Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1919, p. 6

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re Sill sv Mount Albert A MI THE LIBRARY The Public Library is closed for two weeks from last Satur- j day The story hour will be discontinued until after summer ESTATE OF HODGES The late Ptc George Edward Hodges a boy left personal properly to his fiancee Miss Mary Mitchell now Mrs Mary of Mount Albert Deceased was killed at Lens i j i w CONTINUATION Promotions from Form I to Form Names in order merit Nellie Johnson lid a Rose Murray Stokes Eileen Rowand J Kenneth Daisy Harvey Leek Oldham THE CEMETERY Mount Albert Cemetery Com- will hold its Annual Dec- oration Day on Sunday July at p in old time Pro- gram will consist of addresses by j resident Ministers and others Collection will be taken at the gate Orchard Beach Those professional robbers Mr J Dunham of the robins have stripped the was visiting his sister Mrs cherry trees of heir rich fruit h Cole and other relatives for a before the owners could get few days He sees great changes ficient to enjoy the usual cherry since he left here a boy of seven Pe No Point son Victoria Chapman and North this once or twice we h sie have more of the real essence of Christianity than the whole campmeeting S They have inal quiet sweet s Jr that all under- Hon Elsie Worth Gwllllmbury to imitate him and soon They peace standing You them ad Names inorder of merit sentence in our mfndT Jr HI to III he put the various words ie Badlonil usijns- them to explain on another view of a picture- which was sheet This was a true noisy or demonstrative I Hon Chinese life different Jr II Muriel anything we had been Mrs and son are Mr Thos Brett wife and two lower you descend in the scale of Hon Phil Hamilton to spending a couple of weeks with sons of Toronto motored up n her sister Mrs Sunday and called on Mrs Mr H and son Cole Mrs Cole s an aunt of of Newmarket were up to the Mrs Brett They were ac- one day last week the by Mrs Philip Austin first time he was away from home of Go Mrs Brown Hill We are in a cool unset Ked wave now Miss of To ronto was home over Sunday I Mr n Tow Kg riral i At a meeUng held to a club for lie summer the following officers were elect ed I Hon President President- K Ross Manager Draper Captain Ben A ball park has been secured home games are being ranged for at least once a week The club is urgently in need of supplies and the wholehearted support of the town and community is necessary the town by your assistance this matter The Lily of the Valley the for on Bright and morning star is fair as ten thousand Of the fairest from afar Mr Geo is doing some improvements on his new home Mrs Miller on the sick list Haying and hoeing are chief engagements now farmers in his vicinity The Baldwin tentmeeting Sunday was immensely attended j Hundreds congregated in afternoon and evening to sec he finish of the series of meet ings The eryice in the even ing especially was an oldtime one indeed Something oul the ordinary and typical of John PERSONAL I Wesleys day fire and faith fr Samuel Jennings Jr and The speakers in attendance were son Percy of Chicago A Rev of Holt in Town on Thursday of last land of and Rev a I week Miss M Leek has gone away for a months holidays Hiss Nettie Ross entertained Could if Sims of Toronto who spoke most magnificent I must detain leave space for others many instantances self I a party of young people from i if space would permit the city over the weekend The old grain house has been Mr Walker Sloan and family recently purchased by Messrs came home on Saturday he havjNoriss and Johnson for use of ing moved to from j building convenient stock pens bells did ring and Mr Leslie Woodcock arrived oul on Monday you bet arid from overseas on Saturday last voyage to Niagara Mrs Stevenson and children of j swell do not ignore Tempo are of her sister the details to full Mrs II Ross is Mr and Mrs Miller motored from their home in Western On and spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Rich Harper Mr and Mrs Kennedy and Mr and Mrs Turner of Scott spent Sunday Mr Stokes We all was just summer- capacity extend success Sleeping Beauty Keswick i PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS The names are arranged order of merit except in the three pro- con- Mr and Mrs J has ffone to Toronto to attend the niece Miss Susie their r- classes where the motions have been made ditionally Senior Third to Stokes Hon Dike Hon Verna Hayes Ruby Hayes Charles Morton M Toole teacher to Jr HI Verna Pear son Hon Campbell Hon Doris Sydney Marjorie Jr to Jr HI Helen Dunn Evelyn Lawson Agnes Steeper Margaret Harper Sarah Wood cock f Jr to Arthur Violet Smith Velrna ApUing V Robertson teacher wedding of Master Kenneth Morton who underwent an operation on Sun day is improving nicely oh yes on Monday everyone was why Mr Mor ton married along who next Miss Vera Pollock gave a birth day party to about young people on Monday ami they all say what a lovely time they had and so I am sure Vera must be a very happy little girl It certainly looks good to sec Miss at her old post again I hope she will be able to stay with it as she is such favorite with everyone know her Dont forget the picnic on Sat urday when and Kes wick Methodist hold their i ITS Primer to A Primer fiannje Harper won Bill Kenny Nelson Peterson Dorothy Hilda fflluart Smith I Primer t P Primer Bill Dunn Toot Smith Peterson Hayes Fred Joyce Ivan Kenny A A Mit chell Mr- teacher Mrs Cole and little Cyril were in tor a few hours Mr and John look a- trip to to visit brother Carman Mr who has just from France is visiting bis friend Mrs S Draper Mrs Hayes has gone to mother who is very sick see I Sharon Wft The picnic the i WW- I glad to have but ail wish it woblfl rata Union Sunday held their at Jackson Point on July th- ftth and had good We are to hear that Mr a K going to leave we him a aafe Journey vhito at the picnic Tuesday about on hour ftolng to the car MISS of Sharon lost a banket which contained a bathing suit and and ttiinjo Who got them The Aid Will at home or Mr forget the every Tuesday evening Mrs Major Waylfng had a time at the Patty and every body the Vera happy now found him again Teardrop FOR FLETCHERS A on 9 from here took in at Sharon and tee- cream ind are Rev occupied Sunday Mr and Mr A apent Sunday afternoon hint Dikes old Mrs and In the Mr and Mr- Wilfred Peg took In the lamp Meeting at Baldwin Sunday Quite a the Garden p a splendid time ml viHited Mr Stlokwood on Sunday and aw vUIUnff their Mr and Mrs lancley Horry to report Mr on the alclc Hut la order of Hie Dike visited with Mm Hall in Tuesday Mr Cordon spent Sunday in Toronto- Messrs Alonzo and Aulcy took tea at Mr Tanvleya on Sunday evenhiK A number from here attended at Aurora on Wednesday since the accident at Canes Fac tory He is getting on nicely but his eyesight is much affect ed Miss Marion arrived from Peterboro on Friday evening to spend her vacation with her mother She has kindly 4 con sented to play the organ at the Church in Sunday morn ings Mrs Leslie and son of Ottawa are spending a few weeks at the cottage About young people had their best bib and tucker on last Saturday evening to attend the delightful veranda dance given by Miss Startup lift first of the season From all ac counts it was a great success Little Miss Louise Gardner of Toronto is at the Wright cottage for tin balance of the son l The Union Church Opened on Sunday morning with a fair con gregation Rev John of the Toronto Bible Training School took charge of the ser vice and Mrs Jackson pre sided at the organ The morn ing theme was Peace which was in line with the Kings procla mation with spiritual applica tion The evening subject was the Assurance of the Word Both subjects were treated in a scholarly manner Next Sun day Rev Dr Hyde is expected to preach morning and It and Mr Firth of Toronto spent the weekend with his daughter Mrs I Will Robertson A thrill of excitement went along Ihe shore the latter part of last week when it was reported that a boat had landed at Van Normans point minus a passen ger but accompanied by a note book and a straw was thought at first that the occupant was a runaway nmate of the Newmarket Military Hospital but enquiry enlisted the fact that all the escaped men had returned Oh Tuesday evening a man was seen the boat half a mile from the shore and later by others near shore where the flalhottom boat still remains Nobody on this shore claims it and there is no telling where it from nor where the man has gone who landed with it He was using a very crude paddle and there is a suspicion that he was not right in his head No further information can be ob tained Mrs of Hamilton is now occupying Zephyr Villa for season Mrs John Hell if Calgary came wilh her sister on Monday and expects to re main a couple of weeks before returning home Two men from the Hoarding House swam for over half a mile towards opposite shore last Sunday afternoon People on the Beach began to feel anxious about them and one man put out in a canoe to find that they were quite comfortable and able return without any assistance The new owner to the adjoining Mrs on the north has put up an addi tion There is also a new parage on lie properly Some of the residents at north end of the Beach arc talk ing of installing electric light and power Born At Toronto July to Mr and Mrs Arch a son and grandson of Mr J Thompson of Orchard Beach Mr and Mrs Jesse of Keswick Mr and Mrs of and others from this section attended the wedding of Miss Susie daughter of Mr Hiram in- Toronto on Wednesday No sign of oil yet on the roads but a delightful rain settle the dust last Saturday night the cottagers had a very comfort able Sunday Crops look good in this vicini ty hough a little late A few showers at intervals would a bountiful harvest Prospects are good for and currants but apples are a failure There were guests at Boarding House on Sunday All accommodation is for the rest of July and turning people si way A juvenile party at the cottage on Tuesday a joyous occasion A motor party of friends from Midland dropped into Mayor cottage at Keswick on Mon day and remained a couple of days Austin is a sister of Mrs Brett We are sorry that Mrs WiU lard Cole is still at her fathers in Leamington will not able anything all summer We hope for a speedy recovery She is suffering from sifter fects of the Baby Helen is with her mother The engagement is announced of Vera Pearl younger daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Kcyes Ottawa to Mr M MacKenzie son of Mr A The Marion Tilled Howard Barker womaT 8 in the doorway Cole a small Chinese house Co with Joyce A Western Teacher humanity the greater the noise of their A couple of Baldwin smart youngsters Billy Crawford and Nora came through their High School promotion exams flying colors I felt confident theyd get there- Mrs John Muuro of Gum Swamp passed out of this vain world Friday She was for fifty years and a more prominent figure in Gum Swamp very active in exalted common wealth The family a husband three sons and four daughters will miss a noble mother j For a An Honest Owens Our fathers planted a Maple has quite recovered from his of me and thfv gall stones The On the schoolgrounds long ago and fcini medicine to disAnd through summers heat and to be treated as do the same How patiently it did grow we were ft Braved the lightning flash and and boat toward her was her I to Jr Boyd bundle of wood susoended Hon Gladys Woods Hon- each end of a long rod Jr to Jr I Helen Shep- over his shoulder In ard AUie Boyd Stewart Ed- was a mountain which he had just returned Jr Bond his days work and at Hamilton Flora was a city gate through he later go to wood We felt like THE CRAZY CREW J the Era his children of school f from a standpomfu never realized before glad there kindergarten age the first time and severe attack of Dr gave him And through marriage will lake place s0lv Why cant other winters cold the middle of July jedical men Tonics for Month of July or says hy League division tempests rage stewardship of fno n this neighborhood And the fiercest icy blast- Time Talents Prayers and for those cars They Many little feet found a cool re- very ought sessions is treat In the shade which the good tree looked cast appreciate it Tommy sure Who are lie thieve who keep our merchants in hoi water so much Oranges bananas bis- i ll etc are in jeopardy if left and grand the Maple tree we will at the track Matt li30 Leader Reader Ross July Cities of St Paul Acts Lead er Mrs Fred Weddell Reader Peter Milne Citizenship Us Purpose and Value 127 Psalm Leader Rev Reader Marie Watson Berry and cherry picking pasttime for a lot of people now- a days The fine shower on Saturday was wel comed Lawrence wears a smile now Evelyn Cronsberry Helen Cuttle most of the time Just call him Flossie Johnson man Mary Orma Mr and Mrs- Frank Dunham i Eileen Paris or more would arrive any very great day we for px- For Sutton West Sutton West Continuation Names arranged in order of merit Form Gordon Ritchie Bertha Methcral good agree j Is the finest in the Land As stands for all thats and right For all that is brave and true But it met its fate just the other day At the hands of Crazy Crew doubtless we somewhere without storm Even this fir had a number laugh ample Inn teacher Mi nt one man and out a copper said KeelUilee Yes came the reply from our brother not realizing that Mr Wang asking him if coin were is The teacher didnt see because he could but was joke understand we did and could appreciate the meaning sounds conveyed to an English speaking person our regular teacher of this class Mr Chin and family of Toronto Visited friends here oyer Sunday Two wellfilled cars of the Union Sunday School picnickers enjoyed the day al Jacksons PL- on Tuesday Mrs Alyjward received a tele gram on Wednesday with the sad news of the death of her little grandson at Halifax P MacKenzie Melvin Eves and Corp- Jack Lewis rived from overseas this week Two loads from Orchard came here on Tuesday evening to extend a welcome home In Corp Lewis Baldwin Breezes Well Johnnie the bakers man has got the little widow at last as I confidently expected would be the case Some one remarked he widow has got Johnnie The Owl says Johnnie has got the widow I guess both of them were willing if not anxious to he On Monday morn ing bright and early Johnnie was astir and he quickly spirited ho woman away in a car curtains down so the public might not on They were quietly lied up by the local par son at Keswick and are off on a lour or tower The marriage was solemnized on the brides nalal anniversary and our hies and good will will- follow They are a nice young I specially recommend the as a manager and house wife The camp meeting closed and broke up on Sunday evening Foe good reasons I am glad of it It brought in some very tough elements of both sexes Mr and Mrs Albert Hunter after an enjoyable visit here de parted en route for their home They are a fine couple On Tuesday night the widowed daughter of Mrs Ed ward arrived here and J believe it is her Intention to live hero rather than in Chicago Master has turned from the hospital It is not definitely known whether he will lose he sight of his eye or Another visit to the hospital will decide the case A won at races but not as as fastest nag Jas A has sold hifl handsome little driving rnare Mabel Cryderman which made Mrs Crydermnn cry She was a family pel She was so swift and easy curbed so gentle and yet so free It was poetry of motion- to sec her move As Squire would say She was a little goer Farmers are haying A short crop The banana peel Is dirty enough there are In rural villages worse things to encounter The suffer SI Patrick banished snakes from sings them pair bride Recommended Muriel John Graham Will be promoted on receipt of Insect Collection Form Muriel McDonald Hon Annie Noble Mc Donald Martha Noble Jack Winch equal Joseph Morrison Roy Graham Doris McDonald Agnes Taylor Lena Lor enzo Big Canoe equal Grace Taylor Form Stiles Cora Harry McLaugh lin equal Leslie Burrows Louis Ingram Bessie A life of pleasure is spent in vain J took up the work And our journey here below dresses in foreign clothes en Like the ring leaf soon may and was not quite such end in grief j contrast ideas of a school lor well reap just what we sow waohers Mr Wang had appear If you sow good deeds great re- In his Chinese ppear 1 nose clothes Mr a remarkable man anrj I shall mention him School Reports Report of Promotion Examina tions of Glenville School Sr HI to Jr Grace Vivian Lenore Cutting Kecfer Jr III to Ear Willie Tholma Hod gins Roc Jr to IT Car Black Harold Lyons Maze Miller Lome Orser Rec I to Jr IT Clarice Hon Laura Black Hon Jim Hon Lome Keefer Hon to First Wat son Tom Watson Bruce Black Roy Keefer John Dunham Grieve Teacher little later a bell was rung and dispersed half to small class rooms with about seven pupils to teacher and the other half to individual class rooms where one pupil met one teacher Here the words and work of the pre vious period I If you sow good deeds great re- wl ward shall come Chin is Though your talents may he but few But the seed you sow into lares will grow If you go with the Crazy Crew If Lord should or Death would call While you were at the show Leslie Grove roonr for a short chapel exercise and again dispersed small rooms those who had at first gone to teachers went small classes and vice versa Again at It 15 we alternated thus when noon bell rang we felt we had a few new sounds which LETTER FROM CHINA By Jones of Newmarket Missionary at Language School In Our first North CI introduction to the ina Language School presented the beginning of our was a call al the office to sec the to express our ideas Principal Mr Wc spoke itrevh itUnlinj the School at overflow has he Whitby Port Arthur July It will he two of three con be resumed on the between here and Winnipeg Interruption by Ihe cloudburnt near Relay River was much more MrlOUB at realizd eisht bridges thirteen cul verts end many miles of tracks were washed the Era to Ireland and won unending gratitude of inhabitants of the Isle Would to King George that St Michael would the cattle pigs and sheep from the highways and earn nevercensing thanks of a long- suffering people I was and am still thinking that after all the howling and growl ing by the fanatics at the Camp amounted to nothing Noise Isn all There Is some thing of more vital Importance in the makeup of ChrMfon Right here In tin Baldwin Christian Church Ill Dick four women Miss An- Willie Thmnp- Ho 3 East The following is the promotion results for June Jr Kathleen ItfnrJ Herman Donald Smith Matiel Martin Cecil Smith- ReeJ III Beatrice Hon Hoy Martin Willie dresVs Jr HI Irving Staley WilHc Freddie Andrews 1 son Grant Constance Tom Watts Dorothy Smith Rec Myrllo abs for exams Freddie Newton Ma Martin Jr Leslie Wright Wilson Nellie Mnrritte Vanderburgh Teacher Ho West Pupils names arranged in order of standing- No of marks required to pass Terry Hon SHU Alice Terry Violet Mil ler jr ill to III Marks re quired Peters Howard Burns 360 VNla Pollnek Fern 22 Jr to Marks required 330 Aoll Miller Aubrey 3V0 Jr Marks required Karl Peters Pollock Hurst King Willie Terry Many I Marks required ll Lome Lawrence Pollock Manuel Thompson Winifred Primer Stella Miller Lloyd Cecil Sedore Miller A Thompson Mabel Freeman Mary Liln M Doan Teacher No NORTH PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS III to Jr lean Hamilton Oil- la- Hopkins Frank Wright lo Jr HI Irene MnrMlllan Clif ford Wilfred Wright Jr to Br If Delia Nellie Woodward Fred Mohonoy teacher to him for a few minutes in his office just inside the entrance hut what was beyond that first tiny court we did not know The day we began study arrived at a and were told go into a big room facing on another court still further inside and reached by a short hallway Here found a large number about young people men and women gathered Wc were struck by an immense motto sus pended just beneath the ceiling at the front of the room A background of branches brought into strong relief the four Chinese characters shown on the accompanying sheet mooning wilh respectful congratulations to the holy birthday The whole of south is window Tho chairs a table arm on tho right to accommodate note hoot we are not allowed to use in class Al the back of the room big cupboards reaching front floor to coiling In which dishes are stored as this big class room is also used as a dining room At the front of the room which da of about the same proportions as the common room of the Church of England Deaconess House If a blackboard On small plat form Is a table wilh small read ing desk At the side Is a stand on which are hung squares of while cotton Much square of cotton has an English sen tence on it and for the guidance of the teacher the small Chinese character under the words to which they correspond This is our class room in which many happy hours have since that first day neon spent We all felt very strange and more so when a Chinese in Chin ese clothes stepped on fcha plat form making motions with his band lie Indicated that ho could not speak our language and could not speak his but he was there for the purpose of leaching us and the moment had come to begin Pointing to him self he said woV wash pointing to us ho said neeh and pointing out tho win dow tn tab This we had repeal after until we re that wo means I ni means you and ta moons ho or she Continuing in this soon had a few sounds at our disposal Pointing first words on sheet more Chinese words new I wo our iueas in a An interval of and a half hours later hanged to two hours was allow ed for liineli and rest and afternoon was the same as the latter of the morning pro gramme Thrs with a few al terations been our routine ever and thankful to say we have Ion passed beyond necessity for pictures and gesticulation Some- days we have- lectures from to the great interests of which ore being spoken of in another place This interrupted programme is designed to give- f daily I am a ago a w maximum of efficiency minimum of fatigue 0O MM or It Spiritual Toronto Just one year ago- many thought he forty years- off the wonderful of the German military maohlno hail made to It practically futile and discipline were to have made ImpregsaMe And yel today the Allies supreme control and Germain certain Why Is it to the spir itual a mil factors which fllgwly vampilshd Hi materialistic elements expressed German power Military equipment strategy and force foil be fore DSycotogtcal find moral and thus once again the would has small been the lesson of the victory of over might of the of ruth and Justice over nod re- W- ss g was iS firrV jffr i FSE mm a iftP rl i iSasv PT fei t Satffi S- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO CHOPPING Mondays Wednesdays and Fri days during July and- August A Sharon Oat Having secured services of lately returned from overseas are now prepared to do PLUMBING and FURNACE WORK Wo have also a full line of PAINTS and GENERAL HARDWARE also PERFECTION COAL OIL J ROWLAND Mount Albert v MKgiT5 t3H f SSSSS Sr5S S

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