we have this Canada that blossoms out as the rose of this day Day of Great Choice Many years ago we were call ed lo Ottawa to choose a leader of men who would carry on the banner of in Canada We chose a man Thai was a great day a great choice Now we are called again this coming Both provincial and federal convention mean choos ing leaders to carry the flag to victory GOING HIGHER The retail shoe dealers of New market are fortunate In having purchased the hulk of their fall and winter shoes early us the growing scarcity and consequent high prices of leather make fur ther advances in tho manufactur ing of kinds of shoes absolute ly certain In fact price lists received by local merchants re cently show an advance in the wholesale prices of from one to two dollars over the prices of a season ago This is- the third and in some cases the fourth advance made by manufacturers Children dry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA ami wholesalers since last fail The hope of the public and shared in by the dealers that- shoes might- be less expensive will not be for a long time to come authorities say A hide dealer is authority for the statement that present high prices due to the unusual demand for hides and skins from Europe anil to the fact that the government which made restrictions during the war which prevented changes in leather prices while other commodities soared has removed these re strictions and now also allows the exportation of leather so that With a short supply and a big de mand the advance is only natural Another important factor to he considered is the exportation of leather that with a short supply and a big demand the ad vance is only natural Another important to be considered is the except ex port demand for shoes Rep resentatives of a Russian syndi cate in New York city the other day placed a single order for of shoes Another order for 10000 pairs went to France and another of pairs went to Belgium A si ill larger order came from It was for 000 pairs with the stipulation that lOfinoo be shipped immediately Toronto Ottawa BY DAY AND COMFORT BY QHT Convenient train of Parlor and Din ing Cara and Comfortablo Coachej by Day and Standard Sleeping and Compartment Cars ana Coachei by Night Toronto 1845 1055 pm Uaioa SutMa Ottawa pm and Central Station Daily Sunday With connections for Montreal Que bec St John Halifax and Maritime and New England State Points TkroU Ticktta and Offie Strtat Eaafc gad Station Toronto THE WAY TO OTTAWA tY It is reported that created country of the newly standstill When peace is Uthuania declared this and other of needs among other commodities former Central Powers will want pair of shoes In Bus- the mill pairs also shoes are sold as high as SI shop the Garrison a pair and France and Belgium salvation Army Hut they are lo a pair W Gamp England were formerly manufactured Saturday resu many shoes and much leather Canadian soldiers who were de but this industry is now at a layedln sailing lor home OIL is a cheap fuel for cooking No ashes to clean up No fires to build What could be less trouble A Florence Automatic with McCUrya oven will five you the beat baking you ever produced No odor No wick to bother with Save fuel have a cool kitchen Coll and the Florence In actual operation FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL COOK STOVES Sold by A I Tel THE new rates for Long Distance Service effective May and based upon airline mileage correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de creased charges Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub- Old Hate Newmarket to Toronto Ml Albert 15 Aurora Bradford Sutton ilill New Hate 25 15 10 10 25 25 15 The hours during whichreduced Long Distance rates night rotes arc In effect a re now From pm to pm per cent of day rate From pm to am per cent of day rate Night rate bated on Standard Tim LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers will be Increased ten ptr cent effective from July 1st next Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates from May a Long Station The Telephone Co of Canada v ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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