of SPECIALS Turnip a mil in Paper Bans while at loft lb price 25 SETS First Qualltv 2500 Only a few sets left A people come took in the Soldiers Si- Peace Treaty was by the a at Aurora on Wednesday at France and the League of Nations was h can importer of Staple and Fancy China I IN THE BANK BLOCK RESTAURANT AND TEAROOM THE PLACE FOR A QUICK LUNCH ICE CREAM AND CANDY C0WIE80N near the Market you serve our pastry to your they will lay that Its delightful It will help you entertain them If youve never tried were sorry After you have tried youll be sorry that you didnt try it Begin now call up the food man with all bearing the name of our Society in Friends teachings of Chnat an The Session of Canada as the of toe Yearly Meeting convened at New- solution of the in- J market a June 26th just and other social big crowd of Newmarket es that League of Nations was business relations can be made being created There was a fair- an to contribute to the good representation present Welfare of all classes of people from the Quarterly Meetings ex- friendship and understanding of cept British Columbia Frank heart are the gold of life If Cornell from Winchester was the ortly visitor from other Yearly Meetings and Mabel Brown of Cold stream were present as fraternal delegates from Genesee J Aaron McKinney of Sask had the dis tinction of having travelled the longest distance to Yearly Meet ing In addition- to the London General Epistfie which elicited some discussion the usual epistles from the Yearly Meet ings together with one each from St and Genesee were read also letters from Alma Dale and Alfred Young During he Yearly Meeting ad dresses were delivered on various subjects The discussion which followed brought out some pre sent day problems A committee of four were ap pointed to make a survey of our Bible School and report to next Yearly Meeting and if deemed advisable the committee have the privilege of selecting suitable persons to up definite lines of Bible School work of Yearly Meeting Young Friends Christian Association reported the holding of a midwinter Conference the sending of visitors to two of our Quarterly Meetings and fraternal delegates to Genesee They have aiso contributed to the Missionary Work of the by supporting Elizabeth helper in Japan Joseph Knott of Toronto was appointed Presi dent on the resignation of Mrs Edith On Monday afternoon Harry Parry gave an address on The place of the Meeting on Ministry and Oversight in which he em phasized three points J a representative upon platform at each meeting of worship the meeting of M has a re sponsibility in the meeting of worship the care of the spiritual life of the membership of the meeting The Home and Foreign Mis sion Work the College Commit tee the Peace Corn the Legis lative Com Friends Service and Reconstruction Work Com all made interesting reports Throughout the sessions of the Yearly Meeting there was mani fest a spirit of earnest desire to go forward and prosecute the work which lies all about us with greater vigor assured that what is needed today is the distinct Christian Message of the Womens Institute The July Meeting of this or ganization will meet at Mrs A on the Harvest Toole iBinder Twine Rope Massey- and Repairs at Smiths Hardware Change of ad loo late for tbis issue Garden Party The Girl Guides of Newmarket will hold a Garden Party on Tuesday evening July 22nd at the home of Mr Bert Further particulars later Prayer The Union Prayer Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening of this week at a quarter to eight instead of eight oclock Every body welcome Womens Institute The regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Geo A on Thursday July at P A good attendance is requested as a Programme of spe cial interest Is being prepared Woman Killed An unknown woman was run down and killed on the Metropoli tan track north of Elgin Mills at a late hour Wednesday night An inquest is ordered by the Coroner at Newmarket Christian Church Morning services at Friends Church Topic The Church Her builder and Owner Sunday School at the Christian Church at A M Evening service at the Christian Church Sermon by Rev Drown of Garden Party The Annual Garden Party under the auspices of St Johns Church will be held on Wednes day July The Committee in charge are making every ef- for to make this a complete suc cess Everybody welcome Died Away From Home Mrs John Kellinglon of this Town had been very poorly for some lime and was apparently a little better when she was advised to go change away from home for a She went to Altona to visit her sister and almost im mediately took worse resulting in her death last Saturday even ing She was buried in the family plot Churchill Ceme tery Township of Whitchurch on Tuesday every one could and fully realize this truth that to win another heart is more- than to gain dollars how quickly would- employers give justice and Christian consideration and the employee the same measure of justice and consideration to the employer distinction which alas are lending to be come in many cases class antag onisms would utterly vanish in the kinship of bpolherly feeling Hence this body advises it con stituents so to coOperale with others that as far as possible men may attain such economic standing as my be necessary for highest good The Racial Question Since it has been in the past the policy of Canada to invite foreign immi grants this Yearly Meeting would courteously impress upon our fellow Canadian citizens the Christian consideration of rights and needs of those for eigners who under prescribed conditions are now within our country and that efforts be made to prcpave them for by suitable education in the English language and the duties of citizenship We deprecate the use of against innocent and well meaning people from other lands of any nationality whatever Legislative The Legislative Committee reported that the two Friends in Canada who had been in prison had been released early in the present year Considering the condilion of war and the state of public opinion during that period the Committee feels that the Government authorities have shown throughout much consideration and courtesy tow ards our members recognizing the sincerity of our convictions as a religious body with regard to nonparticipation in war The program at Bible School on Sunday morning was especi ally interesting and the meetings for Worship on Lords Day were times of real communion and spiritual uplift Brleflets The Specialty Co is repairing the dam at Water st Mr Blizzard is erecting another fine residence on Pros pect Ave adjoining his home s ii IS Scoot to Whimsters A Scooter Given Suit of for a FREE Away with Boys Clothing Scooter i Extra Special in Mens Straw Hats 100 Smartly Styled Boaters of the medium type have Black Bands and Leather Sweat Sizes 58ths to 7 PRICE 100 S3 Japanese Manufactured Panama Hats In Many Smart Shapes Prices and 350 -v- I v A Full Line of Tennis Shoes For Men and Boys SOUTH FLOUR FEED Garden Party The ladies of the Christian Church held a successful Garden Party on the church lawn on Tuesday evening although the weather was a little cool The pastor Rev Hall look charge of the program and it in- eluded by Pritchard and Miss Hall duet by the same and addresses by Rev Herbert of the Stales and Mr- Wight superintendent of the Chautauqua Music by the Au rora band was also much enjoyed Proceeds at the gate were which will be augmented by sales at the booth In developing those chicks of yours do not forget our line of they are the beat If your seeds are not all pur chased try us before going else where Keep in mind our full stock of flour and stock feed We handle plants perls green nd other garden necessities J Peace A week from July is a Public Holiday by the proclamation of King George for Ihe celebration of the signing of A public meeting was called in Ihe Fire Hall New market on Tuesday evening to see what the citizens would take towards a celebration The attendance was so small and so little interest was taken in the matter that nothing was done So many people in Newmarket have and lakeside homes and others are so glad to getaway for a holiday that it seems im possible to have a successful celebration at home any more Prompt Delivery House Phone Phone PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES HARDWARE NEWMARKET Factory The new p electric motor arrived last week and it look several days to install it and make necessary connections but work commence again on in two or three Depart ments A p motor and two will be installed in a few days and soon the usual hum will be heard about the premises The people who were Injured in the recent explosion are now declared out of danger and are on the way to complete recovery Work has commenced on the dry kilns They will be of different construction to the old ones and of larger capacity crating Gospel rather than that of merely philanthropic interest in our brother men The following Resolutions were passed Temperance Whereas Cana da Yearly Meeting of Friends now in session at Newmarket wishes to place itself on record as heartily in sympathy with the Ontario Temperance Act and earnestly every member to use his or her vote and influence in the coming Referendum for Prohibition that they answer No to each of the four questions knowing it is a moral issue ol vital importance to the home church and community We voice our disapproval of the attitude recently taken by the Canavlian Senate on the Temper ance Act by Ignoring a large voice of the people in this matter Military Training- Some of he public and high schools of this country arc imposing military training upon the pupils has- not been generally adopted hut we that Friends should exert their influence against it- Resolved The League of Nations agreement is an earnest attempt to save the world from future wars from the burden of ex pensive armaments Friends de sire at this time In their Opposition to military training in the schools and to express the conviction that such training would tend to foster he young impressionable minds the beginnings of a military spirit and to negative to that extent great propulsion that the cala mities of hi war have given the people of the world towards peace and brotherhood among the na tions IjoI our school rather teach the young the truth about war just what ft really is as now known and remembered by men who have returned from that Summer Underwear at SPECIAL Prices J at J L I I W MOTOR FREIGHT TO TOROKTO Daily Freight Service will wed from door to door as also handle long difc- moving No trip too long to give service and all work guar anteed J MURPHY Phone P Box A cigar thrown under the is to be responsible for damage by fire to v Stanleys store at St Children FOR FLETCHERS Drowning At Pattersons Pond miles Went of Richmond Hill where the old Patterson reapers were made the A of Toronto have a large bunch of hoys summering Sixteen of thorn were in ihe pond swimming last Saturday under the care ofan instructor When they all came out and up one boy by the name of Tweed ale from Toronto wan missing His body was recovered till even ing when it was found in about feel of water Ihe Coroner from Newmarket was notified He proceeded to the place of the fatality and after making a thorough Investigation examining all the members Of awful experience Lest for get and our forget The Prevention of Crime and the Redemption Of Criminals Since investigation shows that crime is largely iherCBUlt of heredity and of environment Friends urge upon our legislators Christian duty of placing both minor mid adult defectives under proper restraint and the removal of conditions which tend to pro vince crime The industrial Situation Al though we see with deep thanks giving the great war officially ended with the signing of the Peace there re mains serious race antagonisms and now as an aftermath of war Industrial and social unrest threatens still more our own as well as other countries Since present conditions there fore make necessary the replac ing of spirit of and distrust by mutual confidence the party came to the Canada Yearly Funeral Obsequies The funeral of Mrs Andrew whose death occurred on Tuesday July 1st took place last Friday morning at from the residence of her father Mr Thos McTaggue anil was attended by a large following of sorrowing relatives and friends at St Johns It C Church where High Requiem Mass was sung by the Rev M J Wedlock assisted by the Choir of the Church Inter ment afterwards took place in St Johns R Cemetery Many beautiful floral and spiritual bouquets testify the general sympathy and regrets at the death to her sorrowing and griefstricken husband and par ents in the taking of a very de voted wife and daughter She also leaves an infant son of one month The pallhearers were Messrs Ed Thos Patrick Miehael and John and of Toronto Among those from out of town who attended the furieral were Mr John wife and daugiu ler and wife Miss Thompson Mr Foley Mr J and Miss all of Toronto Mr Thos Cohburg Mr Jesse Thompson Mrs Art Cook and from Preston Mrs Cameron of Har- rie Mr and Mrs and Mrs Donnelly of Toronto The Chautauqua Chautauqua week opened on Wednesday most auspiciously and of a most suc cessful period of musical and in tellectual enjoyment The school grounds are ade quate and the situation is far better than last year The Red Cross booth is conveniently lo cated and is well patronized The Scouts are running an op position on Timothy street and are also well patronized On Tuesday the Chautauqua tent vas completed in Us erec tion and 125 children assembled for the introductory Junior Ses sion There are not as many children taking advantage of Ibis opportunity to become acquaint ed with development of fun and order as there should be which is be regretted The children meet morning and are taught some important Ideas in government and besides preparing for the on the afternoon of the last day This event was a very pleasing feature last year and isllkely lo be more so next Tuesday as some new stunts arc to be Introduced There vas a fair audience on Wednesday afternoon and Ihe program put up by the Home Singers was most excellent vas a moment lost from to finish and every number fine If this is a fair sample and we arc assured thai it Is a week of much pleasure Is In store for our people In the evening the large lent vas more than half full and everybody lime of pleasure and profit The lecture by Dr Evans was tiptop is a regular whirlwind to speak humorous eloquent and delightfully entertaining Some people have the idea that the best is being put on first but we are assured that each addi tional day grows in interest from first to last In addition to the musical pro gram yesterday afternoon there was a lady lecturer and last night Dr Geo Adam of Montreal whose reputation should ensure a audience A novelty program this after noon and evening The lecturer is Mr Fred Bale Saturday the Quartette will provide musical numbers Afternoon lecture by Dr Grid evening by Dr Frank iBobn Dont miss this Sunday evening a special meet ing will be held in the lent at There will be a Male if possible and it is expected thai the address will be given by Dr Collection for the benefit of the Red Cross Society for work The Society has been taking care ol the sufferers of the Cane Ex plosion and are in need of funds Monday evening the great Play Keys to one of the most attractive features of the Chautauqua Tuesday afternoon Junior Chautauqua and the Jubilee Singers Evening leoture by the famous Australian orator It is not too late to procure a season ticket at Drug Store and it will be money spent mi GENEROUS New incumbent The next ques tion dear friends is the carol sing ing From what I learn I think a couple of tenors would brighten the singing and I think I can get them for you sir on be half of the singers I am certain it will make us sing more eurty like You sec sir last parson here twenty and he never gave us a penny With War has taught thle country an- invaluable lesson the vital neces sity for thrift Referred to roofing your homo thrift means putting on shingles that combine pleasing effects with fire and wearresisting qualities shingles that last which have but one cost the first life ffiJl2f K j ARE THE Theee are in appearance They are flrej weather and wear The timedefying asphalt with which Shingles are impregnated makes them durable under all conditions Twin Shingles are tough pliable and fltrong- handled and easily laid to form the ideal roof on distinctive homes as well as those of moderate cost When good judgment la shown Shingles are laid Made In two colore red and green Ik BINNS HARDWARE NEWMARKET v iiion hit death had been caused of Friends units lwent away feeling that it ir ARCHIVES OF ONTARI