Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1919, p. 8

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Mrs pent 1 I J J ft UP H I Made CoatTM I feel I mint tell you of the great benefit hate received from your medicine been a sufferer for many fears from Headaches and could get no permanent relief friend to take Fndfe and I did to with greet and now I am entirely Headaches thanks to your medicine MRS ALEXANDER SHAW 0e box for trial At all dealers or sent on receipt of postpaid by limited Ottawa MOUSES FOR SALE BMck House on Park Ave All con veniences BUSINESS FOR 8ALE Store dwelling slogk mer chandise in village of Bel haven Ont Investigate- This Is a money maker HOUSE FOR SALE In the Town of Bradford rooms dement Block House Basement piped for furnace Cistern Stable A Land on Main SI of above CAS I Too late for last Mr iourdan aod Wissairiea W of of Springfield are spending a few at Mr Fairies Good well acres own A Snap for a quick buyer For particulars and prices apply tu ft SWITZER Newmarket Phone HOI Quite a number spent 1st of July Mrs Soles of A visitor of Mrs Conner Mrs Monies of Is spend ing a few days at Mrs Pattersons Mr and Mrs Barnes of visited his brother Mr Barnes Mr J Holder and Mr J Evans were guests of Mr Fairies On Friday evening last a very large crowd at the home of Mr end Mrs Gould to extend a welcome to their son Oscar who has just re lumed from France An address of welcome was read by Mrs Elson to which Mr Gould made a suitable reply Also an address at welcome was read by Mrs Granmer to Jack Evans who returned home to friends The evening was spent in games after which refreshments were served FARMS FOR SALE Acres- on 3rd con East lirnbury acres under cultivation balance pasture Good Barn Cement stables Implement shed Flowing well Cement House of rooms Close to school Church etc Acres Township G Willi clear balance bush Run ning water Good Barn Litter Carrier Frame House close to Acres Township North All tillable Large Barn First Class Stables underneath Silo Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Class Brick House Lo cated miles from miles to shipping miles from Metropolitan Hallway mite from School and Church SWITZER Newmarket phone Box 301 The very sudden death of Ellas on evening was great shock to the community He had been about usual work during the day and was seized with heart fail ure about six in the evening while at work in the barn Miss Davis noticed thai he was ill and went to his assistance but he was only able to ad dress a few words to her He was carried to the house and expired about fifteen minutes afterward creased was in his fiftycigth year and was born and lived continuously in I in neighborhood Hi was super- In lend en I of School and was He was highly respected by all who knew him and the community suffers a hiss by his death The fun eral will be conducted on Friday after noon July by Hie Rev Mr Fox of Kettleby and Rev of Among the floral tributes was a beautiful emblematic wreath from tin- Sons of Temperance Fletcher nd has made under for oyer years Allow no one to deceive you in this jutagoodare but experiments and endanger the health of Children What I CASTORIA la a harmless substitute for Castor OH Paregoric Props and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Flatulency Wind Colic all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea It regulates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Mothers Friend The Kind You Have Always Bears Signature of the Methodist Sunday Very active in Temper- In Use Years On of last week mcasanl Sveiiiiip was borne of Mr and Mrs when Hie of Hie School and their Before deciding on your Hang ings would pay you lo make a visit to Bert Greens Show Rooms There are some good Snaps of ftoTJm Lots Ceiling Side- walls and Border for You can got taper from rue if you wish to bang it yourself a very at Public parent The gathering was due fad that Miss Waterman our teacher had Junior Bible of the Sunday School of which Miss Waterman lias lieeil also advantage of the opportunity and mei for same expressing their appre ciation of one whom so soon from flmir class The earlier par of I ho evening was in out games much the enjoyment of the young peo ple a very full house was called to order by Mr Vrill Bird who asked for Hip election of a My a large vole the office fell to Mr Bird himself who prov ed erjual to flic occasion After a brief program Miss Waterman if BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger West of Niagara St Ave Newmarket SHAWS Summer School Toronto to Ambitious Student do not care to I it two or time You may enter day continue to Graduation In to a Free Book let Write W H Pre- appro- which cream to in a THE I PAYS and Charles Toronto It notd throughout for High- Education demand for our graduates Open all year Enter Write for Cat- WJ ELLIOTT Principal all QDEENS UNIVERSITY kingston omVaIuo wis called upon listen an ail- read by Mis Marfan Main land in behalf of the Junior and to receive a hand some work box The presentation made by Mr Frank Williams Immediately following ihi came forward and read address signed in of fins school section and Norman Fry made the pre- mentation of a four ivory set of iointi Ijiush inirroi fray Follow Ibis ordeal not mi- yet not its Mi Waterman in a words very fittingly rial ion of the kind motive had prompted her her in Ibis way cakes coffee and ii now followed thus bringing a very plea ant Pvenlne very pleasant wa The foHowIn istin opy of flit Dear Mis It was ureal regret learned of your intended Irpw our Your year and a half association with us both a teacher and- friend has been all loo and we feel thai we you to your connection with the dislricl without our of your many of mind and heart in a more tangible form I ban word an express We therefore ask yon to accept this gift as a small token of our regard for you and our con fidence in as a tfucceasful May wc be permitted to the wish that your may if grow in whatever place your lot and that you will bear kindly reiiieiutirance of as we will of you in I tip years that he On Sunday afternoon last the gun day School Memorial Tablel three Sunday Schopj boys died in the war Was unvejledby Mrs Hil lary and dedicated by the of Newmarket who also gave the address The was filled with the Sunday School and the embers of the congregation The namtfs of the are Stuart Hillary and James I or Banner On the evening SI Johns Day the Officers of the splendid old Masonic lodge were installed by Carle ton P M- associated with It Hro Harry Scully Bros Ceo and A past masters of Wilson lodge Toronto KM If Taylor other past masters of the Rising Sun There was a large attendance of mem hers fourteen past The evening whs given up to the installing of the worshipful master the investiture of the officers and a enjoyable festivities at the residence of w pro Tay lor the newly Installed worshipful master Addresses were delivered by the visitors and many of the newly in stalled officers including he Rev Percy Too much cannot be said of the entertainment given and songs rendered by Bro John Stuart Hie popular of Hie lodge The officers for the ensuing year are as follows W Taylor Dr font Butler I PM J A Murray J Bro Rev P chaplain W Bro treas urer Bro John McDonald secretary Bro Taylor of Bro Williams Bio J KWillis J J A p A Mactlonahl J Waite I Bro John Stuart A We must be on our guard against li quor propaganda The liquor people whose one object Is to make money by life hard for others have at their command and art us ing them In an Insidious and skilful manner f We hear of deputations to the Gov ernment- against prohibition We see accounts of thousands of telegrams pouring into demand ing stronger beer We read of crowds break up a temperance meet ing If we did not know better wc might think that these were spon taneous expressions of opinion Instead of having been arranged and financed by the liquor interests Our great enemy prates about IN bertv as a cloak for a last determined effort to make slaves of the drink that continue to exploit them for enrichment If even man had liberty to do so he liked our streets would soon run with blood Liberty is what they say but money money is what they mean When li quor was sold freely there was little liberty for everyone who drank was determined to have others drink with them whether they wanted or not and force was frequently used They say Hie working man must have beer but they know very well that thousands of drinkers and hun dreds Of drunkards vote for prohibit ion even chance they get All they care for Hie working is his money in Britain they lay the blame on a working man but they dare not let him vote on It Working men are not fools Their latest propaganda is to re present people as being dissatisfied wiiti because they cannot get whiskey wlnn they Imagine It is needed for medicine They know per fectly well that the Government has made ample provision for liquor as i Rates for HE new rates for Long Distance Service effective May and airline mileage correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de creased charges Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3minutetalk to points most frequently called by local sub- SCTibe OldRaU New Hate 1 Newmarket to Toronto i Albert Aurora Bradford Sutton Richmond Hill 4 25 25 15 15 10 10 15 10 25 5 25 25 15 15 medicine but ft suits lHelr to riie cry Medical men are al lowed to keep liquor for medicinal pur poses anil the dispensary is not far off the only man who will be will be the drinkers but a few weeks or months without drink would make new men of them thankful for their true liberty from the slavery of drink I have only mentioned a few of their propaganda and would warn the pub lic to be up and doing The hours during which reduced Long Distance rates night rates are in effect are now From pm to pm per cent of day rate From pm to am per cent of day rate Night rate are baaed on Standard Time LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscribers will be Increased ten per centy effective from July 1st next Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates from May 25th Every Belt Telephone is a Long Station The Bell Telephone Co of Canada A UNIQUE DUEL Tin East African Standard a duel between a motor and alfoness The affair ii says hap- into a is more often pushed as a boy by his be is well down Ih of life that ends in a hole The stranger who comes THE HURON INDIANS Russell Graham of Toronto visiting relatives and friends here fir the past couple of weeks Id- lardlne was welcomed hack from a few days Great is dm- the returned heroes A number of the residents of Zephyr and vicinity donated fl fund and pur chased a suitable engraved rim for each overseas hero which was thank fully received by the hoys In spile of the wet day on Wednes day a good number motored to lack- sons Point to attend the annual Zephyr Sunday School Picnic Mr of Is here presiding over the enframe examina tions this week while J Is filling the same position at Sunder land Rev Mr Alton preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last We wish him every success In his new field of labor Rev Roach his successor will move jo Zephyr and live for the time being in Mr house Mr of Toronto is under the roof for a few holidays tanks will be as numerous in Zephyr as Ford cars no less I bun four at In operat ion- fournal at the hour family Mrs John ARTS the APPLIED Milling Chemical mod II Auoit M CHOVH Aurora Two person are dead and two others Injured an a result of an train out of Winnipeg crashing into a flailed automobile in of a do not resort to vio lent cathartics but take the gentle laxative Mr Simeon has purchased Mrs K Stokes residence on Wnlllngton and will move here this fall who had charge of the Cir cuit past four yearn left on Thursday for his new charge at J W Fox of will have win more here this A very Impressive was held In Trinity Church Wednesday last when the memorial and honor roll for the fiftynine men of the church who went overseas was un veiled and dedicated The Horn were present as a guard of honor to the men The un veiling done by Clarke of the and while the read dedi cation prayers The Major Dixon preached a Very earnest on the sacrifice of the men and the call for our today In the cause of and our The Dead March played and the Last Post sounded the reading of the name of Uie men who made the After ihn servtr all a time on the church grounds The Mayor and Coun cil the Clergy of the town verC the Sunday School Is to held of a in from now on Mr anil Mrs of Pine Orchard vfalieil ray on Sunday Miss Florence spent at home The next Aid meeting will be held at the home Mrs Mine avenue July Ave popuar walk and driveway these delightful sum mer The council Is thinking of widening the avenue We arc glad note thai Mr is recovering from his lnme- caused by a fall Mr Baker shipped oar load of from hod Friday pays The homes of crowded summer tourists The Sunday School picnic on unlay was fairly well attended k compel If Ion in the races Much Is heard about the Consoli dated School Several men wen- speaking and con so la ted them selves by saying the school they went Was not nearly as good dr so handy as the schools of this part it any wonder their hearts are so small and cold School has been known to freeze minerals the Swift Co were thinking of opening a branch parking house here Oh yes forgot to tell you our mall Is again going out by the North Day route Is to give Hie Postman a chance to have a few winks In the early morning Tribune i r ChampIain and found the in advance of the other tribes in many respects found them a nation of probably souls distributed in eighteen viUnges scattered chiefly through the townships of Tiny Floss Med on to and Oriltia The villages which were fixed were composed of houses not of wigwams as was the custom with many Indians Those on the frontier next to their enemies were strongly fortified by walls or palisades the sites of these being selected wilb a view to protection wood and water being also considered Some of the houses were of groat extent ranging from fifty two hun dred ami forty feet long and their construction was ingenious Two rows of tall saplings were planted in ground bent to gether at top until there was left an upon space a foot or twit in width along the ridge and then lashed together so as forma sort of arbour or booth about thirty fee in width at the notion and about twenty feet in height- poles were tied securely to these upright poles and then the sides were sheathed in bark overlapping to shed the rain and snow Another row of horizontal poles kept these huge bark shingles in place Along either side of the interior were scaffolds or bunks about four feet from fthe ground which covered with furs furnished sleeping compartments The place beneath was the storehouse for- fuel and cooking utensils while there was compartment at I hi end of the house used as a storeroom corn fish sun flowers and other articles of food Along the upper poles were lining their bows ami ar rows clothing skins and clusters of corn Down the middle were the fires each furnishing heat for two families the smoke escaping through the narrow Opening left in the top of he bruise Picture such a house especially in he fes tal season Ho who entered beheld a the vista Of fire lighting the smoky concave the bronzed groups en circling each other or amusing themselves wilb idle gossip shrivelled squaws hideous with years of hardships grisly old scarred with war chips young aspirants whose honours were be won damsels gay with ochre and wam pum restless children with dews covered with fleas Such was the fifty to one hundred houses and homes thai the Huron vil lage As mentioned the prin cipal towns were fixed but fre quently the smaller those protected were moved flow site I hi- taking place when wood became scarce the soil exhausted or the location Ob viously this accounts for so many village sites being found through out country of David i The Magazine at night near The chauffeur noted a commotion in the hush near the road then the gleaming eyes of an enraged wild beast lie accelerated his speed at the She lioness leapejl She struck the hood and was thrown far in advance of the car whose wheels then passed over tier The dead lioness was finally loaded into the car and taken back to the town in triumph I the Iroul than the young man who ho grown up with the town This is the mason why so many young men become dissatisfied with their home surroundings and long to cast their lot in quarters STOLE A GIRLS HAIR Miss Alice Wood ruff J -year- old student of the girls high school reported to the police the other day Hint her hair had been cut while riding school on a trolley car from her home The girl Is ill as a re- suit of the fright The man worked so quietly that she failed to discover what he had done until she had alighted from the car which was so crowded none of I he other passengers the crime It is thai her hair was cut with a sharp razor The case Is similar to several others reported In this and other cities about a year ago Miss Woodruff had pretty hair and it was arranged in which reached almost lo her knees AT A PROPHET IS NOT WITHOUT HONOR ETC The following in a very truth ful remark The man who grows up in his native town is Main St A forest timely fires In rain extinguished Northern Ontario Butt Sftftef Keep your Strong and Ileal thy Tire Smart Itch Burn If Sore Irritated Inflamed or Granulated Murine of ten Safe for Infant or At all DrufuyUta in Canada Vrlte for Free EyeEcV ModocCcaiaayClcu3aU3A License Inspector of Windsor admitted approximately prescription for a haI been nihil by the local ment liquor vendor OR I A For lata In For SO Years Ahtya of The policy of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited to sell its cars for the lowest possible price consistent with de pendable quality is too well known to quire comment Therefore because of present conditions there can be no change in the price of Ford Cars I RUNABOUT TOURING COUPE SEDAN STANDARD CHASSIS TRUCK CHASSIS 660 625 750 These prices are O B Ford Ontario ALU 8UBJEOT TO TAX CHARGES EXCEPT TRUCK AND ROBERTSON Dealer Newmarket Ont

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